blob: 5897afcce36ad6a128f8e0c7572c9c76c47184bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.service;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStoreMBean;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.BreaksJMX;
public interface StorageServiceMBean extends NotificationEmitter
* Retrieve the list of live nodes in the cluster, where "liveness" is
* determined by the failure detector of the node being queried.
* @return set of IP addresses, as Strings
@Deprecated public List<String> getLiveNodes();
public List<String> getLiveNodesWithPort();
* Retrieve the list of unreachable nodes in the cluster, as determined
* by this node's failure detector.
* @return set of IP addresses, as Strings
@Deprecated public List<String> getUnreachableNodes();
public List<String> getUnreachableNodesWithPort();
* Retrieve the list of nodes currently bootstrapping into the ring.
* @return set of IP addresses, as Strings
@Deprecated public List<String> getJoiningNodes();
public List<String> getJoiningNodesWithPort();
* Retrieve the list of nodes currently leaving the ring.
* @return set of IP addresses, as Strings
@Deprecated public List<String> getLeavingNodes();
public List<String> getLeavingNodesWithPort();
* Retrieve the list of nodes currently moving in the ring.
* @return set of IP addresses, as Strings
@Deprecated public List<String> getMovingNodes();
public List<String> getMovingNodesWithPort();
* Fetch string representations of the tokens for this node.
* @return a collection of tokens formatted as strings
public List<String> getTokens();
* Fetch string representations of the tokens for a specified node.
* @param endpoint string representation of an node
* @return a collection of tokens formatted as strings
public List<String> getTokens(String endpoint) throws UnknownHostException;
* Fetch a string representation of the Cassandra version.
* @return A string representation of the Cassandra version.
public String getReleaseVersion();
* Fetch a string representation of the Cassandra git SHA.
* @return A string representation of the Cassandra git SHA.
public String getGitSHA();
* Fetch a string representation of the current Schema version.
* @return A string representation of the Schema version.
public String getSchemaVersion();
* Fetch the replication factor for a given keyspace.
* @return An integer that represents replication factor for the given keyspace.
public String getKeyspaceReplicationInfo(String keyspaceName);
* Get the list of all data file locations from conf
* @return String array of all locations
public String[] getAllDataFileLocations();
* Returns the locations where the local system keyspaces data should be stored.
* @return the locations where the local system keyspaces data should be stored
public String[] getLocalSystemKeyspacesDataFileLocations();
* Returns the locations where should be stored the non system keyspaces data.
* @return the locations where should be stored the non system keyspaces data
public String[] getNonLocalSystemKeyspacesDataFileLocations();
* Get location of the commit log
* @return a string path
public String getCommitLogLocation();
* Get location of the saved caches dir
* @return a string path
public String getSavedCachesLocation();
* Retrieve a map of range to end points that describe the ring topology
* of a Cassandra cluster.
* @return mapping of ranges to end points
@Deprecated public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getRangeToEndpointMap(String keyspace);
public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getRangeToEndpointWithPortMap(String keyspace);
* Retrieve a map of range to rpc addresses that describe the ring topology
* of a Cassandra cluster.
* @return mapping of ranges to rpc addresses
@Deprecated public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getRangeToRpcaddressMap(String keyspace);
public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getRangeToNativeaddressWithPortMap(String keyspace);
* The same as {@code describeRing(String)} but converts TokenRange to the String for JMX compatibility
* @param keyspace The keyspace to fetch information about
* @return a List of TokenRange(s) converted to String for the given keyspace
@Deprecated public List <String> describeRingJMX(String keyspace) throws IOException;
public List<String> describeRingWithPortJMX(String keyspace) throws IOException;
* Retrieve a map of pending ranges to endpoints that describe the ring topology
* @param keyspace the keyspace to get the pending range map for.
* @return a map of pending ranges to endpoints
@Deprecated public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getPendingRangeToEndpointMap(String keyspace);
public Map<List<String>, List<String>> getPendingRangeToEndpointWithPortMap(String keyspace);
* Retrieve a map of tokens to endpoints, including the bootstrapping
* ones.
* @return a map of tokens to endpoints in ascending order
@Deprecated public Map<String, String> getTokenToEndpointMap();
public Map<String, String> getTokenToEndpointWithPortMap();
/** Retrieve this hosts unique ID */
public String getLocalHostId();
/** {@link StorageServiceMBean#getEndpointToHostId} */
public Map<String, String> getHostIdMap();
/** Retrieve the mapping of endpoint to host ID */
@Deprecated public Map<String, String> getEndpointToHostId();
public Map<String, String> getEndpointWithPortToHostId();
/** Retrieve the mapping of host ID to endpoint */
@Deprecated public Map<String, String> getHostIdToEndpoint();
public Map<String, String> getHostIdToEndpointWithPort();
/** Human-readable load value */
public String getLoadString();
/** Human-readable uncompressed load value */
public String getUncompressedLoadString();
/** Human-readable load value. Keys are IP addresses. */
@Deprecated public Map<String, String> getLoadMap();
public Map<String, String> getLoadMapWithPort();
* Return the generation value for this node.
* @return generation number
public int getCurrentGenerationNumber();
* This method returns the N endpoints that are responsible for storing the
* specified key i.e for replication.
* @param keyspaceName keyspace name
* @param cf Column family name
* @param key - key for which we need to find the endpoint return value -
* the endpoint responsible for this key
@Deprecated public List<InetAddress> getNaturalEndpoints(String keyspaceName, String cf, String key);
public List<String> getNaturalEndpointsWithPort(String keyspaceName, String cf, String key);
@Deprecated public List<InetAddress> getNaturalEndpoints(String keyspaceName, ByteBuffer key);
public List<String> getNaturalEndpointsWithPort(String keysapceName, ByteBuffer key);
* @deprecated use {@link #takeSnapshot(String tag, Map options, String... entities)} instead.
public void takeSnapshot(String tag, String... keyspaceNames) throws IOException;
* @deprecated use {@link #takeSnapshot(String tag, Map options, String... entities)} instead.
public void takeTableSnapshot(String keyspaceName, String tableName, String tag) throws IOException;
* @deprecated use {@link #takeSnapshot(String tag, Map options, String... entities)} instead.
public void takeMultipleTableSnapshot(String tag, String... tableList) throws IOException;
* Takes the snapshot of a multiple column family from different keyspaces. A snapshot name must be specified.
* @param tag
* the tag given to the snapshot; may not be null or empty
* @param options
* Map of options (skipFlush is the only supported option for now)
* @param entities
* list of keyspaces / tables in the form of empty | ks1 ks2 ... | ks1.cf1,ks2.cf2,...
public void takeSnapshot(String tag, Map<String, String> options, String... entities) throws IOException;
* Remove the snapshot with the given name from the given keyspaces.
* If no tag is specified we will remove all snapshots.
* @param tag name of snapshot to clear, if null or empty string, all snapshots of given keyspace will be cleared
* @param keyspaceNames name of keyspaces to clear snapshots for
public void clearSnapshot(String tag, String... keyspaceNames) throws IOException;
* Remove the snapshot with the given name from the given keyspaces.
* If no tag is specified we will remove all snapshots.
* @param options map of options for cleanup operation, consult nodetool's ClearSnapshot
* @param tag name of snapshot to clear, if null or empty string, all snapshots of given keyspace will be cleared
* @param keyspaceNames name of keyspaces to clear snapshots for
public void clearSnapshot(Map<String, Object> options, String tag, String... keyspaceNames) throws IOException;
* Get the details of all the snapshot
* @return A map of snapshotName to all its details in Tabular form.
public Map<String, TabularData> getSnapshotDetails();
* Get the details of all the snapshots
* @param options map of options used for filtering of snapshots
* @return A map of snapshotName to all its details in Tabular form.
public Map<String, TabularData> getSnapshotDetails(Map<String, String> options);
* Get the true size taken by all snapshots across all keyspaces.
* @return True size taken by all the snapshots.
public long trueSnapshotsSize();
* Set the current hardlink-per-second throttle for snapshots
* A setting of zero indicates no throttling
* @param throttle
public void setSnapshotLinksPerSecond(long throttle);
* Get the current hardlink-per-second throttle for snapshots
* A setting of zero indicates no throttling.
* @return snapshot links-per-second throttle
public long getSnapshotLinksPerSecond();
* Forces refresh of values stored in system.size_estimates of all column families.
public void refreshSizeEstimates() throws ExecutionException;
* Removes extraneous entries in system.size_estimates.
public void cleanupSizeEstimates();
* Forces major compaction of a single keyspace
public void forceKeyspaceCompaction(boolean splitOutput, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
public int relocateSSTables(String keyspace, String ... cfnames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
public int relocateSSTables(int jobs, String keyspace, String ... cfnames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Forces major compaction of specified token range in a single keyspace.
* @param keyspaceName the name of the keyspace to be compacted
* @param startToken the token at which the compaction range starts (inclusive)
* @param endToken the token at which compaction range ends (inclusive)
* @param tableNames the names of the tables to be compacted
public void forceKeyspaceCompactionForTokenRange(String keyspaceName, String startToken, String endToken, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Forces major compactions for the range represented by the partition key
public void forceKeyspaceCompactionForPartitionKey(String keyspaceName, String partitionKey, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Forces compaction for a list of partition keys on a table.
* The method will ignore the gc_grace_seconds for the partitionKeysIgnoreGcGrace during the comapction,
* in order to purge the tombstones and free up space quicker.
public void forceCompactionKeysIgnoringGcGrace(String keyspaceName, String tableName, String... partitionKeysIgnoreGcGrace) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Trigger a cleanup of keys on a single keyspace
public int forceKeyspaceCleanup(String keyspaceName, String... tables) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
public int forceKeyspaceCleanup(int jobs, String keyspaceName, String... tables) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Scrub (deserialize + reserialize at the latest version, skipping bad rows if any) the given keyspace.
* If tableNames array is empty, all CFs are scrubbed.
* Scrubbed CFs will be snapshotted first, if disableSnapshot is false
default int scrub(boolean disableSnapshot, boolean skipCorrupted, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
return scrub(disableSnapshot, skipCorrupted, true, keyspaceName, tableNames);
default int scrub(boolean disableSnapshot, boolean skipCorrupted, boolean checkData, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
return scrub(disableSnapshot, skipCorrupted, checkData, 0, keyspaceName, tableNames);
default int scrub(boolean disableSnapshot, boolean skipCorrupted, boolean checkData, int jobs, String keyspaceName, String... columnFamilies) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
return scrub(disableSnapshot, skipCorrupted, checkData, false, jobs, keyspaceName, columnFamilies);
public int scrub(boolean disableSnapshot, boolean skipCorrupted, boolean checkData, boolean reinsertOverflowedTTL, int jobs, String keyspaceName, String... columnFamilies) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Verify (checksums of) the given keyspace.
* If tableNames array is empty, all CFs are verified.
* The entire sstable will be read to ensure each cell validates if extendedVerify is true
public int verify(boolean extendedVerify, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
public int verify(boolean extendedVerify, boolean checkVersion, boolean diskFailurePolicy, boolean mutateRepairStatus, boolean checkOwnsTokens, boolean quick, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Rewrite all sstables to the latest version.
* Unlike scrub, it doesn't skip bad rows and do not snapshot sstables first.
public int upgradeSSTables(String keyspaceName, boolean excludeCurrentVersion, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
default int upgradeSSTables(String keyspaceName, boolean excludeCurrentVersion, int jobs, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException
return upgradeSSTables(keyspaceName, excludeCurrentVersion, Long.MAX_VALUE, jobs, tableNames);
public int upgradeSSTables(String keyspaceName, boolean excludeCurrentVersion, long maxSSTableTimestamp, int jobs, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
public int recompressSSTables(String keyspaceName, int jobs, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Rewrites all sstables from the given tables to remove deleted data.
* The tombstone option defines the granularity of the procedure: ROW removes deleted partitions and rows, CELL also removes overwritten or deleted cells.
public int garbageCollect(String tombstoneOption, int jobs, String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Flush all memtables for the given column families, or all columnfamilies for the given keyspace
* if none are explicitly listed.
* @param keyspaceName
* @param tableNames
* @throws IOException
public void forceKeyspaceFlush(String keyspaceName, String... tableNames) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException;
* Invoke repair asynchronously.
* You can track repair progress by subscribing JMX notification sent from this StorageServiceMBean.
* Notification format is:
* type: "repair"
* userObject: int array of length 2, [0]=command number, [1]=ordinal of ActiveRepairService.Status
* @param keyspace Keyspace name to repair. Should not be null.
* @param options repair option.
* @return Repair command number, or 0 if nothing to repair
public int repairAsync(String keyspace, Map<String, String> options);
public void forceTerminateAllRepairSessions();
* @deprecated use setRepairSessionMaximumTreeDepth instead as it will not throw non-standard exceptions
public void setRepairSessionMaxTreeDepth(int depth);
* @deprecated use getRepairSessionMaximumTreeDepth instead
public int getRepairSessionMaxTreeDepth();
public void setRepairSessionMaximumTreeDepth(int depth);
public int getRepairSessionMaximumTreeDepth();
* Get the status of a given parent repair session.
* @param cmd the int reference returned when issuing the repair
* @return status of parent repair from enum {@link}
* followed by final message or messages of the session
public List<String> getParentRepairStatus(int cmd);
* transfer this node's data to other machines and remove it from service.
* @param force Decommission even if this will reduce N to be less than RF.
public void decommission(boolean force) throws InterruptedException;
* @param newToken token to move this node to.
* This node will unload its data onto its neighbors, and bootstrap to the new token.
public void move(String newToken) throws IOException;
* removeToken removes token (and all data associated with
* enpoint that had it) from the ring
public void removeNode(String token);
* Get the status of a token removal.
@Deprecated public String getRemovalStatus();
public String getRemovalStatusWithPort();
* Force a remove operation to finish.
public void forceRemoveCompletion();
* set the logging level at runtime<br>
* <br>
* If both classQualifer and level are empty/null, it will reload the configuration to reset.<br>
* If classQualifer is not empty but level is empty/null, it will set the level to null for the defined classQualifer<br>
* If level cannot be parsed, then the level will be defaulted to DEBUG<br>
* <br>
* The logback configuration should have {@code < jmxConfigurator />} set
* @param classQualifier The logger's classQualifer
* @param level The log level
* @throws Exception
* @see ch.qos.logback.classic.Level#toLevel(String)
public void setLoggingLevel(String classQualifier, String level) throws Exception;
/** get the runtime logging levels */
public Map<String,String> getLoggingLevels();
/** get the operational mode (leaving, joining, normal, decommissioned, client) **/
public String getOperationMode();
/** Returns whether the storage service is starting or not */
public boolean isStarting();
/** get the progress of a drain operation */
public String getDrainProgress();
/** makes node unavailable for writes, flushes memtables and replays commitlog. */
public void drain() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
* Truncates (deletes) the given table from the provided keyspace.
* Calling truncate results in actual deletion of all data in the cluster
* under the given table and it will fail unless all hosts are up.
* All data in the given column family will be deleted, but its definition
* will not be affected.
* @param keyspace The keyspace to delete from
* @param table The column family to delete data from.
public void truncate(String keyspace, String table)throws TimeoutException, IOException;
* given a list of tokens (representing the nodes in the cluster), returns
* a mapping from {@code "token -> %age of cluster owned by that token"}
@Deprecated public Map<InetAddress, Float> getOwnership();
public Map<String, Float> getOwnershipWithPort();
* Effective ownership is % of the data each node owns given the keyspace
* we calculate the percentage using replication factor.
* If Keyspace == null, this method will try to verify if all the keyspaces
* in the cluster have the same replication strategies and if yes then we will
* use the first else a empty Map is returned.
@Deprecated public Map<InetAddress, Float> effectiveOwnership(String keyspace) throws IllegalStateException;
public Map<String, Float> effectiveOwnershipWithPort(String keyspace) throws IllegalStateException;
public List<String> getKeyspaces();
public List<String> getNonSystemKeyspaces();
public List<String> getNonLocalStrategyKeyspaces();
@Deprecated public Map<String, String> getViewBuildStatuses(String keyspace, String view);
public Map<String, String> getViewBuildStatusesWithPort(String keyspace, String view);
* Change endpointsnitch class and dynamic-ness (and dynamic attributes) at runtime.
* This method is used to change the snitch implementation and/or dynamic snitch parameters.
* If {@code epSnitchClassName} is specified, it will configure a new snitch instance and make it a
* 'dynamic snitch' if {@code dynamic} is specified and {@code true}.
* The parameters {@code dynamicUpdateInterval}, {@code dynamicResetInterval} and {@code dynamicBadnessThreshold}
* can be specified individually to update the parameters of the dynamic snitch during runtime.
* @param epSnitchClassName the canonical path name for a class implementing IEndpointSnitch
* @param dynamic boolean that decides whether dynamicsnitch is used or not - only valid, if {@code epSnitchClassName} is specified
* @param dynamicUpdateInterval integer, in ms (defaults to the value configured in cassandra.yaml, which defaults to 100)
* @param dynamicResetInterval integer, in ms (defaults to the value configured in cassandra.yaml, which defaults to 600,000)
* @param dynamicBadnessThreshold double, (defaults to the value configured in cassandra.yaml, which defaults to 0.0)
public void updateSnitch(String epSnitchClassName, Boolean dynamic, Integer dynamicUpdateInterval, Integer dynamicResetInterval, Double dynamicBadnessThreshold) throws ClassNotFoundException;
Update dynamic_snitch_update_interval in ms
public void setDynamicUpdateInterval(int dynamicUpdateInterval);
Get dynamic_snitch_update_interval in ms
public int getDynamicUpdateInterval();
// allows a user to forcibly 'kill' a sick node
public void stopGossiping();
// allows a user to recover a forcibly 'killed' node
public void startGossiping();
// allows a user to see whether gossip is running or not
public boolean isGossipRunning();
// allows a user to forcibly completely stop cassandra
public void stopDaemon();
// to determine if initialization has completed
public boolean isInitialized();
public void stopNativeTransport();
public void startNativeTransport();
public boolean isNativeTransportRunning();
public void enableNativeTransportOldProtocolVersions();
public void disableNativeTransportOldProtocolVersions();
// sets limits on number of concurrent requests in flights in number of bytes
public long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytes();
public void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytes(long newLimit);
public long getNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytesPerIp();
public void setNativeTransportMaxConcurrentRequestsInBytesPerIp(long newLimit);
public int getNativeTransportMaxRequestsPerSecond();
public void setNativeTransportMaxRequestsPerSecond(int newPerSecond);
public void setNativeTransportRateLimitingEnabled(boolean enabled);
public boolean getNativeTransportRateLimitingEnabled();
// allows a node that have been started without joining the ring to join it
public void joinRing() throws IOException;
public boolean isJoined();
public boolean isDrained();
public boolean isDraining();
/** Check if currently bootstrapping.
* Note this becomes false before {@link org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace#bootstrapComplete()} is called,
* as setting bootstrap to complete is called only when the node joins the ring.
* @return True prior to bootstrap streaming completing. False prior to start of bootstrap and post streaming.
public boolean isBootstrapMode();
public void setRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getRpcTimeout();
public void setReadRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getReadRpcTimeout();
public void setRangeRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getRangeRpcTimeout();
public void setWriteRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getWriteRpcTimeout();
public void setInternodeTcpConnectTimeoutInMS(int value);
public int getInternodeTcpConnectTimeoutInMS();
public void setInternodeTcpUserTimeoutInMS(int value);
public int getInternodeTcpUserTimeoutInMS();
public void setInternodeStreamingTcpUserTimeoutInMS(int value);
public int getInternodeStreamingTcpUserTimeoutInMS();
public void setCounterWriteRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getCounterWriteRpcTimeout();
public void setCasContentionTimeout(long value);
public long getCasContentionTimeout();
public void setTruncateRpcTimeout(long value);
public long getTruncateRpcTimeout();
public void setStreamThroughputMbitPerSec(int value);
* @return stream_throughput_outbound in megabits
* @deprecated Use getStreamThroughputMbitPerSecAsDouble instead as this one will provide a rounded value
public int getStreamThroughputMbitPerSec();
public double getStreamThroughputMbitPerSecAsDouble();
public void setStreamThroughputMbPerSec(int value);
* @return stream_throughput_outbound in MiB
* @deprecated Use getStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble instead as this one will provide a rounded value
public int getStreamThroughputMbPerSec();
public void setStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec(int value);
* Below method returns stream_throughput_outbound rounded, for precise number, please, use getStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble
* @return stream_throughput_outbound in MiB
public int getStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec();
public double getStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble();
public void setInterDCStreamThroughputMbitPerSec(int value);
* @return inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound in megabits
* @deprecated Use getInterDCStreamThroughputMbitPerSecAsDouble instead as this one will provide a rounded value
public int getInterDCStreamThroughputMbitPerSec();
public double getInterDCStreamThroughputMbitPerSecAsDouble();
public void setInterDCStreamThroughputMbPerSec(int value);
* @return inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound in MiB
* @deprecated Use getInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble instead as this one will provide a rounded value
public int getInterDCStreamThroughputMbPerSec();
public void setInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec(int value);
* Below method returns Inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound rounded, for precise number, please, use getInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble
* @return inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound in MiB
public int getInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec();
public double getInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble();
public void setEntireSSTableStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec(int value);
public double getEntireSSTableStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble();
public void setEntireSSTableInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSec(int value);
public double getEntireSSTableInterDCStreamThroughputMebibytesPerSecAsDouble();
public double getCompactionThroughtputMibPerSecAsDouble();
public long getCompactionThroughtputBytesPerSec();
* @return compaction_throughgput in MiB
* @deprecated Use getCompactionThroughtputMibPerSecAsDouble instead as this one will provide a rounded value
public int getCompactionThroughputMbPerSec();
public void setCompactionThroughputMbPerSec(int value);
public int getBatchlogReplayThrottleInKB();
public void setBatchlogReplayThrottleInKB(int value);
public int getConcurrentCompactors();
public void setConcurrentCompactors(int value);
public void bypassConcurrentValidatorsLimit();
public void enforceConcurrentValidatorsLimit();
public boolean isConcurrentValidatorsLimitEnforced();
public int getConcurrentValidators();
public void setConcurrentValidators(int value);
public int getSSTablePreemptiveOpenIntervalInMB();
public void setSSTablePreemptiveOpenIntervalInMB(int intervalInMB);
public boolean getMigrateKeycacheOnCompaction();
public void setMigrateKeycacheOnCompaction(boolean invalidateKeyCacheOnCompaction);
public int getConcurrentViewBuilders();
public void setConcurrentViewBuilders(int value);
public boolean isIncrementalBackupsEnabled();
public void setIncrementalBackupsEnabled(boolean value);
* Initiate a process of streaming data for which we are responsible from other nodes. It is similar to bootstrap
* except meant to be used on a node which is already in the cluster (typically containing no data) as an
* alternative to running repair.
* @param sourceDc Name of DC from which to select sources for streaming or null to pick any node
public void rebuild(String sourceDc);
* Same as {@link #rebuild(String)}, but only for specified keyspace and ranges.
* @param sourceDc Name of DC from which to select sources for streaming or null to pick any node
* @param keyspace Name of the keyspace which to rebuild or null to rebuild all keyspaces.
* @param tokens Range of tokens to rebuild or null to rebuild all token ranges. In the format of:
* "(start_token_1,end_token_1],(start_token_2,end_token_2],...(start_token_n,end_token_n]"
* @param specificSources list of sources that can be used for rebuilding. Must be other nodes in the cluster.
* The format of the string is comma separated values.
public void rebuild(String sourceDc, String keyspace, String tokens, String specificSources);
* Same as {@link #rebuild(String)}, but only for specified keyspace and ranges. It excludes local data center nodes
* @param sourceDc Name of DC from which to select sources for streaming or null to pick any node
* @param keyspace Name of the keyspace which to rebuild or null to rebuild all keyspaces.
* @param tokens Range of tokens to rebuild or null to rebuild all token ranges. In the format of:
* "(start_token_1,end_token_1],(start_token_2,end_token_2],...(start_token_n,end_token_n]"
* @param specificSources list of sources that can be used for rebuilding. Mostly other nodes in the cluster.
* @param excludeLocalDatacenterNodes Flag to indicate whether local data center nodes should be excluded as sources for streaming.
public void rebuild(String sourceDc, String keyspace, String tokens, String specificSources, boolean excludeLocalDatacenterNodes);
/** Starts a bulk load and blocks until it completes. */
public void bulkLoad(String directory);
* Starts a bulk load asynchronously and returns the String representation of the planID for the new
* streaming session.
public String bulkLoadAsync(String directory);
public void rescheduleFailedDeletions();
* Load new SSTables to the given keyspace/table
* @param ksName The parent keyspace name
* @param tableName The ColumnFamily name where SSTables belong
* @see ColumnFamilyStoreMBean#loadNewSSTables()
public void loadNewSSTables(String ksName, String tableName);
* Return a List of Tokens representing a sample of keys across all ColumnFamilyStores.
* Note: this should be left as an operation, not an attribute (methods starting with "get")
* to avoid sending potentially multiple MB of data when accessing this mbean by default. See CASSANDRA-4452.
* @return set of Tokens as Strings
public List<String> sampleKeyRange();
* rebuild the specified indexes
public void rebuildSecondaryIndex(String ksName, String cfName, String... idxNames);
public void resetLocalSchema() throws IOException;
public void reloadLocalSchema();
* Enables/Disables tracing for the whole system.
* @param probability
* ]0,1[ will enable tracing on a partial number of requests with the provided probability. 0 will
* disable tracing and 1 will enable tracing for all requests (which mich severely cripple the system)
public void setTraceProbability(double probability);
public Map<String, List<CompositeData>> samplePartitions(int duration, int capacity, int count, List<String> samplers) throws OpenDataException;
public Map<String, List<CompositeData>> samplePartitions(String keyspace, int duration, int capacity, int count, List<String> samplers) throws OpenDataException;
* Start a scheduled sampling
* @param ks Keyspace. Nullable. If null, the scheduled sampling is on all keyspaces and tables
* @param table Nullable. If null, the scheduled sampling is on all tables of the specified keyspace
* @param duration Duration of each scheduled sampling job in milliseconds
* @param interval Interval of each scheduled sampling job in milliseconds
* @param capacity Capacity of the sampler, higher for more accuracy
* @param count Number of the top samples to list
* @param samplers a list of samplers to enable
* @return true if the scheduled sampling is started successfully. Otherwise return false
public boolean startSamplingPartitions(String ks, String table, int duration, int interval, int capacity, int count, List<String> samplers) throws OpenDataException;
* Stop a scheduled sampling
* @param ks Keyspace. Nullable. If null, the scheduled sampling is on all keysapces and tables
* @param table Nullable. If null, the scheduled sampling is on all tables of the specified keyspace
* @return true if the scheduled sampling is stopped. False is returned if the sampling task is not found
public boolean stopSamplingPartitions(String ks, String table) throws OpenDataException;
* @return a list of qualified table names that have active scheduled sampling tasks. The format of the name is `KEYSPACE.TABLE`
* The wild card symbol (*) indicates all keyspace/table. For example, "*.*" indicates all tables in all keyspaces. "foo.*" indicates
* all tables under keyspace 'foo'. "" indicates the scheduled sampling is enabled for the table 'bar'
public List<String> getSampleTasks();
* Returns the configured tracing probability.
public double getTraceProbability();
void disableAutoCompaction(String ks, String ... tables) throws IOException;
void enableAutoCompaction(String ks, String ... tables) throws IOException;
Map<String, Boolean> getAutoCompactionStatus(String ks, String... tables) throws IOException;
public void deliverHints(String host) throws UnknownHostException;
/** Returns the name of the cluster */
public String getClusterName();
/** Returns the cluster partitioner */
public String getPartitionerName();
/** Returns the threshold for warning of queries with many tombstones */
public int getTombstoneWarnThreshold();
/** Sets the threshold for warning queries with many tombstones */
public void setTombstoneWarnThreshold(int tombstoneDebugThreshold);
/** Returns the threshold for abandoning queries with many tombstones */
public int getTombstoneFailureThreshold();
/** Sets the threshold for abandoning queries with many tombstones */
public void setTombstoneFailureThreshold(int tombstoneDebugThreshold);
/** Returns the number of rows cached at the coordinator before filtering/index queries log a warning. */
public int getCachedReplicaRowsWarnThreshold();
/** Sets the number of rows cached at the coordinator before filtering/index queries log a warning. */
public void setCachedReplicaRowsWarnThreshold(int threshold);
/** Returns the number of rows cached at the coordinator before filtering/index queries fail outright. */
public int getCachedReplicaRowsFailThreshold();
/** Sets the number of rows cached at the coordinator before filtering/index queries fail outright. */
public void setCachedReplicaRowsFailThreshold(int threshold);
* Returns the granularity of the collation index of rows within a partition.
* -1 stands for the SSTable format's default.
public int getColumnIndexSizeInKiB();
* Sets the granularity of the collation index of rows within a partition.
* Use -1 to select the SSTable format's default.
public void setColumnIndexSizeInKiB(int columnIndexSizeInKiB);
* Sets the granularity of the collation index of rows within a partition
* @deprecated use setColumnIndexSizeInKiB instead as it will not throw non-standard exceptions
public void setColumnIndexSize(int columnIndexSizeInKB);
* Returns the threshold for skipping the column index when caching partition info
* @deprecated use getColumnIndexCacheSizeInKiB
public int getColumnIndexCacheSize();
* Sets the threshold for skipping the column index when caching partition info
* @deprecated use setColumnIndexCacheSizeInKiB instead as it will not throw non-standard exceptions
public void setColumnIndexCacheSize(int cacheSizeInKB);
/** Returns the threshold for skipping the column index when caching partition info **/
public int getColumnIndexCacheSizeInKiB();
/** Sets the threshold for skipping the column index when caching partition info **/
public void setColumnIndexCacheSizeInKiB(int cacheSizeInKiB);
/** Returns the threshold for rejecting queries due to a large batch size */
public int getBatchSizeFailureThreshold();
/** Sets the threshold for rejecting queries due to a large batch size */
public void setBatchSizeFailureThreshold(int batchSizeDebugThreshold);
* Returns the threshold for warning queries due to a large batch size
* @deprecated use getBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKiB instead
public int getBatchSizeWarnThreshold();
* Sets the threshold for warning queries due to a large batch size
* @deprecated use setBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKiB instead as it will not throw non-standard exceptions
public void setBatchSizeWarnThreshold(int batchSizeDebugThreshold);
/** Returns the threshold for warning queries due to a large batch size */
public int getBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKiB();
/** Sets the threshold for warning queries due to a large batch size **/
public void setBatchSizeWarnThresholdInKiB(int batchSizeDebugThreshold);
/** Sets the hinted handoff throttle in KiB per second, per delivery thread. */
public void setHintedHandoffThrottleInKB(int throttleInKB);
public boolean getTransferHintsOnDecommission();
public void setTransferHintsOnDecommission(boolean enabled);
* Resume bootstrap streaming when there is failed data streaming.
* @return true if the node successfully starts resuming. (this does not mean bootstrap streaming was success.)
public boolean resumeBootstrap();
/** Gets the concurrency settings for processing stages*/
static class StageConcurrency implements Serializable
public final int corePoolSize;
public final int maximumPoolSize;
public StageConcurrency(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize)
this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize;
this.maximumPoolSize = maximumPoolSize;
public Map<String, List<Integer>> getConcurrency(List<String> stageNames);
/** Sets the concurrency setting for processing stages */
public void setConcurrency(String threadPoolName, int newCorePoolSize, int newMaximumPoolSize);
/** Clears the history of clients that have connected in the past **/
void clearConnectionHistory();
public void disableAuditLog();
public void enableAuditLog(String loggerName, Map<String, String> parameters, String includedKeyspaces, String excludedKeyspaces, String includedCategories, String excludedCategories,
String includedUsers, String excludedUsers, Integer maxArchiveRetries, Boolean block, String rollCycle,
Long maxLogSize, Integer maxQueueWeight, String archiveCommand) throws IllegalStateException;
@BreaksJMX("This API was exposed as throwing ConfigurationException, removing is binary compatible but not source; see")
public void enableAuditLog(String loggerName, Map<String, String> parameters, String includedKeyspaces, String excludedKeyspaces, String includedCategories, String excludedCategories,
String includedUsers, String excludedUsers) throws ConfigurationException, IllegalStateException;
@BreaksJMX("This API was exposed as throwing ConfigurationException, removing is binary compatible but not source; see")
public void enableAuditLog(String loggerName, String includedKeyspaces, String excludedKeyspaces, String includedCategories, String excludedCategories,
String includedUsers, String excludedUsers) throws ConfigurationException, IllegalStateException;
public void enableAuditLog(String loggerName, String includedKeyspaces, String excludedKeyspaces, String includedCategories, String excludedCategories,
String includedUsers, String excludedUsers, Integer maxArchiveRetries, Boolean block, String rollCycle,
Long maxLogSize, Integer maxQueueWeight, String archiveCommand) throws IllegalStateException;
public boolean isAuditLogEnabled();
public String getCorruptedTombstoneStrategy();
public void setCorruptedTombstoneStrategy(String strategy);
* Start the fully query logger.
* @param path Path where the full query log will be stored. If null cassandra.yaml value is used.
* @param rollCycle How often to create a new file for query data (MINUTELY, DAILY, HOURLY)
* @param blocking Whether threads submitting queries to the query log should block if they can't be drained to the filesystem or alternatively drops samples and log
* @param maxQueueWeight How many bytes of query data to queue before blocking or dropping samples
* @param maxLogSize How many bytes of log data to store before dropping segments. Might not be respected if a log file hasn't rolled so it can be deleted.
* @param archiveCommand executable archiving the rolled log files,
* @param maxArchiveRetries max number of times to retry a failing archive command
public void enableFullQueryLogger(String path, String rollCycle, Boolean blocking, int maxQueueWeight, long maxLogSize, @Nullable String archiveCommand, int maxArchiveRetries);
* Disable the full query logger if it is enabled.
* Also delete any generated files in the last used full query log path as well as the one configure in cassandra.yaml
public void resetFullQueryLogger();
* Stop logging queries but leave any generated files on disk.
public void stopFullQueryLogger();
public boolean isFullQueryLogEnabled();
* Returns the current state of FQL.
CompositeData getFullQueryLoggerOptions();
/** Sets the initial allocation size of backing arrays for new RangeTombstoneList objects */
public void setInitialRangeTombstoneListAllocationSize(int size);
/** Returns the initial allocation size of backing arrays for new RangeTombstoneList objects */
public int getInitialRangeTombstoneListAllocationSize();
/** Sets the resize factor to use when growing/resizing a RangeTombstoneList */
public void setRangeTombstoneListResizeGrowthFactor(double growthFactor);
/** Returns the resize factor to use when growing/resizing a RangeTombstoneList */
public double getRangeTombstoneResizeListGrowthFactor();
/** Returns a map of schema version -> list of endpoints reporting that version that we need schema updates for */
public Map<String, Set<InetAddress>> getOutstandingSchemaVersions();
public Map<String, Set<String>> getOutstandingSchemaVersionsWithPort();
// see CASSANDRA-3200
public boolean autoOptimiseIncRepairStreams();
public void setAutoOptimiseIncRepairStreams(boolean enabled);
public boolean autoOptimiseFullRepairStreams();
public void setAutoOptimiseFullRepairStreams(boolean enabled);
public boolean autoOptimisePreviewRepairStreams();
public void setAutoOptimisePreviewRepairStreams(boolean enabled);
// warning thresholds will be replaced by equivalent guardrails
int getTableCountWarnThreshold();
void setTableCountWarnThreshold(int value);
int getKeyspaceCountWarnThreshold();
void setKeyspaceCountWarnThreshold(int value);
public void setCompactionTombstoneWarningThreshold(int count);
public int getCompactionTombstoneWarningThreshold();
public boolean getReadThresholdsEnabled();
public void setReadThresholdsEnabled(boolean value);
public String getCoordinatorLargeReadWarnThreshold();
public void setCoordinatorLargeReadWarnThreshold(String threshold);
public String getCoordinatorLargeReadAbortThreshold();
public void setCoordinatorLargeReadAbortThreshold(String threshold);
public String getLocalReadTooLargeWarnThreshold();
public void setLocalReadTooLargeWarnThreshold(String value);
public String getLocalReadTooLargeAbortThreshold();
public void setLocalReadTooLargeAbortThreshold(String value);
public String getRowIndexReadSizeWarnThreshold();
public void setRowIndexReadSizeWarnThreshold(String value);
public String getRowIndexReadSizeAbortThreshold();
public void setRowIndexReadSizeAbortThreshold(String value);
public void setDefaultKeyspaceReplicationFactor(int value);
public int getDefaultKeyspaceReplicationFactor();
boolean getSkipPaxosRepairOnTopologyChange();
void setSkipPaxosRepairOnTopologyChange(boolean v);
String getSkipPaxosRepairOnTopologyChangeKeyspaces();
void setSkipPaxosRepairOnTopologyChangeKeyspaces(String v);
boolean getPaxosAutoRepairsEnabled();
void setPaxosAutoRepairsEnabled(boolean enabled);
boolean getPaxosStateFlushEnabled();
void setPaxosStateFlushEnabled(boolean enabled);
List<String> getPaxosAutoRepairTables();
long getPaxosPurgeGraceSeconds();
void setPaxosPurgeGraceSeconds(long v);
String getPaxosOnLinearizabilityViolations();
void setPaxosOnLinearizabilityViolations(String v);
String getPaxosStatePurging();
void setPaxosStatePurging(String v);
boolean getPaxosRepairEnabled();
void setPaxosRepairEnabled(boolean v);
boolean getPaxosDcLocalCommitEnabled();
void setPaxosDcLocalCommitEnabled(boolean v);
String getPaxosBallotLowBound(String keyspace, String table, String key);
public Long getRepairRpcTimeout();
public void setRepairRpcTimeout(Long timeoutInMillis);
public void evictHungRepairs();
public void clearPaxosRepairs();
public void setSkipPaxosRepairCompatibilityCheck(boolean v);
public boolean getSkipPaxosRepairCompatibilityCheck();
String getToken(String keyspaceName, String table, String partitionKey);
public boolean topPartitionsEnabled();
public int getMaxTopSizePartitionCount();
public void setMaxTopSizePartitionCount(int value);
public int getMaxTopTombstonePartitionCount();
public void setMaxTopTombstonePartitionCount(int value);
public String getMinTrackedPartitionSize();
public void setMinTrackedPartitionSize(String value);
public long getMinTrackedPartitionTombstoneCount();
public void setMinTrackedPartitionTombstoneCount(long value);
public void setSkipStreamDiskSpaceCheck(boolean value);
public boolean getSkipStreamDiskSpaceCheck();