blob: b40c704d0b98007bc19e08807c3f856a0c760c5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.schema;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import static;
import static;
* An immutable container for a keyspace's UDAs and UDFs.
public final class UserFunctions implements Iterable<UserFunction>
public enum Filter implements Predicate<UserFunction>
public boolean test(UserFunction function)
switch (this)
case UDF: return function instanceof UDFunction;
case UDA: return function instanceof UDAggregate;
default: return true;
private final ImmutableMultimap<FunctionName, UserFunction> functions;
private UserFunctions(Builder builder)
functions =;
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
public static UserFunctions none()
return builder().build();
public Iterator<UserFunction> iterator()
return functions.values().iterator();
public Stream<UserFunction> stream()
return functions.values().stream();
public int size()
return functions.size();
* @return a stream of keyspace's UDFs
public Stream<UDFunction> udfs()
return stream().filter(Filter.UDF).map(f -> (UDFunction) f);
* @return a stream of keyspace's UDAs
public Stream<UDAggregate> udas()
return stream().filter(Filter.UDA).map(f -> (UDAggregate) f);
public Iterable<UserFunction> referencingUserType(ByteBuffer name)
return Iterables.filter(this, f -> f.referencesUserType(name));
public UserFunctions withUpdatedUserType(UserType udt)
if (!any(this, f -> f.referencesUserType(
return this;
Collection<UDFunction> udfs = udfs().map(f -> f.withUpdatedUserType(udt)).collect(toList());
Collection<UDAggregate> udas = udas().map(f -> f.withUpdatedUserType(udfs, udt)).collect(toList());
return builder().add(udfs).add(udas).build();
* @return a stream of aggregates that use the provided function as either a state or a final function
* @param function the referree function
public Stream<UDAggregate> aggregatesUsingFunction(Function function)
return udas().filter(uda -> uda.hasReferenceTo(function));
* Get all function overloads with the specified name
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @return an empty list if the function name is not found; a non-empty collection of {@link Function} otherwise
public Collection<UserFunction> get(FunctionName name)
return functions.get(name);
* Get all UDFs overloads with the specified name
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @return an empty list if the function name is not found; a non-empty collection of {@link UDFunction} otherwise
public Collection<UDFunction> getUdfs(FunctionName name)
return functions.get(name)
.map(f -> (UDFunction) f)
* Get all UDAs overloads with the specified name
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @return an empty list if the function name is not found; a non-empty collection of {@link UDAggregate} otherwise
public Collection<UDAggregate> getUdas(FunctionName name)
return functions.get(name)
.map(f -> (UDAggregate) f)
public Optional<UserFunction> find(FunctionName name, List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes)
return find(name, argTypes, Filter.ALL);
* Find the function with the specified name
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @param argTypes function argument types
* @return an empty {@link Optional} if the function name is not found; a non-empty optional of {@link Function} otherwise
public Optional<UserFunction> find(FunctionName name, List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes, Filter filter)
return get(name).stream()
.filter(filter.and(fun -> fun.typesMatch(argTypes)))
public boolean isEmpty()
return functions.isEmpty();
public static int typeHashCode(AbstractType<?> t)
return t.asCQL3Type().toString().hashCode();
public static int typeHashCode(List<AbstractType<?>> types)
int h = 0;
for (AbstractType<?> type : types)
h = h * 31 + typeHashCode(type);
return h;
public UserFunctions filter(Predicate<UserFunction> predicate)
Builder builder = builder();
* Create a Functions instance with the provided function added
public UserFunctions with(UserFunction fun)
if (find(, fun.argTypes()).isPresent())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Function %s already exists",;
return builder().add(this).add(fun).build();
* Creates a Functions instance with the function with the provided name and argument types removed
public UserFunctions without(FunctionName name, List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes)
Function fun =
find(name, argTypes).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(String.format("Function %s doesn't exists", name)));
return without(fun);
public UserFunctions without(Function function)
return builder().add(Iterables.filter(this, f -> f != function)).build();
public UserFunctions withAddedOrUpdated(UserFunction function)
return builder().add(Iterables.filter(this, f -> !( && f.typesMatch(function.argTypes()))))
public boolean equals(Object o)
return this == o || (o instanceof UserFunctions && functions.equals(((UserFunctions) o).functions));
public int hashCode()
return functions.hashCode();
public String toString()
return functions.values().toString();
public static final class Builder
final ImmutableMultimap.Builder<FunctionName, UserFunction> functions = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder<>();
private Builder()
// we need deterministic iteration order; otherwise Functions.equals() breaks down
public UserFunctions build()
return new UserFunctions(this);
public Builder add(UserFunction fun)
functions.put(, fun);
return this;
public Builder add(UserFunction... funs)
for (UserFunction fun : funs)
return this;
public Builder add(Iterable<? extends UserFunction> funs)
return this;
static FunctionsDiff<UDFunction> udfsDiff(UserFunctions before, UserFunctions after)
return (FunctionsDiff<UDFunction>) FunctionsDiff.diff(before, after, Filter.UDF);
static FunctionsDiff<UDAggregate> udasDiff(UserFunctions before, UserFunctions after)
return (FunctionsDiff<UDAggregate>) FunctionsDiff.diff(before, after, Filter.UDA);
public static final class FunctionsDiff<T extends Function> extends Diff<UserFunctions, T>
static final FunctionsDiff NONE = new FunctionsDiff<>(UserFunctions.none(), UserFunctions.none(), ImmutableList.of());
private FunctionsDiff(UserFunctions created, UserFunctions dropped, ImmutableCollection<Altered<T>> altered)
super(created, dropped, altered);
private static FunctionsDiff diff(UserFunctions before, UserFunctions after, Filter filter)
if (before == after)
return NONE;
UserFunctions created = after.filter(filter.and(k -> !before.find(, k.argTypes(), filter).isPresent()));
UserFunctions dropped = before.filter(filter.and(k -> !after.find(, k.argTypes(), filter).isPresent()));
ImmutableList.Builder<Altered<UserFunction>> altered = ImmutableList.builder(); ->
after.find(, functionBefore.argTypes(), filter).ifPresent(functionAfter ->
{ -> altered.add(new Altered<>(functionBefore, functionAfter, kind)));
return new FunctionsDiff<>(created, dropped,;