blob: 291895368fce363f0209f75bb3962be2c8a8a014 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQL3Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Constants;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Term;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.IntegerSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteComparable;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteSource;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteSourceInverse;
public final class IntegerType extends NumberType<BigInteger>
public static final IntegerType instance = new IntegerType();
private static final ByteBuffer MASKED_VALUE = instance.decompose(BigInteger.ZERO);
// Constants or escaping values needed to encode/decode variable-length integers in our custom byte-ordered
// encoding scheme.
private static final int POSITIVE_VARINT_HEADER = 0x80;
private static final int NEGATIVE_VARINT_LENGTH_HEADER = 0x00;
private static final int POSITIVE_VARINT_LENGTH_HEADER = 0xFF;
private static final byte BIG_INTEGER_NEGATIVE_LEADING_ZERO = (byte) 0xFF;
private static final byte BIG_INTEGER_POSITIVE_LEADING_ZERO = (byte) 0x00;
public static final int FULL_FORM_THRESHOLD = 7;
private static <V> int findMostSignificantByte(V value, ValueAccessor<V> accessor)
int len = accessor.size(value) - 1;
int i = 0;
for (; i < len; i++)
byte b0 = accessor.getByte(value, i);
if (b0 != 0 && b0 != -1)
byte b1 = accessor.getByte(value, i + 1);
if (b0 == 0 && b1 != 0)
if (b1 > 0)
if (b0 == -1 && b1 != -1)
if (b1 < 0)
return i;
IntegerType() {super(ComparisonType.CUSTOM);}/* singleton */
public boolean isEmptyValueMeaningless()
return true;
public <VL, VR> int compareCustom(VL left, ValueAccessor<VL> accessorL, VR right, ValueAccessor<VR> accessorR)
return IntegerType.compareIntegers(left, accessorL, right, accessorR);
public static <VL, VR> int compareIntegers(VL lhs, ValueAccessor<VL> accessorL, VR rhs, ValueAccessor<VR> accessorR)
int lhsLen = accessorL.size(lhs);
int rhsLen = accessorR.size(rhs);
if (lhsLen == 0)
return rhsLen == 0 ? 0 : -1;
if (rhsLen == 0)
return 1;
int lhsMsbIdx = findMostSignificantByte(lhs, accessorL);
int rhsMsbIdx = findMostSignificantByte(rhs, accessorR);
//diffs contain number of "meaningful" bytes (i.e. ignore padding)
int lhsLenDiff = lhsLen - lhsMsbIdx;
int rhsLenDiff = rhsLen - rhsMsbIdx;
byte lhsMsb = accessorL.getByte(lhs, lhsMsbIdx);
byte rhsMsb = accessorR.getByte(rhs, rhsMsbIdx);
/* + -
* -----------
* + | -d | 1 |
* LHS -----------
* - | -1 | d |
* -----------
* d = difference of length in significant bytes
if (lhsLenDiff != rhsLenDiff)
if (lhsMsb < 0)
return rhsMsb < 0 ? rhsLenDiff - lhsLenDiff : -1;
if (rhsMsb < 0)
return 1;
return lhsLenDiff - rhsLenDiff;
// msb uses signed comparison
if (lhsMsb != rhsMsb)
return lhsMsb - rhsMsb;
// remaining bytes are compared unsigned
while (lhsMsbIdx < lhsLen)
lhsMsb = accessorL.getByte(lhs, lhsMsbIdx++);
rhsMsb = accessorR.getByte(rhs, rhsMsbIdx++);
if (lhsMsb != rhsMsb)
return (lhsMsb & 0xFF) - (rhsMsb & 0xFF);
return 0;
* Constructs a byte-comparable representation of the number.
* In the current format we represent it:
* directly as varint, if the length is 6 or smaller (the encoding has non-00/FF first byte)
* <signbyte><length as unsigned integer - 7><7 or more bytes>, otherwise
* where <signbyte> is 00 for negative numbers and FF for positive ones, and the length's bytes are inverted if
* the number is negative (so that longer length sorts smaller).
* Because we present the sign separately, we don't need to include 0x00 prefix for positive integers whose first
* byte is >= 0x80 or 0xFF prefix for negative integers whose first byte is < 0x80. Note that we do this before
* taking the length for the purposes of choosing between varint and full-form encoding.
* The representations are prefix-free, because the choice between varint and full-form encoding is determined by
* the first byte where varints are properly ordered between full-form negative and full-form positive, varint
* encoding is prefix-free, and full-form representations of different length always have length bytes that differ.
* Examples:
* -1 as 7F
* 0 as 80
* 1 as 81
* 127 as C07F
* 255 as C0FF
* 2^32-1 as F8FFFFFFFF
* 2^32 as F900000000
* 2^56 as FF000100000000000000
* See {@link #asComparableBytesLegacy} for description of the legacy format.
public <V> ByteSource asComparableBytes(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, V data, ByteComparable.Version version)
final int limit = accessor.size(data);
if (limit == 0)
return null;
// skip any leading sign-only byte(s)
int p = 0;
final byte signbyte = accessor.getByte(data, p);
while (p + 1 < limit)
if (accessor.getByte(data, ++p) != signbyte)
if (version != ByteComparable.Version.LEGACY)
return (limit - p < FULL_FORM_THRESHOLD)
? encodeAsVarInt(accessor, data, limit)
: asComparableBytesCurrent(accessor, data, p, limit, (signbyte >> 7) & 0xFF);
return asComparableBytesLegacy(accessor, data, p, limit, signbyte);
* Encode the BigInteger stored in the given buffer as a variable-length signed integer.
* The length of the number is given in the limit argument, and must be <= 8.
private <V> ByteSource encodeAsVarInt(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, V data, int limit)
long v;
switch (limit)
case 1:
v = accessor.getByte(data, 0);
case 2:
v = accessor.getShort(data, 0);
case 3:
v = (accessor.getShort(data, 0) << 8) | (accessor.getByte(data, 2) & 0xFF);
case 4:
v = accessor.getInt(data, 0);
case 5:
v = ((long) accessor.getInt(data, 0) << 8) | (accessor.getByte(data, 4) & 0xFF);
case 6:
v = ((long) accessor.getInt(data, 0) << 16) | (accessor.getShort(data, 4) & 0xFFFF);
case 7:
v = ((long) accessor.getInt(data, 0) << 24) | ((accessor.getShort(data, 4) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | (accessor.getByte(data, 6) & 0xFF);
case 8:
// This is not reachable within the encoding; added for completeness.
v = accessor.getLong(data, 0);
throw new AssertionError();
return ByteSource.variableLengthInteger(v);
* Constructs a full-form byte-comparable representation of the number in the current format.
* This contains:
* <signbyte><length as unsigned integer - 7><7 or more bytes>, otherwise
* where <signbyte> is 00 for negative numbers and FF for positive ones, and the length's bytes are inverted if
* the number is negative (so that longer length sorts smaller).
* Because we present the sign separately, we don't need to include 0x00 prefix for positive integers whose first
* byte is >= 0x80 or 0xFF prefix for negative integers whose first byte is < 0x80.
* The representations are prefix-free, because representations of different length always have length bytes that
* differ.
private <V> ByteSource asComparableBytesCurrent(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, V data, int startpos, int limit, int signbyte)
// start with sign as a byte, then variable-length-encoded length, then bytes (stripped leading sign)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = -2;
ByteSource lengthEncoding = new VariableLengthUnsignedInteger(limit - startpos - FULL_FORM_THRESHOLD);
public int next()
if (pos == -2)
return signbyte ^ 0xFF; // 00 for negative/FF for positive (01-FE for direct varint encoding)
else if (pos == -1)
int nextByte =;
if (nextByte != END_OF_STREAM)
return nextByte ^ signbyte;
pos = startpos;
if (pos == limit)
return accessor.getByte(data, pos++) & 0xFF;
* Constructs a byte-comparable representation of the number in the legacy format.
* We represent it as
* <zero or more length_bytes where length = 128> <length_byte> <first_significant_byte> <zero or more bytes>
* where a length_byte is:
* - 0x80 + (length - 1) for positive numbers (so that longer length sorts bigger)
* - 0x7F - (length - 1) for negative numbers (so that longer length sorts smaller)
* Because we include the sign in the length byte:
* - unlike fixed-length ints, we don't need to sign-invert the first significant byte,
* - unlike BigInteger, we don't need to include 0x00 prefix for positive integers whose first byte is >= 0x80
* or 0xFF prefix for negative integers whose first byte is < 0x80.
* The representations are prefix-free, because representations of different length always have length bytes that
* differ.
* Examples:
* 0 as 8000
* 1 as 8001
* 127 as 807F
* 255 as 80FF
* 2^31-1 as 837FFFFFFF
* 2^31 as 8380000000
* 2^32 as 840100000000
private <V> ByteSource asComparableBytesLegacy(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, V data, int startpos, int limit, int signbyte)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = startpos;
int sizeToReport = limit - startpos;
boolean sizeReported = false;
public int next()
if (!sizeReported)
if (sizeToReport >= 128)
sizeToReport -= 128;
return signbyte >= 0
sizeReported = true;
return signbyte >= 0
? POSITIVE_VARINT_HEADER + (sizeToReport - 1)
if (pos == limit)
return accessor.getByte(data, pos++) & 0xFF;
public <V> V fromComparableBytes(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, ByteSource.Peekable comparableBytes, ByteComparable.Version version)
assert version != ByteComparable.Version.LEGACY;
if (comparableBytes == null)
return accessor.empty();
// Consume the first byte to determine whether the encoded number is positive and
// start iterating through the length header bytes and collecting the number of value bytes.
int sign = comparableBytes.peek() ^ 0xFF; // FF if negative, 00 if positive
if (sign != 0xFF && sign != 0x00)
return extractVarIntBytes(accessor, ByteSourceInverse.getVariableLengthInteger(comparableBytes));
// consume the sign byte;
// Read the length (inverted if the number is negative)
int valueBytes = Math.toIntExact(ByteSourceInverse.getVariableLengthUnsignedIntegerXoring(comparableBytes, sign) + FULL_FORM_THRESHOLD);
// Get the bytes.
return extractBytes(accessor, comparableBytes, sign, valueBytes);
private <V> V extractVarIntBytes(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, long value)
int length = (64 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value ^ (value >> 63)) + 8) / 8; // number of bytes needed: 7 bits -> one byte, 8 bits -> 2 bytes
V buf = accessor.allocate(length);
switch (length)
case 1:
accessor.putByte(buf, 0, (byte) value);
case 2:
accessor.putShort(buf, 0, (short) value);
case 3:
accessor.putShort(buf, 0, (short) (value >> 8));
accessor.putByte(buf, 2, (byte) value);
case 4:
accessor.putInt(buf, 0, (int) value);
case 5:
accessor.putInt(buf, 0, (int) (value >> 8));
accessor.putByte(buf, 4, (byte) value);
case 6:
accessor.putInt(buf, 0, (int) (value >> 16));
accessor.putShort(buf, 4, (short) value);
case 7:
accessor.putInt(buf, 0, (int) (value >> 24));
accessor.putShort(buf, 4, (short) (value >> 8));
accessor.putByte(buf, 6, (byte) value);
case 8:
// This is not reachable within the encoding; added for completeness.
accessor.putLong(buf, 0, value);
throw new AssertionError();
return buf;
private <V> V extractBytes(ValueAccessor<V> accessor, ByteSource.Peekable comparableBytes, int sign, int valueBytes)
int writtenBytes = 0;
V buf;
// Add "leading zero" if needed (i.e. in case the leading byte of a positive number corresponds to a negative
// value, or in case the leading byte of a negative number corresponds to a non-negative value).
// Size the array containing all the value bytes accordingly.
int curr =;
if ((curr & 0x80) != (sign & 0x80))
buf = accessor.allocate(valueBytes);
accessor.putByte(buf, writtenBytes++, (byte) sign);
buf = accessor.allocate(valueBytes);
// Don't forget to add the first consumed value byte after determining whether leading zero should be added
// and sizing the value bytes array.
accessor.putByte(buf, writtenBytes++, (byte) curr);
// Consume exactly the number of expected value bytes.
while (writtenBytes < valueBytes)
accessor.putByte(buf, writtenBytes++, (byte);
return buf;
public ByteBuffer fromString(String source) throws MarshalException
// Return an empty ByteBuffer for an empty string.
if (source.isEmpty())
return ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
BigInteger integerType;
integerType = new BigInteger(source);
catch (Exception e)
throw new MarshalException(String.format("unable to make int from '%s'", source), e);
return decompose(integerType);
public Term fromJSONObject(Object parsed) throws MarshalException
return new Constants.Value(getSerializer().serialize(new BigInteger(parsed.toString())));
catch (NumberFormatException exc)
throw new MarshalException(String.format(
"Value '%s' is not a valid representation of a varint value", parsed));
public String toJSONString(ByteBuffer buffer, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
return Objects.toString(getSerializer().deserialize(buffer), "\"\"");
public boolean isValueCompatibleWithInternal(AbstractType<?> otherType)
return this == otherType || Int32Type.instance.isValueCompatibleWith(otherType) || LongType.instance.isValueCompatibleWith(otherType);
public CQL3Type asCQL3Type()
return CQL3Type.Native.VARINT;
public TypeSerializer<BigInteger> getSerializer()
return IntegerSerializer.instance;
protected int toInt(ByteBuffer value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected float toFloat(ByteBuffer value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected long toLong(ByteBuffer value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected double toDouble(ByteBuffer value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected BigInteger toBigInteger(ByteBuffer value)
return compose(value);
protected BigDecimal toBigDecimal(ByteBuffer value)
return new BigDecimal(compose(value));
public ByteBuffer add(NumberType<?> leftType, ByteBuffer left, NumberType<?> rightType, ByteBuffer right)
return decompose(leftType.toBigInteger(left).add(rightType.toBigInteger(right)));
public ByteBuffer substract(NumberType<?> leftType, ByteBuffer left, NumberType<?> rightType, ByteBuffer right)
return decompose(leftType.toBigInteger(left).subtract(rightType.toBigInteger(right)));
public ByteBuffer multiply(NumberType<?> leftType, ByteBuffer left, NumberType<?> rightType, ByteBuffer right)
return decompose(leftType.toBigInteger(left).multiply(rightType.toBigInteger(right)));
public ByteBuffer divide(NumberType<?> leftType, ByteBuffer left, NumberType<?> rightType, ByteBuffer right)
return decompose(leftType.toBigInteger(left).divide(rightType.toBigInteger(right)));
public ByteBuffer mod(NumberType<?> leftType, ByteBuffer left, NumberType<?> rightType, ByteBuffer right)
return decompose(leftType.toBigInteger(left).remainder(rightType.toBigInteger(right)));
public ByteBuffer negate(ByteBuffer input)
return decompose(toBigInteger(input).negate());
public ByteBuffer abs(ByteBuffer input)
return decompose(toBigInteger(input).abs());
public ByteBuffer exp(ByteBuffer input)
BigInteger bi = toBigInteger(input);
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi);
BigDecimal result = DecimalType.instance.exp(bd);
BigInteger out = result.toBigInteger();
return IntegerType.instance.decompose(out);
public ByteBuffer log(ByteBuffer input)
BigInteger bi = toBigInteger(input);
if (bi.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Natural log of number zero or less");
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi);
BigDecimal result = DecimalType.instance.log(bd);
BigInteger out = result.toBigInteger();
return IntegerType.instance.decompose(out);
public ByteBuffer log10(ByteBuffer input)
BigInteger bi = toBigInteger(input);
if (bi.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Log10 of number zero or less");
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(bi);
BigDecimal result = DecimalType.instance.log10(bd);
BigInteger out = result.toBigInteger();
return IntegerType.instance.decompose(out);
public ByteBuffer round(ByteBuffer input)
return ByteBufferUtil.clone(input);
public ByteBuffer getMaskedValue()