blob: 9e0fef144364b24335989505ab4f2fa857210bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaConstants;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.OperationExecutionException;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
* Operation functions (Mathematics).
public final class OperationFcts
private static enum OPERATION
ADDITION('+', "_add")
protected ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.add(leftType, left, rightType, right);
protected ByteBuffer executeOnTemporals(TemporalType<?> type,
ByteBuffer temporal,
ByteBuffer duration)
return type.addDuration(temporal, duration);
protected ByteBuffer excuteOnStrings(StringType resultType,
StringType leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
StringType rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.concat(leftType, left, rightType, right);
SUBSTRACTION('-', "_substract")
protected ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.substract(leftType, left, rightType, right);
protected ByteBuffer executeOnTemporals(TemporalType<?> type,
ByteBuffer temporal,
ByteBuffer duration)
return type.substractDuration(temporal, duration);
MULTIPLICATION('*', "_multiply")
protected ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.multiply(leftType, left, rightType, right);
DIVISION('/', "_divide")
protected ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.divide(leftType, left, rightType, right);
MODULO('%', "_modulo")
protected ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
return resultType.mod(leftType, left, rightType, right);
* The operator symbol.
private final char symbol;
* The name of the function associated to this operation
private final String functionName;
private OPERATION(char symbol, String functionName)
this.symbol = symbol;
this.functionName = functionName;
* Executes the operation between the specified numeric operand.
* @param resultType the result ype of the operation
* @param leftType the type of the left operand
* @param left the left operand
* @param rightType the type of the right operand
* @param right the right operand
* @return the operation result
protected abstract ByteBuffer executeOnNumerics(NumberType<?> resultType,
NumberType<?> leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
NumberType<?> rightType,
ByteBuffer right);
* Executes the operation on the specified temporal operand.
* @param type the temporal type
* @param temporal the temporal value
* @param duration the duration
* @return the operation result
protected ByteBuffer executeOnTemporals(TemporalType<?> type,
ByteBuffer temporal,
ByteBuffer duration)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Executes the operation between the specified string operand.
* @param resultType the result type of the operation
* @param leftType the type of the left operand
* @param left the left operand
* @param rightType the type of the right operand
* @param right the right operand
* @return the operation result
protected ByteBuffer excuteOnStrings(StringType resultType,
StringType leftType,
ByteBuffer left,
StringType rightType,
ByteBuffer right)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns the {@code OPERATOR} associated to the specified function.
* @param functionName the function name
* @return the {@code OPERATOR} associated to the specified function
public static OPERATION fromFunctionName(String functionName)
for (OPERATION operator : values())
if (operator.functionName.equals(functionName))
return operator;
return null;
* Returns the {@code OPERATOR} with the specified symbol.
* @param functionName the function name
* @return the {@code OPERATOR} with the specified symbol
public static OPERATION fromSymbol(char symbol)
for (OPERATION operator : values())
if (operator.symbol == symbol)
return operator;
return null;
* The name of the function used to perform negations
public static final String NEGATION_FUNCTION_NAME = "_negate";
public static void addFunctionsTo(NativeFunctions functions)
final NumberType<?>[] numericTypes = new NumberType[] { ByteType.instance,
for (NumberType<?> left : numericTypes)
for (NumberType<?> right : numericTypes)
NumberType<?> returnType = returnType(left, right);
for (OPERATION operation : OPERATION.values())
functions.add(new NumericOperationFunction(returnType, left, operation, right));
functions.add(new NumericNegationFunction(left));
functions.add(new TemporalOperationFunction(TimestampType.instance, operation));
functions.add(new TemporalOperationFunction(SimpleDateType.instance, operation));
private static void addStringConcatenations(NativeFunctions functions)
functions.add(new StringOperationFunction(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance, OPERATION.ADDITION, UTF8Type.instance));
functions.add(new StringOperationFunction(AsciiType.instance, AsciiType.instance, OPERATION.ADDITION, AsciiType.instance));
functions.add(new StringOperationFunction(UTF8Type.instance, AsciiType.instance, OPERATION.ADDITION, UTF8Type.instance));
functions.add(new StringOperationFunction(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance, OPERATION.ADDITION, AsciiType.instance));
* Checks if the function with the specified name is an operation.
* @param function the function name
* @return {@code true} if the function is an operation, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isOperation(FunctionName function)
return SchemaConstants.SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAME.equals(function.keyspace)
&& OPERATION.fromFunctionName( != null;
* Checks if the function with the specified name is a negation.
* @param function the function name
* @return {@code true} if the function is an negation, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isNegation(FunctionName function)
return SchemaConstants.SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAME.equals(function.keyspace)&& NEGATION_FUNCTION_NAME.equals(;
* Returns the operator associated to the specified function.
* @return the operator associated to the specified function.
public static char getOperator(FunctionName function)
assert SchemaConstants.SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAME.equals(function.keyspace);
return OPERATION.fromFunctionName(;
* Returns the name of the function associated to the specified operator.
* @param operator the operator
* @return the name of the function associated to the specified operator
public static FunctionName getFunctionNameFromOperator(char operator)
return FunctionName.nativeFunction(OPERATION.fromSymbol(operator).functionName);
* Determine the return type for an operation between the specified types.
* @param left the type of the left operand
* @param right the type of the right operand
* @return the return type for an operation between the specified types
private static NumberType<?> returnType(NumberType<?> left, NumberType<?> right)
boolean isFloatingPoint = left.isFloatingPoint() || right.isFloatingPoint();
int size = Math.max(size(left), size(right));
return isFloatingPoint
? floatPointType(size)
: integerType(size);
* Returns the number of bytes used to represent a value of this type.
* @return the number of bytes used to represent a value of this type or {@code Integer.MAX} if the number of bytes
* is not limited.
private static int size(NumberType<?> type)
int size = type.valueLengthIfFixed();
if (size > 0)
return size;
// tinyint and smallint type are not fixed length types even if they should be.
// So we need to handle them in a special way.
if (type == ByteType.instance)
return 1;
if (type == ShortType.instance)
return 2;
if (type.isCounter())
return LongType.instance.valueLengthIfFixed();
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private static NumberType<?> floatPointType(int size)
switch (size)
case 4: return FloatType.instance;
case 8: return DoubleType.instance;
default: return DecimalType.instance;
private static NumberType<?> integerType(int size)
switch (size)
case 1: return ByteType.instance;
case 2: return ShortType.instance;
case 4: return Int32Type.instance;
case 8: return LongType.instance;
default: return IntegerType.instance;
* The class must not be instantiated.
private OperationFcts()
* Base class for functions that execute operations.
private static abstract class OperationFunction extends NativeScalarFunction
private final OPERATION operation;
public OperationFunction(AbstractType<?> returnType,
AbstractType<?> left,
OPERATION operation,
AbstractType<?> right)
super(operation.functionName, returnType, left, right);
this.operation = operation;
public final String columnName(List<String> columnNames)
return String.format("%s %s %s", columnNames.get(0), getOperator(), columnNames.get(1));
public final ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters)
ByteBuffer left = parameters.get(0);
ByteBuffer right = parameters.get(1);
if (left == null || !left.hasRemaining() || right == null || !right.hasRemaining())
return null;
return doExecute(left, operation, right);
catch (Exception e)
throw OperationExecutionException.create(getOperator(), argTypes, e);
protected abstract ByteBuffer doExecute(ByteBuffer left, OPERATION operation, ByteBuffer right);
* Returns the operator symbol.
* @return the operator symbol
private final char getOperator()
return operation.symbol;
* Function that execute operations on numbers.
private static class NumericOperationFunction extends OperationFunction
public NumericOperationFunction(NumberType<?> returnType,
NumberType<?> left,
OPERATION operation,
NumberType<?> right)
super(returnType, left, operation, right);
protected ByteBuffer doExecute(ByteBuffer left, OPERATION operation, ByteBuffer right)
NumberType<?> leftType = (NumberType<?>) argTypes().get(0);
NumberType<?> rightType = (NumberType<?>) argTypes().get(1);
NumberType<?> resultType = (NumberType<?>) returnType();
return operation.executeOnNumerics(resultType, leftType, left, rightType, right);
private static class StringOperationFunction extends OperationFunction
public StringOperationFunction(StringType returnType,
StringType left,
OPERATION operation,
StringType right)
super(returnType, left, operation, right);
protected ByteBuffer doExecute(ByteBuffer left, OPERATION operation, ByteBuffer right)
StringType leftType = (StringType) argTypes().get(0);
StringType rightType = (StringType) argTypes().get(1);
StringType resultType = (StringType) returnType();
return operation.excuteOnStrings(resultType, leftType, left, rightType, right);
* Function that execute operations on temporals (timestamp, date, ...).
private static class TemporalOperationFunction extends OperationFunction
public TemporalOperationFunction(TemporalType<?> type,
OPERATION operation)
super(type, type, operation, DurationType.instance);
protected ByteBuffer doExecute(ByteBuffer left, OPERATION operation, ByteBuffer right)
TemporalType<?> resultType = (TemporalType<?>) returnType();
return operation.executeOnTemporals(resultType, left, right);
* Function that negate a number.
private static class NumericNegationFunction extends NativeScalarFunction
public NumericNegationFunction(NumberType<?> inputType)
super(NEGATION_FUNCTION_NAME, inputType, inputType);
public final String columnName(List<String> columnNames)
return String.format("-%s", columnNames.get(0));
public final ByteBuffer execute(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, List<ByteBuffer> parameters)
ByteBuffer input = parameters.get(0);
if (input == null)
return null;
NumberType<?> inputType = (NumberType<?>) argTypes().get(0);
return inputType.negate(input);