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= The Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
This document describes the Cassandra Query Language
(CQL) version 3.
Note that this document describes the last version of the language.
However, the xref:cql/changes.adoc[changes] section provides the differences between the versions of CQL since version 3.0.
CQL offers a model similar to SQL.
The data is stored in *tables* containing *rows* of *columns*.
For that reason, when used in this document, these terms (tables, rows and columns) have the same definition that they have in SQL.
* xref:cql/definitions.adoc[Definitions]
* xref:cql/types.adoc[Data types]
* xref:cql/ddl.adoc[Data definition language]
* xref:cql/dml.adoc[Data manipulation language]
* xref:cql/operators.adoc[Operators]
* xref:cql/indexes.adoc[Secondary indexes]
* xref:cql/mvs.adoc[Materialized views]
* xref:cql/functions.adoc[Functions]
* xref:cql/json.adoc[JSON]
* xref:cql/security.adoc[CQL security]
* xref:cql/dynamic_data_masking.adoc[Dynamic data masking]
* xref:cql/triggers.adoc[Triggers]
* xref:cql/appendices.adoc[Appendices]
* xref:cql/changes.adoc[Changes]