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package org.apache.cassandra.db.guardrails;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type;
* Tests the guardrail for the max number of restrictions produced by the cartesian product of the {@code IN}
* restrictions of a query, {@link Guardrails#inSelectCartesianProduct}.
public class GuardrailInSelectCartesianProductTest extends ThresholdTester
private static final int WARN_THRESHOLD = 16;
private static final int FAIL_THRESHOLD = 25;
private static final String WARN_MESSAGE = "The cartesian product of the IN restrictions on %s produces %d " +
"values, this exceeds warning threshold of " + WARN_THRESHOLD;
private static final String FAIL_MESSAGE = "Aborting query because the cartesian product of the IN restrictions " +
"on %s produces %d values, this exceeds fail threshold of " + FAIL_THRESHOLD;
public GuardrailInSelectCartesianProductTest()
protected long currentValue()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void initSchema()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (pk1 int, pk2 int, ck1 int, ck2 int, PRIMARY KEY((pk1, pk2), ck1, ck2))");
public void testPkCartesianProduct() throws Throwable
// below both thresholds
testPkCartesianProduct(1, 1);
testPkCartesianProduct(1, 4);
testPkCartesianProduct(4, 4);
// above warn threshold
testPkCartesianProduct(5, 5);
testPkCartesianProduct(2, 12);
testPkCartesianProduct(8, 3);
// above cartesian product limit
testPkCartesianProduct(1, 26);
testPkCartesianProduct(5, 6);
testPkCartesianProduct(26, 1);
public void testCkCartesianProduct() throws Throwable
// below both thresholds
testCkCartesianProduct(3, 8);
testCkCartesianProduct(5, 5);
// above cartesian product limit
testCkCartesianProduct(1, 26);
testCkCartesianProduct(5, 6);
testCkCartesianProduct(6, 5);
testCkCartesianProduct(26, 1);
public void testPkCkCartesianProduct() throws Throwable
// below both thresholds
testCartesianProduct(1, 10, 1, 10);
testCartesianProduct(10, 1, 10, 1);
testCartesianProduct(5, 5, 5, 5);
// above cartesian product limit
testCartesianProduct(5, 6, 5, 5);
testCartesianProduct(6, 5, 5, 5);
testCartesianProduct(5, 5, 6, 5);
testCartesianProduct(5, 5, 5, 6);
public void testExcludedUsers() throws Throwable
testExcludedUsers(() -> String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE pk1 in (%s) AND pk2 in (%s)",
terms(5), terms(5)),
() -> String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE pk1 in (%s) AND pk2 in (%s) AND ck1 in (%s) AND ck2 in (%s)",
terms(5), terms(5), terms(5), terms(6)));
public void testPkCartesianProductMultiColumnBelowThreshold() throws Throwable
String inTerms = IntStream.range(0, 5).mapToObj(i -> String.format("(%d, %d)", i, i + 1)).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
String query = String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE (pk1, pk2) in (%s)", inTerms);
assertInvalidMessage("Multi-column relations can only be applied to clustering columns but was applied to: pk1", query);
private void testPkCartesianProduct(int pk1Terms, int pk2Terms) throws Throwable
testCartesianProduct(pk1Terms, pk2Terms, 1, 1);
private void testCkCartesianProduct(int ck1Terms, int ck2Terms) throws Throwable
testCartesianProduct(1, 1, ck1Terms, ck2Terms);
private void testCartesianProduct(int pk1, int pk2, int ck1, int ck2) throws Throwable
int keys = pk1 * pk2;
int clusterings = ck1 * ck2;
String query = String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE pk1 in (%s) AND pk2 in (%s) AND ck1 in (%s) AND ck2 in (%s)",
terms(pk1), terms(pk2), terms(ck1), terms(ck2));
testCartesianProduct(() -> execute(userClientState, query), keys, clusterings);
String queryWithBindVariables = String.format("SELECT * FROM %%s WHERE pk1 in (%s) AND pk2 in (%s) AND ck1 in (%s) AND ck2 in (%s)",
markers(pk1), markers(pk2), markers(ck1), markers(ck2));
testCartesianProduct(() -> execute(userClientState, queryWithBindVariables, bindValues(pk1, pk2, ck1, ck2)), keys, clusterings);
private void testCartesianProduct(CheckedFunction function, int keys, int clusterings) throws Throwable
String keysFailMessage = String.format(FAIL_MESSAGE, "partition key", keys);
String keysWarnMessage = String.format(WARN_MESSAGE, "partition key", keys);
String clusteringsFailMessage = String.format(FAIL_MESSAGE, "clustering key", clusterings);
String clusteringsWarnMessage = String.format(WARN_MESSAGE, "clustering key", clusterings);
if (keys > FAIL_THRESHOLD)
assertFails(function, keysFailMessage);
else if (keys > WARN_THRESHOLD)
if (clusterings > FAIL_THRESHOLD)
assertFails(function, Arrays.asList(keysWarnMessage, clusteringsFailMessage));
else if (clusterings > WARN_THRESHOLD)
assertWarns(function, Arrays.asList(keysWarnMessage, clusteringsWarnMessage));
assertWarns(function, keysWarnMessage);
else if (clusterings > FAIL_THRESHOLD)
assertFails(function, clusteringsFailMessage);
else if (clusterings > WARN_THRESHOLD)
assertWarns(function, clusteringsWarnMessage);
private static String terms(int terms)
assert terms > 0;
return IntStream.range(0, terms).mapToObj(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
private static String markers(int terms)
assert terms > 0;
return IntStream.range(0, terms).mapToObj(i -> "?").collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
private static List<ByteBuffer> bindValues(int... termCounts)
return IntStream.of(termCounts)
.flatMap(terms -> IntStream.range(0, terms).boxed().map(Int32Type.instance::decompose))