blob: 3b54398406d629800690a2eca3a4bf9ebf8927d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.Cluster;
import org.apache.cassandra.distributed.api.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.assertRows;
import static org.apache.cassandra.distributed.shared.AssertUtils.row;
public class FrozenUDTTest extends TestBaseImpl
public void testAddAndUDTField() throws IOException
try (Cluster cluster = init(
cluster.schemaChange("create type " + KEYSPACE + ".a (foo text)");
cluster.schemaChange("create table " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id int, ck frozen<a>, i int, primary key (id, ck))");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(i) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL, i, i);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(i), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, i),
cluster.schemaChange("alter type " + KEYSPACE + ".a add bar text");
for (int i = 5; i < 15; i++)
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(i) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL, i, i);
cluster.forEach(i -> i.flush(KEYSPACE));
for (int i = 5; i < 15; i++)
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(i), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, i),
public void testEmptyValue() throws IOException
try (Cluster cluster = init(
cluster.schemaChange("create type " + KEYSPACE + ".a (foo text)");
cluster.schemaChange("create table " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id int, ck frozen<a>, i int, primary key (id, ck))");
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (1, system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"\"}'), 1)", ConsistencyLevel.ALL);
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (1, system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"a\"}'), 2)", ConsistencyLevel.ALL);
cluster.forEach(i -> i.flush(KEYSPACE));
Runnable check = () -> {
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = 1 and ck = system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"\"}')", ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = 1 and ck = system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"a\"}')", ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
cluster.schemaChange("alter type " + KEYSPACE + ".a add bar text");;
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = 1 and ck = system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"\",\"bar\":\"\"}')", ConsistencyLevel.ALL));
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (1, system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"\",\"bar\":\"\"}'), 3)", ConsistencyLevel.ALL);;
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = 1 and ck = system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"\",\"bar\":\"\"}')", ConsistencyLevel.ALL),
public void testUpgradeSStables() throws IOException
try (Cluster cluster = init(
cluster.schemaChange("create type " + KEYSPACE + ".a (foo text)");
cluster.schemaChange("create table " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id int, ck frozen<a>, i int, primary key (id, ck))");
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(1) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL, 1, 1);
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(1), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, 1), row(1));
cluster.forEach(i -> i.flush(KEYSPACE));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(1), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, 1), row(1));
cluster.schemaChange("alter type " + KEYSPACE + ".a add bar text");
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(2) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL, 2, 2);
cluster.forEach(i -> i.flush(KEYSPACE));
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(2), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, 2), row(2));
cluster.forEach(i -> i.runOnInstance(() -> {
StorageService.instance.upgradeSSTables(KEYSPACE, false, "x");
catch (IOException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
cluster.forEach(i -> i.forceCompact(KEYSPACE, "x"));
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
assertRows(cluster.coordinator(1).execute("select i from " + KEYSPACE + ".x WHERE id = ? and ck = " + json(i), ConsistencyLevel.ALL, i),
public void testDivergentSchemas() throws Throwable
try (Cluster cluster = init(Cluster.create(2)))
cluster.schemaChange("create type " + KEYSPACE + ".a (foo text)");
cluster.schemaChange("create table " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id int, ck frozen<a>, i int, primary key (id, ck))");
cluster.get(1).executeInternal("alter type " + KEYSPACE + ".a add bar text");
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(1, 1) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
1, 1);
cluster.coordinator(1).execute("insert into " + KEYSPACE + ".x (id, ck, i) VALUES (?, " + json(1, 2) + ", ? )", ConsistencyLevel.ALL,
2, 2);
private String json(int i)
return String.format("system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"%d\"}')", i);
private String json(int i, int j)
return String.format("system.fromjson('{\"foo\":\"%d\", \"bar\":\"%d\"}')", i, j);