blob: fddb1e13d83449f5a11c295ec28bb84fa1d70ff3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.service.reads.thresholds;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ReadSizeAbortException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestFailureReason;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.TombstoneAbortException;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.InetAddressAndPort;
public class WarningsSnapshot
private static final WarningsSnapshot EMPTY = new WarningsSnapshot(Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY);
public final Warnings tombstones, localReadSize, rowIndexReadSize;
private WarningsSnapshot(Warnings tombstones, Warnings localReadSize, Warnings rowIndexReadSize)
this.tombstones = tombstones;
this.localReadSize = localReadSize;
this.rowIndexReadSize = rowIndexReadSize;
public static WarningsSnapshot empty()
return EMPTY;
public static WarningsSnapshot create(Warnings tombstones, Warnings localReadSize, Warnings rowIndexTooLarge)
if (tombstones == localReadSize && tombstones == rowIndexTooLarge && tombstones == Warnings.EMPTY)
return EMPTY;
return new WarningsSnapshot(tombstones, localReadSize, rowIndexTooLarge);
public static WarningsSnapshot merge(WarningsSnapshot... values)
if (values == null || values.length == 0)
return null;
WarningsSnapshot accum = EMPTY;
for (WarningsSnapshot a : values)
accum = accum.merge(a);
return accum == EMPTY ? null : accum;
public boolean isEmpty()
return this == EMPTY;
public boolean isDefined()
return this != EMPTY;
WarningsSnapshot merge(WarningsSnapshot other)
if (other == null || other == EMPTY)
return this;
return WarningsSnapshot.create(tombstones.merge(other.tombstones), localReadSize.merge(other.localReadSize), rowIndexReadSize.merge(other.rowIndexReadSize));
public void maybeAbort(ReadCommand command, ConsistencyLevel cl, int received, int blockFor, boolean isDataPresent, Map<InetAddressAndPort, RequestFailureReason> failureReasonByEndpoint)
if (!tombstones.aborts.instances.isEmpty())
throw new TombstoneAbortException(tombstones.aborts.instances.size(), tombstones.aborts.maxValue, command.toCQLString(), isDataPresent,
cl, received, blockFor, failureReasonByEndpoint);
if (!localReadSize.aborts.instances.isEmpty())
throw new ReadSizeAbortException(localReadSizeAbortMessage(localReadSize.aborts.instances.size(), localReadSize.aborts.maxValue, command.toCQLString()),
cl, received, blockFor, isDataPresent, failureReasonByEndpoint);
if (!rowIndexReadSize.aborts.instances.isEmpty())
throw new ReadSizeAbortException(rowIndexReadSizeAbortMessage(rowIndexReadSize.aborts.instances.size(), rowIndexReadSize.aborts.maxValue, command.toCQLString()),
cl, received, blockFor, isDataPresent, failureReasonByEndpoint);
public static String tombstoneAbortMessage(int nodes, long tombstones, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes scanned over %s tombstones and aborted the query %s (see tombstone_failure_threshold)", nodes, tombstones, cql);
public static String tombstoneWarnMessage(int nodes, long tombstones, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes scanned up to %s tombstones and issued tombstone warnings for query %s (see tombstone_warn_threshold)", nodes, tombstones, cql);
public static String localReadSizeAbortMessage(long nodes, long bytes, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes loaded over %s bytes and aborted the query %s (see local_read_size_fail_threshold)", nodes, bytes, cql);
public static String localReadSizeWarnMessage(int nodes, long bytes, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes loaded over %s bytes and issued local read size warnings for query %s (see local_read_size_warn_threshold)", nodes, bytes, cql);
public static String rowIndexReadSizeAbortMessage(long nodes, long bytes, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes loaded over %s bytes in RowIndexEntry and aborted the query %s (see row_index_size_fail_threshold)", nodes, bytes, cql);
public static String rowIndexSizeWarnMessage(int nodes, long bytes, String cql)
return String.format("%s nodes loaded over %s bytes in RowIndexEntry and issued warnings for query %s (see row_index_size_warn_threshold)", nodes, bytes, cql);
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
WarningsSnapshot that = (WarningsSnapshot) o;
return Objects.equals(tombstones, that.tombstones) && Objects.equals(localReadSize, that.localReadSize) && Objects.equals(rowIndexReadSize, that.rowIndexReadSize);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(tombstones, localReadSize, rowIndexReadSize);
public String toString()
return "(tombstones=" + tombstones + ", localReadSize=" + localReadSize + ", rowIndexTooLarge=" + rowIndexReadSize + ')';
public static final class Warnings
private static final Warnings EMPTY = new Warnings(Counter.EMPTY, Counter.EMPTY);
public final Counter warnings;
public final Counter aborts;
private Warnings(Counter warnings, Counter aborts)
this.warnings = warnings;
this.aborts = aborts;
public static Warnings create(Counter warnings, Counter aborts)
if (warnings == Counter.EMPTY && aborts == Counter.EMPTY)
return EMPTY;
return new Warnings(warnings, aborts);
public Warnings merge(Warnings other)
if (other == EMPTY)
return this;
return Warnings.create(warnings.merge(other.warnings), aborts.merge(other.aborts));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Warnings warnings1 = (Warnings) o;
return Objects.equals(warnings, warnings1.warnings) && Objects.equals(aborts, warnings1.aborts);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(warnings, aborts);
public String toString()
return "(warnings=" + warnings + ", aborts=" + aborts + ')';
public static final class Counter
private static final Counter EMPTY = new Counter(ImmutableSet.of(), 0);
public final ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances;
public final long maxValue;
Counter(ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances, long maxValue)
this.instances = instances;
this.maxValue = maxValue;
static Counter empty()
return EMPTY;
public static Counter create(Set<InetAddressAndPort> instances, AtomicLong maxValue)
ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> copy = ImmutableSet.copyOf(instances);
// if instances is empty ignore value
// writes and reads are concurrent (write = networking callback, read = coordinator thread), so there is
// an edge case where instances is empty and maxValue > 0; this is caused by the fact we update value first before count
// we write: value then instance
// we read: instance then value
if (copy.isEmpty())
return EMPTY;
return new Counter(copy, maxValue.get());
public Counter merge(Counter other)
if (other == EMPTY)
return this;
ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> copy = ImmutableSet.<InetAddressAndPort>builder()
// since other is NOT empty, then output can not be empty; so skip create method
return new Counter(copy, Math.max(maxValue, other.maxValue));
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Counter counter = (Counter) o;
return maxValue == counter.maxValue && Objects.equals(instances, counter.instances);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(instances, maxValue);
public String toString()
return "(" + instances + ", " + maxValue + ')';
static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
public static final class Builder
private WarningsSnapshot snapshot = empty();
public Builder tombstonesWarning(ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances, long maxValue)
return tombstonesWarning(new Counter(Objects.requireNonNull(instances), maxValue));
public Builder tombstonesWarning(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(new Warnings(counter, Counter.EMPTY), Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY));
return this;
public Builder tombstonesAbort(ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances, long maxValue)
return tombstonesAbort(new Counter(Objects.requireNonNull(instances), maxValue));
public Builder tombstonesAbort(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(new Warnings(Counter.EMPTY, counter), Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY));
return this;
public Builder localReadSizeWarning(ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances, long maxValue)
return localReadSizeWarning(new Counter(Objects.requireNonNull(instances), maxValue));
public Builder localReadSizeWarning(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(Warnings.EMPTY, new Warnings(counter, Counter.EMPTY), Warnings.EMPTY));
return this;
public Builder localReadSizeAbort(ImmutableSet<InetAddressAndPort> instances, long maxValue)
return localReadSizeAbort(new Counter(Objects.requireNonNull(instances), maxValue));
public Builder localReadSizeAbort(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(Warnings.EMPTY, new Warnings(Counter.EMPTY, counter), Warnings.EMPTY));
return this;
public Builder rowIndexSizeWarning(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY, new Warnings(counter, Counter.EMPTY)));
return this;
public Builder rowIndexSizeAbort(Counter counter)
snapshot = snapshot.merge(new WarningsSnapshot(Warnings.EMPTY, Warnings.EMPTY, new Warnings(Counter.EMPTY, counter)));
return this;
public WarningsSnapshot build()
return snapshot;