blob: 776027e395a1f72e50f1e8c525713393af7d8530 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.metrics;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.ToLongFunction;
import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics.ReleasableMetric;
import static org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry.Metrics;
* Metrics for {@link ColumnFamilyStore}.
public class KeyspaceMetrics
/** Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead */
public final Gauge<Long> memtableLiveDataSize;
/** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. */
public final Gauge<Long> memtableOnHeapDataSize;
/** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. */
public final Gauge<Long> memtableOffHeapDataSize;
/** Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead */
public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesLiveDataSize;
/** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides on-heap. */
public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesOnHeapDataSize;
/** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap. */
public final Gauge<Long> allMemtablesOffHeapDataSize;
/** Total number of columns present in the memtable. */
public final Gauge<Long> memtableColumnsCount;
/** Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out. */
public final Gauge<Long> memtableSwitchCount;
/** Estimated number of tasks pending for this column family */
public final Gauge<Long> pendingFlushes;
/** Estimate of number of pending compactios for this CF */
public final Gauge<Long> pendingCompactions;
/** Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this CF */
public final Gauge<Long> liveDiskSpaceUsed;
/** Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this CF, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd */
public final Gauge<Long> totalDiskSpaceUsed;
/** Disk space used by bloom filter */
public final Gauge<Long> bloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed;
/** Off heap memory used by bloom filter */
public final Gauge<Long> bloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed;
/** Off heap memory used by index summary */
public final Gauge<Long> indexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed;
/** Off heap memory used by compression meta data*/
public final Gauge<Long> compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed;
/** (Local) read metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics readLatency;
/** (Local) range slice metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics rangeLatency;
/** (Local) write metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics writeLatency;
/** Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per read */
public final Histogram sstablesPerReadHistogram;
/** Tombstones scanned in queries on this Keyspace */
public final Histogram tombstoneScannedHistogram;
/** Live cells scanned in queries on this Keyspace */
public final Histogram liveScannedHistogram;
/** Column update time delta on this Keyspace */
public final Histogram colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram;
/** time taken acquiring the partition lock for materialized view updates on this keyspace */
public final Timer viewLockAcquireTime;
/** time taken during the local read of a materialized view update */
public final Timer viewReadTime;
/** CAS Prepare metric */
public final LatencyMetrics casPrepare;
/** CAS Propose metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics casPropose;
/** CAS Commit metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics casCommit;
/** Writes failed ideal consistency **/
public final Counter writeFailedIdealCL;
/** Ideal CL write latency metrics */
public final LatencyMetrics idealCLWriteLatency;
/** Speculative retries **/
public final Counter speculativeRetries;
/** Speculative retry occured but still timed out **/
public final Counter speculativeFailedRetries;
/** Needed to speculate, but didn't have enough replicas **/
public final Counter speculativeInsufficientReplicas;
/** Needed to write to a transient replica to satisfy quorum **/
public final Counter additionalWrites;
/** Number of started repairs as coordinator on this keyspace */
public final Counter repairsStarted;
/** Number of completed repairs as coordinator on this keyspace */
public final Counter repairsCompleted;
/** total time spent as a repair coordinator */
public final Timer repairTime;
/** total time spent preparing for repair */
public final Timer repairPrepareTime;
/** Time spent anticompacting */
public final Timer anticompactionTime;
/** total time spent creating merkle trees */
public final Timer validationTime;
/** total time spent syncing data after repair */
public final Timer repairSyncTime;
/** histogram over the number of bytes we have validated */
public final Histogram bytesValidated;
/** histogram over the number of partitions we have validated */
public final Histogram partitionsValidated;
* Metrics for inconsistencies detected between repaired data sets across replicas. These
* are tracked on the coordinator.
* Incremented where an inconsistency is detected and there are no pending repair sessions affecting
* the data being read, indicating a genuine mismatch between replicas' repaired data sets.
public final Meter confirmedRepairedInconsistencies;
* Incremented where an inconsistency is detected, but there are pending & uncommitted repair sessions
* in play on at least one replica. This may indicate a false positive as the inconsistency could be due to
* replicas marking the repair session as committed at slightly different times and so some consider it to
* be part of the repaired set whilst others do not.
public final Meter unconfirmedRepairedInconsistencies;
* Tracks the amount overreading of repaired data replicas perform in order to produce digests
* at query time. For each query, on a full data read following an initial digest mismatch, the replicas
* may read extra repaired data, up to the DataLimit of the command, so that the coordinator can compare
* the repaired data on each replica. These are tracked on each replica.
public final Histogram repairedDataTrackingOverreadRows;
public final Timer repairedDataTrackingOverreadTime;
public final Meter clientTombstoneWarnings;
public final Meter clientTombstoneAborts;
public final Meter coordinatorReadSizeWarnings;
public final Meter coordinatorReadSizeAborts;
public final Histogram coordinatorReadSize;
public final Meter localReadSizeWarnings;
public final Meter localReadSizeAborts;
public final Histogram localReadSize;
public final Meter rowIndexSizeWarnings;
public final Meter rowIndexSizeAborts;
public final Histogram rowIndexSize;
public final MetricNameFactory factory;
private Keyspace keyspace;
/** set containing names of all the metrics stored here, for releasing later */
private Set<ReleasableMetric> allMetrics = Sets.newHashSet();
* Creates metrics for given {@link ColumnFamilyStore}.
* @param ks Keyspace to measure metrics
public KeyspaceMetrics(final Keyspace ks)
factory = new KeyspaceMetricNameFactory(ks);
keyspace = ks;
memtableColumnsCount = createKeyspaceGauge("MemtableColumnsCount",
metric -> metric.memtableColumnsCount.getValue());
memtableLiveDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("MemtableLiveDataSize",
metric -> metric.memtableLiveDataSize.getValue());
memtableOnHeapDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("MemtableOnHeapDataSize",
metric -> metric.memtableOnHeapDataSize.getValue());
memtableOffHeapDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("MemtableOffHeapDataSize",
metric -> metric.memtableOffHeapDataSize.getValue());
allMemtablesLiveDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("AllMemtablesLiveDataSize",
metric -> metric.allMemtablesLiveDataSize.getValue());
allMemtablesOnHeapDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("AllMemtablesOnHeapDataSize",
metric -> metric.allMemtablesOnHeapDataSize.getValue());
allMemtablesOffHeapDataSize = createKeyspaceGauge("AllMemtablesOffHeapDataSize",
metric -> metric.allMemtablesOffHeapDataSize.getValue());
memtableSwitchCount = createKeyspaceGauge("MemtableSwitchCount",
metric -> metric.memtableSwitchCount.getCount());
pendingCompactions = createKeyspaceGauge("PendingCompactions", metric -> metric.pendingCompactions.getValue());
pendingFlushes = createKeyspaceGauge("PendingFlushes", metric -> metric.pendingFlushes.getCount());
liveDiskSpaceUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("LiveDiskSpaceUsed", metric -> metric.liveDiskSpaceUsed.getCount());
totalDiskSpaceUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("TotalDiskSpaceUsed", metric -> metric.totalDiskSpaceUsed.getCount());
bloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed",
metric -> metric.bloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed.getValue());
bloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed",
metric -> metric.bloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed.getValue());
indexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("IndexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed",
metric -> metric.indexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed.getValue());
compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed = createKeyspaceGauge("CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed",
metric -> metric.compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed.getValue());
// latency metrics for TableMetrics to update
readLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Read");
writeLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Write");
rangeLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Range");
// create histograms for TableMetrics to replicate updates to
sstablesPerReadHistogram = createKeyspaceHistogram("SSTablesPerReadHistogram", true);
tombstoneScannedHistogram = createKeyspaceHistogram("TombstoneScannedHistogram", false);
liveScannedHistogram = createKeyspaceHistogram("LiveScannedHistogram", false);
colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram = createKeyspaceHistogram("ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram", false);
viewLockAcquireTime = createKeyspaceTimer("ViewLockAcquireTime");
viewReadTime = createKeyspaceTimer("ViewReadTime");
casPrepare = createLatencyMetrics("CasPrepare");
casPropose = createLatencyMetrics("CasPropose");
casCommit = createLatencyMetrics("CasCommit");
writeFailedIdealCL = createKeyspaceCounter("WriteFailedIdealCL");
idealCLWriteLatency = createLatencyMetrics("IdealCLWrite");
speculativeRetries = createKeyspaceCounter("SpeculativeRetries", metric -> metric.speculativeRetries.getCount());
speculativeFailedRetries = createKeyspaceCounter("SpeculativeFailedRetries", metric -> metric.speculativeFailedRetries.getCount());
speculativeInsufficientReplicas = createKeyspaceCounter("SpeculativeInsufficientReplicas", metric -> metric.speculativeInsufficientReplicas.getCount());
additionalWrites = createKeyspaceCounter("AdditionalWrites", metric -> metric.additionalWrites.getCount());
repairsStarted = createKeyspaceCounter("RepairJobsStarted", metric -> metric.repairsStarted.getCount());
repairsCompleted = createKeyspaceCounter("RepairJobsCompleted", metric -> metric.repairsCompleted.getCount());
repairTime =createKeyspaceTimer("RepairTime");
repairPrepareTime = createKeyspaceTimer("RepairPrepareTime");
anticompactionTime = createKeyspaceTimer("AntiCompactionTime");
validationTime = createKeyspaceTimer("ValidationTime");
repairSyncTime = createKeyspaceTimer("RepairSyncTime");
partitionsValidated = createKeyspaceHistogram("PartitionsValidated", false);
bytesValidated = createKeyspaceHistogram("BytesValidated", false);
confirmedRepairedInconsistencies = createKeyspaceMeter("RepairedDataInconsistenciesConfirmed");
unconfirmedRepairedInconsistencies = createKeyspaceMeter("RepairedDataInconsistenciesUnconfirmed");
repairedDataTrackingOverreadRows = createKeyspaceHistogram("RepairedDataTrackingOverreadRows", false);
repairedDataTrackingOverreadTime = createKeyspaceTimer("RepairedDataTrackingOverreadTime");
clientTombstoneWarnings = createKeyspaceMeter("ClientTombstoneWarnings");
clientTombstoneAborts = createKeyspaceMeter("ClientTombstoneAborts");
coordinatorReadSizeWarnings = createKeyspaceMeter("CoordinatorReadSizeWarnings");
coordinatorReadSizeAborts = createKeyspaceMeter("CoordinatorReadSizeAborts");
coordinatorReadSize = createKeyspaceHistogram("CoordinatorReadSize", false);
localReadSizeWarnings = createKeyspaceMeter("LocalReadSizeWarnings");
localReadSizeAborts = createKeyspaceMeter("LocalReadSizeAborts");
localReadSize = createKeyspaceHistogram("LocalReadSize", false);
rowIndexSizeWarnings = createKeyspaceMeter("RowIndexSizeWarnings");
rowIndexSizeAborts = createKeyspaceMeter("RowIndexSizeAborts");
rowIndexSize = createKeyspaceHistogram("RowIndexSize", false);
* Release all associated metrics.
public void release()
for (ReleasableMetric metric : allMetrics)
* Creates a gauge that will sum the current value of a metric for all column families in this keyspace
* @param name
* @param extractor
* @return Gauge&gt;Long> that computes sum of MetricValue.getValue()
private Gauge<Long> createKeyspaceGauge(String name, final ToLongFunction<TableMetrics> extractor)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.register(factory.createMetricName(name), new Gauge<Long>()
public Long getValue()
long sum = 0;
for (ColumnFamilyStore cf : keyspace.getColumnFamilyStores())
sum += extractor.applyAsLong(cf.metric);
return sum;
* Creates a counter that will sum the current value of a metric for all column families in this keyspace
* @param name
* @param extractor
* @return Counter that computes sum of MetricValue.getValue()
private Counter createKeyspaceCounter(String name, final ToLongFunction<TableMetrics> extractor)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.register(factory.createMetricName(name), new Counter()
public long getCount()
long sum = 0;
for (ColumnFamilyStore cf : keyspace.getColumnFamilyStores())
sum += extractor.applyAsLong(cf.metric);
return sum;
protected Counter createKeyspaceCounter(String name)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.counter(factory.createMetricName(name));
protected Histogram createKeyspaceHistogram(String name, boolean considerZeroes)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName(name), considerZeroes);
protected Timer createKeyspaceTimer(String name)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.timer(factory.createMetricName(name));
protected Meter createKeyspaceMeter(String name)
allMetrics.add(() -> releaseMetric(name));
return Metrics.meter(factory.createMetricName(name));
private LatencyMetrics createLatencyMetrics(String name)
LatencyMetrics metric = new LatencyMetrics(factory, name);
allMetrics.add(() -> metric.release());
return metric;
private void releaseMetric(String name)
static class KeyspaceMetricNameFactory implements MetricNameFactory
private final String keyspaceName;
KeyspaceMetricNameFactory(Keyspace ks)
this.keyspaceName = ks.getName();
public MetricName createMetricName(String metricName)
String groupName = TableMetrics.class.getPackage().getName();
StringBuilder mbeanName = new StringBuilder();
return new MetricName(groupName, "keyspace", metricName, keyspaceName, mbeanName.toString());