blob: b679b506b01e0d37f25b26bcc8b9bdb949ecfb47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.locator;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* A collection like class for Replica objects. Represents both a well defined order on the contained Replica objects,
* and efficient methods for accessing the contained Replicas, directly and as a projection onto their endpoints and ranges.
public interface ReplicaCollection<C extends ReplicaCollection<C>> extends Iterable<Replica>
* @return a Set of the endpoints of the contained Replicas.
* Iteration order is maintained where there is a 1:1 relationship between endpoint and Replica
* Typically this collection offers O(1) access methods, and this is true for all but ReplicaList.
public abstract Set<InetAddressAndPort> endpoints();
* @param i a value in the range [0..size())
* @return the i'th Replica, in our iteration order
public abstract Replica get(int i);
* @return the number of Replica contained
public abstract int size();
* @return true iff size() == 0
public abstract boolean isEmpty();
* @return true iff a Replica in this collection is equal to the provided Replica.
* Typically this method is expected to take O(1) time, and this is true for all but ReplicaList.
public abstract boolean contains(Replica replica);
* @return the number of replicas that match the predicate
public abstract int count(Predicate<? super Replica> predicate);
* @return a *eagerly constructed* copy of this collection containing the Replica that match the provided predicate.
* An effort will be made to either return ourself, or a subList, where possible.
* It is guaranteed that no changes to any upstream Builder will affect the state of the result.
public abstract C filter(Predicate<? super Replica> predicate);
* @return a *eagerly constructed* copy of this collection containing the Replica that match the provided predicate.
* An effort will be made to either return ourself, or a subList, where possible.
* It is guaranteed that no changes to any upstream Builder will affect the state of the result.
* Only the first maxSize items will be returned.
public abstract C filter(Predicate<? super Replica> predicate, int maxSize);
* @return a *lazily constructed* Iterable over this collection, containing the Replica that match the provided predicate.
public abstract Iterable<Replica> filterLazily(Predicate<? super Replica> predicate);
* @return a *lazily constructed* Iterable over this collection, containing the Replica that match the provided predicate.
* Only the first maxSize matching items will be returned.
public abstract Iterable<Replica> filterLazily(Predicate<? super Replica> predicate, int maxSize);
* @return an *eagerly constructed* copy of this collection containing the Replica at positions [start..end);
* An effort will be made to either return ourself, or a subList, where possible.
* It is guaranteed that no changes to any upstream Builder will affect the state of the result.
public abstract C subList(int start, int end);
* @return an *eagerly constructed* copy of this collection containing the Replica re-ordered according to this comparator
* It is guaranteed that no changes to any upstream Builder will affect the state of the result.
public abstract C sorted(Comparator<? super Replica> comparator);
public abstract Iterator<Replica> iterator();
public abstract Stream<Replica> stream();
public abstract boolean equals(Object o);
public abstract int hashCode();
public abstract String toString();
* A mutable (append-only) extension of a ReplicaCollection.
* All methods besides add() will return an immutable snapshot of the collection, or the matching items.
public interface Builder<C extends ReplicaCollection<C>> extends ReplicaCollection<C>
* @return an Immutable clone that assumes this Builder will never be modified again,
* so its contents can be reused.
* This Builder should enforce that it is no longer modified.
public C build();
* @return an Immutable clone that assumes this Builder will be modified again
public C snapshot();
* Passed to add() and addAll() as ignoreConflicts parameter. The meaning of conflict varies by collection type
* (for Endpoints, it is a duplicate InetAddressAndPort; for RangesAtEndpoint it is a duplicate Range).
enum Conflict
/** fail on addition of any such conflict */
/** fail on addition of any such conflict where the contents differ (first occurrence and position wins) */
/** ignore all conflicts (the first occurrence and position wins) */
* @param replica add this replica to the end of the collection
* @param ignoreConflict conflicts to ignore, see {@link Conflict}
Builder<C> add(Replica replica, Conflict ignoreConflict);
default public Builder<C> add(Replica replica)
return add(replica, Conflict.NONE);
default public Builder<C> addAll(Iterable<Replica> replicas, Conflict ignoreConflicts)
for (Replica replica : replicas)
add(replica, ignoreConflicts);
return this;
default public Builder<C> addAll(Iterable<Replica> replicas)
return addAll(replicas, Conflict.NONE);