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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.IndexRegistry;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.conditions.ColumnCondition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.FilteredPartition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.Partition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.CASRequest;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.paxos.Ballot;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.TimeUUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
* Processed CAS conditions and update on potentially multiple rows of the same partition.
public class CQL3CasRequest implements CASRequest
public final TableMetadata metadata;
public final DecoratedKey key;
private final RegularAndStaticColumns conditionColumns;
private final boolean updatesRegularRows;
private final boolean updatesStaticRow;
private boolean hasExists; // whether we have an exist or if not exist condition
// Conditions on the static row. We keep it separate from 'conditions' as most things related to the static row are
// special cases anyway.
private RowCondition staticConditions;
// We index RowCondition by the clustering of the row they applied to for 2 reasons:
// 1) this allows to keep things sorted to build the read command below
// 2) this allows to detect when contradictory conditions are set (not exists with some other conditions on the same row)
private final TreeMap<Clustering<?>, RowCondition> conditions;
private final List<RowUpdate> updates = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<RangeDeletion> rangeDeletions = new ArrayList<>();
public CQL3CasRequest(TableMetadata metadata,
DecoratedKey key,
RegularAndStaticColumns conditionColumns,
boolean updatesRegularRows,
boolean updatesStaticRow)
this.metadata = metadata;
this.key = key;
this.conditions = new TreeMap<>(metadata.comparator);
this.conditionColumns = conditionColumns;
this.updatesRegularRows = updatesRegularRows;
this.updatesStaticRow = updatesStaticRow;
void addRowUpdate(Clustering<?> clustering, ModificationStatement stmt, QueryOptions options, long timestamp, int nowInSeconds)
updates.add(new RowUpdate(clustering, stmt, options, timestamp, nowInSeconds));
void addRangeDeletion(Slice slice, ModificationStatement stmt, QueryOptions options, long timestamp, int nowInSeconds)
rangeDeletions.add(new RangeDeletion(slice, stmt, options, timestamp, nowInSeconds));
public void addNotExist(Clustering<?> clustering) throws InvalidRequestException
addExistsCondition(clustering, new NotExistCondition(clustering), true);
public void addExist(Clustering<?> clustering) throws InvalidRequestException
addExistsCondition(clustering, new ExistCondition(clustering), false);
private void addExistsCondition(Clustering<?> clustering, RowCondition condition, boolean isNotExist)
assert condition instanceof ExistCondition || condition instanceof NotExistCondition;
RowCondition previous = getConditionsForRow(clustering);
if (previous != null)
if (previous.getClass().equals(condition.getClass()))
// We can get here if a BATCH has 2 different statements on the same row with the same "exist" condition.
// For instance (assuming 'k' is the full PK):
// INSERT INTO t(k, v1) VALUES (0, 'foo') IF NOT EXISTS;
// INSERT INTO t(k, v2) VALUES (0, 'bar') IF NOT EXISTS;
// Of course, those can be trivially rewritten by the user as a single INSERT statement, but we still don't
// want this to be a problem (see #12867 in particular), so we simply return (the condition itself has
// already be set).
assert hasExists; // We shouldn't have a previous condition unless hasExists has been set already.
// these should be prevented by the parser, but it doesn't hurt to check
throw (previous instanceof NotExistCondition || previous instanceof ExistCondition)
? new InvalidRequestException("Cannot mix IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS conditions for the same row")
: new InvalidRequestException("Cannot mix IF conditions and IF " + (isNotExist ? "NOT " : "") + "EXISTS for the same row");
setConditionsForRow(clustering, condition);
hasExists = true;
public void addConditions(Clustering<?> clustering, Collection<ColumnCondition> conds, QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException
RowCondition condition = getConditionsForRow(clustering);
if (condition == null)
condition = new ColumnsConditions(clustering);
setConditionsForRow(clustering, condition);
else if (!(condition instanceof ColumnsConditions))
throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot mix IF conditions and IF NOT EXISTS for the same row");
((ColumnsConditions)condition).addConditions(conds, options);
private RowCondition getConditionsForRow(Clustering<?> clustering)
return clustering == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING ? staticConditions : conditions.get(clustering);
private void setConditionsForRow(Clustering<?> clustering, RowCondition condition)
if (clustering == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING)
assert staticConditions == null;
staticConditions = condition;
RowCondition previous = conditions.put(clustering, condition);
assert previous == null;
private RegularAndStaticColumns columnsToRead()
RegularAndStaticColumns allColumns = metadata.regularAndStaticColumns();
// If we update static row, we won't have any conditions on regular rows.
// If we update regular row, we have to fetch all regular rows (which would satisfy column condition) and
// static rows that take part in column condition.
// In both cases, we're fetching enough rows to distinguish between "all conditions are nulls" and "row does not exist".
// We have to do this as we can't rely on row marker for that (see #6623)
Columns statics = updatesStaticRow ? allColumns.statics : conditionColumns.statics;
Columns regulars = updatesRegularRows ? allColumns.regulars : conditionColumns.regulars;
return new RegularAndStaticColumns(statics, regulars);
public SinglePartitionReadCommand readCommand(int nowInSec)
assert staticConditions != null || !conditions.isEmpty();
// Fetch all columns, but query only the selected ones
ColumnFilter columnFilter = ColumnFilter.selection(columnsToRead());
// With only a static condition, we still want to make the distinction between a non-existing partition and one
// that exists (has some live data) but has not static content. So we query the first live row of the partition.
if (conditions.isEmpty())
return SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(metadata,
new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(Slices.ALL, false));
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(conditions.navigableKeySet(), false);
return SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(metadata, nowInSec, key, columnFilter, filter);
* Checks whether the conditions represented by this object applies provided the current state of the partition on
* which those conditions are.
* @param current the partition with current data corresponding to these conditions. More precisely, this must be
* the result of executing the command returned by {@link #readCommand}. This can be empty but it should not be
* {@code null}.
* @return whether the conditions represented by this object applies or not.
public boolean appliesTo(FilteredPartition current) throws InvalidRequestException
if (staticConditions != null && !staticConditions.appliesTo(current))
return false;
for (RowCondition condition : conditions.values())
if (!condition.appliesTo(current))
return false;
return true;
private RegularAndStaticColumns updatedColumns()
RegularAndStaticColumns.Builder builder = RegularAndStaticColumns.builder();
for (RowUpdate upd : updates)
public PartitionUpdate makeUpdates(FilteredPartition current, ClientState clientState, Ballot ballot) throws InvalidRequestException
PartitionUpdate.Builder updateBuilder = new PartitionUpdate.Builder(metadata, key, updatedColumns(), conditions.size());
long timeUuidNanos = 0;
for (RowUpdate upd : updates)
timeUuidNanos = upd.applyUpdates(current, updateBuilder, clientState, ballot.msb(), timeUuidNanos);
for (RangeDeletion upd : rangeDeletions)
upd.applyUpdates(current, updateBuilder, clientState);
PartitionUpdate partitionUpdate =;
return partitionUpdate;
private static class CASUpdateParameters extends UpdateParameters
final long timeUuidMsb;
long timeUuidNanos;
public CASUpdateParameters(TableMetadata metadata, RegularAndStaticColumns updatedColumns, ClientState state, QueryOptions options, long timestamp, int nowInSec, int ttl, Map<DecoratedKey, Partition> prefetchedRows, long timeUuidMsb, long timeUuidNanos) throws InvalidRequestException
super(metadata, updatedColumns, state, options, timestamp, nowInSec, ttl, prefetchedRows);
this.timeUuidMsb = timeUuidMsb;
this.timeUuidNanos = timeUuidNanos;
public byte[] nextTimeUUIDAsBytes()
return TimeUUID.toBytes(timeUuidMsb, TimeUUIDType.signedBytesToNativeLong(timeUuidNanos++));
* Due to some operation on lists, we can't generate the update that a given Modification statement does before
* we get the values read by the initial read of Paxos. A RowUpdate thus just store the relevant information
* (include the statement iself) to generate those updates. We'll have multiple RowUpdate for a Batch, otherwise
* we'll have only one.
private class RowUpdate
private final Clustering<?> clustering;
private final ModificationStatement stmt;
private final QueryOptions options;
private final long timestamp;
private final int nowInSeconds;
private RowUpdate(Clustering<?> clustering, ModificationStatement stmt, QueryOptions options, long timestamp, int nowInSeconds)
this.clustering = clustering;
this.stmt = stmt;
this.options = options;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.nowInSeconds = nowInSeconds;
long applyUpdates(FilteredPartition current, PartitionUpdate.Builder updateBuilder, ClientState state, long timeUuidMsb, long timeUuidNanos)
Map<DecoratedKey, Partition> map = stmt.requiresRead() ? Collections.singletonMap(key, current) : null;
CASUpdateParameters params =
new CASUpdateParameters(metadata, updateBuilder.columns(), state, options, timestamp, nowInSeconds,
stmt.getTimeToLive(options), map, timeUuidMsb, timeUuidNanos);
stmt.addUpdateForKey(updateBuilder, clustering, params);
return params.timeUuidNanos;
private class RangeDeletion
private final Slice slice;
private final ModificationStatement stmt;
private final QueryOptions options;
private final long timestamp;
private final int nowInSeconds;
private RangeDeletion(Slice slice, ModificationStatement stmt, QueryOptions options, long timestamp, int nowInSeconds)
this.slice = slice;
this.stmt = stmt;
this.options = options;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.nowInSeconds = nowInSeconds;
void applyUpdates(FilteredPartition current, PartitionUpdate.Builder updateBuilder, ClientState state)
// No slice statements currently require a read, but this maintains consistency with RowUpdate, and future proofs us
Map<DecoratedKey, Partition> map = stmt.requiresRead() ? Collections.singletonMap(key, current) : null;
UpdateParameters params =
new UpdateParameters(metadata,
stmt.addUpdateForKey(updateBuilder, slice, params);
private static abstract class RowCondition
public final Clustering<?> clustering;
protected RowCondition(Clustering<?> clustering)
this.clustering = clustering;
public abstract boolean appliesTo(FilteredPartition current) throws InvalidRequestException;
private static class NotExistCondition extends RowCondition
private NotExistCondition(Clustering<?> clustering)
public boolean appliesTo(FilteredPartition current)
return current.getRow(clustering) == null;
private static class ExistCondition extends RowCondition
private ExistCondition(Clustering<?> clustering)
public boolean appliesTo(FilteredPartition current)
return current.getRow(clustering) != null;
private static class ColumnsConditions extends RowCondition
private final Multimap<Pair<ColumnIdentifier, ByteBuffer>, ColumnCondition.Bound> conditions = HashMultimap.create();
private ColumnsConditions(Clustering<?> clustering)
public void addConditions(Collection<ColumnCondition> conds, QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException
for (ColumnCondition condition : conds)
ColumnCondition.Bound current = condition.bind(options);
conditions.put(Pair.create(, current.getCollectionElementValue()), current);
public boolean appliesTo(FilteredPartition current) throws InvalidRequestException
Row row = current.getRow(clustering);
for (ColumnCondition.Bound condition : conditions.values())
if (!condition.appliesTo(row))
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE);