blob: 90372dd33492a7d63643fdb2802d1bff50ca64a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.monitoring.MonitorableImpl;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.StoppingTransformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.Index;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.IndexNotAvailableException;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.UnknownIndexException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientWarn;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
* General interface for storage-engine read commands (common to both range and
* single partition commands).
* <p>
* This contains all the informations needed to do a local read.
public abstract class ReadCommand extends MonitorableImpl implements ReadQuery
private static final int TEST_ITERATION_DELAY_MILLIS = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms", "0"));
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReadCommand.class);
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand> serializer = new Serializer();
// For RANGE_SLICE verb: will either dispatch on 'serializer' for 3.0 or 'legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer' for earlier version.
// Can be removed (and replaced by 'serializer') once we drop pre-3.0 backward compatibility.
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand> rangeSliceSerializer = new RangeSliceSerializer();
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand> legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer = new LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer();
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand> legacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer = new LegacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer();
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand> legacyReadCommandSerializer = new LegacyReadCommandSerializer();
private final Kind kind;
private final CFMetaData metadata;
private final int nowInSec;
private final ColumnFilter columnFilter;
private final RowFilter rowFilter;
private final DataLimits limits;
// SecondaryIndexManager will attempt to provide the most selective of any available indexes
// during execution. Here we also store an the results of that lookup to repeating it over
// the lifetime of the command.
protected Optional<IndexMetadata> index = Optional.empty();
// Flag to indicate whether the index manager has been queried to select an index for this
// command. This is necessary as the result of that lookup may be null, in which case we
// still don't want to repeat it.
private boolean indexManagerQueried = false;
private boolean isDigestQuery;
// if a digest query, the version for which the digest is expected. Ignored if not a digest.
private int digestVersion;
private final boolean isForThrift;
protected static abstract class SelectionDeserializer
public abstract ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, boolean isDigest, int digestVersion, boolean isForThrift, CFMetaData metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter, RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, Optional<IndexMetadata> index) throws IOException;
protected enum Kind
SINGLE_PARTITION (SinglePartitionReadCommand.selectionDeserializer),
PARTITION_RANGE (PartitionRangeReadCommand.selectionDeserializer);
private final SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer;
Kind(SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer)
this.selectionDeserializer = selectionDeserializer;
protected ReadCommand(Kind kind,
boolean isDigestQuery,
int digestVersion,
boolean isForThrift,
CFMetaData metadata,
int nowInSec,
ColumnFilter columnFilter,
RowFilter rowFilter,
DataLimits limits)
this.kind = kind;
this.isDigestQuery = isDigestQuery;
this.digestVersion = digestVersion;
this.isForThrift = isForThrift;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.nowInSec = nowInSec;
this.columnFilter = columnFilter;
this.rowFilter = rowFilter;
this.limits = limits;
protected abstract void serializeSelection(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException;
protected abstract long selectionSerializedSize(int version);
* The metadata for the table queried.
* @return the metadata for the table queried.
public CFMetaData metadata()
return metadata;
* The time in seconds to use as "now" for this query.
* <p>
* We use the same time as "now" for the whole query to avoid considering different
* values as expired during the query, which would be buggy (would throw of counting amongst other
* things).
* @return the time (in seconds) to use as "now".
public int nowInSec()
return nowInSec;
* The configured timeout for this command.
* @return the configured timeout for this command.
public abstract long getTimeout();
* A filter on which (non-PK) columns must be returned by the query.
* @return which columns must be fetched by this query.
public ColumnFilter columnFilter()
return columnFilter;
* Filters/Resrictions on CQL rows.
* <p>
* This contains the restrictions that are not directly handled by the
* {@code ClusteringIndexFilter}. More specifically, this includes any non-PK column
* restrictions and can include some PK columns restrictions when those can't be
* satisfied entirely by the clustering index filter (because not all clustering columns
* have been restricted for instance). If there is 2ndary indexes on the table,
* one of this restriction might be handled by a 2ndary index.
* @return the filter holding the expression that rows must satisfy.
public RowFilter rowFilter()
return rowFilter;
* The limits set on this query.
* @return the limits set on this query.
public DataLimits limits()
return limits;
* Whether this query is a digest one or not.
* @return Whether this query is a digest query.
public boolean isDigestQuery()
return isDigestQuery;
* If the query is a digest one, the requested digest version.
* @return the requested digest version if the query is a digest. Otherwise, this can return
* anything.
public int digestVersion()
return digestVersion;
* Sets whether this command should be a digest one or not.
* @param isDigestQuery whether the command should be set as a digest one or not.
* @return this read command.
public ReadCommand setIsDigestQuery(boolean isDigestQuery)
this.isDigestQuery = isDigestQuery;
return this;
* Sets the digest version, for when digest for that command is requested.
* <p>
* Note that we allow setting this independently of setting the command as a digest query as
* this allows us to use the command as a carrier of the digest version even if we only call
* setIsDigestQuery on some copy of it.
* @param digestVersion the version for the digest is this command is used for digest query..
* @return this read command.
public ReadCommand setDigestVersion(int digestVersion)
this.digestVersion = digestVersion;
return this;
* Whether this query is for thrift or not.
* @return whether this query is for thrift.
public boolean isForThrift()
return isForThrift;
* The clustering index filter this command to use for the provided key.
* <p>
* Note that that method should only be called on a key actually queried by this command
* and in practice, this will almost always return the same filter, but for the sake of
* paging, the filter on the first key of a range command might be slightly different.
* @param key a partition key queried by this command.
* @return the {@code ClusteringIndexFilter} to use for the partition of key {@code key}.
public abstract ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter(DecoratedKey key);
* Returns a copy of this command.
* @return a copy of this command.
public abstract ReadCommand copy();
protected abstract UnfilteredPartitionIterator queryStorage(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadExecutionController executionController);
protected abstract int oldestUnrepairedTombstone();
public ReadResponse createResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator, ColumnFilter selection)
return isDigestQuery()
? ReadResponse.createDigestResponse(iterator, digestVersion)
: ReadResponse.createDataResponse(iterator, selection);
public long indexSerializedSize(int version)
if (index.isPresent())
return IndexMetadata.serializer.serializedSize(index.get(), version);
return 0;
public Index getIndex(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
// if we've already consulted the index manager, and it returned a valid index
// the result should be cached here.
return cfs.indexManager.getIndex(index.get());
// if no cached index is present, but we've already consulted the index manager
// then no registered index is suitable for this command, so just return null.
if (indexManagerQueried)
return null;
// do the lookup, set the flag to indicate so and cache the result if not null
Index selected = cfs.indexManager.getBestIndexFor(this);
indexManagerQueried = true;
if (selected == null)
return null;
index = Optional.of(selected.getIndexMetadata());
return selected;
* Executes this command on the local host.
* @param executionController the execution controller spanning this command
* @return an iterator over the result of executing this command locally.
@SuppressWarnings("resource") // The result iterator is closed upon exceptions (we know it's fine to potentially not close the intermediary
// iterators created inside the try as long as we do close the original resultIterator), or by closing the result.
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator executeLocally(ReadExecutionController executionController)
long startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.openAndGetStore(metadata());
Index index = getIndex(cfs);
Index.Searcher searcher = null;
if (index != null)
if (!cfs.indexManager.isIndexQueryable(index))
throw new IndexNotAvailableException(index);
searcher = index.searcherFor(this);
Tracing.trace("Executing read on {}.{} using index {}", cfs.metadata.ksName, cfs.metadata.cfName, index.getIndexMetadata().name);
UnfilteredPartitionIterator resultIterator = searcher == null
? queryStorage(cfs, executionController)
resultIterator = withStateTracking(resultIterator);
resultIterator = withMetricsRecording(withoutPurgeableTombstones(resultIterator, cfs), cfs.metric, startTimeNanos);
// If we've used a 2ndary index, we know the result already satisfy the primary expression used, so
// no point in checking it again.
RowFilter updatedFilter = searcher == null
? rowFilter()
: index.getPostIndexQueryFilter(rowFilter());
// TODO: We'll currently do filtering by the rowFilter here because it's convenient. However,
// we'll probably want to optimize by pushing it down the layer (like for dropped columns) as it
// would be more efficient (the sooner we discard stuff we know we don't care, the less useless
// processing we do on it).
return limits().filter(updatedFilter.filter(resultIterator, nowInSec()), nowInSec());
catch (RuntimeException | Error e)
throw e;
protected abstract void recordLatency(TableMetrics metric, long latencyNanos);
public PartitionIterator executeInternal(ReadExecutionController controller)
return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.filter(executeLocally(controller), nowInSec());
public ReadExecutionController executionController()
return ReadExecutionController.forCommand(this);
* Wraps the provided iterator so that metrics on what is scanned by the command are recorded.
* This also log warning/trow TombstoneOverwhelmingException if appropriate.
private UnfilteredPartitionIterator withMetricsRecording(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, final TableMetrics metric, final long startTimeNanos)
class MetricRecording extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator>
private final int failureThreshold = DatabaseDescriptor.getTombstoneFailureThreshold();
private final int warningThreshold = DatabaseDescriptor.getTombstoneWarnThreshold();
private final boolean respectTombstoneThresholds = !Schema.isSystemKeyspace(ReadCommand.this.metadata().ksName);
private int liveRows = 0;
private int tombstones = 0;
private DecoratedKey currentKey;
public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator iter)
currentKey = iter.partitionKey();
return Transformation.apply(iter, this);
public Row applyToStatic(Row row)
return applyToRow(row);
public Row applyToRow(Row row)
if (row.hasLiveData(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec()))
for (Cell cell : row.cells())
if (!cell.isLive(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec()))
return row;
public RangeTombstoneMarker applyToMarker(RangeTombstoneMarker marker)
return marker;
private void countTombstone(ClusteringPrefix clustering)
if (tombstones > failureThreshold && respectTombstoneThresholds)
String query = ReadCommand.this.toCQLString();
Tracing.trace("Scanned over {} tombstones for query {}; query aborted (see tombstone_failure_threshold)", failureThreshold, query);
throw new TombstoneOverwhelmingException(tombstones, query, ReadCommand.this.metadata(), currentKey, clustering);
public void onClose()
recordLatency(metric, System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos);
boolean warnTombstones = tombstones > warningThreshold && respectTombstoneThresholds;
if (warnTombstones)
String msg = String.format("Read %d live rows and %d tombstone cells for query %1.512s (see tombstone_warn_threshold)", liveRows, tombstones, ReadCommand.this.toCQLString());
Tracing.trace("Read {} live and {} tombstone cells{}", liveRows, tombstones, (warnTombstones ? " (see tombstone_warn_threshold)" : ""));
return Transformation.apply(iter, new MetricRecording());
protected class CheckForAbort extends StoppingTransformation<BaseRowIterator<?>>
protected BaseRowIterator<?> applyToPartition(BaseRowIterator partition)
if (maybeAbort())
return null;
return partition;
protected Row applyToRow(Row row)
return maybeAbort() ? null : row;
private boolean maybeAbort()
if (isAborted())
return true;
return false;
protected UnfilteredPartitionIterator withStateTracking(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter)
return Transformation.apply(iter, new CheckForAbort());
protected UnfilteredRowIterator withStateTracking(UnfilteredRowIterator iter)
return Transformation.apply(iter, new CheckForAbort());
private void maybeDelayForTesting()
if (!metadata.ksName.startsWith("system"))
* Creates a message for this command.
public abstract MessageOut<ReadCommand> createMessage(int version);
protected abstract void appendCQLWhereClause(StringBuilder sb);
// Skip purgeable tombstones. We do this because it's safe to do (post-merge of the memtable and sstable at least), it
// can save us some bandwith, and avoid making us throw a TombstoneOverwhelmingException for purgeable tombstones (which
// are to some extend an artefact of compaction lagging behind and hence counting them is somewhat unintuitive).
protected UnfilteredPartitionIterator withoutPurgeableTombstones(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator, ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
final boolean isForThrift = iterator.isForThrift();
class WithoutPurgeableTombstones extends PurgeFunction
public WithoutPurgeableTombstones()
super(isForThrift, cfs.gcBefore(nowInSec()), oldestUnrepairedTombstone(), cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().onlyPurgeRepairedTombstones());
protected long getMaxPurgeableTimestamp()
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return Transformation.apply(iterator, new WithoutPurgeableTombstones());
* Recreate the CQL string corresponding to this query.
* <p>
* Note that in general the returned string will not be exactly the original user string, first
* because there isn't always a single syntax for a given query, but also because we don't have
* all the information needed (we know the non-PK columns queried but not the PK ones as internally
* we query them all). So this shouldn't be relied too strongly, but this should be good enough for
* debugging purpose which is what this is for.
public String toCQLString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT ").append(columnFilter());
sb.append(" FROM ").append(metadata().ksName).append('.').append(metadata.cfName);
if (limits() != DataLimits.NONE)
sb.append(' ').append(limits());
return sb.toString();
// Monitorable interface
public String name()
return toCQLString();
private static class Serializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand>
private static int digestFlag(boolean isDigest)
return isDigest ? 0x01 : 0;
private static boolean isDigest(int flags)
return (flags & 0x01) != 0;
private static int thriftFlag(boolean isForThrift)
return isForThrift ? 0x02 : 0;
private static boolean isForThrift(int flags)
return (flags & 0x02) != 0;
private static int indexFlag(boolean hasIndex)
return hasIndex ? 0x04 : 0;
private static boolean hasIndex(int flags)
return (flags & 0x04) != 0;
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
// for serialization, createLegacyMessage() should cause legacyReadCommandSerializer to be used directly
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
out.writeByte(digestFlag(command.isDigestQuery()) | thriftFlag(command.isForThrift()) | indexFlag(command.index.isPresent()));
if (command.isDigestQuery())
CFMetaData.serializer.serialize(command.metadata(), out, version);
ColumnFilter.serializer.serialize(command.columnFilter(), out, version);
RowFilter.serializer.serialize(command.rowFilter(), out, version);
DataLimits.serializer.serialize(command.limits(), out, version);
if (command.index.isPresent())
IndexMetadata.serializer.serialize(command.index.get(), out, version);
command.serializeSelection(out, version);
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
return legacyReadCommandSerializer.deserialize(in, version);
Kind kind = Kind.values()[in.readByte()];
int flags = in.readByte();
boolean isDigest = isDigest(flags);
boolean isForThrift = isForThrift(flags);
boolean hasIndex = hasIndex(flags);
int digestVersion = isDigest ? (int)in.readUnsignedVInt() : 0;
CFMetaData metadata = CFMetaData.serializer.deserialize(in, version);
int nowInSec = in.readInt();
ColumnFilter columnFilter = ColumnFilter.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = RowFilter.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
DataLimits limits = DataLimits.serializer.deserialize(in, version);
Optional<IndexMetadata> index = hasIndex
? deserializeIndexMetadata(in, version, metadata)
: Optional.empty();
return kind.selectionDeserializer.deserialize(in, version, isDigest, digestVersion, isForThrift, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, index);
private Optional<IndexMetadata> deserializeIndexMetadata(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData cfm) throws IOException
return Optional.of(IndexMetadata.serializer.deserialize(in, version, cfm));
catch (UnknownIndexException e)
String message = String.format("Couldn't find a defined index on %s.%s with the id %s. " +
"If an index was just created, this is likely due to the schema not " +
"being fully propagated. Local read will proceed without using the " +
"index. Please wait for schema agreement after index creation.",
cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, e.indexId.toString());;
return Optional.empty();
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
// for serialization, createLegacyMessage() should cause legacyReadCommandSerializer to be used directly
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
return 2 // kind + flags
+ (command.isDigestQuery() ? TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(command.digestVersion()) : 0)
+ CFMetaData.serializer.serializedSize(command.metadata(), version)
+ TypeSizes.sizeof(command.nowInSec())
+ ColumnFilter.serializer.serializedSize(command.columnFilter(), version)
+ RowFilter.serializer.serializedSize(command.rowFilter(), version)
+ DataLimits.serializer.serializedSize(command.limits(), version)
+ command.selectionSerializedSize(version)
+ command.indexSerializedSize(version);
// Dispatch to either Serializer or LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer. Only useful as long as we maintain pre-3.0
// compatibility
private static class RangeSliceSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand>
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
if (version < MessagingService.VERSION_30)
legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serialize(command, out, version);
serializer.serialize(command, out, version);
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
return version < MessagingService.VERSION_30
? legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.deserialize(in, version)
: serializer.deserialize(in, version);
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
return version < MessagingService.VERSION_30
? legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serializedSize(command, version)
: serializer.serializedSize(command, version);
private enum LegacyType
public final byte serializedValue;
LegacyType(byte b)
this.serializedValue = b;
public static LegacyType fromPartitionFilterKind(ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind kind)
return kind == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE
public static LegacyType fromSerializedValue(byte b)
return b == 1 ? GET_BY_NAMES : GET_SLICES;
* Serializer for pre-3.0 RangeSliceCommands.
private static class LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand>
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
assert !rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
// convert pre-3.0 incompatible names filters to slice filters
rangeCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(rangeCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
out.writeLong(rangeCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
// begin DiskAtomFilterSerializer.serialize()
if (rangeCommand.isNamesQuery())
out.writeByte(1); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeNamesFilter(rangeCommand, filter, out);
out.writeByte(0); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
// slice filter serialization
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeSlices(out, filter.requestedSlices(), filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
// limit
DataLimits.Kind kind = rangeCommand.limits().kind();
boolean isDistinct = (kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT || kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_PAGING_LIMIT) && rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1;
if (isDistinct)
out.writeInt(LegacyReadCommandSerializer.updateLimitForQuery(rangeCommand.limits().count(), filter.requestedSlices()));
int compositesToGroup;
boolean selectsStatics = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
if (kind == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT)
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (isDistinct && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.isDense() ? -1 : metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
serializeRowFilter(out, rangeCommand.rowFilter());
AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serialize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), out, version);
// maxResults
// countCQL3Rows
if (rangeCommand.isForThrift() || rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1) // if for Thrift or DISTINCT
// isPaging
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
String keyspace = in.readUTF();
String columnFamily = in.readUTF();
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);
if (metadata == null)
String message = String.format("Got legacy range command for nonexistent table %s.%s.", keyspace, columnFamily);
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(message, null);
int nowInSec = (int) (in.readLong() / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
ClusteringIndexFilter filter;
ColumnFilter selection;
int compositesToGroup = 0;
int perPartitionLimit = -1;
byte readType = in.readByte(); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
if (readType == 1)
Pair<ColumnFilter, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter> selectionAndFilter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(in, metadata);
selection = selectionAndFilter.left;
filter = selectionAndFilter.right;
Pair<ClusteringIndexSliceFilter, Boolean> p = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
filter = p.left;
perPartitionLimit = in.readInt();
compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
selection = getColumnSelectionForSlice(p.right, compositesToGroup, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = deserializeRowFilter(in, metadata);
AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyRange = AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.deserialize(in, metadata.partitioner, version);
int maxResults = in.readInt();
in.readBoolean(); // countCQL3Rows (not needed)
in.readBoolean(); // isPaging (not needed)
boolean selectsStatics = (!selection.fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || filter.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING));
boolean isDistinct = compositesToGroup == -2 || (perPartitionLimit == 1 && selectsStatics);
DataLimits limits;
if (isDistinct)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(maxResults);
else if (compositesToGroup == -1)
limits = DataLimits.thriftLimits(maxResults, perPartitionLimit);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(maxResults);
return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(false, 0, true, metadata, nowInSec, selection, rowFilter, limits, new DataRange(keyRange, filter), Optional.empty());
static void serializeRowFilter(DataOutputPlus out, RowFilter rowFilter) throws IOException
ArrayList<RowFilter.Expression> indexExpressions = Lists.newArrayList(rowFilter.iterator());
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : indexExpressions)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes, out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue(), out);
static RowFilter deserializeRowFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numRowFilters = in.readInt();
if (numRowFilters == 0)
return RowFilter.NONE;
RowFilter rowFilter = RowFilter.create(numRowFilters);
for (int i = 0; i < numRowFilters; i++)
ByteBuffer columnName = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
ColumnDefinition column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(columnName);
Operator op = Operator.readFrom(in);
ByteBuffer indexValue = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
rowFilter.add(column, op, indexValue);
return rowFilter;
static long serializedRowFilterSize(RowFilter rowFilter)
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // rowFilterCount
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : rowFilter)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // operator int value
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue());
return size;
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.PARTITION_RANGE;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
rangeCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(rangeCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.cfName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) rangeCommand.nowInSec());
size += 1; // single byte flag: 0 for slices, 1 for names
if (rangeCommand.isNamesQuery())
PartitionColumns columns = rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedNamesFilterSize(filter, metadata, columns);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedSlicesSize(filter.requestedSlices(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(filter.isReversed());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // compositesToGroup
if (rangeCommand.rowFilter().equals(RowFilter.NONE))
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0);
ArrayList<RowFilter.Expression> indexExpressions = Lists.newArrayList(rangeCommand.rowFilter().iterator());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(indexExpressions.size());
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : indexExpressions)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(expression.operator().ordinal());
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue());
size += AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serializedSize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), version);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().count());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(!rangeCommand.isForThrift());
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging());
static PartitionRangeReadCommand maybeConvertNamesToSlice(PartitionRangeReadCommand command)
if (!command.dataRange().isNamesQuery())
return command;
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
if (!LegacyReadCommandSerializer.shouldConvertNamesToSlice(metadata, command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns()))
return command;
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) command.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter sliceFilter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(filter, metadata);
DataRange newRange = new DataRange(command.dataRange().keyRange(), sliceFilter);
return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(
command.isDigestQuery(), command.digestVersion(), command.isForThrift(), metadata, command.nowInSec(),
command.columnFilter(), command.rowFilter(), command.limits(), newRange, Optional.empty());
static ColumnFilter getColumnSelectionForSlice(boolean selectsStatics, int compositesToGroup, CFMetaData metadata)
// A value of -2 indicates this is a DISTINCT query that doesn't select static columns, only partition keys.
// In that case, we'll basically be querying the first row of the partition, but we must make sure we include
// all columns so we get at least one cell if there is a live row as it would confuse pre-3.0 nodes otherwise.
if (compositesToGroup == -2)
return ColumnFilter.all(metadata);
// if a slice query from a pre-3.0 node doesn't cover statics, we shouldn't select them at all
PartitionColumns columns = selectsStatics
? metadata.partitionColumns()
: metadata.partitionColumns().withoutStatics();
return ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder().addAll(columns).build();
* Serializer for pre-3.0 PagedRangeCommands.
private static class LegacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand>
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
assert rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
out.writeLong(rangeCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serialize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), out, version);
// pre-3.0 nodes don't accept names filters for paged range commands
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter;
if (rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter.kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
filter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter, metadata);
filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
// slice filter
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeSlices(out, filter.requestedSlices(), filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
// slice filter's count
DataLimits.Kind kind = rangeCommand.limits().kind();
boolean isDistinct = (kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT || kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_PAGING_LIMIT) && rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1;
if (isDistinct)
out.writeInt(LegacyReadCommandSerializer.updateLimitForQuery(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount(), filter.requestedSlices()));
// compositesToGroup
boolean selectsStatics = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
int compositesToGroup;
if (kind == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT)
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (isDistinct && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.isDense() ? -1 : metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
// command-level "start" and "stop" composites. The start is the last-returned cell name if there is one,
// otherwise it's the same as the slice filter's start. The stop appears to always be the same as the
// slice filter's stop.
DataRange.Paging pagingRange = (DataRange.Paging) rangeCommand.dataRange();
Clustering lastReturned = pagingRange.getLastReturned();
Slice.Bound newStart = Slice.Bound.exclusiveStartOf(lastReturned);
Slice lastSlice = filter.requestedSlices().get(filter.requestedSlices().size() - 1);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, newStart, true), out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastSlice.end().clustering()), out);
LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serializeRowFilter(out, rangeCommand.rowFilter());
// command-level limit
// Pre-3.0 we would always request one more row than we actually needed and the command-level "start" would
// be the last-returned cell name, so the response would always include it. When dealing with compound comparators,
// we can pass an exclusive start and use the normal limit. However, when dealing with non-compound comparators,
// pre-3.0 nodes cannot perform exclusive slices, so we need to request one extra row.
int maxResults = rangeCommand.limits().count() + (metadata.isCompound() ? 0 : 1);
// countCQL3Rows
if (rangeCommand.isForThrift() || rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1) // for Thrift or DISTINCT
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
String keyspace = in.readUTF();
String columnFamily = in.readUTF();
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);
if (metadata == null)
String message = String.format("Got legacy paged range command for nonexistent table %s.%s.", keyspace, columnFamily);
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(message, null);
int nowInSec = (int) (in.readLong() / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyRange = AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.deserialize(in, metadata.partitioner, version);
Pair<ClusteringIndexSliceFilter, Boolean> p = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = p.left;
boolean selectsStatics = p.right;
int perPartitionLimit = in.readInt();
int compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
// command-level Composite "start" and "stop"
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound startBound = LegacyLayout.decodeBound(metadata, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in), true);
ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); // the composite "stop", which isn't actually needed
ColumnFilter selection = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.getColumnSelectionForSlice(selectsStatics, compositesToGroup, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.deserializeRowFilter(in, metadata);
int maxResults = in.readInt();
in.readBoolean(); // countCQL3Rows
boolean isDistinct = compositesToGroup == -2 || (perPartitionLimit == 1 && selectsStatics);
DataLimits limits;
if (isDistinct)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(maxResults);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(maxResults);
limits = limits.forPaging(maxResults);
// The pagedRangeCommand is used in pre-3.0 for both the first page and the following ones. On the first page, the startBound will be
// the start of the overall slice and will not be a proper Clustering. So detect that case and just return a non-paging DataRange, which
// is what 3.0 does.
DataRange dataRange = new DataRange(keyRange, filter);
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
if (!isDistinct && startBound != LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM && !startBound.bound.equals(slices.get(0).start()))
// pre-3.0 nodes normally expect pages to include the last cell from the previous page, but they handle it
// missing without any problems, so we can safely always set "inclusive" to false in the data range
dataRange = dataRange.forPaging(keyRange, metadata.comparator, startBound.getAsClustering(metadata), false);
return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(false, 0, true, metadata, nowInSec, selection, rowFilter, limits, dataRange, Optional.empty());
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.PARTITION_RANGE;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
assert rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.cfName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) rangeCommand.nowInSec());
size += AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serializedSize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), version);
// pre-3.0 nodes only accept slice filters for paged range commands
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter;
if (rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter.kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
filter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter, metadata);
filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
// slice filter
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedSlicesSize(filter.requestedSlices(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(filter.isReversed());
// slice filter's count
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount());
// compositesToGroup
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0);
// command-level Composite "start" and "stop"
DataRange.Paging pagingRange = (DataRange.Paging) rangeCommand.dataRange();
Clustering lastReturned = pagingRange.getLastReturned();
Slice lastSlice = filter.requestedSlices().get(filter.requestedSlices().size() - 1);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastReturned));
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastSlice.end().clustering()));
size += LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serializedRowFilterSize(rangeCommand.rowFilter());
// command-level limit
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().count());
// countCQL3Rows
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(true);
* Serializer for pre-3.0 ReadCommands.
static class LegacyReadCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadCommand>
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.SINGLE_PARTITION;
SinglePartitionReadCommand singleReadCommand = (SinglePartitionReadCommand) command;
singleReadCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(singleReadCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = singleReadCommand.metadata();
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(singleReadCommand.partitionKey().getKey(), out);
out.writeLong(singleReadCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
if (singleReadCommand.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE)
serializeSliceCommand(singleReadCommand, out);
serializeNamesCommand(singleReadCommand, out);
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
LegacyType msgType = LegacyType.fromSerializedValue(in.readByte());
boolean isDigest = in.readBoolean();
String keyspaceName = in.readUTF();
ByteBuffer key = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
String cfName = in.readUTF();
long nowInMillis = in.readLong();
int nowInSeconds = (int) (nowInMillis / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspaceName, cfName);
DecoratedKey dk = metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key);
switch (msgType)
return deserializeNamesCommand(in, isDigest, metadata, dk, nowInSeconds, version);
return deserializeSliceCommand(in, isDigest, metadata, dk, nowInSeconds, version);
throw new AssertionError();
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.SINGLE_PARTITION;
SinglePartitionReadCommand singleReadCommand = (SinglePartitionReadCommand) command;
singleReadCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(singleReadCommand);
int keySize = singleReadCommand.partitionKey().getKey().remaining();
CFMetaData metadata = singleReadCommand.metadata();
long size = 1; // message type (single byte)
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.isDigestQuery());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) keySize) + keySize;
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) command.nowInSec());
if (singleReadCommand.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE)
return size + serializedSliceCommandSize(singleReadCommand);
return size + serializedNamesCommandSize(singleReadCommand);
private void serializeNamesCommand(SinglePartitionReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
serializeNamesFilter(command, (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter(), out);
private static void serializeNamesFilter(ReadCommand command, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
PartitionColumns columns = command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
SortedSet<Clustering> requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
// only static columns are requested
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(, out);
out.writeInt(requestedRows.size() * columns.size());
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, clustering,, null), out);
// countCql3Rows should be true if it's not for Thrift or a DISTINCT query
if (command.isForThrift() || (command.limits().kind() == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT && command.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1))
out.writeBoolean(false); // it's compact and not a DISTINCT query
static long serializedNamesFilterSize(ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, CFMetaData metadata, PartitionColumns fetchedColumns)
SortedSet<Clustering> requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
long size = 0;
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
// only static columns are requested
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(fetchedColumns.size());
for (ColumnDefinition column : fetchedColumns)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(;
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(requestedRows.size() * fetchedColumns.size());
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
for (ColumnDefinition column : fetchedColumns)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, clustering,, null));
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(true); // countCql3Rows
private SinglePartitionReadCommand deserializeNamesCommand(DataInputPlus in, boolean isDigest, CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey key, int nowInSeconds, int version) throws IOException
Pair<ColumnFilter, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter> selectionAndFilter = deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(in, metadata);
// messages from old nodes will expect the thrift format, so always use 'true' for isForThrift
return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(
isDigest, version, true, metadata, nowInSeconds, selectionAndFilter.left, RowFilter.NONE, DataLimits.NONE,
key, selectionAndFilter.right);
static Pair<ColumnFilter, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter> deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numCellNames = in.readInt();
// The names filter could include either a) static columns or b) normal columns with the clustering columns
// fully specified. We need to handle those cases differently in 3.0.
NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = new TreeSet<>(metadata.comparator);
ColumnFilter.Builder selectionBuilder = ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numCellNames; i++)
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
LegacyLayout.LegacyCellName cellName;
cellName = LegacyLayout.decodeCellName(metadata, buffer);
catch (UnknownColumnException exc)
// TODO this probably needs a new exception class that shares a parent with UnknownColumnFamilyException
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(
"Received legacy range read command with names filter for unrecognized column name. " +
"Fill name in filter (hex): " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(buffer), metadata.cfId);
if (!cellName.clustering.equals(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING))
// for compact storage tables without clustering keys, the column holding the selected value is named
// 'value' internally we add it to the selection here to prevent errors due to unexpected column names
// when serializing the initial local data response
if (metadata.isStaticCompactTable() && clusterings.isEmpty())
in.readBoolean(); // countCql3Rows
// clusterings cannot include STATIC_CLUSTERING, so if the names filter is for static columns, clusterings
// will be empty. However, by requesting the static columns in our ColumnFilter, this will still work.
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, false);
return Pair.create(, filter);
private long serializedNamesCommandSize(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
PartitionColumns columns = command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
return serializedNamesFilterSize(filter, command.metadata(), columns);
private void serializeSliceCommand(SinglePartitionReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
boolean makeStaticSlice = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
serializeSlices(out, slices, filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
boolean selectsStatics = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
DataLimits.Kind kind = command.limits().kind();
boolean isDistinct = (kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT || kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_PAGING_LIMIT) && command.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1;
if (isDistinct)
out.writeInt(1); // the limit is always 1 for DISTINCT queries
out.writeInt(updateLimitForQuery(command.limits().count(), filter.requestedSlices()));
int compositesToGroup;
if (kind == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT || metadata.isDense())
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (isDistinct && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
private SinglePartitionReadCommand deserializeSliceCommand(DataInputPlus in, boolean isDigest, CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey key, int nowInSeconds, int version) throws IOException
Pair<ClusteringIndexSliceFilter, Boolean> p = deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = p.left;
boolean selectsStatics = p.right;
int count = in.readInt();
int compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
// if a slice query from a pre-3.0 node doesn't cover statics, we shouldn't select them at all
ColumnFilter columnFilter = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.getColumnSelectionForSlice(selectsStatics, compositesToGroup, metadata);
boolean isDistinct = compositesToGroup == -2 || (count == 1 && selectsStatics);
DataLimits limits;
if (compositesToGroup == -2 || isDistinct)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(count); // See CASSANDRA-8490 for the explanation of this value
else if (compositesToGroup == -1)
limits = DataLimits.thriftLimits(1, count);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(count);
// messages from old nodes will expect the thrift format, so always use 'true' for isForThrift
return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(isDigest, version, true, metadata, nowInSeconds, columnFilter, RowFilter.NONE, limits, key, filter);
private long serializedSliceCommandSize(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
boolean makeStaticSlice = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
long size = serializedSlicesSize(slices, makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.clusteringIndexFilter().isReversed());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.limits().count());
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // compositesToGroup
static void serializeSlices(DataOutputPlus out, Slices slices, boolean isReversed, boolean makeStaticSlice, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
out.writeInt(slices.size() + (makeStaticSlice ? 1 : 0));
// In 3.0 we always store the slices in normal comparator order. Pre-3.0 nodes expect the slices to
// be in reversed order if the query is reversed, so we handle that here.
if (isReversed)
for (int i = slices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
serializeSlice(out, slices.get(i), true, metadata);
if (makeStaticSlice)
serializeStaticSlice(out, true, metadata);
if (makeStaticSlice)
serializeStaticSlice(out, false, metadata);
for (Slice slice : slices)
serializeSlice(out, slice, false, metadata);
static long serializedSlicesSize(Slices slices, boolean makeStaticSlice, CFMetaData metadata)
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(slices.size());
for (Slice slice : slices)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, slice.start(), true);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceStart);
ByteBuffer sliceEnd = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, slice.end(), false);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceEnd);
if (makeStaticSlice)
size += serializedStaticSliceSize(metadata);
return size;
static long serializedStaticSliceSize(CFMetaData metadata)
// unlike serializeStaticSlice(), but we don't care about reversal for size calculations
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, Slice.Bound.BOTTOM, false);
long size = ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceStart);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) (metadata.comparator.size() * 3 + 2));
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) LegacyLayout.STATIC_PREFIX);
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.comparator.size(); i++)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER);
size += 1; // EOC
return size;
private static void serializeSlice(DataOutputPlus out, Slice slice, boolean isReversed, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, isReversed ? slice.end() : slice.start(), !isReversed);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
ByteBuffer sliceEnd = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, isReversed ? slice.start() : slice.end(), isReversed);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceEnd, out);
private static void serializeStaticSlice(DataOutputPlus out, boolean isReversed, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
// if reversed, write an empty bound for the slice start; if reversed, write out an empty bound for the
// slice finish after we've written the static slice start
if (!isReversed)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, Slice.Bound.BOTTOM, false);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
// write out the length of the composite
out.writeShort(2 + metadata.comparator.size() * 3); // two bytes + EOC for each component, plus static prefix
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.comparator.size(); i++)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, out);
// write the EOC, using an inclusive end if we're on the final component
out.writeByte(i == metadata.comparator.size() - 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (isReversed)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, Slice.Bound.BOTTOM, false);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
// Returns the deserialized filter, and whether static columns are queried (in pre-3.0, both info are determined by the slices,
// but in 3.0 they are separated: whether static columns are queried or not depends on the ColumnFilter).
static Pair<ClusteringIndexSliceFilter, Boolean> deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numSlices = in.readInt();
ByteBuffer[] startBuffers = new ByteBuffer[numSlices];
ByteBuffer[] finishBuffers = new ByteBuffer[numSlices];
for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
startBuffers[i] = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
finishBuffers[i] = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
boolean reversed = in.readBoolean();
if (reversed)
// pre-3.0, reversed query slices put the greater element at the start of the slice
ByteBuffer[] tmp = finishBuffers;
finishBuffers = startBuffers;
startBuffers = tmp;
boolean selectsStatics = false;
Slices.Builder slicesBuilder = new Slices.Builder(metadata.comparator);
for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound start = LegacyLayout.decodeBound(metadata, startBuffers[i], true);
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound finish = LegacyLayout.decodeBound(metadata, finishBuffers[i], false);
if (start.isStatic)
// If we start at the static block, this means we start at the beginning of the partition in 3.0
// terms (since 3.0 handles static outside of the slice).
start = LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM;
// Then if we include the static, records it
if (start.bound.isInclusive())
selectsStatics = true;
else if (start == LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM)
selectsStatics = true;
// If the end of the slice is the end of the statics, then that mean this slice was just selecting static
// columns. We have already recorded that in selectsStatics, so we can ignore the slice (which doesn't make
// sense for 3.0).
if (finish.isStatic)
assert finish.bound.isInclusive(); // it would make no sense for a pre-3.0 node to have a slice that stops
// before the static columns (since there is nothing before that)
slicesBuilder.add(Slice.make(start.bound, finish.bound));
return Pair.create(new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(, reversed), selectsStatics);
private static SinglePartitionReadCommand maybeConvertNamesToSlice(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
if (command.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() != ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
return command;
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
if (!shouldConvertNamesToSlice(metadata, command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns()))
return command;
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter sliceFilter = convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(filter, metadata);
return new SinglePartitionReadCommand(
command.isDigestQuery(), command.digestVersion(), command.isForThrift(), metadata, command.nowInSec(),
command.columnFilter(), command.rowFilter(), command.limits(), command.partitionKey(), sliceFilter);
* Returns true if a names filter on the given table and column selection should be converted to a slice
* filter for compatibility with pre-3.0 nodes, false otherwise.
static boolean shouldConvertNamesToSlice(CFMetaData metadata, PartitionColumns columns)
// On pre-3.0 nodes, due to CASSANDRA-5762, we always do a slice for CQL3 tables (not dense, composite).
if (!metadata.isDense() && metadata.isCompound())
return true;
// pre-3.0 nodes don't support names filters for reading collections, so if we're requesting any of those,
// we need to convert this to a slice filter
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
if (column.type.isMultiCell())
return true;
return false;
* Converts a names filter that is incompatible with pre-3.0 nodes to a slice filter that is compatible.
private static ClusteringIndexSliceFilter convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, CFMetaData metadata)
SortedSet<Clustering> requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
Slices slices;
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
slices = Slices.NONE;
else if (requestedRows.size() == 1 && requestedRows.first().size() == 0)
slices = Slices.ALL;
Slices.Builder slicesBuilder = new Slices.Builder(metadata.comparator);
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
slicesBuilder.add(Slice.Bound.inclusiveStartOf(clustering), Slice.Bound.inclusiveEndOf(clustering));
slices =;
return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(slices, filter.isReversed());
* Potentially increases the existing query limit to account for the lack of exclusive bounds in pre-3.0 nodes.
* @param limit the existing query limit
* @param slices the requested slices
* @return the updated limit
static int updateLimitForQuery(int limit, Slices slices)
// Pre-3.0 nodes don't support exclusive bounds for slices. Instead, we query one more element if necessary
// and filter it later (in LegacyRemoteDataResponse)
if (!slices.hasLowerBound() && ! slices.hasUpperBound())
return limit;
for (Slice slice : slices)
if (limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return limit;
if (!slice.start().isInclusive())
if (!slice.end().isInclusive())
return limit;