blob: 1ee66f734073de0167166ddb3c3c5902b6cc0cbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.audit;
import org.junit.After;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.datastax.driver.core.BatchStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException;
import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError;
import net.openhft.chronicle.queue.RollCycles;
import org.apache.cassandra.auth.AuthEvents;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ParameterizedClass;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLTester;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryEvents;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
* AuditLoggerTest is responsible for covering the test cases for Audit Logging CASSANDRA-12151 functionality.
* Authenticated user audit (LOGIN) tests are segregated from unauthenticated user audit tests.
public class AuditLoggerTest extends CQLTester
public static void setUp()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.enabled = true;
options.logger = new ParameterizedClass("InMemoryAuditLogger", null);
public void beforeTestMethod()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
public void afterTestMethod()
private void enableAuditLogOptions(AuditLogOptions options)
String loggerName = "InMemoryAuditLogger";
String includedKeyspaces = options.included_keyspaces;
String excludedKeyspaces = options.excluded_keyspaces;
String includedCategories = options.included_categories;
String excludedCategories = options.excluded_categories;
String includedUsers = options.included_users;
String excludedUsers = options.excluded_users;
StorageService.instance.enableAuditLog(loggerName, null, includedKeyspaces, excludedKeyspaces, includedCategories, excludedCategories, includedUsers, excludedUsers);
private void disableAuditLogOptions()
public void testAuditLogFilters() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.excluded_keyspaces += ',' + KEYSPACE;
String cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
ResultSet rs = executeAndAssertNoAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.included_keyspaces = KEYSPACE;
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.SELECT, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.included_keyspaces = KEYSPACE;
options.excluded_keyspaces += ',' + KEYSPACE;
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertNoAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
options = new AuditLogOptions();
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.SELECT, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
public void testAuditLogFiltersTransitions() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.excluded_keyspaces += ',' + KEYSPACE;
String cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
ResultSet rs = executeAndAssertNoAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertDisableAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.included_keyspaces = KEYSPACE;
options.excluded_keyspaces += ',' + KEYSPACE;
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertNoAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
rs = executeAndAssertDisableAuditLog(cql, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
public void testAuditLogExceptions()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.excluded_keyspaces += ',' + KEYSPACE;
public void testAuditLogFilterIncludeExclude() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String tbl1 = currentTable();
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.excluded_categories = "QUERY";
options.included_categories = "QUERY,DML,PREPARE";
//QUERY - Should be filtered, part of excluded categories,
String cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = 1";
Session session = sessionNet();
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
//DML - Should not be filtered, part of included categories
cql = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, 1, "insert_audit", "test");
//DDL - Should be filtered, not part of included categories
cql = "ALTER TABLE " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " ADD v3 text";
session = sessionNet();
rs = session.execute(cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testCqlSelectAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
String cql = "SELECT id, v1, v2 FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
ResultSet rs = executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.SELECT, 1);
assertEquals(1, rs.all().size());
public void testCqlInsertAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String cql = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, 1, "insert_audit", "test");
public void testCqlUpdateAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
String cql = "UPDATE " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " SET v1 = 'ApacheCassandra' WHERE id = 1";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE);
cql = "UPDATE " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " SET v1 = ? WHERE id = ?";
executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, "AuditingTest", 2);
public void testCqlDeleteAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
String cql = "DELETE FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DELETE, 1);
public void testCqlTruncateAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
String cql = "TRUNCATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable();
executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, AuditLogEntryType.TRUNCATE);
public void testCqlBatchAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
Session session = sessionNet();
BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement();
String cqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement prep = session.prepare(cqlInsert);
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
batchStatement.add(prep.bind(1, "Apapche", "Cassandra"));
batchStatement.add(prep.bind(2, "Apapche1", "Cassandra1"));
String cqlUpdate = "UPDATE " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " SET v1 = ? WHERE id = ?";
prep = session.prepare(cqlUpdate);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlUpdate, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
batchStatement.add(prep.bind("Apache Cassandra", 1));
String cqlDelete = "DELETE FROM " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " WHERE id = ?";
prep = session.prepare(cqlDelete);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlDelete, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(batchStatement);
assertEquals(5, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertEquals(AuditLogEntryType.BATCH, logEntry.getType());
assertNotEquals(0, logEntry.getTimestamp());
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlUpdate, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlDelete, AuditLogEntryType.DELETE, logEntry, false);
int size = rs.all().size();
assertEquals(0, size);
public void testCqlBatch_MultipleTablesAuditing()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String table1 = currentTable();
Session session = sessionNet();
BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement();
String cqlInsert1 = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + "." + table1 + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement prep = session.prepare(cqlInsert1);
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert1, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
batchStatement.add(prep.bind(1, "Apapche", "Cassandra"));
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String table2 = currentTable();
String cqlInsert2 = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + "." + table2 + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
prep = session.prepare(cqlInsert2);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert2, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
batchStatement.add(prep.bind(1, "Apapche", "Cassandra"));
createKeyspace("CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication={ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }");
String ks2 = currentKeyspace();
createTable(ks2, "CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String table3 = currentTable();
String cqlInsert3 = "INSERT INTO " + ks2 + "." + table3 + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
prep = session.prepare(cqlInsert3);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert3, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false, ks2);
batchStatement.add(prep.bind(1, "Apapche", "Cassandra"));
ResultSet rs = session.execute(batchStatement);
assertEquals(4, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert1, table1, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false, KEYSPACE);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert2, table2, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false, KEYSPACE);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cqlInsert3, table3, AuditLogEntryType.UPDATE, logEntry, false, ks2);
int size = rs.all().size();
assertEquals(0, size);
public void testCqlKeyspaceAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String cql = "CREATE KEYSPACE " + createKeyspaceName() + " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 2} ";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_KEYSPACE, true, currentKeyspace());
cql = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS " + createKeyspaceName() + " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 2} ";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_KEYSPACE, true, currentKeyspace());
cql = "ALTER KEYSPACE " + currentKeyspace() + " WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 2} ";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.ALTER_KEYSPACE, true, currentKeyspace());
cql = "DROP KEYSPACE " + currentKeyspace();
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_KEYSPACE, true, currentKeyspace());
public void testCqlTableAuditing() throws Throwable
String cql = "CREATE TABLE " + KEYSPACE + "." + createTableName() + " (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_TABLE);
cql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + createTableName() + " (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_TABLE);
cql = "ALTER TABLE " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " ADD v3 text";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.ALTER_TABLE);
cql = "DROP TABLE " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable();
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_TABLE);
public void testCqlMVAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 1, "Apache", "Cassandra");
execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", 2, "trace", "test");
String tblName = currentTable();
String cql = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW " + KEYSPACE + "." + createTableName() + " AS SELECT id,v1 FROM " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " WHERE id IS NOT NULL AND v1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ( id, v1 ) ";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_VIEW);
cql = "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " AS SELECT id,v1 FROM " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " WHERE id IS NOT NULL AND v1 IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ( id, v1 ) ";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_VIEW);
cql = "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable() + " WITH caching = { 'keys' : 'NONE' };";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.ALTER_VIEW);
cql = "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW " + KEYSPACE + "." + currentTable();
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_VIEW);
public void testCqlTypeAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String tblName = createTableName();
String cql = "CREATE TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " (id int, v1 text, v2 text)";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_TYPE);
cql = "CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " (id int, v1 text, v2 text)";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_TYPE);
cql = "ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " ADD v3 int";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.ALTER_TYPE);
cql = "ALTER TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " RENAME v3 TO v4";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.ALTER_TYPE);
cql = "DROP TYPE " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_TYPE);
cql = "DROP TYPE IF EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_TYPE);
public void testCqlIndexAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String tblName = currentTable();
String indexName = createTableName();
String cql = "CREATE INDEX " + indexName + " ON " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " (v1)";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_INDEX);
cql = "DROP INDEX " + KEYSPACE + "." + indexName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_INDEX);
public void testCqlFunctionAuditing() throws Throwable
String tblName = createTableName();
String cql = "CREATE FUNCTION IF NOT EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName + " (column TEXT,num int) RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT RETURNS text LANGUAGE javascript AS $$ column.substring(0,num) $$";
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.CREATE_FUNCTION);
cql = "DROP FUNCTION " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_FUNCTION);
public void testCqlTriggerAuditing() throws Throwable
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String tblName = currentTable();
String triggerName = createTableName();
String cql = "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS " + triggerName + " ON " + KEYSPACE + "." + tblName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_TRIGGER);
public void testCqlAggregateAuditing() throws Throwable
String aggName = createTableName();
String cql = "DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS " + KEYSPACE + "." + aggName;
executeAndAssert(cql, AuditLogEntryType.DROP_AGGREGATE);
public void testCqlQuerySyntaxError()
String cql = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + "1 (id, v1, v2) VALUES (1, 'insert_audit, 'test')";
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
Session session = sessionNet();
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);"should not succeed");
catch (SyntaxError e)
// nop
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(logEntry, cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testCqlSelectQuerySyntaxError()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String cql = "SELECT * FROM " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " LIMIT 2w";
Session session = sessionNet();
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);"should not succeed");
catch (SyntaxError e)
// nop
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(logEntry, cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testCqlPrepareQueryError()
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
String cql = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + '.' + currentTable() + " (id, v1, v2) VALUES (?,?,?)";
Session session = sessionNet();
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql);
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cql, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry, false);
dropTable("DROP TABLE %s");
ResultSet rs = session.execute(pstmt.bind(1, "insert_audit", "test"));"should not succeed");
catch (NoHostAvailableException e)
// nop
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(logEntry, null);
logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(logEntry, cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testCqlPrepareQuerySyntaxError()
String cql = "INSERT INTO " + KEYSPACE + '.' + "foo" + "(id, v1, v2) VALES (?,?,?)";
createTable("CREATE TABLE %s (id int primary key, v1 text, v2 text)");
Session session = sessionNet();
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(pstmt.bind(1, "insert_audit", "test"));"should not succeed");
catch (SyntaxError e)
// nop
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(logEntry, cql);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testIncludeSystemKeyspaces() throws Throwable
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.included_categories = "QUERY,DML,PREPARE";
options.excluded_keyspaces = "system_schema,system_virtual_schema";
Session session = sessionNet();
String cql = "SELECT * FROM system.local limit 2";
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);
assertEquals (1,((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
AuditLogEntry logEntry = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cql, "local",AuditLogEntryType.SELECT,logEntry,false, "system");
assertEquals (0,((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testExcludeSystemKeyspaces() throws Throwable
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
options.included_categories = "QUERY,DML,PREPARE";
options.excluded_keyspaces = "system,system_schema,system_virtual_schema";
Session session = sessionNet();
String cql = "SELECT * FROM system.local limit 2";
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);
assertEquals (0,((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
public void testEnableDisable() throws IOException
assertEquals(0, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
enableAuditLogOptions(new AuditLogOptions());
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
Path p = Files.createTempDirectory("fql");
StorageService.instance.enableFullQueryLogger(p.toString(), RollCycles.HOURLY.toString(), false, 1000, 1000, null, 0);
assertEquals(2, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount()); // fql not listening to auth events
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
public void testConflictingPaths()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
StorageService.instance.enableAuditLog(null, null, options.included_keyspaces, options.excluded_keyspaces, options.included_categories, options.excluded_categories, options.included_users, options.excluded_users);
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
StorageService.instance.enableFullQueryLogger(options.audit_logs_dir, RollCycles.HOURLY.toString(), false, 1000, 1000, null, 0);
fail("Conflicting directories - should throw exception");
catch (IllegalStateException e)
// ok
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(1, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
public void testConflictingPathsFQLFirst()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
StorageService.instance.enableFullQueryLogger(options.audit_logs_dir, RollCycles.HOURLY.toString(), false, 1000, 1000, null, 0);
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
StorageService.instance.enableAuditLog(null, null, options.included_keyspaces, options.excluded_keyspaces, options.included_categories, options.excluded_categories, options.included_users, options.excluded_users);
fail("Conflicting directories - should throw exception");
catch (ConfigurationException e)
// ok
assertEquals(1, QueryEvents.instance.listenerCount());
assertEquals(0, AuthEvents.instance.listenerCount());
public void testJMXArchiveCommand()
AuditLogOptions options = new AuditLogOptions();
StorageService.instance.enableAuditLog("BinAuditLogger", Collections.emptyMap(), "", "", "", "",
"", "", 10, true, options.roll_cycle,
1000L, 1000, "/xyz/not/null");
fail("not allowed");
catch (ConfigurationException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Can't enable audit log archiving via nodetool"));
options.archive_command = "/xyz/not/null";
options.audit_logs_dir = "/tmp/abc";
StorageService.instance.enableAuditLog("BinAuditLogger", Collections.emptyMap(), "", "", "", "",
"", "", 10, true, options.roll_cycle,
1000L, 1000, null);
assertEquals("/xyz/not/null", AuditLogManager.instance.getAuditLogOptions().archive_command);
* Helper methods for Audit Log CQL Testing
private ResultSet executeAndAssert(String cql, AuditLogEntryType type) throws Throwable
return executeAndAssert(cql, type, false, KEYSPACE);
private ResultSet executeAndAssert(String cql, AuditLogEntryType type, boolean isTableNull, String keyspace) throws Throwable
Session session = sessionNet();
ResultSet rs = session.execute(cql);
AuditLogEntry logEntry1 = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cql, type, logEntry1, isTableNull, keyspace);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
return rs;
private ResultSet executeAndAssertWithPrepare(String cql, AuditLogEntryType exceuteType, Object... bindValues) throws Throwable
return executeAndAssertWithPrepare(cql, exceuteType, false, bindValues);
private ResultSet executeAndAssertWithPrepare(String cql, AuditLogEntryType executeType, boolean isTableNull, Object... bindValues) throws Throwable
Session session = sessionNet();
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(pstmt.bind(bindValues));
AuditLogEntry logEntry1 = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cql, AuditLogEntryType.PREPARE_STATEMENT, logEntry1, isTableNull);
AuditLogEntry logEntry2 = ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.poll();
assertLogEntry(cql, executeType, logEntry2, isTableNull);
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
return rs;
private ResultSet executeAndAssertNoAuditLog(String cql, Object... bindValues)
Session session = sessionNet();
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(pstmt.bind(bindValues));
assertEquals(0, ((InMemoryAuditLogger) AuditLogManager.instance.getLogger()).inMemQueue.size());
return rs;
private ResultSet executeAndAssertDisableAuditLog(String cql, Object... bindValues)
Session session = sessionNet();
PreparedStatement pstmt = session.prepare(cql);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(pstmt.bind(bindValues));
return rs;
private void assertLogEntry(String cql, AuditLogEntryType type, AuditLogEntry actual, boolean isTableNull)
assertLogEntry(cql, type, actual, isTableNull, KEYSPACE);
private void assertLogEntry(String cql, AuditLogEntryType type, AuditLogEntry actual, boolean isTableNull, String keyspace)
assertLogEntry(cql, currentTable(), type, actual, isTableNull, keyspace);
private void assertLogEntry(String cql, String table, AuditLogEntryType type, AuditLogEntry actual, boolean isTableNull, String keyspace)
assertEquals(keyspace, actual.getKeyspace());
if (!isTableNull)
assertEquals(table, actual.getScope());
assertEquals(type, actual.getType());
assertEquals(cql, actual.getOperation());
private void assertLogEntry(AuditLogEntry logEntry, String cql)
assertEquals(AuditLogEntryType.REQUEST_FAILURE, logEntry.getType());
if (null != cql && !cql.isEmpty())
assertThat(logEntry.getOperation(), containsString(cql));