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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.locator;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.PartitionPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.FailureDetector;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* The relevant replicas for an operation over a given range or token.
* @param <E>
public abstract class ReplicaLayout<E extends Endpoints<E>>
private final E natural;
// the snapshot of the replication strategy that corresponds to the replica layout
private final AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy;
ReplicaLayout(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, E natural)
this.replicationStrategy = replicationStrategy;
this.natural = natural;
* The 'natural' owners of the ring position(s), as implied by the current ring layout.
* This excludes any pending owners, i.e. those that are in the process of taking ownership of a range, but
* have not yet finished obtaining their view of the range.
public final E natural()
return natural;
public final AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy()
return replicationStrategy;
* All relevant owners of the ring position(s) for this operation, as implied by the current ring layout.
* For writes, this will include pending owners, and for reads it will be equivalent to natural()
public E all()
return natural;
public String toString()
return "ReplicaLayout [ natural: " + natural + " ]";
public static class ForTokenRead extends ReplicaLayout<EndpointsForToken> implements ForToken
public ForTokenRead(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, EndpointsForToken natural)
super(replicationStrategy, natural);
public Token token()
return natural().token();
public ReplicaLayout.ForTokenRead filter(Predicate<Replica> filter)
EndpointsForToken filtered = natural().filter(filter);
// AbstractReplicaCollection.filter returns itself if all elements match the filter
if (filtered == natural()) return this;
return new ReplicaLayout.ForTokenRead(replicationStrategy(), filtered);
public static class ForRangeRead extends ReplicaLayout<EndpointsForRange> implements ForRange
final AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range;
public ForRangeRead(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range, EndpointsForRange natural)
super(replicationStrategy, natural);
this.range = range;
public AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range()
return range;
public ReplicaLayout.ForRangeRead filter(Predicate<Replica> filter)
EndpointsForRange filtered = natural().filter(filter);
// AbstractReplicaCollection.filter returns itself if all elements match the filter
if (filtered == natural()) return this;
return new ReplicaLayout.ForRangeRead(replicationStrategy(), range(), filtered);
public static class ForWrite<E extends Endpoints<E>> extends ReplicaLayout<E>
final E all;
final E pending;
ForWrite(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, E natural, E pending, E all)
super(replicationStrategy, natural);
assert pending != null && !haveWriteConflicts(natural, pending);
if (all == null)
all = Endpoints.concat(natural, pending);
this.all = all;
this.pending = pending;
public final E all()
return all;
public final E pending()
return pending;
public String toString()
return "ReplicaLayout [ natural: " + natural() + ", pending: " + pending + " ]";
public static class ForTokenWrite extends ForWrite<EndpointsForToken> implements ForToken
public ForTokenWrite(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, EndpointsForToken natural, EndpointsForToken pending)
this(replicationStrategy, natural, pending, null);
public ForTokenWrite(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, EndpointsForToken natural, EndpointsForToken pending, EndpointsForToken all)
super(replicationStrategy, natural, pending, all);
public Token token() { return natural().token(); }
public ForTokenWrite filter(Predicate<Replica> filter)
EndpointsForToken filtered = all().filter(filter);
// AbstractReplicaCollection.filter returns itself if all elements match the filter
if (filtered == all()) return this;
if (pending().isEmpty()) return new ForTokenWrite(replicationStrategy(), filtered, pending(), filtered);
// unique by endpoint, so can for efficiency filter only on endpoint
return new ForTokenWrite(
public interface ForRange
public AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range();
public interface ForToken
public Token token();
* Gets the 'natural' and 'pending' replicas that own a given token, with no filtering or processing.
* Since a write is intended for all nodes (except, unless necessary, transient replicas), this method's
* only responsibility is to fetch the 'natural' and 'pending' replicas, then resolve any conflicts
* {@link ReplicaLayout#haveWriteConflicts(Endpoints, Endpoints)}
public static ReplicaLayout.ForTokenWrite forTokenWriteLiveAndDown(Keyspace keyspace, Token token)
// TODO: these should be cached, not the natural replicas
// TODO: race condition to fetch these. implications??
AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy = keyspace.getReplicationStrategy();
EndpointsForToken natural = EndpointsForToken.natural(replicationStrategy, token);
EndpointsForToken pending = EndpointsForToken.pending(keyspace, token);
return forTokenWrite(replicationStrategy, natural, pending);
public static ReplicaLayout.ForTokenWrite forTokenWrite(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, EndpointsForToken natural, EndpointsForToken pending)
if (haveWriteConflicts(natural, pending))
natural = resolveWriteConflictsInNatural(natural, pending);
pending = resolveWriteConflictsInPending(natural, pending);
return new ReplicaLayout.ForTokenWrite(replicationStrategy, natural, pending);
* Detect if we have any endpoint in both pending and full; this can occur either due to races (there is no isolation)
* or because an endpoint is transitioning between full and transient replication status.
* We essentially always prefer the full version for writes, because this is stricter.
* For transient->full transitions:
* Since we always write to any pending transient replica, effectively upgrading it to full for the transition duration,
* it might at first seem to be OK to continue treating the conflict replica as its 'natural' transient form,
* as there is always a quorum of nodes receiving the write. However, ring ownership changes are not atomic or
* consistent across the cluster, and it is possible for writers to see different ring states.
* Furthermore, an operator would expect that the full node has received all writes, with no extra need for repair
* (as the normal contract dictates) when it completes its transition.
* While we cannot completely eliminate risks due to ring inconsistencies, this approach is the most conservative
* available to us today to mitigate, and (we think) the easiest to reason about.
* For full->transient transitions:
* In this case, things are dicier, because in theory we can trigger this change instantly. All we need to do is
* drop some data, surely?
* Ring movements can put us in a pickle; any other node could believe us to be full when we have become transient,
* and perform a full data request to us that we believe ourselves capable of answering, but that we are not.
* If the ring is inconsistent, it's even feasible that a transient request would be made to the node that is losing
* its transient status, that also does not know it has yet done so, resulting in all involved nodes being unaware
* of the data inconsistency.
* This happens because ring ownership changes are implied by a single node; not all owning nodes get a say in when
* the transition takes effect. As such, a node can hold an incorrect belief about its own ownership ranges.
* This race condition is somewhat inherent in present day Cassandra, and there's actually a limit to what we can do about it.
* It is a little more dangerous with transient replication, however, because we can completely answer a request without
* ever touching a digest, meaning we are less likely to attempt to repair any inconsistency.
* We aren't guaranteed to contact any different nodes for the data requests, of course, though we at least have a chance.
* Note: If we have any pending transient->full movement, we need to move the full replica to our 'natural' bucket
* to avoid corrupting our count. This is fine for writes, all we're doing is ensuring we always write to the node,
* instead of selectively.
* @param natural
* @param pending
* @param <E>
* @return
static <E extends Endpoints<E>> boolean haveWriteConflicts(E natural, E pending)
Set<InetAddressAndPort> naturalEndpoints = natural.endpoints();
for (InetAddressAndPort pendingEndpoint : pending.endpoints())
if (naturalEndpoints.contains(pendingEndpoint))
return true;
return false;
* See {@link ReplicaLayout#haveWriteConflicts}
* @return a 'natural' replica collection, that has had its conflicts with pending repaired
static EndpointsForToken resolveWriteConflictsInNatural(EndpointsForToken natural, EndpointsForToken pending)
EndpointsForToken.Builder resolved = natural.newBuilder(natural.size());
for (Replica replica : natural)
// always prefer the full natural replica, if there is a conflict
if (replica.isTransient())
Replica conflict = pending.byEndpoint().get(replica.endpoint());
if (conflict != null)
// it should not be possible to have conflicts of the same replication type for the same range
assert conflict.isFull();
// If we have any pending transient->full movement, we need to move the full replica to our 'natural' bucket
// to avoid corrupting our count
* See {@link ReplicaLayout#haveWriteConflicts}
* @return a 'pending' replica collection, that has had its conflicts with natural repaired
static EndpointsForToken resolveWriteConflictsInPending(EndpointsForToken natural, EndpointsForToken pending)
return pending.without(natural.endpoints());
* @return the read layout for a token - this includes only live natural replicas, i.e. those that are not pending
* and not marked down by the failure detector. these are reverse sorted by the badness score of the configured snitch
public static ReplicaLayout.ForTokenRead forTokenReadLiveSorted(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, Token token)
EndpointsForToken replicas = replicationStrategy.getNaturalReplicasForToken(token);
replicas = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch().sortedByProximity(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort(), replicas);
replicas = replicas.filter(FailureDetector.isReplicaAlive);
return new ReplicaLayout.ForTokenRead(replicationStrategy, replicas);
* TODO: we should really double check that the provided range does not overlap multiple token ring regions
* @return the read layout for a range - this includes only live natural replicas, i.e. those that are not pending
* and not marked down by the failure detector. these are reverse sorted by the badness score of the configured snitch
static ReplicaLayout.ForRangeRead forRangeReadLiveSorted(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range)
EndpointsForRange replicas = replicationStrategy.getNaturalReplicas(range.right);
replicas = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch().sortedByProximity(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort(), replicas);
replicas = replicas.filter(FailureDetector.isReplicaAlive);
return new ReplicaLayout.ForRangeRead(replicationStrategy, range, replicas);