blob: 70cd76325ca11bea65296a6af0f8e8cdfdefd5e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.cassandra.locator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
* A ReplicaCollection where all Replica are required to cover a range that fully contains the token() defined in the builder().
* Endpoints are guaranteed to be unique; on construction, this is enforced unless optionally silenced (in which case
* only the first occurrence makes the cut).
public class EndpointsForToken extends Endpoints<EndpointsForToken>
private final Token token;
EndpointsForToken(Token token, ReplicaList list, ReplicaMap<InetAddressAndPort> byEndpoint)
super(list, byEndpoint);
this.token = token;
assert token != null;
public Token token()
return token;
public Builder newBuilder(int initialCapacity)
return new Builder(token, initialCapacity);
public EndpointsForToken snapshot()
return this;
protected EndpointsForToken snapshot(ReplicaList newList)
if (newList.isEmpty()) return empty(token);
ReplicaMap<InetAddressAndPort> byEndpoint = null;
if (this.byEndpoint != null && list.isSubList(newList))
byEndpoint = this.byEndpoint.forSubList(newList);
return new EndpointsForToken(token, newList, byEndpoint);
public Replica lookup(InetAddressAndPort endpoint)
return byEndpoint().get(endpoint);
public static class Builder extends EndpointsForToken implements ReplicaCollection.Builder<EndpointsForToken>
boolean built;
public Builder(Token token) { this(token, 0); }
public Builder(Token token, int capacity) { this(token, new ReplicaList(capacity)); }
private Builder(Token token, ReplicaList list) { super(token, list, endpointMap(list)); }
public EndpointsForToken.Builder add(Replica replica, Conflict ignoreConflict)
if (built) throw new IllegalStateException();
if (!replica.range().contains(super.token))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replica " + replica + " does not contain " + super.token);
if (!super.byEndpoint.internalPutIfAbsent(replica, list.size()))
switch (ignoreConflict)
if (byEndpoint().get(replica.endpoint()).equals(replica))
case NONE:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting replica added (expected unique endpoints): "
+ replica + "; existing: " + byEndpoint().get(replica.endpoint()));
case ALL:
return this;
return this;
public EndpointsForToken snapshot()
return snapshot(list.subList(0, list.size()));
public EndpointsForToken build()
built = true;
return new EndpointsForToken(super.token, super.list, super.byEndpoint);
public static Builder builder(Token token)
return new Builder(token);
public static Builder builder(Token token, int capacity)
return new Builder(token, capacity);
public static EndpointsForToken empty(Token token)
return new EndpointsForToken(token, EMPTY_LIST, EMPTY_MAP);
public static EndpointsForToken of(Token token, Replica replica)
// we only use ArrayList or ArrayList.SubList, to ensure callsites are bimorphic
ReplicaList one = new ReplicaList(1);
// we can safely use singletonMap, as we only otherwise use LinkedHashMap
return new EndpointsForToken(token, one, endpointMap(one));
public static EndpointsForToken of(Token token, Replica ... replicas)
return copyOf(token, Arrays.asList(replicas));
public static EndpointsForToken copyOf(Token token, Collection<Replica> replicas)
if (replicas.isEmpty()) return empty(token);
return builder(token, replicas.size()).addAll(replicas).build();
public static EndpointsForToken natural(Keyspace keyspace, Token token)
return keyspace.getReplicationStrategy().getNaturalReplicasForToken(token);
public static EndpointsForToken natural(AbstractReplicationStrategy replicationStrategy, Token token)
return replicationStrategy.getNaturalReplicasForToken(token);
public static EndpointsForToken natural(TableMetadata table, Token token)
return natural(, token);
public static EndpointsForToken pending(TableMetadata table, Token token)
return pending(table.keyspace, token);
public static EndpointsForToken pending(Keyspace keyspace, Token token)
return pending(keyspace.getName(), token);
public static EndpointsForToken pending(String keyspace, Token token)
return StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().pendingEndpointsForToken(token, keyspace);