blob: 7044312eac8d202859d0e4067a0239fc40f332d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db.virtual;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Clustering;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringBound;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ClusteringPrefix;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Slice;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.invalidRequest;
* An abstract virtual table implementation that builds the resultset on demand and allows fine-grained source
* modification via INSERT/UPDATE, DELETE and TRUNCATE operations.
* Virtual table implementation need to be thread-safe has they can be called from different threads.
public abstract class AbstractMutableVirtualTable extends AbstractVirtualTable
protected AbstractMutableVirtualTable(TableMetadata metadata)
public final void apply(PartitionUpdate update)
ColumnValues partitionKey = ColumnValues.from(metadata(), update.partitionKey());
if (update.deletionInfo().isLive())
update.forEach(row ->
ColumnValues clusteringColumns = ColumnValues.from(metadata(), row.clustering());
if (row.deletion().isLive())
if (row.columnCount() == 0)
applyColumnUpdate(partitionKey, clusteringColumns, Optional.empty());
row.forEach(columnData ->
checkFalse(columnData.column().isComplex(), "Complex type columns are not supported by table %s", metadata);
Cell<?> cell = (Cell<?>) columnData;
if (cell.isTombstone())
applyColumnDeletion(partitionKey, clusteringColumns, columnName(cell));
applyRowDeletion(partitionKey, clusteringColumns);
// MutableDeletionInfo may have partition delete or range tombstone list or both
if (update.deletionInfo().hasRanges())
.forEachRemaining(rt -> applyRangeTombstone(partitionKey, toRange(rt.deletedSlice())));
if (!update.deletionInfo().getPartitionDeletion().isLive())
protected void applyPartitionDeletion(ColumnValues partitionKey)
throw invalidRequest("Partition deletion is not supported by table %s", metadata);
private Range<ColumnValues> toRange(Slice slice)
ClusteringBound<?> startBound = slice.start();
ClusteringBound<?> endBound = slice.end();
if (startBound.isBottom())
if (endBound.isTop())
return Range.all();
return Range.upTo(ColumnValues.from(metadata(), endBound), boundType(endBound));
if (endBound.isTop())
return Range.downTo(ColumnValues.from(metadata(), startBound), boundType(startBound));
ColumnValues start = ColumnValues.from(metadata(), startBound);
BoundType startType = boundType(startBound);
ColumnValues end = ColumnValues.from(metadata(), endBound);
BoundType endType = boundType(endBound);
return Range.range(start, startType, end, endType);
private static BoundType boundType(ClusteringBound<?> bound)
return bound.isInclusive() ? BoundType.CLOSED : BoundType.OPEN;
protected void applyRangeTombstone(ColumnValues partitionKey, Range<ColumnValues> range)
throw invalidRequest("Range deletion is not supported by table %s", metadata);
protected void applyRowDeletion(ColumnValues partitionKey, ColumnValues clusteringColumns)
throw invalidRequest("Row deletion is not supported by table %s", metadata);
protected void applyColumnDeletion(ColumnValues partitionKey, ColumnValues clusteringColumns, String columnName)
throw invalidRequest("Column deletion is not supported by table %s", metadata);
protected void applyColumnUpdate(ColumnValues partitionKey,
ColumnValues clusteringColumns,
Optional<ColumnValue> columnValue)
throw invalidRequest("Column modification is not supported by table %s", metadata);
private static String columnName(Cell<?> cell)
return cell.column().name.toCQLString();
* A set of partition key or clustering column values.
public static final class ColumnValues implements Comparable<ColumnValues>
* An empty set of column values.
private static final ColumnValues EMPTY = new ColumnValues(ImmutableList.of(), ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY);
* The column metadata for the set of columns.
private final ImmutableList<ColumnMetadata> metadata;
* The column values. The number of values can be smaller than the number of values if only
* a sub-set of the column values is specified (e.g. clustering prefix).
private final Object[] values;
* Returns the set of column values corresponding to the specified partition key.
* @param metadata the table metadata
* @param partitionKey the partition key
* @return the set of columns values corresponding to the specified partition key
public static ColumnValues from(TableMetadata metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey)
if (metadata.partitionKeyType instanceof CompositeType)
ByteBuffer[] buffers = ((CompositeType) metadata.partitionKeyType).split(partitionKey.getKey());
return ColumnValues.from(metadata.partitionKeyColumns(), buffers);
return ColumnValues.from(metadata.partitionKeyColumns(), partitionKey.getKey());
* Returns the set of column values corresponding to the specified clustering prefix.
* @param metadata the table metadata
* @param prefix the clustering prefix
* @return the set of columns values corresponding to the specified clustering prefix
public static ColumnValues from(TableMetadata metadata, ClusteringPrefix<?> prefix)
if (prefix == Clustering.EMPTY)
return EMPTY;
return ColumnValues.from(metadata.clusteringColumns(), prefix.getBufferArray());
private static ColumnValues from(ImmutableList<ColumnMetadata> metadata, ByteBuffer... buffers)
return new ColumnValues(metadata, convert(metadata, buffers));
* Create a {@code ColumnValues} for the specified set of columns.
* @param metadata the partition or clustering columns metadata
* @param values the partition or clustering column values
public ColumnValues(List<ColumnMetadata> metadata, Object... values)
this.metadata = ImmutableList.copyOf(metadata);
this.values = values;
* Deserializes the column values.
* @param metadata the column metadata
* @param buffers the serialized column values
* @return the deserialized column values
private static Object[] convert(ImmutableList<ColumnMetadata> metadata, ByteBuffer[] buffers)
Object[] values = new Object[buffers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++)
values[i] = metadata.get(i).type.compose(buffers[i]);
return values;
* Returns the name of the specified column
* @param i the column index
* @return the column name
public String name(int i)
Preconditions.checkPositionIndex(i, values.length);
return metadata.get(i).name.toCQLString();
* Returns the value for the specified column
* @param i the column index
* @return the column value
public <V> V value(int i)
Preconditions.checkPositionIndex(i, values.length);
return (V) values[i];
* Returns the number of column values.
* @return the number of column values.
public int size()
return values.length;
public String toString()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0, m = metadata.size(); i <m; i++)
if (i != 0)
builder.append(", ");
.append(" : ");
if (i < values.length)
builder.append(i < values.length ? values[i].toString() : "unspecified");
return builder.append(']').toString();
public int compareTo(ColumnValues o)
assert metadata.equals(o.metadata);
int s1 = size();
int s2 = o.size();
int minSize = Math.min(s1, s2);
for (int i = 0; i < minSize; i++)
int cmp = compare(values[i], o.values[i]);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return 0;
private <T extends Comparable<T>> int compare(Object c1, Object c2)
return ((T) c1).compareTo((T) c2);
* A regular column value.
public static final class ColumnValue
* The column metadata
private final ColumnMetadata metadata;
* The column value
private final Object value;
* Returns the column value corresponding to the specified cell.
* @param cell the column cell metadata
* @return the column value corresponding to the specified cell
public static ColumnValue from(Cell<?> cell)
ColumnMetadata metadata = cell.column();
return new ColumnValue(metadata, metadata.type.compose(cell.buffer()));
private ColumnValue(ColumnMetadata metadata, Object value)
this.metadata = metadata;
this.value = value;
* Returns the column name.
* @return the column name
public String name()
* Returns the column value.
* @return the column value
public <V> V value()
return (V) value;
public String toString()
return String.format("%s : %s", name(), value());