blob: 9ef9128a36f0f673120a597ad31447add734ea84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
public abstract class ReadResponse
// Serializer for single partition read response
public static final IVersionedSerializer<ReadResponse> serializer = new Serializer();
protected ReadResponse()
public static ReadResponse createDataResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator data, ReadCommand command, RepairedDataInfo rdi)
return new LocalDataResponse(data, command, rdi);
public static ReadResponse createSimpleDataResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator data, ColumnFilter selection)
return new LocalDataResponse(data, selection);
public static ReadResponse createRemoteDataResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator data,
ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest,
boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive,
ReadCommand command,
int version)
return new RemoteDataResponse(, command.columnFilter()),
public static ReadResponse createDigestResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator data, ReadCommand command)
return new DigestResponse(makeDigest(data, command));
public abstract UnfilteredPartitionIterator makeIterator(ReadCommand command);
public abstract ByteBuffer digest(ReadCommand command);
public abstract ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest();
public abstract boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive();
public abstract boolean mayIncludeRepairedDigest();
public abstract boolean isDigestResponse();
* Creates a string of the requested partition in this read response suitable for debugging.
public String toDebugString(ReadCommand command, DecoratedKey key)
if (isDigestResponse())
return "Digest:0x" + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(digest(command));
try (UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter = makeIterator(command))
while (iter.hasNext())
try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition =
if (partition.partitionKey().equals(key))
return toDebugString(partition, command.metadata());
return String.format("<key %s not found (repaired_digest=%s repaired_digest_conclusive=%s)>",
key, ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(repairedDataDigest()), isRepairedDigestConclusive());
private String toDebugString(UnfilteredRowIterator partition, TableMetadata metadata)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("[%s] key=%s partition_deletion=%s columns=%s repaired_digest=%s repaired_digest_conclusive==%s",
if (partition.staticRow() != Rows.EMPTY_STATIC_ROW)
sb.append("\n ").append(partition.staticRow().toString(metadata, true));
while (partition.hasNext())
sb.append("\n ").append(, true));
return sb.toString();
protected static ByteBuffer makeDigest(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator, ReadCommand command)
Digest digest = Digest.forReadResponse();
UnfilteredPartitionIterators.digest(iterator, digest, command.digestVersion());
return ByteBuffer.wrap(digest.digest());
private static class DigestResponse extends ReadResponse
private final ByteBuffer digest;
private DigestResponse(ByteBuffer digest)
assert digest.hasRemaining();
this.digest = digest;
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator makeIterator(ReadCommand command)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean mayIncludeRepairedDigest()
return false;
public ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ByteBuffer digest(ReadCommand command)
// We assume that the digest is in the proper version, which bug excluded should be true since this is called with
// ReadCommand.digestVersion() as argument and that's also what we use to produce the digest in the first place.
// Validating it's the proper digest in this method would require sending back the digest version along with the
// digest which would waste bandwith for little gain.
return digest;
public boolean isDigestResponse()
return true;
// built on the owning node responding to a query
private static class LocalDataResponse extends DataResponse
private LocalDataResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, ReadCommand command, RepairedDataInfo rdi)
super(build(iter, command.columnFilter()),
rdi.getDigest(), rdi.isConclusive(),
private LocalDataResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, ColumnFilter selection)
super(build(iter, selection), null, false, MessagingService.current_version, DeserializationHelper.Flag.LOCAL);
private static ByteBuffer build(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, ColumnFilter selection)
try (DataOutputBuffer buffer = new DataOutputBuffer())
UnfilteredPartitionIterators.serializerForIntraNode().serialize(iter, selection, buffer, MessagingService.current_version);
return buffer.buffer();
catch (IOException e)
// We're serializing in memory so this shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// built on the coordinator node receiving a response
private static class RemoteDataResponse extends DataResponse
protected RemoteDataResponse(ByteBuffer data,
ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest,
boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive,
int version)
super(data, repairedDataDigest, isRepairedDigestConclusive, version, DeserializationHelper.Flag.FROM_REMOTE);
static abstract class DataResponse extends ReadResponse
// TODO: can the digest be calculated over the raw bytes now?
// The response, serialized in the current messaging version
private final ByteBuffer data;
private final ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest;
private final boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive;
private final int dataSerializationVersion;
private final DeserializationHelper.Flag flag;
protected DataResponse(ByteBuffer data,
ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest,
boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive,
int dataSerializationVersion,
DeserializationHelper.Flag flag)
super(); = data;
this.repairedDataDigest = repairedDataDigest;
this.isRepairedDigestConclusive = isRepairedDigestConclusive;
this.dataSerializationVersion = dataSerializationVersion;
this.flag = flag;
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator makeIterator(ReadCommand command)
try (DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(data, true))
// Note that the command parameter shadows the 'command' field and this is intended because
// the later can be null (for RemoteDataResponse as those are created in the serializers and
// those don't have easy access to the command). This is also why we need the command as parameter here.
return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.serializerForIntraNode().deserialize(in,
catch (IOException e)
// We're deserializing in memory so this shouldn't happen
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean mayIncludeRepairedDigest()
return dataSerializationVersion >= MessagingService.VERSION_40;
public ByteBuffer repairedDataDigest()
return repairedDataDigest;
public boolean isRepairedDigestConclusive()
return isRepairedDigestConclusive;
public ByteBuffer digest(ReadCommand command)
try (UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = makeIterator(command))
return makeDigest(iterator, command);
public boolean isDigestResponse()
return false;
private static class Serializer implements IVersionedSerializer<ReadResponse>
public void serialize(ReadResponse response, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
boolean isDigest = response instanceof DigestResponse;
ByteBuffer digest = isDigest ? ((DigestResponse)response).digest : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithVIntLength(digest, out);
if (!isDigest)
// From 4.0, a coordinator may request additional info about the repaired data that
// makes up the response, namely a digest generated from the repaired data and a
// flag indicating our level of confidence in that digest. The digest may be considered
// inconclusive if it may have been affected by some unrepaired data during read.
// e.g. some sstables read during this read were involved in pending but not yet
// committed repair sessions or an unrepaired partition tombstone meant that not all
// repaired sstables were read (but they might be on other replicas).
// If the coordinator did not request this info, the response contains an empty digest
// and a true for the isConclusive flag.
// If the messaging version is < 4.0, these are omitted altogether.
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_40)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithVIntLength(response.repairedDataDigest(), out);
ByteBuffer data = ((DataResponse)response).data;
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithVIntLength(data, out);
public ReadResponse deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
ByteBuffer digest = ByteBufferUtil.readWithVIntLength(in);
if (digest.hasRemaining())
return new DigestResponse(digest);
// A data response may also contain a digest of the portion of its payload
// that comes from the replica's repaired set, along with a flag indicating
// whether or not the digest may be influenced by unrepaired/pending
// repaired data
boolean repairedDigestConclusive;
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_40)
digest = ByteBufferUtil.readWithVIntLength(in);
repairedDigestConclusive = in.readBoolean();
digest = ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
repairedDigestConclusive = true;
ByteBuffer data = ByteBufferUtil.readWithVIntLength(in);
return new RemoteDataResponse(data, digest, repairedDigestConclusive, version);
public long serializedSize(ReadResponse response, int version)
boolean isDigest = response instanceof DigestResponse;
ByteBuffer digest = isDigest ? ((DigestResponse)response).digest : ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
long size = ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithVIntLength(digest);
if (!isDigest)
// From 4.0, a coordinator may request an additional info about the repaired data
// that makes up the response.
if (version >= MessagingService.VERSION_40)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithVIntLength(response.repairedDataDigest());
size += 1;
// In theory, we should deserialize/re-serialize if the version asked is different from the current
// version as the content could have a different serialization format. So far though, we haven't made
// change to partition iterators serialization since 3.0 so we skip this.
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
ByteBuffer data = ((DataResponse)response).data;
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithVIntLength(data);
return size;