blob: 463382d584c79f43cbf9adbf785250c6a371f587 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.CQLTypeParser;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Function;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.invalidRequest;
* A <code>Selector</code> is used to convert the data returned by the storage engine into the data requested by the
* user. They correspond to the &lt;selector&gt; elements from the select clause.
* <p>Since the introduction of aggregation, <code>Selector</code>s cannot be called anymore by multiple threads
* as they have an internal state.</p>
public abstract class Selector
protected static abstract class SelectorDeserializer
protected abstract Selector deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, TableMetadata metadata) throws IOException;
protected final AbstractType<?> readType(TableMetadata metadata, DataInputPlus in) throws IOException
KeyspaceMetadata keyspace = Schema.instance.getKeyspaceMetadata(metadata.keyspace);
return readType(keyspace, in);
protected final AbstractType<?> readType(KeyspaceMetadata keyspace, DataInputPlus in) throws IOException
String cqlType = in.readUTF();
return CQLTypeParser.parse(, cqlType, keyspace.types);
* The <code>Selector</code> kinds.
public static enum Kind
private final SelectorDeserializer deserializer;
Kind(SelectorDeserializer deserializer)
this.deserializer = deserializer;
* A factory for <code>Selector</code> instances.
public static abstract class Factory
public void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions)
* Returns the column specification corresponding to the output value of the selector instances created by
* this factory.
* @param table the table meta data
* @return a column specification
public ColumnSpecification getColumnSpecification(TableMetadata table)
return new ColumnSpecification(table.keyspace,,
new ColumnIdentifier(getColumnName(), true), // note that the name is not necessarily
// a true column name so we shouldn't intern it
* Creates a new <code>Selector</code> instance.
* @param options the options of the query for which the instance is created (some selector
* depends on the bound values in particular).
* @return a new <code>Selector</code> instance
public abstract Selector newInstance(QueryOptions options);
* Checks if this factory creates selectors instances that creates aggregates.
* @return <code>true</code> if this factory creates selectors instances that creates aggregates,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isAggregateSelectorFactory()
return false;
* Checks if this factory creates <code>writetime</code> selectors instances.
* @return <code>true</code> if this factory creates <code>writetime</code> selectors instances,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isWritetimeSelectorFactory()
return false;
* Checks if this factory creates <code>TTL</code> selectors instances.
* @return <code>true</code> if this factory creates <code>TTL</code> selectors instances,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isTTLSelectorFactory()
return false;
* Checks if this factory creates <code>Selector</code>s that simply return a column value.
* @param index the column index
* @return <code>true</code> if this factory creates <code>Selector</code>s that simply return a column value,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isSimpleSelectorFactory()
return false;
* Checks if this factory creates <code>Selector</code>s that simply return the specified column.
* @param index the column index
* @return <code>true</code> if this factory creates <code>Selector</code>s that simply return
* the specified column, <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isSimpleSelectorFactoryFor(int index)
return false;
* Returns the name of the column corresponding to the output value of the selector instances created by
* this factory.
* @return a column name
protected abstract String getColumnName();
* Returns the type of the values returned by the selector instances created by this factory.
* @return the selector output type
protected abstract AbstractType<?> getReturnType();
* Record a mapping between the ColumnDefinitions that are used by the selector
* instances created by this factory and a column in the ResultSet.Metadata
* returned with a query. In most cases, this is likely to be a 1:1 mapping,
* but some selector instances may utilise multiple columns (or none at all)
* to produce a value (i.e. functions).
* @param mapping the instance of the column mapping belonging to the current query's Selection
* @param resultsColumn the column in the ResultSet.Metadata to which the ColumnDefinitions used
* by the Selector are to be mapped
protected abstract void addColumnMapping(SelectionColumnMapping mapping, ColumnSpecification resultsColumn);
* Checks if all the columns fetched by the selector created by this factory are known
* @return {@code true} if all the columns fetched by the selector created by this factory are known,
* {@code false} otherwise.
abstract boolean areAllFetchedColumnsKnown();
* Adds the columns fetched by the selector created by this factory to the provided builder, assuming the
* factory is terminal (i.e. that {@code isTerminal() == true}).
* @param builder the column builder to add fetched columns (and potential subselection) to.
* @throws AssertionError if the method is called on a factory where {@code isTerminal()} returns {@code false}.
abstract void addFetchedColumns(ColumnFilter.Builder builder);
public static class Serializer
public void serialize(Selector selector, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
selector.serialize(out, version);
public Selector deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, TableMetadata metadata) throws IOException
Kind kind = Kind.values()[in.readUnsignedByte()];
return kind.deserializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
public int serializedSize(Selector selector, int version)
return TypeSizes.sizeof((byte) selector.kind().ordinal()) + selector.serializedSize(version);
* The {@code Selector} serializer.
public static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
* The {@code Selector} kind.
private final Kind kind;
* Returns the {@code Selector} kind.
* @return the {@code Selector} kind
public final Kind kind()
return kind;
protected Selector(Kind kind)
this.kind = kind;
* Add to the provided builder the column (and potential subselections) to fetch for this
* selection.
* @param builder the builder to add columns and subselections to.
public abstract void addFetchedColumns(ColumnFilter.Builder builder);
* A row of data that need to be processed by a {@code Selector}
public static final class InputRow
private ByteBuffer[] values;
private final long[] timestamps;
private final int[] ttls;
private int index;
public InputRow(int size, boolean collectTimestamps, boolean collectTTLs)
this.values = new ByteBuffer[size];
if (collectTimestamps)
this.timestamps = new long[size];
// We use MIN_VALUE to indicate no timestamp
Arrays.fill(timestamps, Long.MIN_VALUE);
timestamps = null;
if (collectTTLs)
this.ttls = new int[size];
// We use -1 to indicate no ttl
Arrays.fill(ttls, -1);
ttls = null;
public void add(ByteBuffer v)
values[index] = v;
if (timestamps != null)
timestamps[index] = Long.MIN_VALUE;
if (ttls != null)
ttls[index] = -1;
public void add(Cell<?> c, int nowInSec)
if (c == null)
values[index] = value(c);
if (timestamps != null)
timestamps[index] = c.timestamp();
if (ttls != null)
ttls[index] = remainingTTL(c, nowInSec);
private int remainingTTL(Cell<?> c, int nowInSec)
if (!c.isExpiring())
return -1;
int remaining = c.localDeletionTime() - nowInSec;
return remaining >= 0 ? remaining : -1;
private <V> ByteBuffer value(Cell<V> c)
return c.isCounterCell()
? ByteBufferUtil.bytes(CounterContext.instance().total(c.value(), c.accessor()))
: c.buffer();
* Return the value of the column with the specified index.
* @param index the column index
* @return the value of the column with the specified index
public ByteBuffer getValue(int index)
return values[index];
* Reset the row internal state.
* <p>If the reset is not a deep one only the index will be reset. If the reset is a deep one a new
* array will be created to store the column values. This allow to reduce object creation when it is not
* necessary.</p>
* @param deep {@code true} if the reset must be a deep one.
public void reset(boolean deep)
index = 0;
if (deep)
values = new ByteBuffer[values.length];
* Return the timestamp of the column with the specified index.
* @param index the column index
* @return the timestamp of the column with the specified index
public long getTimestamp(int index)
return timestamps[index];
* Return the ttl of the column with the specified index.
* @param index the column index
* @return the ttl of the column with the specified index
public int getTtl(int index)
return ttls[index];
* Returns the column values as list.
* <p>This content of the list will be shared with the {@code InputRow} unless a deep reset has been done.</p>
* @return the column values as list.
public List<ByteBuffer> getValues()
return Arrays.asList(values);
* Add the current value from the specified <code>ResultSetBuilder</code>.
* @param protocolVersion protocol version used for serialization
* @param input the input row
* @throws InvalidRequestException if a problem occurs while adding the input row
public abstract void addInput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, InputRow input);
* Returns the selector output.
* @param protocolVersion protocol version used for serialization
* @return the selector output
* @throws InvalidRequestException if a problem occurs while computing the output value
public abstract ByteBuffer getOutput(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws InvalidRequestException;
* Returns the <code>Selector</code> output type.
* @return the <code>Selector</code> output type.
public abstract AbstractType<?> getType();
* Reset the internal state of this <code>Selector</code>.
public abstract void reset();
* A selector is terminal if it doesn't require any input for it's output to be computed, i.e. if {@link #getOutput}
* result doesn't depend of {@link #addInput}. This is typically the case of a constant value or functions on constant
* values.
public boolean isTerminal()
return false;
* Checks that this selector is valid for GROUP BY clause.
public void validateForGroupBy()
throw invalidRequest("Only column names and monotonic scalar functions are supported in the GROUP BY clause.");
protected abstract int serializedSize(int version);
protected abstract void serialize(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException;
protected static void writeType(DataOutputPlus out, AbstractType<?> type) throws IOException
protected static int sizeOf(AbstractType<?> type)
return TypeSizes.sizeof(type.asCQL3Type().toString());