blob: 9a0c37a08926bb2e2def06657b4d7aa4d229a7a1 [file] [log] [blame]
= Storage Engine
== CommitLog
Commitlogs are an append only log of all mutations local to a Cassandra
node. Any data written to Cassandra will first be written to a commit
log before being written to a memtable. This provides durability in the
case of unexpected shutdown. On startup, any mutations in the commit log
will be applied to memtables.
All mutations write optimized by storing in commitlog segments, reducing
the number of seeks needed to write to disk. Commitlog Segments are
limited by the `commitlog_segment_size` option, once the size is
reached, a new commitlog segment is created. Commitlog segments can be
archived, deleted, or recycled once all its data has been flushed to
SSTables. Commitlog segments are truncated when Cassandra has written
data older than a certain point to the SSTables. Running "nodetool
drain" before stopping Cassandra will write everything in the memtables
to SSTables and remove the need to sync with the commitlogs on startup.
* `commitlog_segment_size`: The default size is 32MiB, which is
almost always fine, but if you are archiving commitlog segments (see, then you probably want a finer
granularity of archiving; 8 or 16 MiB is reasonable. `commitlog_segment_size`
also determines the default value of `max_mutation_size` in cassandra.yaml.
By default, max_mutation_size is half the size of `commitlog_segment_size`.
**NOTE: If `max_mutation_size` is set explicitly then
`commitlog_segment_size` must be set to at least twice the size of
Commitlogs are an append only log of all mutations local to a Cassandra
node. Any data written to Cassandra will first be written to a commit
log before being written to a memtable. This provides durability in the
case of unexpected shutdown. On startup, any mutations in the commit log
will be applied.
* `commitlog_sync`: may be either _periodic_ or _batch_.
** `batch`: In batch mode, Cassandra won’t ack writes until the commit
log has been fsynced to disk. It will wait
"commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms" milliseconds between fsyncs. This
window should be kept short because the writer threads will be unable to
do extra work while waiting. You may need to increase concurrent_writes
for the same reason.
- `commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms`: Time to wait between "batch"
fsyncs _Default Value:_ 2
** `periodic`: In periodic mode, writes are immediately ack'ed, and the
CommitLog is simply synced every "commitlog_sync_period"
- `commitlog_sync_period`: Time to wait between "periodic" fsyncs
_Default Value:_ 10000ms
_Default Value:_ batch
** NOTE: In the event of an unexpected shutdown, Cassandra can lose up
to the sync period or more if the sync is delayed. If using "batch"
mode, it is recommended to store commitlogs in a separate, dedicated
* `commitlog_directory`: This option is commented out by default When
running on magnetic HDD, this should be a separate spindle than the data
directories. If not set, the default directory is
_Default Value:_ /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog
* `commitlog_compression`: Compression to apply to the commitlog. If
omitted, the commit log will be written uncompressed. LZ4, Snappy,
Deflate and Zstd compressors are supported.
(Default Value: (complex option):
[source, yaml]
# - class_name: LZ4Compressor
# parameters:
* `commitlog_total_space`: Total space to use for commit logs on
If space gets above this value, Cassandra will flush every dirty CF in
the oldest segment and remove it. So a small total commitlog space will
tend to cause more flush activity on less-active columnfamilies.
The default value is the smaller of 8192, and 1/4 of the total space of
the commitlog volume.
_Default Value:_ 8192MiB
== Memtables
Memtables are in-memory structures where Cassandra buffers writes. In
general, there is one active memtable per table. Eventually, memtables
are flushed onto disk and become immutable link:#sstables[SSTables].
This can be triggered in several ways:
* The memory usage of the memtables exceeds the configured threshold
(see `memtable_cleanup_threshold`)
* The `commit-log` approaches its maximum size, and forces memtable
flushes in order to allow commitlog segments to be freed
Memtables may be stored entirely on-heap or partially off-heap,
depending on `memtable_allocation_type`.
== SSTables
SSTables are the immutable data files that Cassandra uses for persisting
data on disk.
As SSTables are flushed to disk from `memtables` or are streamed from
other nodes, Cassandra triggers compactions which combine multiple
SSTables into one. Once the new SSTable has been written, the old
SSTables can be removed.
Each SSTable is comprised of multiple components stored in separate
The actual data, i.e. the contents of rows.
An index from partition keys to positions in the `Data.db` file. For
wide partitions, this may also include an index to rows within a
A sampling of (by default) every 128th entry in the `Index.db` file.
A Bloom Filter of the partition keys in the SSTable.
Metadata about the offsets and lengths of compression chunks in the
`Data.db` file.
Stores metadata about the SSTable, including information about
timestamps, tombstones, clustering keys, compaction, repair,
compression, TTLs, and more.
A CRC-32 digest of the `Data.db` file.
A plain text list of the component files for the SSTable.
Within the `Data.db` file, rows are organized by partition. These
partitions are sorted in token order (i.e. by a hash of the partition
key when the default partitioner, `Murmur3Partition`, is used). Within a
partition, rows are stored in the order of their clustering keys.
SSTables can be optionally compressed using block-based compression.
== SSTable Versions
This section was created using the following[gist] which
utilized this original[source].
The version numbers, to date are:
=== Version 0
* b (0.7.0): added version to sstable filenames
* c (0.7.0): bloom filter component computes hashes over raw key bytes
instead of strings
* d (0.7.0): row size in data component becomes a long instead of int
* e (0.7.0): stores undecorated keys in data and index components
* f (0.7.0): switched bloom filter implementations in data component
* g (0.8): tracks flushed-at context in metadata component
=== Version 1
* h (1.0): tracks max client timestamp in metadata component
* hb (1.0.3): records compression ration in metadata component
* hc (1.0.4): records partitioner in metadata component
* hd (1.0.10): includes row tombstones in maxtimestamp
* he (1.1.3): includes ancestors generation in metadata component
* hf (1.1.6): marker that replay position corresponds to 1.1.5+
millis-based id (see CASSANDRA-4782)
* ia (1.2.0):
** column indexes are promoted to the index file
** records estimated histogram of deletion times in tombstones
** bloom filter (keys and columns) upgraded to Murmur3
* ib (1.2.1): tracks min client timestamp in metadata component
* ic (1.2.5): omits per-row bloom filter of column names
=== Version 2
* ja (2.0.0):
** super columns are serialized as composites (note that there is no
real format change, this is mostly a marker to know if we should expect
super columns or not. We do need a major version bump however, because
we should not allow streaming of super columns into this new format)
** tracks max local deletiontime in sstable metadata
** records bloom_filter_fp_chance in metadata component
** remove data size and column count from data file (CASSANDRA-4180)
** tracks max/min column values (according to comparator)
* jb (2.0.1):
** switch from crc32 to adler32 for compression checksums
** checksum the compressed data
* ka (2.1.0):
** new Statistics.db file format
** index summaries can be downsampled and the sampling level is
** switch uncompressed checksums to adler32
** tracks presense of legacy (local and remote) counter shards
* la (2.2.0): new file name format
* lb (2.2.7): commit log lower bound included
=== Version 3
* ma (3.0.0):
** swap bf hash order
** store rows natively
* mb (3.0.7, 3.7): commit log lower bound included
* mc (3.0.8, 3.9): commit log intervals included
=== Example Code
The following example is useful for finding all sstables that do not
match the "ib" SSTable version