blob: dcd08da2e4c9c6e6ed891941187d4ad9e7e5ca75 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import binascii
import calendar
import math
import re
import sys
import platform
import wcwidth
from collections import defaultdict
from displaying import colorme, get_str, FormattedValue, DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS, NO_COLOR_MAP
from cassandra.cqltypes import EMPTY
from cassandra.util import datetime_from_timestamp
from util import UTC
is_win = platform.system() == 'Windows'
unicode_controlchars_re = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x31\x7f-\xa0]')
controlchars_re = re.compile(r'[\x00-\x31\x7f-\xff]')
def _show_control_chars(match):
txt = repr(
if txt.startswith('u'):
txt = txt[2:-1]
txt = txt[1:-1]
return txt
bits_to_turn_red_re = re.compile(r'\\([^uUx]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8})')
def _make_turn_bits_red_f(color1, color2):
def _turn_bits_red(match):
txt =
if txt == '\\\\':
return '\\'
return color1 + txt + color2
return _turn_bits_red
default_null_placeholder = 'null'
default_float_precision = 3
default_colormap = DEFAULT_VALUE_COLORS
empty_colormap = defaultdict(lambda: '')
def format_by_type(cqltype, val, encoding, colormap=None, addcolor=False,
nullval=None, date_time_format=None, float_precision=None,
decimal_sep=None, thousands_sep=None, boolean_styles=None):
if nullval is None:
nullval = default_null_placeholder
if val is None:
return colorme(nullval, colormap, 'error')
if addcolor is False:
colormap = empty_colormap
elif colormap is None:
colormap = default_colormap
if date_time_format is None:
date_time_format = DateTimeFormat()
if float_precision is None:
float_precision = default_float_precision
return format_value(cqltype, val, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap,
date_time_format=date_time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
nullval=nullval, decimal_sep=decimal_sep, thousands_sep=thousands_sep,
def color_text(bval, colormap, displaywidth=None):
# note that here, we render natural backslashes as just backslashes,
# in the same color as surrounding text, when using color. When not
# using color, we need to double up the backslashes so it's not
# ambiguous. This introduces the unique difficulty of having different
# display widths for the colored and non-colored versions. To avoid
# adding the smarts to handle that in to FormattedValue, we just
# make an explicit check to see if a null colormap is being used or
# not.
if displaywidth is None:
displaywidth = len(bval)
tbr = _make_turn_bits_red_f(colormap['blob'], colormap['text'])
coloredval = colormap['text'] + bits_to_turn_red_re.sub(tbr, bval) + colormap['reset']
if colormap['text']:
displaywidth -= bval.count(r'\\')
return FormattedValue(bval, coloredval, displaywidth)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'
class DateTimeFormat():
def __init__(self, timestamp_format=DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, date_format=DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT,
nanotime_format=DEFAULT_NANOTIME_FORMAT, timezone=None):
self.timestamp_format = timestamp_format
self.date_format = date_format
self.nanotime_format = nanotime_format
self.timezone = timezone
def format_value_default(val, colormap, **_):
val = str(val)
escapedval = val.replace('\\', '\\\\')
bval = controlchars_re.sub(_show_control_chars, escapedval)
return bval if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP else color_text(bval, colormap)
# Mapping cql type base names ("int", "map", etc) to formatter functions,
# making format_value a generic function
_formatters = {}
def format_value(type, val, **kwargs):
if val == EMPTY:
return format_value_default('', **kwargs)
formatter = _formatters.get(type.__name__, format_value_default)
return formatter(val, **kwargs)
def get_formatter(type):
return _formatters.get(type.__name__, format_value_default)
def formatter_for(typname):
def registrator(f):
_formatters[typname] = f
return f
return registrator
def format_value_blob(val, colormap, **_):
bval = '0x' + binascii.hexlify(val)
return colorme(bval, colormap, 'blob')
def format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, color, quote=False):
bval = str(val)
if quote:
bval = "'%s'" % bval
return colorme(bval, colormap, color)
def format_value_decimal(val, float_precision, colormap, decimal_sep=None, thousands_sep=None, **_):
if (decimal_sep and decimal_sep != '.') or thousands_sep:
return format_floating_point_type(val, colormap, float_precision, decimal_sep, thousands_sep)
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'decimal')
def format_value_uuid(val, colormap, **_):
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'uuid')
def formatter_value_inet(val, colormap, quote=False, **_):
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'inet', quote=quote)
def format_value_boolean(val, colormap, boolean_styles=None, **_):
if boolean_styles:
val = boolean_styles[0] if val else boolean_styles[1]
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'boolean')
def format_floating_point_type(val, colormap, float_precision, decimal_sep=None, thousands_sep=None, **_):
if math.isnan(val):
bval = 'NaN'
elif math.isinf(val):
bval = 'Infinity' if val > 0 else '-Infinity'
if thousands_sep:
dpart, ipart = math.modf(val)
bval = format_integer_with_thousands_sep(ipart, thousands_sep)
dpart_str = ('%.*f' % (float_precision, math.fabs(dpart)))[2:].rstrip('0')
if dpart_str:
bval += '%s%s' % ('.' if not decimal_sep else decimal_sep, dpart_str)
exponent = int(math.log10(abs(val))) if abs(val) > sys.float_info.epsilon else -sys.maxsize - 1
if -4 <= exponent < float_precision:
# when this is true %g will not use scientific notation,
# increasing precision should not change this decision
# so we increase the precision to take into account the
# digits to the left of the decimal point
float_precision = float_precision + exponent + 1
bval = '%.*g' % (float_precision, val)
if decimal_sep:
bval = bval.replace('.', decimal_sep)
return colorme(bval, colormap, 'float')
def format_integer_type(val, colormap, thousands_sep=None, **_):
# base-10 only for now; support others?
bval = format_integer_with_thousands_sep(val, thousands_sep) if thousands_sep else str(val)
return colorme(bval, colormap, 'int')
# We can get rid of this in cassandra-2.2
if sys.version_info >= (2, 7):
def format_integer_with_thousands_sep(val, thousands_sep=','):
return "{:,.0f}".format(val).replace(',', thousands_sep)
def format_integer_with_thousands_sep(val, thousands_sep=','):
if val < 0:
return '-' + format_integer_with_thousands_sep(-val, thousands_sep)
result = ''
while val >= 1000:
val, r = divmod(val, 1000)
result = "%s%03d%s" % (thousands_sep, r, result)
return "%d%s" % (val, result)
def format_value_timestamp(val, colormap, date_time_format, quote=False, **_):
bval = strftime(date_time_format.timestamp_format, calendar.timegm(val.utctimetuple()), timezone=date_time_format.timezone)
if quote:
bval = "'%s'" % bval
return colorme(bval, colormap, 'timestamp')
def strftime(time_format, seconds, timezone=None):
ret_dt = datetime_from_timestamp(seconds).replace(tzinfo=UTC())
if timezone:
ret_dt = ret_dt.astimezone(timezone)
return ret_dt.strftime(time_format)
def format_value_date(val, colormap, **_):
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'date')
def format_value_time(val, colormap, **_):
return format_python_formatted_type(val, colormap, 'time')
def format_value_text(val, encoding, colormap, quote=False, **_):
escapedval = val.replace(u'\\', u'\\\\')
if quote:
escapedval = escapedval.replace("'", "''")
escapedval = unicode_controlchars_re.sub(_show_control_chars, escapedval)
bval = escapedval.encode(encoding, 'backslashreplace')
if quote:
bval = "'%s'" % bval
return bval if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP else color_text(bval, colormap, wcwidth.wcswidth(bval.decode(encoding)))
# name alias
def format_simple_collection(val, lbracket, rbracket, encoding,
colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles):
subs = [format_value(type(sval), sval, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap,
date_time_format=date_time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
nullval=nullval, quote=True, decimal_sep=decimal_sep,
thousands_sep=thousands_sep, boolean_styles=boolean_styles)
for sval in val]
bval = lbracket + ', '.join(get_str(sval) for sval in subs) + rbracket
if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
return bval
lb, sep, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
for s in (lbracket, ', ', rbracket)]
coloredval = lb + sep.join(sval.coloredval for sval in subs) + rb
displaywidth = 2 * len(subs) + sum(sval.displaywidth for sval in subs)
return FormattedValue(bval, coloredval, displaywidth)
def format_value_list(val, encoding, colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles, **_):
return format_simple_collection(val, '[', ']', encoding, colormap,
date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles)
def format_value_tuple(val, encoding, colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles, **_):
return format_simple_collection(val, '(', ')', encoding, colormap,
date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles)
def format_value_set(val, encoding, colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles, **_):
return format_simple_collection(sorted(val), '{', '}', encoding, colormap,
date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles)
def format_value_map(val, encoding, colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles, **_):
def subformat(v):
return format_value(type(v), v, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap,
date_time_format=date_time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
nullval=nullval, quote=True, decimal_sep=decimal_sep,
thousands_sep=thousands_sep, boolean_styles=boolean_styles)
subs = [(subformat(k), subformat(v)) for (k, v) in sorted(val.items())]
bval = '{' + ', '.join(get_str(k) + ': ' + get_str(v) for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
return bval
lb, comma, colon, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
for s in ('{', ', ', ': ', '}')]
coloredval = lb \
+ comma.join(k.coloredval + colon + v.coloredval for (k, v) in subs) \
+ rb
displaywidth = 4 * len(subs) + sum(k.displaywidth + v.displaywidth for (k, v) in subs)
return FormattedValue(bval, coloredval, displaywidth)
def format_value_utype(val, encoding, colormap, date_time_format, float_precision, nullval,
decimal_sep, thousands_sep, boolean_styles, **_):
def format_field_value(v):
if v is None:
return colorme(nullval, colormap, 'error')
return format_value(type(v), v, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap,
date_time_format=date_time_format, float_precision=float_precision,
nullval=nullval, quote=True, decimal_sep=decimal_sep,
thousands_sep=thousands_sep, boolean_styles=boolean_styles)
def format_field_name(name):
return format_value_text(name, encoding=encoding, colormap=colormap, quote=False)
subs = [(format_field_name(k), format_field_value(v)) for (k, v) in val._asdict().items()]
bval = '{' + ', '.join(get_str(k) + ': ' + get_str(v) for (k, v) in subs) + '}'
if colormap is NO_COLOR_MAP:
return bval
lb, comma, colon, rb = [colormap['collection'] + s + colormap['reset']
for s in ('{', ', ', ': ', '}')]
coloredval = lb \
+ comma.join(k.coloredval + colon + v.coloredval for (k, v) in subs) \
+ rb
displaywidth = 4 * len(subs) + sum(k.displaywidth + v.displaywidth for (k, v) in subs)
return FormattedValue(bval, coloredval, displaywidth)