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<div id="home-content" class="text-center flex flex-center flex-column relative z2 ma-xlarge">
<h1>Working on Documentation</h1>
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<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="working-on-documentation"><a class="anchor" href="#working-on-documentation"></a>Working on Documentation</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="how-cassandra-is-documented"><a class="anchor" href="#how-cassandra-is-documented"></a>How Cassandra is documented</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>The official Cassandra documentation lives in the project&#8217;s git
We use a static site generator, <a href="">Antora</a>, to create pages hosted at
<a href="/doc/latest/"></a>.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>&lt;!-- You&#8217;ll also find developer-centric content about Cassandra internals in our
retired <a href="">wiki</a> (not covered by this
guide). -&#8594;</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Using a static site generator often requires the use of a markup language
instead of visual editors (which some people would call good news).
Antora processes <a href="">AsciiDoc</a>, the markup language used to generate our documentation.
Markup languages allow you to format text using certain syntax elements.
Your document structure will also have to follow specific conventions.
Feel free to take a look at <a href="/doc/">existing documents</a> to get a better idea how we structure our documents.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>So how do you actually start making contributions?</p>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="github-based-work-flow"><a class="anchor" href="#github-based-work-flow"></a>GitHub based work flow</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><em>Recommended for shorter documents and minor changes on existing content
(e.g. fixing typos or updating descriptions)</em></p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Follow these steps to contribute using GitHub. It&#8217;s assumed that you&#8217;re
logged in with an existing account.</p>
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic">
<p>Fork the GitHub mirror of the
<a href="">Cassandra repository</a></p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_fork.png" alt="image">
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic" start="2">
<p>Create a new branch that you can use to make your edits. It&#8217;s
recommended to have a separate branch for each of your working projects.
It will also make it easier to create a pull request later to when you
decide you’re ready to contribute your work.</p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_create_branch.png" alt="image">
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic" start="3">
<p>Navigate to document sources <code>doc/source/modules</code> to find the <code>.adoc</code> file to
edit. The URL of the document should correspond to the directory
structure within the modules, where first the <code>component</code> name, such as <code>cassandra</code> is listed, and then the actual pages inside the <code>pages</code> directory. New files can be created using the "Create new file" button:</p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_create_file.png" alt="image">
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic" start="4">
<p>At this point you should be able to edit the file using the GitHub web
editor. Start by naming your file and add some content. Have a look at
other existing <code>.adoc</code> files to get a better idea what format elements to
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_editor.png" alt="image">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Make sure to preview added content before committing any changes.</p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_preview.png" alt="image">
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic" start="5">
<p>Commit your work when you&#8217;re done. Make sure to add a short
description of all your edits since the last time you committed before.</p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_commit.png" alt="image">
<div class="olist arabic">
<ol class="arabic" start="6">
<p>Finally if you decide that you&#8217;re done working on your branch, it&#8217;s
time to create a pull request!</p>
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="../_images/docs_pr.png" alt="image">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Afterwards the GitHub Cassandra mirror will list your pull request and
you&#8217;re done. Congratulations! Please give us some time to look at your
suggested changes before we get back to you.</p>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="jira-based-work-flow"><a class="anchor" href="#jira-based-work-flow"></a>Jira based work flow</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><em>Recommended for major changes</em></p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Significant changes to the documentation are best managed through our
Jira issue tracker. Please follow the same
<a href="patches.html" class="page">contribution
guides</a> as for regular code contributions. Creating high quality content
takes a lot of effort. It’s therefore always a good idea to create a
ticket before you start and explain what you’re planning to do. This will
create the opportunity for other contributors and committers to comment
on your ideas and work so far. Eventually your patch gets a formal
review before it is committed.</p>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="working-on-documents-locally-using-antora"><a class="anchor" href="#working-on-documents-locally-using-antora"></a>Working on documents locally using Antora</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><em>Recommended for advanced editing</em></p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Using the GitHub web interface should allow you to use most common
layout elements including images. More advanced formatting options and
navigation elements depend on Antora to render correctly. Therefore, it’s
a good idea to setup Antora locally for any serious editing. Please
follow the instructions in the Cassandra source directory at
<code>doc/</code>. Setup is very easy (at least on OSX and Linux).</p>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="notes-for-committers"><a class="anchor" href="#notes-for-committers"></a>Notes for committers</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Please feel free to get involved and merge pull requests created on the
GitHub mirror if you&#8217;re a committer. As this is a read-only repository,
you won&#8217;t be able to merge a PR directly on GitHub. You&#8217;ll have to
commit the changes against the Apache repository with a comment that
will close the PR when the committ syncs with GitHub.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>You may use a git work flow like this:</p>
<div class="literalblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>git remote add github
git fetch github pull/&lt;PR-ID&gt;/head:&lt;PR-ID&gt;
git checkout &lt;PR-ID&gt;</pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Now either rebase or squash the commit, e.g. for squashing:</p>
<div class="literalblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>git reset --soft origin/trunk
git commit --author &lt;PR Author&gt;</pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Make sure to add a proper commit message including a "Closes #&lt;PR-ID&gt;"
text to automatically close the PR.</p>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="publishing"><a class="anchor" href="#publishing"></a>Publishing</h4>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Details for building and publishing of the site at
can be found
<a href="">here</a>.</p>
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