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<h1>Cassandra and Kubernetes: SIG Update #2</h1>
<h3>June 9, 2021 | Rahul Singh, John Sanda</h3>
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<p>The Cassandra Kubernetes SIG is excited to share that there has been coalescence around the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cass Operator</a> project as the community-based operator.</p>
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<p>It is no understatement to say that moving towards a single operator for the Apache Cassandra community has been a technical challenge. There are several <a href="Cassandra-and-Kubernetes-SIG-Update-and-Survey.html" class="page" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kubernetes operator projects for Cassandra</a>, and there were at least five different ways to go about this. Initially, it seemed we were going to create a standard and build a fresh operator from scratch, adopting the others’ ideas. For more details on this discussion, check out this lengthy dev mailing list <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">thread</a>.</p>
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<p>For the next stage, the SIG is focused on increasing Cass Operator’s community adoption with the ultimate goal of bringing the project into the ASF.</p>
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<h3 id="why-cass-operator"><a class="anchor" href="#why-cass-operator"></a>Why Cass-Operator?</h3>
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<p>Several features of the Cass-Operator project, open-sourced by DataStax, made it the prime candidate for the other projects to rally around. (You can read about the five major Kubernetes Operators for Cassandra in the last <a href="Cassandra-and-Kubernetes-SIG-Update-and-Survey.html" class="page">Cassandra SIG update</a>.)</p>
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<img src="../_images/blog/cass-operator-diagram.png" alt="High Level Architecture of the Cass Operator in Kubernetes">
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<p><strong>High Level Architecture of the Cass Operator in Kubernetes</strong></p>
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<p>Cass-Operator has major features for datacenter provisioning and operations and has Apache Cassandra’s best practices baked into the automations:</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p><strong>Bootstraps nodes appropriately</strong> - this feature is important because when Cassandra starts up it needs to start the initial seeds first, in each rack, in a uniform manner.</p>
<p><strong>Scales up and scales down clusters gracefully</strong> - nodes are intelligently scaled up and down one at a time across racks so that replicas of data are uniformly distributed.</p>
<p><strong>Automated node recovery processes</strong> - basic operations such as restart, replace node, or replace an instance are all automated.</p>
<p><strong>Basic topology</strong> - this feature makes multi-DC / multi-rack clusters fairly easy to create.</p>
<p><strong>Advanced topology</strong> - Advanced networking at the Kubernetes layer makes multi-region / multi-K8s clusters possible with CNIs such as Cilium or externally via traditional networking tools.</p>
<p><strong>Customizable containers</strong> - applying containerization best practice, this enables human operators to merge containers they have built with what’s offered in the cass-operator so that they don’t have to deal with secrets/volumes.</p>
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<img src="../_images/blog/apache-cassandra-cluster-on-kubernetes.png" alt="Apache Cassandra Cluster on Kubernetes">
<div class="title">Figure 1. An Apache Cassandra Cluster managed by Cass Operator in Kubernetes across different workers with StatefulSets managing the pods running Cassandra</div>
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<h3 id="cass-operator-differentiators"><a class="anchor" href="#cass-operator-differentiators"></a>Cass-Operator Differentiators</h3>
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<p>Cass-Operator has many general features that distinguish it even before it is merged with the powerful features that CassKop will supply:</p>
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<p>The operator leverages a number of existing open source tools in the OSS ecosystem and commercial components that have been open-sourced to avoid issues with vendor lock-in:</p>
<p>Open-sourced Cass Config Builder extracted from DataStax OpsCenter Life Cycle Manager.</p>
<p>Open-sourced Management API for Apache Cassandra (MAAC).</p>
<p>Open-sourced Metrics Collector for Apache Cassandra (MCAC).</p>
<p>Open-sourced SRE tools such as Prometheus and Grafana Operator.</p>
<p>PodTemplateSpec enables operators to super-customize existing pods.</p>
<p>Cass-Operator implements advanced networking and manages the node ports and host networks.</p>
<p>Management API mTLS support provides simple security.</p>
<p>Automated generation of keystore and truststore for internode and client to node TLS.</p>
<p>Automated superuser account configuration according to best practices.</p>
<p>NetworkTopologyStrategy is automatically applied with appropriate replication factor (RF) for system keyspaces.</p>
<p>Webhook validation ensures that invalid changes are rejected with a helpful message.</p>
<p>Rolling cluster updates which allow for changes related to a change in binary (C* upgrade), a change in configuration, and canary deployments - single rack application of changes for validation before broader deployment.</p>
<p>Operator certification and thorough testing on several platforms, including Azure AKS, Amazon EKS, Google GKE, Red Hat OpenShift, and VMWare Tanzu Kubernetes.</p>
<p>Well documented cloud storage classes, ingress solutions and reference Implementations with an example application using the Java driver.</p>
<p>Super-useful cluster-level stop / resume, which stops all running instances while keeping persistent storage. This feature allows for scaling compute down to zero, and bringing the cluster back up follows the expected Cassandra startup processes.</p>
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<h3 id="casskop-operator-features-that-are-being-merged"><a class="anchor" href="#casskop-operator-features-that-are-being-merged"></a>CassKop operator features that are being merged</h3>
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<p>There are features in the CassKop operator, open-sourced by Orange Telecom, which are being merged/committed into the CassOperator project:</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p>Node labeling to map any internal architecture, including network-specific labels to help with multi-datacenter setup.</p>
<p>Volumes and sidecar management (which could be linked to PodTemplateSpec).</p>
<p>Backup &amp; Restore (Note: the CassKop project ruled out using <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Velero</a>, and used <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Instaclustr esop</a> but <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Medusa</a> could work too).</p>
<p>Kubectl plugin integration, which is useful on the ops side without an admin UI.</p>
<p>MultiCassKop evolution to drive multiple Cass-Operators clusters instead of multiple CassKops clusters (Note: This may remain Orange internal if too specific)</p>
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<p>As you can see, there’s a lot of great things being developed for the Apache Cassandra project so that relates well with the Kubernetes world. We’ll also have a roadmap post soon. Join us for the next Cassandra Kubernetes SIG meeting or say hi on the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apache Software Foundation’s Slack team</a> by joining the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">#cassandra-kubernetes</a> channel.</p>
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<p>Join the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">biweekly meetings</a> to stay informed.</p>
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<p>This article originally was posted to Container Journal in April 2021. Reposted with permission. Please see the original article here: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>
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