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<h1>Review Checklist<a class="headerlink" href="#review-checklist" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>When reviewing tickets in Apache JIRA, the following items should be covered as part of the review process:</p>
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<li>Does it conform to the <a class="reference internal" href="code_style.html"><span class="doc">Code Style</span></a> guidelines?</li>
<li>Is there any redundant or duplicate code?</li>
<li>Is the code as modular as possible?</li>
<li>Can any singletons be avoided?</li>
<li>Can any of the code be replaced with library functions?</li>
<li>Are units of measurement used in the code consistent, both internally and with the rest of the ecosystem?</li>
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<li>Are all data inputs and outputs checked (for the correct type, length, format, and range) and encoded?</li>
<li>Where third-party utilities are used, are returning errors being caught?</li>
<li>Are invalid parameter values handled?</li>
<li>Are any Throwable/Exceptions passed to the JVMStabilityInspector?</li>
<li>Are errors well-documented? Does the error message tell the user how to proceed?</li>
<li>Do exceptions propagate to the appropriate level in the code?</li>
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<li>Do comments exist and describe the intent of the code (the &#8220;why&#8221;, not the &#8220;how&#8221;)?</li>
<li>Are javadocs added where appropriate?</li>
<li>Is any unusual behavior or edge-case handling described?</li>
<li>Are data structures and units of measurement explained?</li>
<li>Is there any incomplete code? If so, should it be removed or flagged with a suitable marker like ‘TODO’?</li>
<li>Does the code self-document via clear naming, abstractions, and flow control?</li>
<li>Have NEWS.txt, the cql3 docs, and the native protocol spec been updated if needed?</li>
<li>Is the ticket tagged with &#8220;client-impacting&#8221; and &#8220;doc-impacting&#8221;, where appropriate?</li>
<li>Has lib/licences been updated for third-party libs? Are they Apache License compatible?</li>
<li>Is the Component on the JIRA ticket set appropriately?</li>
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<li>Is the code testable? i.e. don’t add too many or hide dependencies, unable to initialize objects, test frameworks can use methods etc.</li>
<li>Do tests exist and are they comprehensive?</li>
<li>Do unit tests actually test that the code is performing the intended functionality?</li>
<li>Could any test code use common functionality (e.g. ccm, dtest, or CqlTester methods) or abstract it there for reuse?</li>
<li>If the code may be affected by multi-node clusters, are there dtests?</li>
<li>If the code may take a long time to test properly, are there CVH tests?</li>
<li>Is the test passing on CI for all affected branches (up to trunk, if applicable)? Are there any regressions?</li>
<li>If patch affects read/write path, did we test for performance regressions w/multiple workloads?</li>
<li>If adding a new feature, were tests added and performed confirming it meets the expected SLA/use-case requirements for the feature?</li>
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<li>Are logging statements logged at the correct level?</li>
<li>Are there logs in the critical path that could affect performance?</li>
<li>Is there any log that could be added to communicate status or troubleshoot potential problems in this feature?</li>
<li>Can any unnecessary logging statement be removed?</li>
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