blob: 17161af27e1da481c1ff2d7a16612a806377d48a [file] [log] [blame]
spacenam: example # idenitifier for this spec if running with multiple yaml files
keyspace: example
# Would almost always be network topology unless running something locally
keyspace_definition: |
CREATE KEYSPACE example WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};
table: staff_activities
# The table under test. Start with a partition per staff member
# Is this a good idea?
table_definition: |
CREATE TABLE staff_activities (
name text,
when timeuuid,
what text,
PRIMARY KEY(name, when)
- name: name
size: uniform(5..10) # The names of the staff members are between 5-10 characters
population: uniform(1..10) # 10 possible staff members to pick from
- name: when
cluster: uniform(20..500) # Staff members do between 20 and 500 events
- name: what
size: normal(10..100,50)
# we only update a single partition in any given insert
partitions: fixed(1)
# we want to insert a single row per partition and we have between 20 and 500
# rows per partition
select: fixed(1)/500
batchtype: UNLOGGED # Single partition unlogged batches are essentially noops
cql: select * from staff_activities where name = ?
fields: samerow
cql: select * from staff_activities where name = ? LIMIT 1
fields: samerow