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<h2>Welcome to Apache Cassandra &#8482;</h2>
The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. <a href="">Linear scalability</a> and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data. Cassandra's support for replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive regional outages.
Cassandra's data model offers the convenience of <a href="">column indexes</a> with the performance of log-structured updates, strong support for <a href="">denormalization</a> and <a href="">materialized views</a>, and powerful built-in caching.
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Latest release <b>2.2.2</b> (<a href=";a=blob_plain;f=CHANGES.txt;hb=refs/tags/cassandra-2.2.2">Changes</a>)
Stable release <b>2.1.10</b> (<a href=";a=blob_plain;f=CHANGES.txt;hb=refs/tags/cassandra-2.1.10">Changes</a>)
<p><a class="filename" href="download/">Download options</a></p>
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<h2 class="hdr">Overview</h2>
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<ul class="biglist">
Cassandra is in use at
<a href="">Constant Contact</a>,
<a href="">CERN</a>,
<a href="">Comcast</a>,
<a href="">eBay</a>,
<a href="">GitHub</a>,
<a href="">GoDaddy</a>,
<a href="">Hulu</a>,
<a href="">Instagram</a>,
<a href="">Intuit</a>,
<a href="">Netflix</a>,
<a href="">Reddit</a>,
<a href="">The Weather Channel</a>, and <a href="">over 1500 more companies</a> that have large, active data sets.
<p>One of the largest production deployments is Apple's, with over 75,000 nodes storing over 10 PB of data. Other large Cassandra installations include Netflix (2,500 nodes, 420 TB, over 1 trillion requests per day), Chinese search engine Easou (270 nodes, 300 TB, over 800 million reqests per day), and eBay (over 100 nodes, 250 TB).
<b>Fault Tolerant</b>
Data is automatically replicated to multiple nodes for fault-tolerance.
Replication across multiple data centers is supported. Failed nodes
can be replaced with no downtime.
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<ul class="biglist">
<p>Cassandra <a href="">consistently</a> <a href="">outperforms</a> popular NoSQL alternatives in benchmarks and <a href="">real applications</a>, primarily because of <a href="">fundamental architectural choices</a>.
There are no single points of failure. There are no network bottlenecks. Every node in the cluster is identical.
<p>Cassandra is <a href="">suitable for applications that can't afford to lose data</a>, even when an entire data center goes down.
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<b>You're in Control</b>
<p>Choose between synchronous or asynchronous replication for each update. Highly available asynchronous operations are optimized with features like <a href="">Hinted Handoff</a> and <a href="">Read Repair</a>.</p>
Read and write throughput both increase linearly as new machines are added, with no downtime or interruption to applications.
<b>Professionally Supported</b>
<p>Cassandra support contracts and services are available from <a href="">third parties</a>.
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<h2 class="hdr">Learn More</h2>
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of idiomatic client APIs.
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<h3 class="hdr">Chat</h3>
Many of the Cassandra developers and community members hang out in the <b>#cassandra</b> channel on <a href="" title="Freenode IRC network"></a>.
If you are new to IRC, you can use <a href="" title="Connect to #cassandra using webchat">a web-based client</a>.
<h3 class="hdr">Dead Trees</h3>
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<li><a href="">Cassandra High Availability</a>, by Robbie Strickland. Covers Cassandra 2.0</li>
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