blob: 658be92b98e554609301b6d4acd0034fd8dcaf66 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -xe
export CASSANDRA_SITE_DIR="/home/build/cassandra-site"
jekyll --version
# Make sure we have the latest commit of Cassandra trunk
git checkout trunk
git pull --rebase --prune
# Now make the docs for the latest version
make add-latest-doc
# Make sure we have the latest commit of Cassandra 3.11
pushd ${CASSANDRA_DIR} ; ant realclean ; git checkout cassandra-3.11.5 ; popd ; make .build-doc
pushd ${CASSANDRA_DIR} ; ant realclean ; git checkout cassandra-4.0-alpha1 ; popd ; make .build-doc
pushd ${CASSANDRA_DIR} ; ant realclean ; git checkout cassandra-4.0-alpha2 ; popd ; make .build-doc
# Relink the 3.11 version
LATEST_VERSION=$(basename $(find ./doc -iname 3.11* -type d | tail -n 1))
rm -f doc/3.11
ln -s -f ${LATEST_VERSION} doc/3.11
make build
# Generate the rest of the site
# Fix the links in the resource paths for the landing pages of each version in the publish directory
sed -i 's/\.\/\.\.\//\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\//g' ./publish/doc/*/index.html