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= Apache Cassandra Home Page
:page-layout: home
:description: Open Source NoSQL Database Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep
:page-ogtitle: Apache Cassandra - Home Page
:keywords: Home, apache cassandra
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= Open Source NoSQL Database
== Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep
xref:cassandra-basics.adoc[Learn More]
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Banner: The section below is where the updated banner content goes.
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Cassandra 4.0 is GA! How did we deliver the most stable database release ever shipped?
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xref:blog/Apache-Cassandra-4.0-is-Here.adoc[Read the Blog]
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== What is Apache Cassandra?
=== Apache Cassandra is an open source NoSQL distributed database trusted by thousands of companies for scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.
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=== Hybrid
Masterless architecture and low latency means Cassandra will withstand an entire data center outage with no data loss—across public or private clouds and on-premises.
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=== Fault Tolerant
Cassandra's support for replicating across multiple datacenters is best-in-class, providing lower latency for your users and the peace of mind of knowing that you can survive regional outages. Failed nodes can be replaced with no downtime.
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=== Focus on Quality
To ensure reliability and stability, Cassandra is tested on clusters as large as 1,000 nodes and with hundreds of real world use cases and schemas tested with replay, fuzz, property-based, fault-injection, and performance tests.
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=== Performant
Cassandra[consistently outperforms,window=_blank] popular NoSQL alternatives in benchmarks and real applications, primarily because of fundamental architectural choices.
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=== You're In Control
Choose between synchronous or asynchronous replication for each update. Highly available asynchronous operations are optimized with features like Hinted Handoff and Read Repair.
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=== Security and Observability
The audit logging feature for operators tracks the DML, DDL, and DCL activity with minimal impact to normal workload performance, while the fqltool allows the capture and replay of production workloads for analysis.
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=== Distributed
Cassandra is suitable for applications that can't afford to lose data, even when an entire data center goes down. There are no single points of failure. There are no network bottlenecks. Every node in the cluster is identical.
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=== Scalable
Read and write throughput both increase linearly as new machines are added, with no downtime or interruption to applications.
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=== Elastic
Cassandra streams data between nodes during scaling operations such as adding a new node or datacenter during peak traffic times. Zero Copy Streaming makes this up to 5x faster without vnodes for a more elastic architecture particularly in cloud and Kubernetes environments.
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== Cassandra Users
Cassandra is used by thousands of companies with large active data sets.
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"Netflix uses Apache Cassandra heavily to satisfy its ever-growing persistence needs on its mission to entertain the world. We have been experimenting and partially using the 4.0 beta in our environments and its features like Audit Logging and backpressure."
*– Vinay Chella, Netflix Engineering Manager *
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“Humankind is at a pivotal point in history, that requires us to work together to find new innovative ways to process the petabytes of data we create every day, and the WitFoo R&D team has found a friend in Cassandra through our endeavors to meet big-data needs in cybersecurity operations.”
*– Charles Herring, CTO of WitFoo *
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"Since 2016, application engineers at Bloomberg have turned to Cassandra because it’s easy to use, easy to scale, and always available. We serve up more than 20 billion requests per day on a nearly 1 PB dataset across a fleet of 1,700+ Cassandra nodes."
*– Isaac Reath, Software Engineering Team Lead, NoSQL Infrastructure at Bloomberg*
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"We needed something that would handle really high write throughput and keep scaling on the write throughput. That forced us to look at distributed stores, and Apache Cassandra was the option that fitted what we needed."
*– Elliott Sims Senior Systems Administrator, Backblaze*
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xref:case-studies.adoc[Read Case Studies]
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== Cassandra Ecosystem
Our ecosystem includes a range of third-party Cassandra projects, tools, products, and services that may be useful to end users.
xref:ecosystem.adoc[Go to Ecosystem]
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== Community Spotlight
Here's what the Cassandra community has been doing to advance the world's premier open source NoSQL database.
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=== Behind the scenes of an Apache Cassandra Release
Formalizing how we balance the need to evolve and provide cutting-edge features with long-term stability. The simple rules we use to decide when to merge and why we’ll be supporting three GA releases going forward, but why we’ve decided to support four releases for the next cycle.
xref:blog/Behind-the-scenes-of-an-Apache-Cassandra-Release.adoc[Read More]
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image::blog/behind-the-scenes-of-an-apache-cassandra-release-unsplash-lajos-szabo.jpg[Behind the scenes of an Apache Cassandra Release]
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=== Tightening Security for Apache Cassandra: Part 1
The growth in ecommerce has demanded a greater focus on data security. This is the start of a mini-series by Maulin Vasavada on how to customize SSL/TLS configurations to tighten security in Cassandra 4.0+.
xref:blog/Tightening-Security-for-Apache-Cassandra-Part-1.adoc[Read More]
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image::blog/tighten-security-p1-unsplash.jpg[Tightening Security for Apache Cassandra: Part 1]
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=== Inside Cassandra: an interview with Marcel Birkner at Instana
A new series that we've dubbed "Inside Cassandra" where we interview engineers and devs in the community either about their use of Apache Cassandra to power their businesses or how they contribute to the project. The first installation features an interview with Marcel Birkner, Site Reliability Engineer at Instana, and how they use Apache Cassandra to store and process metric data at scale and benefit from Cassandra’s fault tolerance, and have learned the importance of dog-fooding.
xref:blog/Inside-Cassandra-an-interview-with-Marcel-Birkner-at-Instana.adoc[Read More]
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image::blog/inside-Cassandra-Marcel-Birkner/image2.png[Inside Cassandra: Marcel Birkner]
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