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<h1>Cassandra Data Modeling Tools<a class="headerlink" href="#cassandra-data-modeling-tools" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>There are several tools available to help you design and
manage your Cassandra schema and build queries.</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><a class="reference external" href="">Hackolade</a>
is a data modeling tool that supports schema design for Cassandra and
many other NoSQL databases. Hackolade supports the unique concepts of
CQL such as partition keys and clustering columns, as well as data types
including collections and UDTs. It also provides the ability to create
Chebotko diagrams.</li>
<li><a class="reference external" href="">Kashlev Data Modeler</a> is a Cassandra
data modeling tool that automates the data modeling methodology
described in this documentation, including identifying
access patterns, conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling, and
schema generation. It also includes model patterns that you can
optionally leverage as a starting point for your designs.</li>
<li>DataStax DevCenter is a tool for managing
schema, executing queries and viewing results. While the tool is no
longer actively supported, it is still popular with many developers and
is available as a <a class="reference external" href="">free download</a>.
DevCenter features syntax highlighting for CQL commands, types, and name
literals. DevCenter provides command completion as you type out CQL
commands and interprets the commands you type, highlighting any errors
you make. The tool provides panes for managing multiple CQL scripts and
connections to multiple clusters. The connections are used to run CQL
commands against live clusters and view the results. The tool also has a
query trace feature that is useful for gaining insight into the
performance of your queries.</li>
<li>IDE Plugins - There are CQL plugins available for several Integrated
Development Environments (IDEs), such as IntelliJ IDEA and Apache
NetBeans. These plugins typically provide features such as schema
management and query execution.</li>
<p>Some IDEs and tools that claim to support Cassandra do not actually support
CQL natively, but instead access Cassandra using a JDBC/ODBC driver and
interact with Cassandra as if it were a relational database with SQL
support. Wnen selecting tools for working with Cassandra you’ll want to
make sure they support CQL and reinforce Cassandra best practices for
data modeling as presented in this documentation.</p>
<p><em>Material adapted from Cassandra, The Definitive Guide. Published by
O’Reilly Media, Inc. Copyright © 2020 Jeff Carpenter, Eben Hewitt.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.</em></p>
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