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title: "Apache Cassandra Changelog #2 | December 2020"
date: 2020-12-01
author: the Apache Cassandra Community
categories: blog
Our monthly roundup of key activities and knowledge to keep the community informed.
![Apache Cassandra Changelog Header](/img/changelog_header.jpg "image_tooltip")
## Release Notes
#### **Released**
Apache #Cassandra 4.0-beta3, 3.11.9, 3.0.23, and 2.2.19 were released on November 4 and are [in the repositories]( Please pay attention to release notes and let the community know if you encounter problems. Join the Cassandra [mailing list]( to stay updated.
#### **Changed**
Cassandra 4.0 is progressing toward GA. There are 1,390 total tickets and remaining tickets represent 5.5% of total scope. Read the [full summary]( shared to the dev mailing list and take a look at the [open tickets]( that need reviewers.
Cassandra 4.0 will be dropping support for older distributions of CentOS 5, Debian 4, and Ubuntu 7.10. [Learn more](
## Community Notes
_Updates on Cassandra Enhancement Proposals (CEPs), how to contribute, and other community activities._
#### **Added**
The community weighed options to address reads inconsistencies for Compact Storage as noted in ticket [CASSANDRA-16217]( (committed). The conversation continues in ticket [CASSANDRA-16226]( with the aim of ensuring there are no huge performance regressions for common queries when you upgrade from 2.x to 3.0 with Compact Storage tables or drop it from a table on 3.0+.
#### **Added**
[CASSANDRA-16222]( is a Spark library that can compact and read raw Cassandra SSTables into SparkSQL. By reading the sstables directly from a snapshot directory, one can achieve high performance with minimal impact to a production cluster. It was used to successfully export a 32TB Cassandra table (46bn CQL rows) to HDFS in Parquet format in around 70 minutes, a 20x improvement on previous solutions.
#### **Changed**
Great news for [CEP-2: Kubernetes Operator](, the community has agreed to [create a community-based operator]( by merging the cass-operator and CassKop. The work being done can be viewed on GitHub [here](
#### **Released**
The Reaper community [announced v2.1]( of its tool that schedules and orchestrates repairs of Apache Cassandra clusters. Read the [docs](
#### **Released**
Apache Cassandra 4.0-beta-1 was [released on FreeBSD](
## User Space
#### **Netflix**
With these optimized Cassandra clusters in place, it now costs us 71% less to operate clusters and we could store 35x more data than our previous configuration.” - [Maulik Pandey](
#### **Yelp**
Cassandra is a distributed wide-column NoSQL datastore and is used at Yelp for both primary and derived data. Yelps infrastructure for Cassandra has been deployed on AWS EC2 and ASG (Autoscaling Group) for a while now. Each Cassandra cluster in production spans multiple AWS regions.” - [Raghavendra D Prabhu](
## In the News
**DevPro Journal** - [Whats included in the Cassandra 4.0 Release?](
**JAXenter** - [Moving to cloud-native applications and data with Kubernetes and Apache Cassandra](
**DZone** - [Improving Apache Cassandras Front Door and Backpressure](
**ApacheCon** - [Building Apache Cassandra 4.0: behind the scenes](
## Cassandra Tutorials & More
Users in search of a tool for scheduling backups and performing restores with cloud storage support (archiving to AWS S3, GCS, etc) should consider [Cassandra Medusa](
[Apache Cassandra Deployment on OpenEBS and Monitoring on Kubera]( - Abhishek Raj, MayaData
[Lucene Based Indexes on Cassandra]( - Rahul Singh, Anant
[How Netflix Manages Version Upgrades of Cassandra at Scale]( - Sumanth Pasupuleti, Netflix
[Impacts of many tables in a Cassandra data model]( - Alex Dejanovski, The Last Pickle
[Cassandra Upgrade in production : Strategies and Best Practices]( - Laxmikant Upadhyay, American Express
[Apache Cassandra Collections and Tombstones]( - Jeremy Hanna
[Spark + Cassandra, All You Need to Know: Tips and Optimizations]( - Javier Ramos, ITNext
[How to install the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database server on Ubuntu 20.04]( - Jack Wallen, TechRepublic
[How to deploy Cassandra on Openshift and open it up to remote connections]( - Sindhu Murugavel
![Apache Cassandra Changelog Footer](/img/changelog_footer.jpg "image_tooltip")
Cassandra Changelog is curated by the community. Please send submissions to [](