Improving CircleCI build reliability

Switched to Circle machine image - docker has issues with networking in tests
Fix storing of test results
Updated readme with Java 11
Upgrade vertx
Wait for vertx server startup before sending requests
Update simulacron to latest bug fix version
added spotbugs exclude config to avoid incorrect NPE error on java 11
Configure CircleCi to run tests with Java 11

Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15611
6 files changed
tree: 95b480fe3e24ff481c1e5c0abcedc918a9c8ab2b
  1. .circleci/
  2. gradle/
  3. ide/
  4. src/
  5. .gitignore
  6. api.yaml
  7. build.gradle
  8. CHANGES.txt
  9. checkstyle.xml
  10. gradlew
  11. gradlew.bat
  12. LICENSE.txt

Apache Cassandra Sidecar [WIP]

This is a Sidecar for the highly scalable Apache Cassandra database. For more information, see the Apache Cassandra web site and CIP-1.

This is project is still WIP.


  1. Java >= 1.8 (OpenJDK or Oracle), or Java 11
  2. Apache Cassandra 4.0. We depend on virtual tables which is a 4.0 only feature.

Getting started

After you clone the git repo, you can use the gradle wrapper to build and run the project. Make sure you have Apache Cassandra running on the host & port specified in conf/sidecar.yaml.

$ ./gradlew run

You can use build, test to build & test the project.

CircleCI Testing

You will need to use the “Add Projects” function of CircleCI to set up CircleCI on your fork. When promoted to create a branch, do not replace the CircleCI config, choose the option to do it manually. CircleCI will pick up the in project configuration.

Wondering where to go from here?