blob: cc007eb6faef19ffbed995d787d76585495867f3 [file] [log] [blame]
import pytest
from bootstrap_test import BootstrapTester
since = pytest.mark.since
class TestBootstrapUpgrade(BootstrapTester):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11841
Test that bootstrap works with a mixed version cluster
In particular, we want to test that keep-alive is not sent
to a node with version < 3.10
@since('3.10', max_version='3.99')
def test_simple_bootstrap_mixed_versions(self):
# Compatibility flag ensures that bootstrapping gets schema information during
# upgrades from 3.0.14+ to anything upwards for 3.0.x or 3.x clusters.
# @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13004 for detailed context on `force_3_0_protocol_version` flag