blob: 48237f5aca28f12a458f1464edf70d484f711dfe [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import time
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RerunTestException(Exception):
This exception can be raised to signal a likely harmless test problem. If fixing a test is reasonable, that should be preferred.
Ideally this is used in conjunction with the 'flaky' decorator, allowing the test to be automatically re-run and passed.
When raising this exception in methods decorated with @flaky(rerun_filter=requires_rerun), do so carefully.
Avoid overly broad try/except blocks, otherwise real (intermittent) bugs could be masked.
example usage:
@flaky(rerun_filter=requires_rerun) # see requires_rerun method below in this module
def some_flaky_test():
# some predictable code
# more predictable code
# some code that occasionally fails for routine/predictable reasons (e.g. timeout)
except SomeNarrowException:
raise RerunTestException
When the test raises RerunTestException, the flaky plugin will re-run the test and it will pass if the next attempt(s) succeed.
def requires_rerun(err, *args):
For use in conjunction with the flaky decorator and it's rerun_filter argument. See RerunTestException above.
Returns True if the given flaky failure data (err) is of type RerunTestException, otherwise False.
# err[0] contains the type of the error that occurred
return err[0] == RerunTestException
def retry(fn, max_attempts=10, allowed_error=None, sleep_seconds=1):
if max_attempts <= 0:
raise ValueError("max_attempts must be a positive value, but given {}".format(str(max_attempts)))
last_error = None
for _ in range(0, max_attempts):
return fn()
except Exception as e:
last_error = e
if allowed_error and not allowed_error(e):
break"Retrying as error '{}' was seen; sleeping for {} seconds".format(str(e), str(sleep_seconds)))
raise last_error