blob: 7ca06dc929e362a90e8986d691557520985045a9 [file] [log] [blame]
import time
import uuid
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel, Unauthorized
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from dtest import Tester, create_ks
from tools.assertions import assert_invalid
from tools.decorators import since
def listify(item):
listify a query result consisting of user types
returns nested arrays representing user type ordering
if isinstance(item, (tuple, list)):
return [listify(i) for i in item]
return item
class TestUserTypes(Tester):
def assertUnauthorized(self, session, query, message):
with self.assertRaises(Unauthorized) as cm:
self.assertRegexpMatches(cm.exception.message, message)
def assertNoTypes(self, session):
for keyspace in session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces.values():
self.assertEqual(0, len(keyspace.user_types))
def test_type_dropping(self):
Tests that a type cannot be dropped when in use, and otherwise can be dropped.
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_type_dropping', 2)
stmt = """
USE user_type_dropping
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE simple_type (
user_number int
stmt = """
CREATE TABLE simple_table (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
number frozen<simple_type>
# Make sure the schema propagate
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO simple_table (id, number)
VALUES ({id}, {{user_number: 1}});
stmt = """
DROP TYPE simple_type;
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'Cannot drop user type user_type_dropping.simple_type as it is still used by table user_type_dropping.simple_table')
# now that we've confirmed that a user type cannot be dropped while in use
# let's remove the offending table
# TODO: uncomment below after CASSANDRA-6472 is resolved
# and add another check to make sure the table/type drops succeed
stmt = """
DROP TABLE simple_table;
stmt = """
DROP TYPE simple_type;
# now let's have a look at the system schema and make sure no user types are defined
def test_nested_type_dropping(self):
Confirm a user type can't be dropped when being used by another user type.
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'nested_user_type_dropping', 2)
stmt = """
USE nested_user_type_dropping
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE simple_type (
user_number int,
user_text text
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE another_type (
somefield frozen<simple_type>
stmt = """
DROP TYPE simple_type;
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'Cannot drop user type nested_user_type_dropping.simple_type as it is still used by user type another_type')
# drop the type that's impeding the drop, and then try again
stmt = """
DROP TYPE another_type;
stmt = """
DROP TYPE simple_type;
# now let's have a look at the system schema and make sure no user types are defined
def test_type_enforcement(self):
Confirm error when incorrect data type used for user type
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_type_enforcement', 2)
stmt = """
USE user_type_enforcement
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE simple_type (
user_number int
stmt = """
CREATE TABLE simple_table (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
number frozen<simple_type>
# Make sure the schema propagate
# here we will attempt an insert statement which should fail
# because the user type is an int, but the insert statement is
# providing text
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO simple_table (id, number)
VALUES ({id}, {{user_number: 'uh oh....this is not a number'}});
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'field user_number is not of type int')
# let's check the rowcount and make sure the data
# didn't get inserted when the exception asserted above was thrown
stmt = """
SELECT * FROM simple_table;
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
self.assertEqual(0, len(rows))
def test_nested_user_types(self):
"""Tests user types within user types"""
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_types', 2)
stmt = """
USE user_types
# Create a user type to go inside another one:
stmt = """
sub_one text,
sub_two text,
# Create a user type to contain the item:
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE container (
stuff text,
more_stuff frozen<item>
# Create a table that holds and item, a container, and a
# list of containers:
stmt = """
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
primary_item frozen<item>,
other_items frozen<container>,
other_containers list<frozen<container>>
# Make sure the schema propagate
# Insert some data:
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO bucket (id, primary_item)
VALUES ({id}, {{sub_one: 'test', sub_two: 'test2'}});
stmt = """
UPDATE bucket
SET other_items = {{stuff: 'stuff', more_stuff: {{sub_one: 'one', sub_two: 'two'}}}}
WHERE id={id};
stmt = """
UPDATE bucket
SET other_containers = other_containers + [
stuff: 'stuff2',
more_stuff: {{sub_one: 'one_other', sub_two: 'two_other'}}
WHERE id={id};
stmt = """
UPDATE bucket
SET other_containers = other_containers + [
stuff: 'stuff3',
more_stuff: {{sub_one: 'one_2_other', sub_two: 'two_2_other'}}
{{stuff: 'stuff4',
more_stuff: {{sub_one: 'one_3_other', sub_two: 'two_3_other'}}
WHERE id={id};
stmt = """
SELECT primary_item, other_items, other_containers from bucket where id={id};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
primary_item, other_items, other_containers = rows[0]
self.assertEqual(listify(primary_item), [u'test', u'test2'])
self.assertEqual(listify(other_items), [u'stuff', [u'one', u'two']])
self.assertEqual(listify(other_containers), [[u'stuff2', [u'one_other', u'two_other']], [u'stuff3', [u'one_2_other', u'two_2_other']], [u'stuff4', [u'one_3_other', u'two_3_other']]])
# Generate some repetitive data and check it for it's contents:
for x in xrange(50):
# Create row:
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
UPDATE bucket
SET other_containers = other_containers + [
stuff: 'stuff3',
more_stuff: {{
sub_one: 'one_2_other', sub_two: 'two_2_other'
stuff: 'stuff4',
more_stuff: {{
sub_one: 'one_3_other', sub_two: 'two_3_other'
WHERE id={id};
# Check it:
stmt = """
SELECT other_containers from bucket WHERE id={id}
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
items = rows[0][0]
self.assertEqual(listify(items), [[u'stuff3', [u'one_2_other', u'two_2_other']], [u'stuff4', [u'one_3_other', u'two_3_other']]])
def test_type_as_part_of_pkey(self):
"""Tests user types as part of a composite pkey"""
# make sure we can define a table with a user type as part of the pkey
# and do a basic insert/query of data in that table.
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_type_pkeys', 2)
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE t_person_name (
first text,
middle text,
last text
stmt = """
CREATE TABLE person_likes (
id uuid,
name frozen<t_person_name>,
like text,
PRIMARY KEY ((id, name))
# Make sure the schema propagate
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO person_likes (id, name, like)
VALUES ({id}, {{first:'Nero', middle:'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last:'Germanicus'}}, 'arson');
# attempt to query without the user type portion of the pkey and confirm there is an error
stmt = """
SELECT id, name.first from person_likes where id={id};
if self.cluster.version() >= '3.10':
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering')
elif self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'Partition key parts: name must be restricted as other parts are')
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'Partition key part name must be restricted since preceding part is')
stmt = """
SELECT id, name.first, like from person_likes where id={id} and name = {{first:'Nero', middle: 'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last: 'Germanicus'}};
rows = session.execute(stmt)
row_uuid, first_name, like = rows[0]
self.assertEqual(first_name, u'Nero')
self.assertEqual(like, u'arson')
def test_type_secondary_indexing(self):
Confirm that user types are secondary-indexable
Similar procedure to TestSecondaryIndexesOnCollections.test_list_indexes
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_type_indexing', 2)
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE t_person_name (
first text,
middle text,
last text
stmt = """
CREATE TABLE person_likes (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
name frozen<t_person_name>,
like text
# Make sure the schema propagate
# add index and query (even though there are no rows in the table yet)
stmt = """
CREATE INDEX person_likes_name on person_likes (name);
stmt = """
SELECT * from person_likes where name = {first:'Nero', middle: 'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last: 'Germanicus'};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
self.assertEqual(0, len(rows))
# add a row which doesn't specify data for the indexed column, and query again
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO person_likes (id, like)
VALUES ({id}, 'long walks on the beach');
stmt = """
SELECT * from person_likes where name = {first:'Bob', middle: 'Testy', last: 'McTesterson'};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
self.assertEqual(0, len(rows))
# finally let's add a queryable row, and get it back using the index
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO person_likes (id, name, like)
VALUES ({id}, {{first:'Nero', middle:'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last:'Germanicus'}}, 'arson');
stmt = """
SELECT id, name.first, like from person_likes where name = {first:'Nero', middle: 'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last: 'Germanicus'};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
row_uuid, first_name, like = rows[0]
self.assertEqual(str(row_uuid), str(_id))
self.assertEqual(first_name, u'Nero')
self.assertEqual(like, u'arson')
# rename a field in the type and make sure the index still works
stmt = """
ALTER TYPE t_person_name rename first to first_name;
stmt = """
SELECT id, name.first_name, like from person_likes where name = {first_name:'Nero', middle: 'Claudius Caesar Augustus', last: 'Germanicus'};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
row_uuid, first_name, like = rows[0]
self.assertEqual(str(row_uuid), str(_id))
self.assertEqual(first_name, u'Nero')
self.assertEqual(like, u'arson')
# add another row to be sure the index is still adding new data
_id = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = """
INSERT INTO person_likes (id, name, like)
VALUES ({id}, {{first_name:'Abraham', middle:'', last:'Lincoln'}}, 'preserving unions');
stmt = """
SELECT id, name.first_name, like from person_likes where name = {first_name:'Abraham', middle:'', last:'Lincoln'};
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
row_uuid, first_name, like = rows[0]
self.assertEqual(str(row_uuid), str(_id))
self.assertEqual(first_name, u'Abraham')
self.assertEqual(like, u'preserving unions')
def test_type_keyspace_permission_isolation(self):
Confirm permissions are respected for types in different keyspaces
self.ignore_log_patterns = [
# I think this happens when permissions change and a node becomes temporarily unavailable
# and it's probably ok to ignore on this test, as I can see the schema changes propogating
# almost immediately after
r'Can\'t send migration request: node.*is down',
cluster = self.cluster
config = {'authenticator': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator',
'authorizer': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraAuthorizer',
'permissions_validity_in_ms': 0}
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
# need a bit of time for user to be created and propagate
# do setup that requires a super user
superuser_session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
superuser_session.execute("create user ks1_user with password 'cassandra' nosuperuser;")
superuser_session.execute("create user ks2_user with password 'cassandra' nosuperuser;")
create_ks(superuser_session, 'ks1', 2)
create_ks(superuser_session, 'ks2', 2)
superuser_session.execute("grant all permissions on keyspace ks1 to ks1_user;")
superuser_session.execute("grant all permissions on keyspace ks2 to ks2_user;")
user1_session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='ks1_user', password='cassandra')
user2_session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='ks2_user', password='cassandra')
# first make sure the users can't create types in each other's ks
self.assertUnauthorized(user1_session, "CREATE TYPE ks2.simple_type (user_number int, user_text text );", 'User ks1_user has no CREATE permission on <keyspace ks2> or any of its parents')
self.assertUnauthorized(user2_session, "CREATE TYPE ks1.simple_type (user_number int, user_text text );", 'User ks2_user has no CREATE permission on <keyspace ks1> or any of its parents')
# now, actually create the types in the correct keyspaces
user1_session.execute("CREATE TYPE ks1.simple_type (user_number int, user_text text );")
user2_session.execute("CREATE TYPE ks2.simple_type (user_number int, user_text text );")
# each user now has a type belonging to their granted keyspace
# let's make sure they can't drop each other's types (for which they have no permissions)
self.assertUnauthorized(user1_session, "DROP TYPE ks2.simple_type;", 'User ks1_user has no DROP permission on <keyspace ks2> or any of its parents')
self.assertUnauthorized(user2_session, "DROP TYPE ks1.simple_type;", 'User ks2_user has no DROP permission on <keyspace ks1> or any of its parents')
# let's make sure they can't rename each other's types (for which they have no permissions)
self.assertUnauthorized(user1_session, "ALTER TYPE ks2.simple_type RENAME user_number TO user_num;", 'User ks1_user has no ALTER permission on <keyspace ks2> or any of its parents')
self.assertUnauthorized(user2_session, "ALTER TYPE ks1.simple_type RENAME user_number TO user_num;", 'User ks2_user has no ALTER permission on <keyspace ks1> or any of its parents')
# rename the types using the correct user w/permissions to do so
user1_session.execute("ALTER TYPE ks1.simple_type RENAME user_number TO user_num;")
user2_session.execute("ALTER TYPE ks2.simple_type RENAME user_number TO user_num;")
# finally, drop the types using the correct user w/permissions to do so, consistency all avoids using a sleep
user1_session.execute(SimpleStatement("DROP TYPE ks1.simple_type;", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL))
user2_session.execute(SimpleStatement("DROP TYPE ks2.simple_type;", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL))
# verify user type metadata is gone from the system schema
def test_nulls_in_user_types(self):
"""Tests user types with null values"""
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_types', 2)
stmt = """
USE user_types
# Create a user type to go inside another one:
stmt = """
sub_one text,
sub_two text,
# Create a table that holds an item
stmt = """
my_item frozen<item>,
# Make sure the schema propagates
# Adds an explicit null
session.execute("INSERT INTO bucket (id, my_item) VALUES (0, {sub_one: 'test', sub_two: null})")
# Adds with an implicit null
session.execute("INSERT INTO bucket (id, my_item) VALUES (1, {sub_one: 'test'})")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT my_item FROM bucket WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows[0]), [[u'test', None]])
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT my_item FROM bucket WHERE id=1"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows[0]), [[u'test', None]])
def test_no_counters_in_user_types(self):
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'user_types', 1)
stmt = """
USE user_types
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE t_item (
sub_one COUNTER )
assert_invalid(session, stmt, 'A user type cannot contain counters')
def test_type_as_clustering_col(self):
"""Tests user types as clustering column"""
# make sure we can define a table with a user type as a clustering column
# and do a basic insert/query of data in that table.
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_type_pkeys', 2)
stmt = """
CREATE TYPE t_letterpair (
first text,
second text
stmt = """
CREATE TABLE letters (
id int,
letterpair frozen<t_letterpair>,
PRIMARY KEY (id, letterpair)
# address CASSANDRA-11498
# create a bit of data and expect a natural order based on clustering user types
ids = range(1, 10)
for _id in ids:
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'a', second:'z'}})".format(_id))
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'z', second:'a'}})".format(_id))
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'c', second:'f'}})".format(_id))
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'c', second:'a'}})".format(_id))
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'c', second:'z'}})".format(_id))
session.execute("INSERT INTO letters (id, letterpair) VALUES ({}, {{first:'d', second:'e'}})".format(_id))
for _id in ids:
res = list(session.execute("SELECT letterpair FROM letters where id = {}".format(_id)))
self.assertEqual(listify(res), [[[u'a', u'z']], [[u'c', u'a']], [[u'c', u'f']], [[u'c', u'z']], [[u'd', u'e']], [[u'z', u'a']]])
def udt_subfield_test(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7423
@since 3.6
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM)
create_ks(session, 'user_types', 1)
# Check we can create non-frozen table
session.execute("CREATE TYPE udt (first ascii, second int, third int)")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE t (id int PRIMARY KEY, v udt)")
# Fill in a full UDT across two statements
# Ensure all subfields are set
session.execute("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, {third: 2, second: 1})")
session.execute("UPDATE t set v.first = 'a' WHERE id=0")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, ['a', 1, 2]]])
# Create a full udt
# Update a subfield on the udt
# Read back the updated udt
session.execute("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, {first: 'c', second: 3, third: 33})")
session.execute("UPDATE t set v.second = 5 where id=0")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, ['c', 5, 33]]])
# Rewrite the entire udt
# Read back
session.execute("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, {first: 'alpha', second: 111, third: 100})")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, ['alpha', 111, 100]]])
# Send three subfield updates to udt
# Read back
session.execute("UPDATE t set v.first = 'beta' WHERE id=0")
session.execute("UPDATE t set v.first = 'delta' WHERE id=0")
session.execute("UPDATE t set v.second = -10 WHERE id=0")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, ['delta', -10, 100]]])
# Send conflicting updates serially to different nodes
# Read back
session1 = self.exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
session2 = self.exclusive_cql_connection(node2)
session3 = self.exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session1.execute("UPDATE user_types.t set v.third = 101 WHERE id=0")
session2.execute("UPDATE user_types.t set v.third = 102 WHERE id=0")
session3.execute("UPDATE user_types.t set v.third = 103 WHERE id=0")
query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = 0", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
rows = list(session.execute(query))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, ['delta', -10, 103]]])
# Write full UDT, set one field to null, read back
session.execute("INSERT INTO t (id, v) VALUES (0, {first:'cass', second:3, third:0})")
session.execute("UPDATE t SET v.first = null WHERE id = 0")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0, [None, 3, 0]]])
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT v.first FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[None]])
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT v.second FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[3]])
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT v.third FROM t WHERE id=0"))
self.assertEqual(listify(rows), [[0]])
def test_user_type_isolation(self):
Ensure UDT cannot be used from another keyspace
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9409
@since 2.2
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'user_types', 1)
# create a user defined type in a keyspace
session.execute("CREATE TYPE udt (first text, second int, third int)")
# ensure we cannot use a udt from another keyspace
create_ks(session, 'user_ks', 1)
"CREATE TABLE t (id int PRIMARY KEY, v frozen<user_types.udt>)",
"Statement on keyspace user_ks cannot refer to a user type in keyspace user_types"