blob: 5982f28c3cb7475f5090597d43bf8411d2fc30bb [file] [log] [blame]
import math
import time
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from cassandra import FunctionFailure
from dtest import CASSANDRA_VERSION_FROM_BUILD, Tester, debug, create_ks
from tools.assertions import assert_invalid, assert_none, assert_one
from tools.decorators import since
from tools.misc import ImmutableMapping
class TestUserFunctions(Tester):
cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'enable_user_defined_functions': 'true',
'enable_scripted_user_defined_functions': 'true'})
cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'enable_user_defined_functions': 'true'})
def prepare(self, create_keyspace=True, nodes=1, rf=1):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
if create_keyspace:
create_ks(session, 'ks', rf)
return session
def test_migration(self):
""" Test migration of user functions """
cluster = self.cluster
# Uses 3 nodes just to make sure function mutations are correctly serialized
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
node2 = cluster.nodelist()[1]
node3 = cluster.nodelist()[2]
# The latter three sessions use a whitelist policy, and then don't wait for schema agreement
# So we create `schema_wait_session` to use for schema agreement blocking, and DDL changes
schema_wait_session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(schema_wait_session, 'ks', 1)
node1_session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1, keyspace='ks')
node2_session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2, keyspace='ks')
node3_session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3, keyspace='ks')
key int primary key,
value double
node1_session.execute("INSERT INTO udf_kv (key, value) VALUES ({}, {})".format(1, 1))
node1_session.execute("INSERT INTO udf_kv (key, value) VALUES ({}, {})".format(2, 2))
node1_session.execute("INSERT INTO udf_kv (key, value) VALUES ({}, {})".format(3, 3))
create or replace function x_sin ( input double ) called on null input
returns double language java as 'if (input==null) return null;
return Double.valueOf(Math.sin(input.doubleValue()));'
create or replace function x_cos ( input double ) called on null input
returns double language java as 'if (input==null) return null;
return Double.valueOf(Math.cos(input.doubleValue()));'
create or replace function x_tan ( input double ) called on null input
returns double language java as 'if (input==null) return null;
return Double.valueOf(Math.tan(input.doubleValue()));'
"SELECT key, value, x_sin(value), x_cos(value), x_tan(value) FROM ks.udf_kv where key = %d" % 1,
[1, 1.0, 0.8414709848078965, 0.5403023058681398, 1.5574077246549023])
"SELECT key, value, x_sin(value), x_cos(value), x_tan(value) FROM ks.udf_kv where key = %d" % 2,
[2, 2.0, math.sin(2.0), math.cos(2.0), math.tan(2.0)])
"SELECT key, value, x_sin(value), x_cos(value), x_tan(value) FROM ks.udf_kv where key = %d" % 3,
[3, 3.0, math.sin(3.0), math.cos(3.0), math.tan(3.0)])
session4 = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
# check that functions are correctly confined to namespaces
"SELECT key, value, sin(value), cos(value), tan(value) FROM ks.udf_kv where key = 4",
"Unknown function 'sin'")
# try giving existing function bad input, should error
"SELECT key, value, x_sin(key), foo_cos(KEYy), foo_tan(key) FROM ks.udf_kv where key = 1",
"Type error: key cannot be passed as argument 0 of function ks.x_sin of type double")
node2_session.execute("drop function x_sin")
node3_session.execute("drop function x_cos")
node1_session.execute("drop function x_tan")
assert_invalid(node1_session, "SELECT key, value, sin(value), cos(value), tan(value) FROM udf_kv where key = 1")
assert_invalid(node2_session, "SELECT key, value, sin(value), cos(value), tan(value) FROM udf_kv where key = 1")
assert_invalid(node3_session, "SELECT key, value, sin(value), cos(value), tan(value) FROM udf_kv where key = 1")
# try creating function returning the wrong type, should error
"CREATE FUNCTION bad_sin ( input double ) CALLED ON NULL INPUT RETURNS uuid LANGUAGE java AS 'return Math.sin(input);';",
"Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to UUID")
def udf_overload_test(self):
session = self.prepare(nodes=3)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE tab (k text PRIMARY KEY, v int)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tab (k, v) VALUES ('foo' , 1);")
# create overloaded udfs
session.execute("CREATE FUNCTION overloaded(v varchar) called on null input RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'")
session.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION overloaded(i int) called on null input RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f2\";'")
session.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION overloaded(v1 text, v2 text) called on null input RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f3\";'")
session.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION overloaded(v ascii) called on null input RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'")
# ensure that works with correct specificity
assert_invalid(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded('foo')")
assert_none(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((text) 'foo')")
assert_none(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((ascii) 'foo')")
assert_none(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((varchar) 'foo')")
# try non-existent functions
assert_invalid(session, "DROP FUNCTION overloaded(boolean)")
assert_invalid(session, "DROP FUNCTION overloaded(bigint)")
# try dropping overloaded - should fail because ambiguous
assert_invalid(session, "DROP FUNCTION overloaded")
session.execute("DROP FUNCTION overloaded(varchar)")
assert_invalid(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((text)'foo')")
session.execute("DROP FUNCTION overloaded(text, text)")
assert_invalid(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((text)'foo',(text)'bar')")
session.execute("DROP FUNCTION overloaded(ascii)")
assert_invalid(session, "SELECT v FROM tab WHERE k = overloaded((ascii)'foo')")
# should now work - unambiguous
session.execute("DROP FUNCTION overloaded")
def udf_scripting_test(self):
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create table nums (key int primary key, val double);")
for x in range(1, 4):
session.execute("INSERT INTO nums (key, val) VALUES (%d, %d)" % (x, float(x)))
session.execute("CREATE FUNCTION x_sin(val double) called on null input returns double language javascript as 'Math.sin(val)'")
assert_one(session, "SELECT key, val, x_sin(val) FROM nums where key = %d" % 1, [1, 1.0, math.sin(1.0)])
assert_one(session, "SELECT key, val, x_sin(val) FROM nums where key = %d" % 2, [2, 2.0, math.sin(2.0)])
assert_one(session, "SELECT key, val, x_sin(val) FROM nums where key = %d" % 3, [3, 3.0, math.sin(3.0)])
session.execute("create function y_sin(val double) called on null input returns double language javascript as 'Math.sin(val).toString()'")
assert_invalid(session, "select y_sin(val) from nums where key = 1", expected=FunctionFailure)
assert_invalid(session, "create function compilefail(key int) called on null input returns double language javascript as 'foo bar';")
session.execute("create function plustwo(key int) called on null input returns double language javascript as 'key+2'")
assert_one(session, "select plustwo(key) from nums where key = 3", [5])
def default_aggregate_test(self):
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create table nums (key int primary key, val double);")
for x in range(1, 10):
session.execute("INSERT INTO nums (key, val) VALUES (%d, %d)" % (x, float(x)))
assert_one(session, "SELECT min(key) FROM nums", [1])
assert_one(session, "SELECT max(val) FROM nums", [9.0])
assert_one(session, "SELECT sum(key) FROM nums", [45])
assert_one(session, "SELECT avg(val) FROM nums", [5.0])
assert_one(session, "SELECT count(*) FROM nums", [9])
def aggregate_udf_test(self):
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create table nums (key int primary key, val int);")
for x in range(1, 4):
session.execute("INSERT INTO nums (key, val) VALUES (%d, %d)" % (x, x))
session.execute("create function plus(key int, val int) called on null input returns int language java as 'return Integer.valueOf(key.intValue() + val.intValue());'")
session.execute("create function stri(key int) called on null input returns text language java as 'return key.toString();'")
session.execute("create aggregate suma (int) sfunc plus stype int finalfunc stri initcond 10")
assert_one(session, "select suma(val) from nums", ["16"])
session.execute("create function test(a int, b double) called on null input returns int language javascript as 'a + b;'")
session.execute("create aggregate aggy(double) sfunc test stype int")
assert_invalid(session, "create aggregate aggtwo(int) sfunc aggy stype int")
assert_invalid(session, "create aggregate aggthree(int) sfunc test stype int finalfunc aggtwo")
def udf_with_udt_test(self):
Test UDFs that operate on non-frozen UDTs.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7423
@since 3.6
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create type test (a text, b int);")
session.execute("create function funk(udt test) called on null input returns int language java as 'return Integer.valueOf(udt.getInt(\"b\"));';")
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.6'):
frozen_vals = (False, True)
frozen_vals = (True,)
for frozen in frozen_vals:
debug("Using {} UDTs".format("frozen" if frozen else "non-frozen"))
table_name = "tab_frozen" if frozen else "tab"
column_type = "frozen<test>" if frozen else "test"
session.execute("create table {} (key int primary key, udt {});".format(table_name, column_type))
session.execute("insert into %s (key, udt) values (1, {a: 'un', b:1});" % (table_name,))
session.execute("insert into %s (key, udt) values (2, {a: 'deux', b:2});" % (table_name,))
session.execute("insert into %s (key, udt) values (3, {a: 'trois', b:3});" % (table_name,))
assert_one(session, "select sum(funk(udt)) from {}".format(table_name), [6])
assert_invalid(session, "drop type test;")
def udf_with_udt_keyspace_isolation_test(self):
Ensure functions dont allow a UDT from another keyspace
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9409
@since 2.2
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create type udt (a text, b int);")
create_ks(session, 'user_ks', 1)
# ensure we cannot use a udt from another keyspace as function argument
"CREATE FUNCTION overloaded(v ks.udt) called on null input RETURNS text LANGUAGE java AS 'return \"f1\";'",
"Statement on keyspace user_ks cannot refer to a user type in keyspace ks"
# ensure we cannot use a udt from another keyspace as return value
("CREATE FUNCTION test(v text) called on null input RETURNS ks.udt "
"LANGUAGE java AS 'return null;';"),
"Statement on keyspace user_ks cannot refer to a user type in keyspace ks"
def aggregate_with_udt_keyspace_isolation_test(self):
Ensure aggregates dont allow a UDT from another keyspace
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9409
session = self.prepare()
session.execute("create type udt (a int);")
create_ks(session, 'user_ks', 1)
"create aggregate suma (ks.udt) sfunc plus stype int finalfunc stri initcond 10",
"Statement on keyspace user_ks cannot refer to a user type in keyspace ks"