blob: a11a4fca57f09292f9c55631588a1d5638e47317 [file] [log] [blame]
import functools
import unittest
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from import assert_in, assert_is_instance
from dtest import DISABLE_VNODES
class since(object):
def __init__(self, cass_version, max_version=None):
self.cass_version = LooseVersion(cass_version)
self.max_version = max_version
if self.max_version is not None:
self.max_version = LooseVersion(self.max_version)
def _skip_msg(self, version):
if version < self.cass_version:
return "%s < %s" % (version, self.cass_version)
if self.max_version and version > self.max_version:
return "%s > %s" % (version, self.max_version)
def _wrap_setUp(self, cls):
orig_setUp = cls.setUp
def wrapped_setUp(obj, *args, **kwargs):
obj.max_version = self.max_version
orig_setUp(obj, *args, **kwargs)
version = obj.cluster.version()
msg = self._skip_msg(version)
if msg:
cls.setUp = wrapped_setUp
return cls
def _wrap_function(self, f):
def wrapped(obj):
obj.max_version = self.max_version
version = obj.cluster.version()
msg = self._skip_msg(version)
if msg:
return wrapped
def __call__(self, skippable):
if isinstance(skippable, type):
return self._wrap_setUp(skippable)
return self._wrap_function(skippable)
def no_vnodes():
Skips the decorated test or test class if using vnodes.
return unittest.skipIf(not DISABLE_VNODES, 'Test disabled for vnodes')
def known_failure(failure_source, jira_url, flaky=False, notes=''):
Tag a test as a known failure. Associate it with the URL for a JIRA
ticket and tag it as flaky or not.
Valid values for failure_source include: 'cassandra', 'test', 'driver', and
To run all known failures, use the functionality provided by the nosetests
attrib plugin, using the known_failure attributes:
# only run tests that are known to fail
$ nosetests -a known_failure
# only run tests that are not known to fail
$ nosetests -a !known_failure
# only run tests that fail because of cassandra bugs
$ nosetests -A "'cassandra' in [d['failure_source'] for d in known_failure]"
Known limitations: a given test may only be tagged once and still work as
expected with the attrib plugin machinery; if you decorate a test with
known_failure multiple times, the known_failure attribute of that test
will have the value applied by the outermost instance of the decorator.
valid_failure_sources = ('cassandra', 'test', 'systemic', 'driver')
def wrapper(f):
assert_in(failure_source, valid_failure_sources)
assert_is_instance(flaky, bool)
existing_failure_annotations = f.known_failure
except AttributeError:
existing_failure_annotations = []
new_annotation = [{'failure_source': failure_source, 'jira_url': jira_url, 'notes': notes, 'flaky': flaky}]
failure_annotations = existing_failure_annotations + new_annotation
tagged_func = attr(known_failure=failure_annotations)(f)
return tagged_func
return wrapper