blob: 371f91a5988ca30bc489864edfbb5812d4b1ca74 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import division
import time
from math import floor
from os.path import getsize
from dtest import Tester, debug
class TestSSTableSplit(Tester):
def split_test(self):
Check that after running compaction, sstablessplit can succesfully split
The resultant sstable. Check that split is reversible and that data is readable
after carrying out these operations.
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
version = cluster.version()
debug("Run stress to insert data")
node.stress(['write', 'n=1000', 'no-warmup', '-rate', 'threads=50',
'-col', 'n=FIXED(10)', 'SIZE=FIXED(1024)'])
self._do_split(node, version)
self._do_split(node, version)
debug("Run stress to ensure data is readable")
node.stress(['read', 'n=1000', '-rate', 'threads=25',
'-col', 'n=FIXED(10)', 'SIZE=FIXED(1024)'])
def _do_compaction(self, node):
debug("Compact sstables.")
keyspace = 'keyspace1'
sstables = node.get_sstables(keyspace, '')
debug("Number of sstables after compaction: %s" % len(sstables))
def _do_split(self, node, version):
debug("Run sstablesplit")
# default split size is 50MB
splitmaxsize = 10
expected_sstable_size = (10 * 1024 * 1024)
keyspace = 'keyspace1'
# get the initial sstables and their total size
origsstables = node.get_sstables(keyspace, '')
origsstable_size = sum([getsize(sstable) for sstable in origsstables])
debug("Original sstable and sizes before split: {}".format([(name, getsize(name)) for name in origsstables]))
# calculate the expected number of sstables post-split
expected_num_sstables = floor(origsstable_size / expected_sstable_size)
# split the sstables
result = node.run_sstablesplit(keyspace=keyspace, size=splitmaxsize,
no_snapshot=True, debug=True)
for (out, error, rc) in result:
debug("stdout: {}".format(out))
debug("stderr: {}".format(error))
debug("rc: {}".format(rc))
# get the sstables post-split and their total size
sstables = node.get_sstables(keyspace, '')
debug("Number of sstables after split: %s. expected %s" % (len(sstables), expected_num_sstables))
self.assertLessEqual(expected_num_sstables, len(sstables) + 1)
self.assertLessEqual(1, len(sstables))
# make sure none of the tables are bigger than the max expected size
sstable_sizes = [getsize(sstable) for sstable in sstables]
# add a bit extra for overhead
self.assertLessEqual(max(sstable_sizes), expected_sstable_size + 512)
# make sure node can start with changed sstables
def single_file_split_test(self):
Covers CASSANDRA-8623
Check that sstablesplit doesn't crash when splitting a single sstable at the time.
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
debug("Run stress to insert data")
node.stress(['write', 'n=300', 'no-warmup', '-rate', 'threads=50',
'-col', 'n=FIXED(10)', 'SIZE=FIXED(1024)'])
result = node.run_sstablesplit(keyspace='keyspace1', size=1, no_snapshot=True)
for (stdout, stderr, rc) in result:
failure = stderr.find("java.lang.AssertionError: Data component is missing")
self.assertEqual(failure, -1, "Error during sstablesplit")
sstables = node.get_sstables('keyspace1', '')
self.assertGreaterEqual(len(sstables), 1, sstables)