blob: 4f9d22b79525dd1a5318d197f1a1dd2ea589d654 [file] [log] [blame]
import glob
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
import uuid
import parse
from ccmlib import common
from dtest import Tester, debug, create_ks, create_cf
from tools.assertions import assert_length_equal, assert_stderr_clean
from tools.decorators import since
class TestHelper(Tester):
def setUp(self):
disable JBOD configuration for scrub tests.
range-aware JBOD can skip generation in SSTable,
and some tests rely on generation numbers/
(see CASSANDRA-11693 and increase_sstable_generations)
super(TestHelper, self).setUp()
def get_table_paths(self, table):
Return the path where the table sstables are located
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
paths = []
for data_dir in node1.data_directories():
basepath = os.path.join(data_dir, KEYSPACE)
for x in os.listdir(basepath):
if x.startswith(table):
paths.append(os.path.join(basepath, x))
return paths
def get_index_paths(self, table, index):
Return the paths where the index sstables are located
paths = self.get_table_paths(table)
index_paths = []
for path in paths:
index_paths.append(os.path.join(path, '.' + index))
return paths
def get_sstable_files(self, paths):
Return the sstable files at a specific location
ret = []
debug('Checking sstables in {}'.format(paths))
for ext in ('*.db', '*.txt', '*.adler32', '*.sha1'):
for path in paths:
for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, ext)):
bname = os.path.basename(fname)
debug('Found sstable file {}'.format(bname))
return ret
def delete_non_essential_sstable_files(self, table):
Delete all sstable files except for the -Data.db file and the
-Statistics.db file (only available in >= 3.0)
for fname in self.get_sstable_files(self.get_table_paths(table)):
if not fname.endswith("-Data.db") and not fname.endswith("-Statistics.db"):
paths = self.get_table_paths(table)
for path in paths:
fullname = os.path.join(path, fname)
if (os.path.exists(fullname)):
debug('Deleting {}'.format(fullname))
def get_sstables(self, table, indexes):
Return the sstables for a table and the specified indexes of this table
sstables = {}
table_sstables = self.get_sstable_files(self.get_table_paths(table))
self.assertGreater(len(table_sstables), 0)
sstables[table] = sorted(table_sstables)
for index in indexes:
index_sstables = self.get_sstable_files(self.get_index_paths(table, index))
self.assertGreater(len(index_sstables), 0)
sstables[index] = sorted('{}/{}'.format(index, sstable) for sstable in index_sstables)
return sstables
def launch_nodetool_cmd(self, cmd):
Launch a nodetool command and check the result is empty (no error)
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
response = node1.nodetool(cmd).stdout
if not common.is_win(): # nodetool always prints out on windows
assert_length_equal(response, 0) # nodetool does not print anything unless there is an error
def launch_standalone_scrub(self, ks, cf):
Launch the standalone scrub
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
env = common.make_cassandra_env(node1.get_install_cassandra_root(), node1.get_node_cassandra_root())
scrub_bin = node1.get_tool('sstablescrub')
args = [scrub_bin, ks, cf]
p = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
# if we have less than 64G free space, we get this warning - ignore it
if err and "Consider adding more capacity" not in err:
def perform_node_tool_cmd(self, cmd, table, indexes):
Perform a nodetool command on a table and the indexes specified
self.launch_nodetool_cmd('{} {} {}'.format(cmd, KEYSPACE, table))
for index in indexes:
self.launch_nodetool_cmd('{} {} {}.{}'.format(cmd, KEYSPACE, table, index))
def flush(self, table, *indexes):
Flush table and indexes via nodetool, and then return all sstables
in a dict keyed by the table or index name.
self.perform_node_tool_cmd('flush', table, indexes)
return self.get_sstables(table, indexes)
def scrub(self, table, *indexes):
Scrub table and indexes via nodetool, and then return all sstables
in a dict keyed by the table or index name.
self.perform_node_tool_cmd('scrub', table, indexes)
return self.get_sstables(table, indexes)
def standalonescrub(self, table, *indexes):
Launch standalone scrub on table and indexes, and then return all sstables
in a dict keyed by the table or index name.
self.launch_standalone_scrub(KEYSPACE, table)
for index in indexes:
self.launch_standalone_scrub(KEYSPACE, '{}.{}'.format(table, index))
return self.get_sstables(table, indexes)
def increment_generation_by(self, sstable, generation_increment):
Set the generation number for an sstable file name
return re.sub('(\d(?!\d))\-', lambda x: str(int( + generation_increment) + '-', sstable)
def increase_sstable_generations(self, sstables):
After finding the number of existing sstables, increase all of the
generations by that amount.
for table_or_index, table_sstables in sstables.items():
increment_by = len(set('{}-{increment_by}-{suffix}.{file_extention}', s).named['increment_by'] for s in table_sstables))
sstables[table_or_index] = [self.increment_generation_by(s, increment_by) for s in table_sstables]
debug('sstables after increment {}'.format(str(sstables)))
class TestScrubIndexes(TestHelper):
Test that we scrub indexes as well as their parent tables
def create_users(self, session):
columns = {"password": "varchar", "gender": "varchar", "session_token": "varchar", "state": "varchar", "birth_year": "bigint"}
create_cf(session, 'users', columns=columns)
session.execute("CREATE INDEX gender_idx ON users (gender)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX state_idx ON users (state)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX birth_year_idx ON users (birth_year)")
def update_users(self, session):
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user1', 'ch@ngem3a', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user3', 'ch@ngem3c', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user4', 'ch@ngem3d', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user5', 'ch@ngem3e', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user6', 'ch@ngem3f', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user7', 'ch@ngem3g', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user8', 'ch@ngem3h', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user1'")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user5'")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user7'")
def query_users(self, session):
ret = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM users"))
ret.extend(list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE state='TX'")))
ret.extend(list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE gender='f'")))
ret.extend(list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE birth_year=1978")))
assert_length_equal(ret, 8)
return ret
def test_scrub_static_table(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
initial_users = self.query_users(session)
initial_sstables = self.flush('users', 'gender_idx', 'state_idx', 'birth_year_idx')
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users', 'gender_idx', 'state_idx', 'birth_year_idx')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
# Scrub and check sstables and data again
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users', 'gender_idx', 'state_idx', 'birth_year_idx')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
# Restart and check data again
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute('USE {}'.format(KEYSPACE))
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
def test_standalone_scrub(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
initial_users = self.query_users(session)
initial_sstables = self.flush('users', 'gender_idx', 'state_idx', 'birth_year_idx')
scrubbed_sstables = self.standalonescrub('users', 'gender_idx', 'state_idx', 'birth_year_idx')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute('USE {}'.format(KEYSPACE))
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
def test_scrub_collections_table(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE users (user_id uuid PRIMARY KEY, email text, uuids list<uuid>)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX user_uuids_idx on users (uuids)")
_id = uuid.uuid4()
num_users = 100
for i in range(0, num_users):
user_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
session.execute(("INSERT INTO users (user_id, email) values ({user_id}, '')").format(user_id=user_uuid))
session.execute(("UPDATE users set uuids = [{id}] where user_id = {user_id}").format(id=_id, user_id=user_uuid))
initial_users = list(session.execute(("SELECT * from users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)))
self.assertEqual(num_users, len(initial_users))
initial_sstables = self.flush('users', 'user_uuids_idx')
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users', 'user_uuids_idx')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = list(session.execute(("SELECT * from users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)))
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users', 'user_uuids_idx')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = list(session.execute(("SELECT * from users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)))
self.assertListEqual(initial_users, users)
class TestScrub(TestHelper):
Generic tests for scrubbing
def create_users(self, session):
columns = {"password": "varchar", "gender": "varchar", "session_token": "varchar", "state": "varchar", "birth_year": "bigint"}
create_cf(session, 'users', columns=columns)
def update_users(self, session):
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user1', 'ch@ngem3a', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user3', 'ch@ngem3c', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user4', 'ch@ngem3d', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user5', 'ch@ngem3e', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user6', 'ch@ngem3f', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user7', 'ch@ngem3g', 'f', 'TX', 1978)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user8', 'ch@ngem3h', 'm', 'CA', 1982)")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user1'")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user5'")
session.execute("DELETE FROM users where KEY = 'user7'")
def query_users(self, session):
ret = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM users"))
assert_length_equal(ret, 5)
return ret
def test_nodetool_scrub(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
# we don't want automatic minor compaction because we want to block on
# compactions
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
initial_users = self.query_users(session)
initial_sstables = self.flush('users')
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
# Scrub and check sstables and data again
scrubbed_sstables = self.scrub('users')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
# Restart and check data again
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute('USE {}'.format(KEYSPACE))
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
def test_standalone_scrub(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
initial_users = self.query_users(session)
initial_sstables = self.flush('users')
scrubbed_sstables = self.standalonescrub('users')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute('USE {}'.format(KEYSPACE))
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
def test_standalone_scrub_essential_files_only(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, KEYSPACE, 1)
initial_users = self.query_users(session)
initial_sstables = self.flush('users')
scrubbed_sstables = self.standalonescrub('users')
self.assertEqual(initial_sstables, scrubbed_sstables)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute('USE {}'.format(KEYSPACE))
users = self.query_users(session)
self.assertEqual(initial_users, users)
def test_scrub_with_UDT(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7665
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };")
session.execute("use test;")
session.execute("CREATE TYPE point_t (x double, y double);")
match = node1.grep_log("org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException: Not enough bytes to read a set")
self.assertEqual(len(match), 0)