blob: cb68827eb6e2288cb869ad7edcdfe90658a397c3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Usage: [--nose-options NOSE_OPTIONS] [TESTS...] [--vnodes VNODES_OPTIONS...]
[--runner-debug | --runner-quiet] [--dry-run]
nosetests options:
--nose-options NOSE_OPTIONS specify options to pass to `nosetests`.
TESTS space-separated list of tests to pass to `nosetests`
script configuration options:
--runner-debug -d print debug statements in this script
--runner-quiet -q quiet all output from this script
cluster configuration options:
--vnodes VNODES_OPTIONS... specify whether to run with or without vnodes.
valid values: 'true' and 'false'
The following command will execute nosetests with the '-v' (verbose) option, vnodes disabled, and run a single test:
./ --nose-options -v --vnodes false repair_tests/
from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import product
from os import getcwd
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from docopt import docopt
from plugins.dtestconfig import GlobalConfigObject
# Generate values in a matrix from these lists of values for each attribute
# not defined in arguments to the runner script.
default_config_matrix = GlobalConfigObject(
vnodes=(True, False),
def _noop(*args, **kwargs):
class ValidationResult(namedtuple('_ValidationResult', ['serialized', 'error_messages'])):
A value to be returned from validation functions. If serialization works,
return one with 'serialized' set, otherwise return a list of string on the
'error_messages' attribute.
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, serialized=None, error_messages=None):
if error_messages is None:
error_messages = []
success_result = serialized is not None
failure_result = bool(error_messages)
if success_result + failure_result != 1:
msg = ('attempted to instantiate a {cls_name} with serialized='
'{serialized} and error_messages={error_messages}. {cls_name} '
'objects must be instantiated with either a serialized or '
'error_messages argument, but not both.')
msg = msg.format(cls_name=cls.__name__,
raise ValueError(msg)
return super(ValidationResult, cls).__new__(cls, serialized=serialized, error_messages=error_messages)
def _validate_and_serialize_vnodes(vnodes_value):
Validate the values received for vnodes configuration. Returns a
If the values validate, return a ValidationResult with 'serialized' set to
the equivalent of:
tuple(set({'true': True, 'false':False}[v.lower()] for v in vnodes_value))
If the values don't validate, return a ValidationResult with 'messages' set
to a list of strings, each of which points out an invalid value.
messages = []
vnodes_value = set(v.lower() for v in vnodes_value)
value_map = {'true': True, 'false': False}
for v in vnodes_value:
if v not in value_map:
messages.append('{} not a valid value for --vnodes option. '
'valid values are {} (case-insensitive)'.format(v, ', '.join(list(value_map))))
if messages:
return ValidationResult(error_messages=messages)
serialized = tuple({value_map[v] for v in vnodes_value})
return ValidationResult(serialized=serialized)
def validate_and_serialize_options(docopt_options):
For each value that should be configured for a config object, attempt to
serialize the passed-in strings into objects that can be used for
configuration. If no values were passed in, use the list of options from
the defaults above.
Raises a ValueError and prints an error message if any values are invalid
or didn't serialize correctly.
vnodes = _validate_and_serialize_vnodes(docopt_options['--vnodes'])
if vnodes.error_messages:
raise ValueError('Validation error:\n{}'.format('\t\n'.join(list(vnodes.error_messages))))
return GlobalConfigObject(
vnodes=vnodes.serialized or default_config_matrix.vnodes
def product_of_values(d):
Transforms a dictionary of {key: list(configuration_options} into a tuple
of dictionaries, each corresponding to a point in the product, with the
values preserved at the keys where they were found in the argument.
This is difficult to explain and is probably best demonstrated with an
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from runner import product_of_values
>>> pprint(product_of_values(
... {'a': [1, 2, 3],
... 'b': [4, 5, 6]}
... ))
({'a': 1, 'b': 4},
{'a': 1, 'b': 5},
{'a': 1, 'b': 6},
{'a': 2, 'b': 4},
{'a': 2, 'b': 5},
{'a': 2, 'b': 6},
{'a': 3, 'b': 4},
{'a': 3, 'b': 5},
{'a': 3, 'b': 6})
So, in this case, we get something like
for a_value in d['a']:
for b_value in d['b']:
yield {'a': a_value, 'b': b_value}
This method does that, but for dictionaries with arbitrary iterables at
arbitrary numbers of keys.
# transform, e.g., {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [4, 5, 6]} into
# [[('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3)],
# [('b', 4), ('b', 5), ('b', 6)]]
tuple_list = [[(k, v) for v in v_list] for k, v_list in d.items()]
# return the cartesian product of the flattened dict
return tuple(dict(result) for result in product(*tuple_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
options = docopt(__doc__)
validated_options = validate_and_serialize_options(options)
nose_options = options['--nose-options'] or ''
nose_option_list = nose_options.split()
test_list = options['TESTS']
nose_argv = nose_option_list + test_list
verbosity = 1 # default verbosity level
if options['--runner-debug']:
verbosity = 2
if options['--runner-quiet']: # --debug and --quiet are mutually exclusive, enforced by docopt
verbosity = 0
debug = print if verbosity >= 2 else _noop
output = print if verbosity >= 1 else _noop
# Get dictionaries corresponding to each point in the configuration matrix
# we want to run, then generate a config object for each of them.
debug('Generating configurations from the following matrix:\n\t{}'.format(validated_options))
all_configs = tuple(GlobalConfigObject(**d) for d in
output('About to run nosetests with config objects:\n'
'\t{configs}\n'.format(configs='\n\t'.join(map(repr, all_configs))))
results = []
for config in all_configs:
# These properties have to hold if we want to evaluate their reprs
# below in the generated file.
assert eval(repr(config), {'GlobalConfigObject': GlobalConfigObject}, {}) == config
assert eval(repr(nose_argv), {}, {}) == nose_argv
output('Running dtests with config object {}'.format(config))
# Generate a file that runs nose, passing in config as the
# configuration object.
# Yes, this is icky. The reason we do it is because we're dealing with
# global configuration. We've decided global, nosetests-run-level
# configuration is the way to go. This means we don't want to call
# nose.main() multiple times in the same Python interpreter -- I have
# not yet found a way to re-execute modules (thus getting new
# module-level configuration) for each call. This didn't even work for
# me with exec(script, {}, {}). So, here we are.
# How do we execute code in a new interpreter each time? Generate the
# code as text, then shell out to a new interpreter.
to_execute = (
'import nose\n'
'from plugins.dtestconfig import DtestConfigPlugin, GlobalConfigObject\n'
temp = NamedTemporaryFile(dir=getcwd())
debug('Writing the following to {}:'.format(
# We pass nose_argv as options to the python call to maintain
# compatibility with the nosetests command. Arguments passed in via the
# command line are treated one way, args passed in as
# nose.main(argv=...) are treated another. Compare with the options
# -xsv for an example.
cmd_list = ['python',] + nose_argv
debug(' {cmd_list}'.format(cmd_list=cmd_list))
if options['--dry-run']:
print('Would run the following command:\n\t{}'.format(cmd_list))
with open(, 'r') as f:
contents =
print('{temp_name} contains:\n```\n{contents}```\n'.format(,
# separate the end of the last output from the
# beginning of the next by printing a newline.
# If this answer:
# is to be believed, nosetests will exit with 0 on success, 1 on test or
# other failure, and 2 on printing usage. We'll just grab the max of the
# runs we saw -- if one printed usage, the whole run "printed usage", if
# none printed usage, and one or more failed, we failed, else success.
if not results:
results = [0]