blob: 3bbddd50ea21cc63ef4b83f65e598dc667d922a1 [file] [log] [blame]
from time import sleep, time
from unittest import TestCase
from mock import Mock, call
from tools import funcutils
class Testget_rate_limited_function(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mock_func, self.mock_limit = Mock(name='func'), Mock(name='limit')
self.rate_limited_func = funcutils.get_rate_limited_function(self.mock_func, self.mock_limit)
def _assert_initialized_correctly_with_mocks(self, rate_limited_func_arg):
Assert the rate_limited_func argument was correctly initialized with
the mocks created in setUp as its func and limit.
self.assertIs(rate_limited_func_arg.func, self.mock_func)
self.assertIs(rate_limited_func_arg.limit, self.mock_limit)
self.assertEqual(rate_limited_func_arg.last_called, False)
def test_init_with_positional_args(self):
Rate-limited functions can be initialized with the function and limit in that order.
funcutils.get_rate_limited_function(self.mock_func, self.mock_limit)
def test_init_with_keyword_args(self):
Rate-limited functions can be initialized with limit and func keyword arguments.
funcutils.get_rate_limited_function(limit=self.mock_limit, func=self.mock_func)
def test_repr(self):
A rate-limited function's repr is what we expect.
self.rate_limited_func.last_called = mock_last_called = Mock()
'func=' + repr(self.mock_func) + ', '
'limit=' + repr(self.mock_limit) + ', '
'last_called=' + repr(mock_last_called)) + ')'
def test_calling_rate_limited_func_delegates_to_wrapped_func(self):
Calling a rate-limited function delegates to the wrapped function.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 1
arg, kwarg = Mock(name='arg'), Mock(name='kwarg')
self.rate_limited_func(arg, kwarg=kwarg)
self.mock_func.assert_called_once_with(arg, kwarg=kwarg)
def test_calling_func_attribute_calls_wrapped_function(self):
Calling a rate-limited function's func attribute calls the wrapped function.
arg, kwarg = Mock(name='arg'), Mock(name='kwarg')
self.rate_limited_func.func(arg, kwarg=kwarg)
self.mock_func.assert_called_once_with(arg, kwarg=kwarg)
def test_calling_func_attribute_not_rate_limited(self):
Calling a rate-limited function's func attribute is not affected by rate limiting.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 5
arg0, kwarg0, arg1, kwarg1 = (Mock(name='arg0'), Mock(name='kwarg0'),
Mock(name='arg1'), Mock(name='kwarg1'))
self.rate_limited_func.func(arg0, kwarg=kwarg0)
self.rate_limited_func.func(arg1, kwarg=kwarg1)
self.mock_func.assert_has_calls([call(arg0, kwarg=kwarg0),
call(arg1, kwarg=kwarg1)])
def test_rate_limit_respected(self):
If you call a rate-limited function before the time limit is up, it is called not called.
This tests behavior with respect to last_called, rather than actually sleeping.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 1
self.rate_limited_func.last_called = time() - .5
def test_can_call_again_if_last_called_older_than_limit(self):
If you call a rate-limited function a second time after the time limit is up, it is called twice.
This tests behavior with respect to last_called, rather than actually sleeping.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 100
self.rate_limited_func.last_called = time() - 100
def test_last_called_set_when_called(self):
If you call a rate-limited function, last_called is set to a new value.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 1
self.assertEqual(self.rate_limited_func.last_called, False)
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.rate_limited_func.last_called, time(), places=2)
def test_last_called_not_set_when_called_within_time_limit(self):
If you call a rate-limited function during the time limit, last_called is not set to a new value.
self.rate_limited_func.limit = 1
self.assertEqual(self.rate_limited_func.last_called, False)
last_called = self.rate_limited_func.last_called
self.assertIs(last_called, self.rate_limited_func.last_called)
def test_end_to_end(self):
A rate-limited function works as expected.
A rate-limited function delegates to the wrapped function, then
prevents calls until the time limit has passed, then allows calls
self.rate_limited_func.limit = .5
# If called before limit has elapsed, the wrapped function won't be
# called again.
# After limit has elapsed, the wrapped function can be called again.
self.mock_func.assert_has_calls([call(), call()])