blob: aaf55aa707d0f5a0319106c987f8b4893f61a42d [file] [log] [blame]
# coding: utf-8
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from dtest import Tester, debug, create_ks
from tools.decorators import since
class TestCqlTracing(Tester):
Smoke test that the default implementation for tracing works. Also test
that Cassandra falls back to the default tracing implementation when the
user specifies an invalid implementation.
# TODO write a mock Tracing implementation and assert, at least, it can be
# instantiated when specified as a custom tracing implementation.
def prepare(self, create_keyspace=True, nodes=3, rf=3, protocol_version=3, jvm_args=None, **kwargs):
if jvm_args is None:
jvm_args = []
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.populate(nodes).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=jvm_args)
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, protocol_version=protocol_version)
if create_keyspace:
create_ks(session, 'ks', rf)
return session
def trace(self, session):
* CREATE a table
* enable TRACING
* SELECT on a known system table and assert it ran with tracing by checking the output
* INSERT a row into the created system table and assert it ran with tracing
* SELECT from the table and assert it ran with tracing
@param session The Session object to use to create a table.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10392
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
# Create
CREATE TABLE ks.users (
userid uuid PRIMARY KEY,
firstname text,
lastname text,
age int
out, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh('TRACING ON')
self.assertIn('Tracing is enabled', out)
out, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh('TRACING ON; SELECT * from system.peers')
self.assertIn('Tracing session: ', out)
self.assertIn('Request complete ', out)
# Inserts
out, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh(
"INSERT INTO ks.users (userid, firstname, lastname, age) "
"VALUES (550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000, 'Frodo', 'Baggins', 32)")
self.assertIn('Tracing session: ', out)
self.assertIn('/', out)
self.assertIn('/', out)
self.assertIn('/', out)
self.assertIn('Parsing INSERT INTO ks.users ', out)
self.assertIn('Request complete ', out)
# Queries
out, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh('CONSISTENCY ALL; TRACING ON; '
'SELECT firstname, lastname '
'FROM ks.users WHERE userid = 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000')
self.assertIn('Tracing session: ', out)
self.assertIn(' ', out)
self.assertIn(' ', out)
self.assertIn(' ', out)
self.assertIn('Request complete ', out)
self.assertIn(" Frodo | Baggins", out)
def tracing_simple_test(self):
Test tracing using the default tracing class. See trace().
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10392
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11598
# Restricted to 2.2+ due to flakiness on 2.1. See CASSANDRA-11598 and CASSANDRA-12407 for details.
session = self.prepare()
def tracing_unknown_impl_test(self):
Test that Cassandra logs an error, but keeps its default tracing
behavior, when a nonexistent tracing class is specified.
* set a nonexistent custom tracing class
* run trace()
* if running the test on a version with custom tracing classes
implemented, check that an error about the nonexistent class was
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10392
expected_error = 'Cannot use class junk for tracing'
self.ignore_log_patterns = [expected_error]
session = self.prepare(jvm_args=['-Dcassandra.custom_tracing_class=junk'])
errs = self.cluster.nodelist()[0].grep_log_for_errors()
debug('Errors after attempted trace with unknown tracing class: {errs}'.format(errs=errs))
self.assertEqual(len(errs), 1)
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.10'):
# See CASSANDRA-11706 and PR #1281
self.assertTrue(len(errs[0]) > 0)
self.assertEqual(len(errs[0]), 1)
err = errs[0][0]
self.assertIn(expected_error, err)
def tracing_default_impl_test(self):
Test that Cassandra logs an error, but keeps its default tracing
behavior, when the default tracing class is specified.
This doesn't work because the constructor for the default
implementation isn't accessible.
* set the default tracing class as a custom tracing class
* run trace()
* if running the test on a version with custom tracing classes
implemented, check that an error about the class was
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10392
expected_error = 'Cannot use class org.apache.cassandra.tracing.TracingImpl'
self.ignore_log_patterns = [expected_error]
session = self.prepare(jvm_args=['-Dcassandra.custom_tracing_class=org.apache.cassandra.tracing.TracingImpl'])
errs = self.cluster.nodelist()[0].grep_log_for_errors()
debug('Errors after attempted trace with default tracing class: {errs}'.format(errs=errs))
self.assertEqual(len(errs), 1)
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.10'):
# See CASSANDRA-11706 and PR #1281
self.assertTrue(len(errs[0]) > 0)
self.assertEqual(len(errs[0]), 1)
err = errs[0][0]
self.assertIn(expected_error, err)
# make sure it logged the error for the correct reason. this isn't
# part of the expected error to avoid having to escape parens and
# periods for regexes.
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.10'):
# See CASSANDRA-11706 and PR #1281
check_for_errs_in = errs[0][1]
check_for_errs_in = err
self.assertIn("Default constructor for Tracing class "
"'org.apache.cassandra.tracing.TracingImpl' is inaccessible.",