blob: c62ad8e9ce15344a87a9add62895656313e4f91e [file] [log] [blame]
language: python
- "2.7"
- pip install pycodestyle flake8
# we want pyflakes to check all files for unused imports only
# we use flake8 because it allows us to ignore other warnings
# exclude the thrift directories - they contain auto-generated code
- flake8 --ignore=E501,F811,F812,F822,F823,F831,F841,N8,C9 --exclude=thrift_bindings,cassandra-thrift .
- git remote add apache git://
- git fetch apache # fetch master for the next diff
# feed changed lines with no context around them to pycodestyle
# I know we don't enforce line length but if you introduce
# 200-char lines you are doing something terribly wrong.
# lint all files for everything but line length errors
- git diff apache/master...HEAD -U0 | pycodestyle --ignore=E501 --diff
# lint all files except for line length errors
- git diff apache/master...HEAD -U0 | pycodestyle --diff --exclude='' --exclude='meta_tests/' --max-line-length=200
sudo: false