blob: 6b8ab3ef215a64a5a57cdb8b843b0a16ad049593 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import random
import re
import time
import uuid
import pytest
import logging
from flaky import flaky
from cassandra import InvalidRequest
from cassandra.concurrent import (execute_concurrent,
from cassandra.protocol import ConfigurationException
from cassandra.query import BatchStatement, SimpleStatement
from dtest import Tester, create_ks, create_cf
from tools.assertions import assert_bootstrap_state, assert_invalid, assert_none, assert_one, assert_row_count, \
assert_length_equal, assert_all
from import block_until_index_is_built, rows_to_list
from tools.misc import new_node
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestSecondaryIndexes(Tester):
def _index_sstables_files(node, keyspace, table, index):
files = []
for data_dir in node.data_directories():
data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, keyspace)
base_tbl_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, [s for s in os.listdir(data_dir) if s.startswith(table)][0])
index_sstables_dir = os.path.join(base_tbl_dir, '.' + index)
return set(files)
def test_data_created_before_index_not_returned_in_where_query(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-3367
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
columns = {"password": "varchar", "gender": "varchar", "session_token": "varchar", "state": "varchar", "birth_year": "bigint"}
create_cf(session, 'users', columns=columns)
# insert data
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user1', 'ch@ngem3a', 'f', 'TX', 1968);")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 'm', 'CA', 1971);")
# create index
session.execute("CREATE INDEX gender_key ON users (gender);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX state_key ON users (state);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX birth_year_key ON users (birth_year);")
# insert data
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user3', 'ch@ngem3c', 'f', 'FL', 1978);")
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (KEY, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES ('user4', 'ch@ngem3d', 'm', 'TX', 1974);")
assert_row_count(session, "users", 4)
assert_row_count(session, "users", 2, "state='TX'")
assert_row_count(session, "users", 1, "state='CA'")
def test_low_cardinality_indexes(self):
Checks that low-cardinality secondary index subqueries are executed
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.max_trace_wait = 120
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE (a text PRIMARY KEY, b text);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX b_index ON (b);")
num_rows = 100
for i in range(num_rows):
indexed_value = i % (num_rows // 3)
# use the same indexed value three times
session.execute("INSERT INTO (a, b) VALUES ('{a}', '{b}');"
.format(a=i, b=indexed_value))
def check_trace_events(trace):
# we should see multiple requests get enqueued prior to index scan
# execution happening
# Look for messages like:
# Submitting range requests on 769 ranges with a concurrency of 769 (0.0070312 rows per range expected)
regex = r"Submitting range requests on [0-9]+ ranges with a concurrency of (\d+) \(([0-9.]+) rows per range expected\)"
for event in
desc = event.description
match = re.match(regex, desc)
if match:
concurrency = int(
expected_per_range = float(
assert concurrency > 1, "Expected more than 1 concurrent range request, got %d" % concurrency
assert expected_per_range > 0
else:"Didn't find matching trace event")
query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM WHERE b='1';")
result = session.execute(query, trace=True)
assert 3 == len(list(result))
query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM WHERE b='1' LIMIT 100;")
result = session.execute(query, trace=True)
assert 3 == len(list(result))
query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM WHERE b='1' LIMIT 3;")
result = session.execute(query, trace=True)
assert 3 == len(list(result))
for limit in (1, 2):
result = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM WHERE b='1' LIMIT %d;" % (limit,)))
assert limit == len(result)
def test_6924_dropping_ks(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-6924
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11729
Data inserted immediately after dropping and recreating a
keyspace with an indexed column familiy is not included
in the index.
This test can be flaky due to concurrency issues during
schema updates. See CASSANDRA-11729 for an explanation.
# Reproducing requires at least 3 nodes:
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
# We have to wait up to RING_DELAY + 1 seconds for the MV Builder task
# to complete, to prevent schema concurrency issues with the drop
# keyspace calls that come later. See CASSANDRA-11729.
if self.cluster.version() > '3.0':
self.cluster.wait_for_any_log('Completed submission of build tasks for any materialized views',
timeout=35, filename='debug.log')
# This only occurs when dropping and recreating with
# the same name, so loop through this test a few times:
for i in range(10):
logger.debug("round %s" % i)
session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE ks")
except (ConfigurationException, InvalidRequest):
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE (key text PRIMARY KEY, col1 text);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX on (col1);")
for r in range(10):
stmt = "INSERT INTO (key, col1) VALUES ('%s','asdf');" % r
rows = session.execute("select count(*) from WHERE col1='asdf'")
count = rows[0][0]
assert count == 10
def test_6924_dropping_cf(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-6924
Data inserted immediately after dropping and recreating an
indexed column family is not included in the index.
# Reproducing requires at least 3 nodes:
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
# This only occurs when dropping and recreating with
# the same name, so loop through this test a few times:
for i in range(10):
logger.debug("round %s" % i)
session.execute("DROP COLUMNFAMILY")
except InvalidRequest:
session.execute("CREATE TABLE (key text PRIMARY KEY, col1 text);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX on (col1);")
for r in range(10):
stmt = "INSERT INTO (key, col1) VALUES ('%s','asdf');" % r
rows = session.execute("select count(*) from WHERE col1='asdf'")
count = rows[0][0]
assert count == 10
def test_8280_validate_indexed_values(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8280
Reject inserts & updates where values of any indexed
column is > 64k
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
self.insert_row_with_oversize_value("CREATE TABLE %s(a int, b int, c text, PRIMARY KEY (a))",
"INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, 0, ?)",
self.insert_row_with_oversize_value("CREATE TABLE %s(a int, b text, c int, PRIMARY KEY (a, b))",
"INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (0, ?, 0)",
self.insert_row_with_oversize_value("CREATE TABLE %s(a text, b int, c int, PRIMARY KEY ((a, b)))",
"INSERT INTO %s (a, b, c) VALUES (?, 0, 0)",
@since("2.0", max_version="3.X")
def test_8280_validate_indexed_values_compact(self):
cluster = self.cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
self.insert_row_with_oversize_value("CREATE TABLE %s(a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY (a)) WITH COMPACT STORAGE",
"INSERT INTO %s (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)",
def insert_row_with_oversize_value(self, create_table_cql, create_index_cql, insert_cql, session):
""" Validate two variations of the supplied insert statement, first
as it is and then again transformed into a conditional statement
table_name = "table_" + str(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
session.execute(create_table_cql % table_name)
session.execute(create_index_cql % table_name)
value = "X" * 65536
self._assert_invalid_request(session, insert_cql % table_name, value)
self._assert_invalid_request(session, (insert_cql % table_name) + ' IF NOT EXISTS', value)
def _assert_invalid_request(self, session, insert_cql, value):
""" Perform two executions of the supplied statement, as a
single statement and again as part of a batch
prepared = session.prepare(insert_cql)
self._execute_and_fail(lambda: session.execute(prepared, [value]), insert_cql)
batch = BatchStatement()
batch.add(prepared, [value])
self._execute_and_fail(lambda: session.execute(batch), insert_cql)
def _execute_and_fail(self, operation, cql_string):
operation()"Expecting query {} to be invalid".format(cql_string))
except AssertionError as e:
raise e
except InvalidRequest:
def wait_for_schema_agreement(self, session):
if not session.cluster.control_connection.wait_for_schema_agreement(wait_time=120):
raise AssertionError("Failed to reach schema agreement")
def test_manual_rebuild_index(self):
asserts that new sstables are written when rebuild_index is called from nodetool
cluster = self.cluster
node1, = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
node1.stress(['write', 'n=50K', 'no-warmup'])
session.execute("use keyspace1;")
lookup_value = session.execute('select "C0" from standard1 limit 1')[0].C0
session.execute('CREATE INDEX ix_c0 ON standard1("C0");')
block_until_index_is_built(node1, session, 'keyspace1', 'standard1', 'ix_c0')
stmt = session.prepare('select * from standard1 where "C0" = ?')
assert 1 == len(list(session.execute(stmt, [lookup_value])))
before_files = self._index_sstables_files(node1, 'keyspace1', 'standard1', 'ix_c0')
node1.nodetool("rebuild_index keyspace1 standard1 ix_c0")
block_until_index_is_built(node1, session, 'keyspace1', 'standard1', 'ix_c0')
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node1, 'keyspace1', 'standard1', 'ix_c0')
assert before_files != after_files
assert 1 == len(list(session.execute(stmt, [lookup_value])))
# verify that only the expected row is present in the build indexes table
assert 1 == len(list(session.execute("""SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo";""")))
def test_failing_manual_rebuild_index(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10130
Tests the management of index status during manual index rebuilding failures.
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.populate(1, install_byteman=True).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True)
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
create_ks(session, 'k', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE k.t (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx ON k.t(v)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (0, 1)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (2, 3)")
# Verify that the index is marked as built and it can answer queries and accept writes
assert_one(session, """SELECT table_name, index_name FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""", ['k', 'idx'])
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became queryable after successful build'), 1)
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('registered and writable'), 1)
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (1, 1)")
assert_all(session, "SELECT k FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [[0], [1]], ignore_order=True)
# Simulate a failing index rebuild
before_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
mark = node.mark_log()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
node.nodetool("rebuild_index k t idx")
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
# Verify that the index is not built, not marked as built, and it still can answer queries and accept writes
assert before_files == after_files
assert_none(session, """SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""")
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became queryable', from_mark=mark), 0)
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became writable', from_mark=mark), 0)
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (2, 1)")
assert_all(session, "SELECT k FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [[0], [1], [2]], ignore_order=True)
# Restart the node to trigger the scheduled index rebuild
before_files = after_files
mark = node.mark_log()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
session.execute("USE k")
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
# Verify that the index is rebuilt, marked as built, and it still can answer queries and accept writes
assert before_files != after_files
assert_one(session, """SELECT table_name, index_name FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""", ['k', 'idx'])
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became queryable after successful build', from_mark=mark), 1)
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('registered and writable', from_mark=mark), 1)
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (3, 1)")
assert_all(session, "SELECT k FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [[0], [1], [2], [3]], ignore_order=True)
# Simulate another failing index rebuild
before_files = after_files
mark = node.mark_log()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
node.nodetool("rebuild_index k t idx")
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
# Verify that the index is not built, not marked as built, and it still can answer queries and accept writes
assert before_files == after_files
assert_none(session, """SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""")
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became queryable', from_mark=mark), 0)
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became writable', from_mark=mark), 0)
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (4, 1)")
assert_all(session, "SELECT k FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]], ignore_order=True)
# Successfully rebuild the index
before_files = after_files
node.nodetool("rebuild_index k t idx")
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
# Verify that the index is rebuilt, marked as built, and it still can answer queries and accept writes
assert before_files != after_files
assert_one(session, """SELECT table_name, index_name FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""", ['k', 'idx'])
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became queryable', from_mark=mark), 0)
assert_length_equal(node.grep_log('became writable', from_mark=mark), 0)
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (5, 1)")
assert_all(session, "SELECT k FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]], ignore_order=True)
def test_drop_index_while_building(self):
asserts that indexes deleted before they have been completely build are invalidated and not built after restart
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
# Create some thousands of rows to guarantee a long index building
node.stress(['write', 'n=50K', 'no-warmup'])
session.execute("USE keyspace1")
# Create an index and immediately drop it, without waiting for index building
session.execute('CREATE INDEX idx ON standard1("C0")')
session.execute('DROP INDEX idx')
# Check that the index is not marked as built nor queryable
assert_none(session, """SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='keyspace1'""")
'SELECT * FROM standard1 WHERE "C0" = 0x00',
'Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering')
# Restart the node to trigger any eventual unexpected index rebuild
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
session.execute("USE keyspace1")
# The index should remain not built nor queryable after restart
assert_none(session, """SELECT * FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='keyspace1'""")
'SELECT * FROM standard1 WHERE "C0" = 0x00',
'Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering')
def test_index_is_not_rebuilt_at_restart(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13725
Tests the index is not rebuilt at restart if already built.
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
create_ks(session, 'k', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE k.t (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO k.t(k, v) VALUES (0, 1)")
logger.debug("Create the index")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx ON k.t(v)")
block_until_index_is_built(node, session, 'k', 't', 'idx')
before_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
logger.debug("Verify the index is marked as built and it can be queried")
assert_one(session, """SELECT table_name, index_name FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""", ['k', 'idx'])
assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [0, 1])
logger.debug("Restart the node and verify the index build is not submitted")
after_files = self._index_sstables_files(node, 'k', 't', 'idx')
assert before_files == after_files
logger.debug("Verify the index is still marked as built and it can be queried")
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
assert_one(session, """SELECT table_name, index_name FROM system."IndexInfo" WHERE table_name='k'""", ['k', 'idx'])
assert_one(session, "SELECT * FROM k.t WHERE v = 1", [0, 1])
def test_multi_index_filtering_query(self):
asserts that having multiple indexes that cover all predicates still requires ALLOW FILTERING to also be present
cluster = self.cluster
node1, = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};")
session.execute("USE ks;")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE tbl (id uuid primary key, c0 text, c1 text, c2 text);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX ix_tbl_c0 ON tbl(c0);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX ix_tbl_c1 ON tbl(c1);")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (id, c0, c1, c2) values (uuid(), 'a', 'b', 'c');")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (id, c0, c1, c2) values (uuid(), 'a', 'b', 'c');")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (id, c0, c1, c2) values (uuid(), 'q', 'b', 'c');")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (id, c0, c1, c2) values (uuid(), 'a', 'e', 'f');")
session.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (id, c0, c1, c2) values (uuid(), 'a', 'e', 'f');")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE c0 = 'a';"))
assert 4 == len(rows)
stmt = "SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE c0 = 'a' AND c1 = 'b';"
assert_invalid(session, stmt, "Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have "
"unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the "
"performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING")
rows = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE c0 = 'a' AND c1 = 'b' ALLOW FILTERING;"))
assert 2 == len(rows)
def test_only_coordinator_chooses_index_for_query(self):
Checks that the index to use is selected (once) on the coordinator and
included in the serialized command sent to the replicas.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10215
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.max_trace_wait = 120
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE (a text PRIMARY KEY, b text);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX b_index ON (b);")
num_rows = 100
for i in range(num_rows):
indexed_value = i % (num_rows // 3)
# use the same indexed value three times
session.execute("INSERT INTO (a, b) VALUES ('{a}', '{b}');"
.format(a=i, b=indexed_value))
def check_trace_events(trace, regex, expected_matches, on_failure):
Check for the presence of certain trace events. expected_matches should be a list of
tuple(source, min_count, max_count) indicating that of all the trace events for the
the source, the supplied regex should match at least min_count trace messages & at
most max_count messages. E.g. [(, 1, 10), (, 0, 0)]
indicates that the regex should match at least 1, but no more than 10 events emitted
by node1, and that no messages emitted by node2 should match.
match_counts = {}
for event_source, min_matches, max_matches in expected_matches:
match_counts[event_source] = 0
for event in
desc = event.description
match = re.match(regex, desc)
if match:
if event.source in match_counts:
match_counts[event.source] += 1
for event_source, min_matches, max_matches in expected_matches:
if match_counts[event_source] < min_matches or match_counts[event_source] > max_matches:
on_failure(trace, regex, expected_matches, match_counts, event_source, min_matches, max_matches)
def halt_on_failure(trace, regex, expected_matches, match_counts, event_source, min_expected, max_expected):"Expected to find between {min} and {max} trace events matching {pattern} from {source}, "
"but actually found {actual}. (Full counts: {all})"
.format(min=min_expected, max=max_expected, pattern=regex, source=event_source,
actual=match_counts[event_source], all=match_counts))
def retry_on_failure(trace, regex, expected_matches, match_counts, event_source, min_expected, max_expected):
logger.debug("Trace event inspection did not match expected, sleeping before re-fetching trace events. "
"Expected: {expected} Actual: {actual}".format(expected=expected_matches, actual=match_counts))
check_trace_events(trace, regex, expected_matches, halt_on_failure)
query = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM WHERE b='1';")
result = session.execute(query, trace=True)
assert 3 == len(list(result))
trace = result.get_query_trace()
# we have forced node3 to act as the coordinator for
# all requests by using an exclusive connection, so
# only node3 should select the index to use
"Index mean cardinalities are b_index:[0-9]*. Scanning with b_index.",
[("", 0, 0), ("", 0, 0), ("", 1, 1)],
# check that the index is used on each node, really we only care that the matching
# message appears on every node, so the max count is not important
"Executing read on using index b_index",
[("", 1, 200), ("", 1, 200), ("", 1, 200)],
def test_query_indexes_with_vnodes(self):
Verifies correct query behaviour in the presence of vnodes
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11104
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.compact_table (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX keys_index ON ks.compact_table (b);")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.regular_table (a int PRIMARY KEY, b int)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX composites_index on ks.regular_table (b)")
for node in cluster.nodelist():
block_until_index_is_built(node, session, 'ks', 'regular_table', 'composites_index')
insert_args = [(i, i % 2) for i in range(100)]
session.prepare("INSERT INTO ks.compact_table (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)"),
session.prepare("INSERT INTO ks.regular_table (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)"),
res = session.execute("SELECT * FROM ks.compact_table WHERE b = 0")
assert len(rows_to_list(res)) == 50
res = session.execute("SELECT * FROM ks.regular_table WHERE b = 0")
assert len(rows_to_list(res)) == 50
class TestSecondaryIndexesOnCollections(Tester):
def test_tuple_indexes(self):
Checks that secondary indexes on tuples work for querying
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'tuple_index_test', 1)
session.execute("use tuple_index_test")
CREATE TABLE simple_with_tuple (
id uuid primary key,
normal_col int,
single_tuple tuple<int>,
double_tuple tuple<int, int>,
triple_tuple tuple<int, int, int>,
nested_one tuple<int, tuple<int, int>>
cmds = [("""insert into simple_with_tuple
(id, normal_col, single_tuple, double_tuple, triple_tuple, nested_one)
(uuid(), {0}, ({0}), ({0},{0}), ({0},{0},{0}), ({0},({0},{0})))""".format(n), ())
for n in range(50)]
results = execute_concurrent(session, cmds * 5, raise_on_first_error=True, concurrency=200)
for (success, result) in results:
assert success, "didn't get success on insert: {0}".format(result)
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_single_tuple ON simple_with_tuple(single_tuple);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_double_tuple ON simple_with_tuple(double_tuple);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_triple_tuple ON simple_with_tuple(triple_tuple);")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX idx_nested_tuple ON simple_with_tuple(nested_one);")
# check if indexes work on existing data
for n in range(50):
assert 5 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = ({0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = (-1);".format(n))))
assert 5 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = ({0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = ({0},-1);".format(n))))
assert 5 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = ({0},{0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = ({0},{0},-1);".format(n))))
assert 5 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = ({0},({0},{0}));".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = ({0},({0},-1));".format(n))))
# check if indexes work on new data inserted after index creation
results = execute_concurrent(session, cmds * 3, raise_on_first_error=True, concurrency=200)
for (success, result) in results:
assert success, "didn't get success on insert: {0}".format(result)
for n in range(50):
assert 8 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = ({0});".format(n))))
assert 8 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = ({0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 8 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = ({0},{0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 8 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = ({0},({0},{0}));".format(n))))
# check if indexes work on mutated data
for n in range(5):
rows = session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = ({0});".format(n))
for row in rows:
session.execute("update simple_with_tuple set single_tuple = (-999) where id = {0}".format(
rows = session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = ({0},{0});".format(n))
for row in rows:
session.execute("update simple_with_tuple set double_tuple = (-999,-999) where id = {0}".format(
rows = session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = ({0},{0},{0});".format(n))
for row in rows:
session.execute("update simple_with_tuple set triple_tuple = (-999,-999,-999) where id = {0}".format(
rows = session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = ({0},({0},{0}));".format(n))
for row in rows:
session.execute("update simple_with_tuple set nested_one = (-999,(-999,-999)) where id = {0}".format(
for n in range(5):
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = ({0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = ({0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = ({0},{0},{0});".format(n))))
assert 0 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = ({0},({0},{0}));".format(n))))
assert 40 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where single_tuple = (-999);")))
assert 40 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where double_tuple = (-999,-999);")))
assert 40 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where triple_tuple = (-999,-999,-999);")))
assert 40 == len(list(session.execute("select * from simple_with_tuple where nested_one = (-999,(-999,-999));")))
def test_list_indexes(self):
Checks that secondary indexes on lists work for querying.
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'list_index_search', 1)
stmt = ("CREATE TABLE list_index_search.users ("
"user_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
"email text,"
"uuids list<uuid>"
# add index and query again (even though there are no rows in the table yet)
stmt = "CREATE INDEX user_uuids on list_index_search.users (uuids);"
stmt = ("SELECT * from list_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(row)
# add a row which doesn't specify data for the indexed column, and query again
user1_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = ("INSERT INTO list_index_search.users (user_id, email)"
"values ({user_id}, '')"
stmt = ("SELECT * from list_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(row)
_id = uuid.uuid4()
# alter the row to add a single item to the indexed list
stmt = ("UPDATE list_index_search.users set uuids = [{id}] where user_id = {user_id}"
).format(id=_id, user_id=user1_uuid)
stmt = ("SELECT * from list_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(row)
# add a bunch of user records and query them back
shared_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # this uuid will be on all records
log = []
for i in range(50000):
user_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
unshared_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
# give each record a unique email address using the int index
stmt = ("INSERT INTO list_index_search.users (user_id, email, uuids)"
"values ({user_uuid}, '{prefix}', [{s_uuid}, {u_uuid}])"
).format(user_uuid=user_uuid, prefix=i, s_uuid=shared_uuid, u_uuid=unshared_uuid)
{'user_id': user_uuid,
'email': str(i) + '',
'unshared_uuid': unshared_uuid}
# confirm there is now 50k rows with the 'shared' uuid above in the secondary index
stmt = ("SELECT * from list_index_search.users where uuids contains {shared_uuid}").format(shared_uuid=shared_uuid)
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
result = [row for row in rows]
assert 50000 == len(result)
# shuffle the log in-place, and double-check a slice of records by querying the secondary index
for log_entry in log[:1000]:
stmt = ("SELECT user_id, email, uuids FROM list_index_search.users where uuids contains {unshared_uuid}"
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(rows)
db_user_id, db_email, db_uuids = rows[0]
assert db_user_id == log_entry['user_id']
assert db_email == log_entry['email']
assert str(db_uuids[0]) == str(shared_uuid)
assert str(db_uuids[1]) == str(log_entry['unshared_uuid'])
def test_set_indexes(self):
Checks that secondary indexes on sets work for querying.
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'set_index_search', 1)
stmt = ("CREATE TABLE set_index_search.users ("
"user_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
"email text,"
"uuids set<uuid>);")
# add index and query again (even though there are no rows in the table yet)
stmt = "CREATE INDEX user_uuids on set_index_search.users (uuids);"
stmt = ("SELECT * from set_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(row)
# add a row which doesn't specify data for the indexed column, and query again
user1_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = ("INSERT INTO set_index_search.users (user_id, email) values ({user_id}, '')"
stmt = ("SELECT * from set_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(row)
_id = uuid.uuid4()
# alter the row to add a single item to the indexed set
stmt = ("UPDATE set_index_search.users set uuids = {{{id}}} where user_id = {user_id}").format(id=_id, user_id=user1_uuid)
stmt = ("SELECT * from set_index_search.users where uuids contains {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)
row = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(row)
# add a bunch of user records and query them back
shared_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # this uuid will be on all records
log = []
for i in range(50000):
user_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
unshared_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
# give each record a unique email address using the int index
stmt = ("INSERT INTO set_index_search.users (user_id, email, uuids)"
"values ({user_uuid}, '{prefix}', {{{s_uuid}, {u_uuid}}})"
).format(user_uuid=user_uuid, prefix=i, s_uuid=shared_uuid, u_uuid=unshared_uuid)
{'user_id': user_uuid,
'email': str(i) + '',
'unshared_uuid': unshared_uuid}
# confirm there is now 50k rows with the 'shared' uuid above in the secondary index
stmt = ("SELECT * from set_index_search.users where uuids contains {shared_uuid}").format(shared_uuid=shared_uuid)
rows = session.execute(stmt)
result = [row for row in rows]
assert 50000 == len(result)
# shuffle the log in-place, and double-check a slice of records by querying the secondary index
for log_entry in log[:1000]:
stmt = ("SELECT user_id, email, uuids FROM set_index_search.users where uuids contains {unshared_uuid}"
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(rows)
db_user_id, db_email, db_uuids = rows[0]
assert db_user_id == log_entry['user_id']
assert db_email == log_entry['email']
assert shared_uuid in db_uuids
assert log_entry['unshared_uuid'] in db_uuids
def test_multiple_indexes_on_single_map_column(self):
verifying functionality of multiple unique secondary indexes on a single column
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7771
@since 3.0
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'map_double_index', 1)
CREATE TABLE map_tbl (
id uuid primary key,
amap map<text, int>
session.execute("CREATE INDEX map_keys ON map_tbl(keys(amap))")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX map_values ON map_tbl(amap)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX map_entries ON map_tbl(entries(amap))")
# multiple indexes on a single column are allowed but identical duplicate indexes are not
"CREATE INDEX map_values_2 ON map_tbl(amap)",
'Index map_values_2 is a duplicate of existing index map_values')
session.execute("INSERT INTO map_tbl (id, amap) values (uuid(), {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2});")
session.execute("INSERT INTO map_tbl (id, amap) values (uuid(), {'faz': 1, 'baz': 2});")
value_search = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM map_tbl WHERE amap CONTAINS 1"))
assert 2 == len(value_search), "incorrect number of rows when querying on map values"
key_search = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM map_tbl WHERE amap CONTAINS KEY 'foo'"))
assert 1 == len(key_search), "incorrect number of rows when querying on map keys"
entries_search = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM map_tbl WHERE amap['foo'] = 1"))
assert 1 == len(entries_search), "incorrect number of rows when querying on map entries"
table_meta = session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces["map_double_index"].tables["map_tbl"]
assert 3 == len(table_meta.indexes)
assert {'map_keys', 'map_values', 'map_entries'} == set(table_meta.indexes.keys())
assert 3 == len(session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces["map_double_index"].indexes)
assert 'map_keys' in table_meta.export_as_string()
assert 'map_values' in table_meta.export_as_string()
assert 'map_entries' in table_meta.export_as_string()
session.execute("DROP TABLE map_tbl")
assert 0 == len(session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces["map_double_index"].indexes)
def test_map_indexes(self):
Checks that secondary indexes on maps work for querying on both keys and values
cluster = self.cluster
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'map_index_search', 1)
stmt = ("CREATE TABLE map_index_search.users ("
"user_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,"
"email text,"
"uuids map<uuid, uuid>);")
# add index on keys and query again (even though there are no rows in the table yet)
stmt = "CREATE INDEX user_uuids on map_index_search.users (KEYS(uuids));"
stmt = "SELECT * from map_index_search.users where uuids contains key {some_uuid}".format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(rows)
# add a row which doesn't specify data for the indexed column, and query again
user1_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
stmt = ("INSERT INTO map_index_search.users (user_id, email)"
"values ({user_id}, '')"
stmt = ("SELECT * from map_index_search.users where uuids contains key {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=uuid.uuid4())
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 0 == len(rows)
_id = uuid.uuid4()
# alter the row to add a single item to the indexed map
stmt = ("UPDATE map_index_search.users set uuids = {{{id}:{user_id}}} where user_id = {user_id}"
).format(id=_id, user_id=user1_uuid)
stmt = ("SELECT * from map_index_search.users where uuids contains key {some_uuid}").format(some_uuid=_id)
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(rows)
# add a bunch of user records and query them back
shared_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # this uuid will be on all records
log = []
for i in range(50000):
user_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
unshared_uuid1 = uuid.uuid4()
unshared_uuid2 = uuid.uuid4()
# give each record a unique email address using the int index, add unique ids for keys and values
stmt = ("INSERT INTO map_index_search.users (user_id, email, uuids)"
"values ({user_uuid}, '{prefix}', {{{u_uuid1}:{u_uuid2}, {s_uuid}:{s_uuid}}})"
).format(user_uuid=user_uuid, prefix=i, s_uuid=shared_uuid, u_uuid1=unshared_uuid1, u_uuid2=unshared_uuid2)
{'user_id': user_uuid,
'email': str(i) + '',
'unshared_uuid1': unshared_uuid1,
'unshared_uuid2': unshared_uuid2}
# confirm there is now 50k rows with the 'shared' uuid above in the secondary index
stmt = ("SELECT * from map_index_search.users where uuids contains key {shared_uuid}"
rows = session.execute(stmt)
result = [row for row in rows]
assert 50000 == len(result)
# shuffle the log in-place, and double-check a slice of records by querying the secondary index on keys
for log_entry in log[:1000]:
stmt = ("SELECT user_id, email, uuids FROM map_index_search.users where uuids contains key {unshared_uuid1}"
row = session.execute(stmt)
result = list(row)
assert 1 == len(result)
db_user_id, db_email, db_uuids = result[0]
assert db_user_id == log_entry['user_id']
assert db_email == log_entry['email']
assert shared_uuid in db_uuids
assert log_entry['unshared_uuid1'] in db_uuids
# attempt to add an index on map values as well (should fail pre 3.0)
stmt = "CREATE INDEX user_uuids_values on map_index_search.users (uuids);"
if self.cluster.version() < '3.0':
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
matching = r"Cannot create index on values\(uuids\): an index on keys\(uuids\) already exists and indexing a map on more than one dimension at the same time is not currently supported"
matching = "Cannot create index on uuids values, an index on uuids keys already exists and indexing a map on both keys and values at the same time is not currently supported"
assert_invalid(session, stmt, matching)
if self.cluster.version() < '3.0':
# since cannot have index on map keys and values remove current index on keys
stmt = "DROP INDEX user_uuids;"
# add index on values (will index rows added prior)
stmt = "CREATE INDEX user_uuids_values on map_index_search.users (uuids);"
block_until_index_is_built(node1, session, 'map_index_search', 'users', 'user_uuids_values')
# shuffle the log in-place, and double-check a slice of records by querying the secondary index
# since we already inserted unique ids for values as well, check that appropriate records are found
for log_entry in log[:1000]:
stmt = ("SELECT user_id, email, uuids FROM map_index_search.users where uuids contains {unshared_uuid2}"
rows = list(session.execute(stmt))
assert 1 == len(rows), rows
db_user_id, db_email, db_uuids = rows[0]
assert db_user_id == log_entry['user_id']
assert db_email == log_entry['email']
assert shared_uuid in db_uuids
assert log_entry['unshared_uuid2'] in list(db_uuids.values())
class TestUpgradeSecondaryIndexes(Tester):
@since('2.1', max_version='2.1.x')
def test_read_old_sstables_after_upgrade(self):
""" from 2.1 the location of sstables changed (CASSANDRA-5202), but existing sstables continue
to be read from the old location. Verify that this works for index sstables as well as regular
data column families (CASSANDRA-9116)
cluster = self.cluster
# Forcing cluster version on purpose
if "memtable_allocation_type" in cluster._config_options:
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'index_upgrade', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE index_upgrade.table1 (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)")
session.execute("CREATE INDEX ON index_upgrade.table1(v)")
session.execute("INSERT INTO index_upgrade.table1 (k,v) VALUES (0,0)")
query = "SELECT * FROM index_upgrade.table1 WHERE v=0"
assert_one(session, query, [0, 0])
# Upgrade to the 2.1.x version
logger.debug("Upgrading to current version")
[node1] = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
assert_one(session, query, [0, 0])
def upgrade_to_version(self, tag, nodes=None):
logger.debug('Upgrading to ' + tag)
if nodes is None:
nodes = self.cluster.nodelist()
for node in nodes:
logger.debug('Shutting down node: ' +
# Update Cassandra Directory
for node in nodes:
logger.debug("Set new cassandra dir for %s: %s" % (, node.get_install_dir()))
# Restart nodes on new version
for node in nodes:
logger.debug('Starting %s on new version (%s)' % (, tag))
# Setup log4j / logback again (necessary moving from 2.0 -> 2.1):
# node.nodetool('upgradesstables -a')
class TestPreJoinCallback(Tester):
def fixture_add_additional_log_patterns(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = [
# ignore all streaming errors during bootstrap
r'Exception encountered during startup',
r'Streaming error occurred',
r'\[Stream.*\] Streaming error occurred',
r'\[Stream.*\] Remote peer 127.0.0.\d failed stream session',
r'\[Stream.*\] Remote peer 127.0.0.\d:7000 failed stream session',
r'Error while waiting on bootstrap to complete. Bootstrap will have to be restarted.'
def _base_test(self, joinFn):
cluster = self.cluster
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(2)
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'num_tokens': 1})
# Create a single node cluster
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': tokens[0]})
# Create a table with 2i
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
session.execute("CREATE INDEX c2_idx ON cf (c2);")
keys = 10000
insert_statement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO (key, c1, c2) VALUES (?, 'value1', 'value2')")
execute_concurrent_with_args(session, insert_statement, [['k%d' % k] for k in range(keys)])
# Run the join function to test
joinFn(cluster, tokens[1])
def test_bootstrap(self):
def bootstrap(cluster, token):
node2 = new_node(cluster)
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': token})
assert node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join post-bootstrap tasks')
def test_resume(self):
def resume(cluster, token):
node1 = cluster.nodes['node1']
# set up byteman on node1 to inject a failure when streaming to node2
node1.byteman_port = '8100'
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
node2 = new_node(cluster)
yaml_opts = {'initial_token': token}
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
yaml_opts['streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms'] = 1000
node2.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=False)
node2.watch_log_for('Some data streaming failed. Use nodetool to check bootstrap state and resume.')
node2.nodetool("bootstrap resume")
node2.watch_log_for('Starting listening for CQL clients')
assert_bootstrap_state(self, node2, 'COMPLETED')
assert node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join post-bootstrap tasks')
def test_manual_join(self):
def manual_join(cluster, token):
node2 = new_node(cluster)
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': token})
node2.start(join_ring=False, wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=240)
assert node2.grep_log('Not joining ring as requested')
assert not node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join')
assert node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join post-bootstrap tasks')
def test_write_survey(self):
def write_survey_and_join(cluster, token):
node2 = new_node(cluster)
node2.set_configuration_options(values={'initial_token': token})
node2.start(jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.write_survey=true"], wait_for_binary_proto=True)
assert node2.grep_log('Startup complete, but write survey mode is active, not becoming an active ring member.')
assert not node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join')
assert node2.grep_log('Leaving write survey mode and joining ring at operator request')
assert node2.grep_log('Executing pre-join post-bootstrap tasks')