blob: 1f00d8b4979cd68b3d84e227a97afc6d376917a3 [file] [log] [blame]
from ccmlib import node
from dtest import Tester
from time import sleep
import pytest
since = pytest.mark.since
class TestGossiper(Tester):
Test gossip states
def test_startup_no_live_seeds(self):
Test that a node won't start with no live seeds.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13851
self.fixture_dtest_setup.allow_log_errors = True
n1 = self.cluster.create_node('node1', True, None, ('', 7000), '7100',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
self.cluster.add(n1, False)
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
'seed_provider': [{'class_name': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider',
'parameters': [{'seeds': ''}] # dummy node doesn't exist
STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 15 # seconds
RING_DELAY = 10000 # ms
# set startup timeout > ring delay so that startup failure happens before the call to start returns
node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=STARTUP_TIMEOUT, jvm_args=['-Dcassandra.ring_delay_ms={}'.format(RING_DELAY)])
except node.TimeoutError:
self.assert_log_had_msg(node1, "Unable to gossip with any peers")
except Exception as e:
raise e
else:"Expecting startup to raise a TimeoutError, but nothing was raised.")
def test_startup_non_seed_with_peers(self):
Test that a node can start if peers are alive, or if a node has been bootstrapped
but there are no live seeds or peers
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13851
self.fixture_dtest_setup.allow_log_errors = True
n1 = self.cluster.create_node('node1', True, None, ('', 7000), '7100',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
n2 = self.cluster.create_node('node2', True, None, ('', 7000), '7101',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
n3 = self.cluster.create_node('node3', True, None, ('', 7000), '7102',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
self.cluster.add(n1, True)
self.cluster.add(n2, True)
self.cluster.add(n3, True)
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
'seed_provider': [{'class_name': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider',
'parameters': [{'seeds': ''}]
# test non seed node can start when peer is started but seed isn't
node3.start(wait_other_notice=False, wait_for_binary_proto=120)
self.assert_log_had_msg(node3, "Received an ack from {}, who isn't a seed. Ensure your seed list includes a live node. Exiting shadow round".format(node2.address_for_current_version_slashy()), timeout=60)
# test seed node starts when no other nodes started
node1.start(wait_other_notice=False, wait_for_binary_proto=120)
self.assert_log_had_msg(node1, 'Unable to gossip with any peers but continuing anyway since node is in its own seed list', timeout=60)
def test_startup_after_ring_delay(self):
Tests that if we start a node with no live seeds, then start a seed after RING_DELAY
we will still join the ring. More broadly tests that starting a seed while a node is in
shadow round will still allow that node to join the ring.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13851
RING_DELAY = 15000 # ms
self.fixture_dtest_setup.allow_log_errors = True
n1 = self.cluster.create_node('node1', True, None, ('', 7000), '7100',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
n2 = self.cluster.create_node('node2', True, None, ('', 7000), '7101',
None, None, binary_interface=('', 9042))
self.cluster.add(n1, True)
self.cluster.add(n2, False)
node1, node2 = self.cluster.nodelist()
node2.start(wait_other_notice=False, jvm_args=['-Dcassandra.ring_delay_ms={}'.format(RING_DELAY)])
node2.watch_log_for('Starting shadow gossip round to check for endpoint collision', filename='debug.log')
sleep(RING_DELAY / 1000)
# Start seed, ensure node2 joins before it exits shadow round.
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=120)
self.assert_log_had_msg(node2, 'Starting listening for CQL clients', timeout=60)