blob: 42c77053a3f0d9a4e8775b6b94ba4a64810c287c [file] [log] [blame]
import time
import pytest
import re
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter, namedtuple
from re import findall, compile
from uuid import UUID, uuid1
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from cassandra.metadata import Murmur3Token
from ccmlib.common import is_win
from ccmlib.node import Node, ToolError
from dtest import Tester, create_ks, create_cf
from tools.assertions import assert_almost_equal, assert_one
from import insert_c1c2
from tools.misc import new_node, ImmutableMapping
from tools.jmxutils import make_mbean, JolokiaAgent, remove_perf_disable_shared_mem
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ConsistentState(object):
class TestIncRepair(Tester):
def fixture_add_additional_log_patterns(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = (
r'Can\'t send migration request: node.*is down'
def _get_repaired_data(cls, node, keyspace):
_sstable_name = compile('SSTable: (.+)')
_repaired_at = compile('Repaired at: (\d+)')
_pending_repair = compile('Pending repair: (\-\-|null|[a-f0-9\-]+)')
_sstable_data = namedtuple('_sstabledata', ('name', 'repaired', 'pending_id'))
out = node.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace=keyspace).stdout
def matches(pattern):
return filter(None, [pattern.match(l) for l in out.split('\n')])
names = [ for m in matches(_sstable_name)]
repaired_times = [int( for m in matches(_repaired_at)]
def uuid_or_none(s):
return None if s == 'null' or s == '--' else UUID(s)
pending_repairs = [uuid_or_none( for m in matches(_pending_repair)]
assert names
assert repaired_times
assert pending_repairs
assert len(names) == len(repaired_times) == len(pending_repairs)
return [_sstable_data(*a) for a in zip(names, repaired_times, pending_repairs)]
def assertNoRepairedSSTables(self, node, keyspace):
""" Checks that no sstables are marked repaired, and none are marked pending repair """
data = self._get_repaired_data(node, keyspace)
assert all([t.repaired == 0 for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
assert all([t.pending_id is None for t in data])
def assertAllPendingRepairSSTables(self, node, keyspace, pending_id=None):
""" Checks that no sstables are marked repaired, and all are marked pending repair """
data = self._get_repaired_data(node, keyspace)
assert all([t.repaired == 0 for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
if pending_id:
assert all([t.pending_id == pending_id for t in data])
assert all([t.pending_id is not None for t in data])
def assertAllRepairedSSTables(self, node, keyspace):
""" Checks that all sstables are marked repaired, and none are marked pending repair """
data = self._get_repaired_data(node, keyspace)
assert all([t.repaired > 0 for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
assert all([t.pending_id is None for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
def assertRepairedAndUnrepaired(self, node, keyspace):
""" Checks that a node has both repaired and unrepaired sstables for a given keyspace """
data = self._get_repaired_data(node, keyspace)
assert any([t.repaired > 0 for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
assert any([t.repaired == 0 for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
assert all([t.pending_id is None for t in data]), '{}'.format(data)
def test_consistent_repair(self):
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
# make data inconsistent between nodes
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM
session = self.exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i + 10, i + 10))
node3.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
session = self.exclusive_cql_connection(node2)
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i + 20, i + 20))
node1.start(wait_other_notice=True, wait_for_binary_proto=True)
# flush and check that no sstables are marked repaired
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node)
results = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM system.repairs"))
assert len(results) == 0, str(results)
# disable compaction so we can verify sstables are marked pending repair
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
node.nodetool('disableautocompaction ks tbl')['ks'])
# check that all participating nodes have the repair recorded in their system
# table, that all nodes are listed as participants, and that all sstables are
# (still) marked pending repair
expected_participants = {n.address() for n in self.cluster.nodelist()}
expected_participants_wp = {n.address_and_port() for n in self.cluster.nodelist()}
recorded_pending_ids = set()
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node)
results = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM system.repairs"))
assert len(results) == 1
result = results[0]
assert set(result.participants) == expected_participants
if hasattr(result, "participants_wp"):
assert set(result.participants_wp) == expected_participants_wp
assert result.state, ConsistentState.FINALIZED == "4=FINALIZED"
pending_id = result.parent_id
self.assertAllPendingRepairSSTables(node, 'ks', pending_id)
assert len(recorded_pending_ids) == 1
# sstables are compacted out of pending repair by a compaction
# task, we disabled compaction earlier in the test, so here we
# force the compaction and check that all sstables are promoted
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
node.nodetool('compact ks tbl')
self.assertAllRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')
def _make_fake_session(self, keyspace, table):
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
session_id = uuid1()
cfid = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM system_schema.tables WHERE keyspace_name='{}' AND table_name='{}'".format(keyspace, table)))[0].id
now =
# pulled from a repairs table
ranges = {'\x00\x00\x00\x08K\xc2\xed\\<\xd3{X\x00\x00\x00\x08r\x04\x89[j\x81\xc4\xe6',
ranges = {bytes(b, "Latin-1") for b in ranges}
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node)
session.execute("INSERT INTO system.repairs "
"(parent_id, cfids, coordinator, coordinator_port, last_update, participants, participants_wp, ranges, repaired_at, started_at, state) "
"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
[session_id, {cfid}, node1.address(), 7000, now, {n.address() for n in self.cluster.nodelist()},
{str(n.address()) + ":7000" for n in self.cluster.nodelist()},
ranges, now, now, ConsistentState.REPAIRING]) # 2=REPAIRING
# as we faked repairs and inserted directly into system.repairs table, the current
# implementation in trunk (LocalSessions) only pulls the sessions via callbacks or
# from the system.repairs table once at startup. we need to stop and start the nodes
# as a way to force the repair sessions to get populated into the correct in-memory objects
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
return session_id
def test_manual_session_fail(self):
""" check manual failing of repair sessions via nodetool works properly """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
# make data inconsistent between nodes
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
assert "no sessions" in out.stdout
session_id = self._make_fake_session('ks', 'tbl')
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "REPAIRING" in line
node1.nodetool("repair_admin --cancel {}".format(session_id))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin --all')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "FAILED" in line
def test_manual_session_cancel_non_coordinator_failure(self):
""" check manual failing of repair sessions via a node other than the coordinator fails """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
# make data inconsistent between nodes
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
assert "no sessions" in out.stdout
session_id = self._make_fake_session('ks', 'tbl')
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "REPAIRING" in line
node2.nodetool("repair_admin --cancel {}".format(session_id))"cancel from a non coordinator should fail")
except ToolError:
pass # expected
# nothing should have changed
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "REPAIRING" in line
def test_manual_session_force_cancel(self):
""" check manual failing of repair sessions via a non-coordinator works if the --force flag is set """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
# make data inconsistent between nodes
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
assert "no sessions" in out.stdout
session_id = self._make_fake_session('ks', 'tbl')
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "REPAIRING" in line
node2.nodetool("repair_admin --cancel {} --force".format(session_id))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
out = node.nodetool('repair_admin --all')
lines = out.stdout.split('\n')
assert len(lines) > 1
line = lines[1]
assert re.match(str(session_id), line)
assert "FAILED" in line
def test_sstable_marking(self):
* Launch a three node cluster
* Stop node3
* Write 10K rows with stress
* Start node3
* Issue an incremental repair, and wait for it to finish
* Run sstablemetadata on every node, assert that all sstables are marked as repaired
# hinted handoff can create SSTable that we don't need after node3 restarted
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false'})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.stress(['write', 'n=10K', 'no-warmup', '-schema', 'replication(factor=3)'])
if node3.get_cassandra_version() < '2.2':
log_file = 'system.log'
log_file = 'debug.log'
node3.watch_log_for("Initializing keyspace1.standard1", filename=log_file)
# wait for things to settle before starting repair
if self.cluster.version() >= "2.2":
node3.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
if self.cluster.version() >= '4.0':
# sstables are compacted out of pending repair by a compaction
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
node.nodetool('compact keyspace1 standard1')
for out in (node.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout for node in self.cluster.nodelist()):
assert 'Repaired at: 0' not in out
def test_multiple_repair(self):
* Launch a three node cluster
* Create a keyspace with RF 3 and a table
* Insert 49 rows
* Stop node3
* Insert 50 more rows
* Restart node3
* Issue an incremental repair on node3
* Stop node2
* Insert a final50 rows
* Restart node2
* Issue an incremental repair on node2
* Replace node3 with a new node
* Verify data integrity
# TODO: Several more verifications of data need to be interspersed throughout the test. The final assertion is insufficient.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10644
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 3)
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
create_cf(session, 'cf', read_repair=0.0, columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'})
logger.debug("insert data")
insert_c1c2(session, keys=list(range(1, 50)), consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
logger.debug("bringing down node 3")
logger.debug("inserting additional data into node 1 and 2")
insert_c1c2(session, keys=list(range(50, 100)), consistency=ConsistencyLevel.TWO)
logger.debug("restarting and repairing node 3")
if cluster.version() >= "2.2":
node3.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
# wait stream handlers to be closed on windows
# after session is finished (See CASSANDRA-10644)
if is_win:
logger.debug("stopping node 2")
logger.debug("inserting data in nodes 1 and 3")
insert_c1c2(session, keys=list(range(100, 150)), consistency=ConsistencyLevel.TWO)
logger.debug("start and repair node 2")
if cluster.version() >= "2.2":
node2.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
logger.debug("replace node and check data integrity")
node5 = Node('node5', cluster, True, ('', 9160), ('', 7000), '7500', '0', None, ('', 9042))
cluster.add(node5, False)
node5.start(replace_address='', wait_other_notice=True)
assert_one(session, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LIMIT 200", [149])
def test_sstable_repairedset(self):
* Launch a two node cluster
* Insert data with stress
* Stop node2
* Run sstablerepairedset against node2
* Start node2
* Run sstablemetadata on both nodes, pipe to a file
* Verify the output of sstablemetadata shows no repairs have occurred
* Stop node1
* Insert more data with stress
* Start node1
* Issue an incremental repair
* Run sstablemetadata on both nodes again, pipe to a new file
* Verify repairs occurred and repairedAt was updated
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false'})
node1, node2 = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.stress(['write', 'n=10K', 'no-warmup', '-schema', 'replication(factor=2)', 'compaction(strategy=SizeTieredCompactionStrategy,enabled=false)', '-rate', 'threads=50'])
initialOut1 = node1.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout
initialOut2 = node2.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout
matches = findall('(?<=Repaired at:).*', '\n'.join([initialOut1, initialOut2]))
logger.debug("Repair timestamps are: {}".format(matches))
uniquematches = set(matches)
matchcount = Counter(matches)
assert len(uniquematches) >= 2, uniquematches
assert len(max(matchcount)) >= 1, matchcount
assert'Repaired at: 0', '\n'.join([initialOut1, initialOut2]))
node2.stress(['write', 'n=15K', 'no-warmup', '-schema', 'replication(factor=2)'])
if self.cluster.version() >= "2.2":
node1.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
if self.cluster.version() >= '4.0':
# sstables are compacted out of pending repair by a compaction
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
node.nodetool('compact keyspace1 standard1')
finalOut1 = node1.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout
if not isinstance(finalOut1, str):
finalOut1 = finalOut1
finalOut2 = node2.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout
if not isinstance(finalOut2, str):
finalOut2 = finalOut2
matches = findall('(?<=Repaired at:).*', '\n'.join([finalOut1, finalOut2]))
uniquematches = set(matches)
matchcount = Counter(matches)
assert len(uniquematches) >= 2
assert len(max(matchcount)) >= 2
assert not'Repaired at: 0', '\n'.join([finalOut1, finalOut2]))
def test_compaction(self):
Test we can major compact after an incremental repair
* Launch a three node cluster
* Create a keyspace with RF 3 and a table
* Stop node3
* Insert 100 rows
* Restart node3
* Issue an incremental repair
* Insert 50 more rows
* Perform a major compaction on node3
* Verify all data is present
# TODO: I have no idea what this is testing. The assertions do not verify anything meaningful.
# TODO: Fix all the string formatting
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 3)
session.execute("create table tab(key int PRIMARY KEY, val int);")
for x in range(0, 100):
session.execute("insert into tab(key,val) values(" + str(x) + ",0)")
if cluster.version() >= "2.2":
node3.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
for x in range(0, 150):
session.execute("insert into tab(key,val) values(" + str(x) + ",1)")
for x in range(0, 150):
assert_one(session, "select val from tab where key =" + str(x), [1])
def test_multiple_full_repairs_lcs(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11172 - repeated full repairs should not cause infinite loop in getNextBackgroundTask
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()
for x in range(0, 10):
node1.stress(['write', 'n=100k', 'no-warmup', '-rate', 'threads=10', '-schema', 'compaction(strategy=LeveledCompactionStrategy,sstable_size_in_mb=10)', 'replication(factor=2)'])
node1.nodetool("repair -full keyspace1 standard1")
@pytest.mark.skip(reason='hangs CI')
def test_multiple_subsequent_repair(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8366
There is an issue with subsequent inc repairs increasing load size.
So we perform several repairs and check that the expected amount of data exists.
* Launch a three node cluster
* Write 5M rows with stress
* Wait for minor compactions to finish
* Issue an incremental repair on each node, sequentially
* Issue major compactions on each node
* Sleep for a while so load size can be propagated between nodes
* Verify the correct amount of data is on each node
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3 = cluster.nodelist()
logger.debug("Inserting data with stress")
node1.stress(['write', 'n=5M', 'no-warmup', '-rate', 'threads=10', '-schema', 'replication(factor=3)'])
logger.debug("Flushing nodes")
logger.debug("Waiting compactions to finish")
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
logger.debug("Repairing node1")
logger.debug("Repairing node2")
logger.debug("Repairing node3")
logger.debug("Repairing node1")
node1.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
logger.debug("Repairing node2")
node2.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
logger.debug("Repairing node3")
node3.nodetool("repair -par -inc")
# Using "print" instead of logger.debug() here is on purpose. The compactions
# take a long time and don't print anything by default, which can result
# in the test being timed out after 20 minutes. These print statements
# prevent it from being timed out.
print("compacting node1")
print("compacting node2")
print("compacting node3")
# wait some time to be sure the load size is propagated between nodes
logger.debug("Waiting for load size info to be propagated between nodes")
load_size_in_kb = float(sum([n.data_size() for n in [node1, node2, node3]]))
load_size = load_size_in_kb / 1024 / 1024
logger.debug("Total Load size: {}GB".format(load_size))
# There is still some overhead, but it's lot better. We tolerate 25%.
expected_load_size = 4.5 # In GB
assert_almost_equal(load_size, expected_load_size, error=0.25)
def test_sstable_marking_not_intersecting_all_ranges(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10299
* Launch a four node cluster
* Insert data with stress
* Issue an incremental repair on each node sequentially
* Assert no extra, unrepaired sstables are generated
cluster = self.cluster
node1, node2, node3, node4 = cluster.nodelist()
logger.debug("Inserting data with stress")
node1.stress(['write', 'n=3', 'no-warmup', '-rate', 'threads=1', '-schema', 'replication(factor=3)'])
logger.debug("Flushing nodes")
repair_options = '' if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2' else '-inc -par'
logger.debug("Repairing node 1")
node1.nodetool("repair {}".format(repair_options))
logger.debug("Repairing node 2")
node2.nodetool("repair {}".format(repair_options))
logger.debug("Repairing node 3")
node3.nodetool("repair {}".format(repair_options))
logger.debug("Repairing node 4")
node4.nodetool("repair {}".format(repair_options))
if cluster.version() >= '4.0':
# sstables are compacted out of pending repair by a compaction
for node in cluster.nodelist():
node.nodetool('compact keyspace1 standard1')
for out in (node.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='keyspace1').stdout for node in cluster.nodelist() if len(node.get_sstables('keyspace1', 'standard1')) > 0):
assert 'Repaired at: 0' not in out
def test_move(self):
""" Test repaired data remains in sync after a move """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
self.cluster.populate(4, tokens=[0, 2**32, 2**48, -(2**32)]).start()
node1, node2, node3, node4 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
# insert some data
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
for i in range(1000):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))['ks'])
for i in range(1000):
v = i + 1000
session.execute(stmt, (v, v))
# everything should be in sync
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
node2.nodetool('move {}'.format(2**16))
# everything should still be in sync
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
def test_decommission(self):
""" Test repaired data remains in sync after a decommission """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3, node4 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
# insert some data
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
for i in range(1000):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))['ks'])
for i in range(1000):
v = i + 1000
session.execute(stmt, (v, v))
# everything should be in sync
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
# everything should still be in sync
for node in [node1, node3, node4]:
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
def test_bootstrap(self):
""" Test repaired data remains in sync after a bootstrap """
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
# insert some data
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
for i in range(1000):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))['ks'])
for i in range(1000):
v = i + 1000
session.execute(stmt, (v, v))
# everything should be in sync
for node in [node1, node2, node3]:
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
node4 = new_node(self.cluster)
assert len(self.cluster.nodelist()) == 4
# everything should still be in sync
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
result =['ks', '--validate'])
assert "Repaired data is in sync" in result.stdout
def test_force(self):
forcing an incremental repair should incrementally repair any nodes
that are up, but should not promote the sstables to repaired
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))
# repair should fail because node2 is down
with pytest.raises(ToolError):['ks'])
# run with force flag['ks', '--force'])
# ... and verify nothing was promoted to repaired
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node1, 'ks')
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node2, 'ks')
def test_force_with_none_down(self):
if we force an incremental repair, but all the involved nodes are up,
we should run normally and promote sstables afterwards
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))
# run with force flag['ks', '--force'])
# ... and verify everything was still promoted
self.assertAllRepairedSSTables(node1, 'ks')
self.assertAllRepairedSSTables(node2, 'ks')
self.assertAllRepairedSSTables(node3, 'ks')
def test_hosts(self):
running an incremental repair with hosts specified should incrementally repair
the given nodes, but should not promote the sstables to repaired
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))
# run with force flag['ks', '-hosts', ','.join([node1.address(), node2.address()])])
# ... and verify nothing was promoted to repaired
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node1, 'ks')
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node2, 'ks')
def test_subrange(self):
running an incremental repair with hosts specified should incrementally repair
the given nodes, but should not promote the sstables to repaired
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500,
'partitioner': 'org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner'})
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node3)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT PRIMARY KEY, v INT)")
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k,v) VALUES (%s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')
# only repair the partition k=0
token = Murmur3Token.from_key(bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]))
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# run with force flag['ks', '-st', str(token.value - 1), '-et', str(token.value)])
# verify we have a mix of repaired and unrepaired sstables
self.assertRepairedAndUnrepaired(node1, 'ks')
self.assertRepairedAndUnrepaired(node2, 'ks')
self.assertRepairedAndUnrepaired(node3, 'ks')
def test_repaired_tracking_with_partition_deletes(self):
check that when an tracking repaired data status following a digest mismatch,
repaired data mismatches are marked as unconfirmed as we may skip sstables
after the partition delete are encountered.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-14145
session, node1, node2 = self.setup_for_repaired_data_tracking()
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k, c, v) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')['ks'])
session.execute("delete from ks.tbl where k = 5")
# expect unconfirmed inconsistencies as the partition deletes cause some sstables to be skipped
with JolokiaAgent(node1) as jmx:
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5",
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5 AND c = 5",
# no digest reads for range queries so blocking read repair metric isn't incremented
# *all* sstables are read for partition ranges too, and as the repaired set is still in sync there should
# be no inconsistencies
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl", expect_read_repair=False)
def test_repaired_tracking_with_varying_sstable_sets(self):
verify that repaired data digests are computed over the merged data for each replica
and that the particular number of sstables on each doesn't affect the comparisons
both replicas start with the same repaired set, comprising 2 sstables. node1's is
then compacted and additional unrepaired data added (which overwrites some in the
repaired set). We expect the repaired digests to still match as the tracking will
force all sstables containing the partitions to be read
there are two variants of this, for single partition slice & names reads and range reads
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-14145
session, node1, node2 = self.setup_for_repaired_data_tracking()
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k, c, v) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
for i in range(10,20):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')['ks'])
session.execute("insert into ks.tbl (k, c, v) values (5, 5, 55)")
session.execute("insert into ks.tbl (k, c, v) values (15, 15, 155)")
# we don't expect any inconsistencies as all repaired data is read on both replicas
with JolokiaAgent(node1) as jmx:
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5")
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5 AND c = 5")
# no digest reads for range queries so read repair metric isn't incremented
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl", expect_read_repair=False)
def test_repaired_tracking_with_mismatching_replicas(self):
verify that when replicas have different repaired sets, this can be detected via the digests
computed at read time. All nodes have start with the same data, but only 1 replica's sstables
are marked repaired. Then a divergence is introduced by overwriting on 1 replica only, which
is required to trigger a digest mismatch & full data read (for single partition reads).
As the repaired sets are different between the replicas, but no other shortcutting occurs
(no partition tombstones or sstable skipping) and no sstables are involved in pending repair
session, we expect confirmed inconsistencies to be reported.
there are two variants of this, for single partition slice & names reads and range reads
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-14145
session, node1, node2 = self.setup_for_repaired_data_tracking()
stmt = SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO ks.tbl (k, c, v) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)")
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
for i in range(10):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
for i in range(10,20):
session.execute(stmt, (i, i, i))
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
self.assertNoRepairedSSTables(node, 'ks')
# stop node 2 and mark its sstables repaired
# before restarting node2 overwrite some data on node1 to trigger digest mismatches
session.execute("insert into ks.tbl (k, c, v) values (5, 5, 55)")
out1 = node1.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='ks').stdout
out2 = node2.run_sstablemetadata(keyspace='ks').stdout
# verify the repaired at times for the sstables on node1/node2
assert all(t == 0 for t in [int(x) for x in [y.split(' ')[0] for y in findall('(?<=Repaired at: ).*', out1)]])
assert all(t > 0 for t in [int(x) for x in [y.split(' ')[0] for y in findall('(?<=Repaired at: ).*', out2)]])
# we expect inconsistencies due to sstables being marked repaired on one replica only
# these are marked confirmed because no sessions are pending & all sstables are
# skipped due to partition deletes
with JolokiaAgent(node1) as jmx:
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5",
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl WHERE k = 5 AND c = 5",
# no digest reads for range queries so read repair metric isn't incremented
self.query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(jmx, session, "SELECT * FROM ks.tbl", expect_read_repair=False)
def setup_for_repaired_data_tracking(self):
self.fixture_dtest_setup.setup_overrides.cluster_options = ImmutableMapping({'hinted_handoff_enabled': 'false',
'num_tokens': 1,
'commitlog_sync_period_in_ms': 500})
node1, node2 = self.cluster.nodelist()
remove_perf_disable_shared_mem(node1) # necessary for jmx
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 2}")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.tbl (k INT, c INT, v INT, PRIMARY KEY (k,c)) with read_repair='NONE'")
return session, node1, node2
def query_and_check_repaired_mismatches(self, jmx, session, query,
rr_count = make_mbean('metrics', type='ReadRepair', name='ReconcileRead')
unconfirmed_count = make_mbean('metrics', type='Table,keyspace=ks', name='RepairedDataInconsistenciesUnconfirmed,scope=tbl')
confirmed_count = make_mbean('metrics', type='Table,keyspace=ks', name='RepairedDataInconsistenciesConfirmed,scope=tbl')
rr_before = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, rr_count)
uc_before = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, unconfirmed_count)
cc_before = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, confirmed_count)
stmt = SimpleStatement(query)
stmt.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
rr_after = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, rr_count)
uc_after = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, unconfirmed_count)
cc_after = self.get_attribute_count(jmx, confirmed_count)
logger.debug("Read Repair Count: {before}, {after}".format(before=rr_before, after=rr_after))
logger.debug("Unconfirmed Inconsistency Count: {before}, {after}".format(before=uc_before, after=uc_after))
logger.debug("Confirmed Inconsistency Count: {before}, {after}".format(before=cc_before, after=cc_after))
if expect_read_repair:
assert rr_after > rr_before
assert rr_after == rr_before
if expect_unconfirmed_inconsistencies:
assert uc_after > uc_before
assert uc_after == uc_before
if expect_confirmed_inconsistencies:
assert cc_after > cc_before
assert cc_after == cc_before
def get_attribute_count(self, jmx, bean):
# the MBean may not have been initialized, in which case Jolokia agent will return
# a HTTP 404 response. If we receive such, we know that the count can only be 0
if jmx.has_mbean(bean):
return jmx.read_attribute(bean, 'Count')
return 0