blob: 68d341ef52fb11d13381c8063437d335c424d4dc [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import time
import pytest
import logging
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from dtest import Tester, create_ks
from import create_c1c2_table, insert_c1c2, query_c1c2
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestHintedHandoffConfig(Tester):
Tests the hinted handoff configuration options introduced in
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9035
def _start_two_node_cluster(self, config_options=None):
Start a cluster with two nodes and return them
cluster = self.cluster
if config_options:
if not self.dtest_config.use_vnodes:
tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(2)
cluster.populate([2], tokens=tokens).start()
return cluster.nodelist()
def _launch_nodetool_cmd(self, node, cmd):
Launch a nodetool command and check there is no error, return the result
out, err, _ = node.nodetool(cmd)
assert '' == err
return out
def _do_hinted_handoff(self, node1, node2, enabled, keyspace='ks'):
Test that if we stop one node the other one
will store hints only when hinted handoff is enabled
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, keyspace, 2)
create_c1c2_table(self, session)
insert_c1c2(session, n=100, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
log_mark = node1.mark_log()
if enabled:
node1.watch_log_for(["Finished hinted"], from_mark=log_mark, timeout=120)
# Check node2 for all the keys that should have been delivered via HH if enabled or not if not enabled
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2, keyspace=keyspace)
for n in range(0, 100):
if enabled:
query_c1c2(session, n, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
query_c1c2(session, n, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, tolerate_missing=True, must_be_missing=True)
def test_nodetool(self):
Test various nodetool commands
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': True})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'disablehandoff')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is not running' == res.rstrip()
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'enablehandoff')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'disablehintsfordc dc1')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running{}Data center dc1 is disabled'.format(os.linesep) == res.rstrip()
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'enablehintsfordc dc1')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
def test_hintedhandoff_disabled(self):
Test gloabl hinted handoff disabled
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': False})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is not running' == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, False)
def test_hintedhandoff_enabled(self):
Test global hinted handoff enabled
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': True})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, True)
def test_hintedhandoff_setmaxwindow(self):
Test global hinted handoff against max_hint_window_in_ms update via nodetool
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': True, "max_hint_window_in_ms": 300000})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'getmaxhintwindow')
assert 'Current max hint window: 300000 ms' == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, True)
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'setmaxhintwindow 1')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'getmaxhintwindow')
assert 'Current max hint window: 1 ms' == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, False, keyspace='ks2')
def test_hintedhandoff_dc_disabled(self):
Test global hinted handoff enabled with the dc disabled
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': True,
'hinted_handoff_disabled_datacenters': ['dc1']})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running{}Data center dc1 is disabled'.format(os.linesep) == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, False)
def test_hintedhandoff_dc_reenabled(self):
Test global hinted handoff enabled with the dc disabled first and then re-enabled
node1, node2 = self._start_two_node_cluster({'hinted_handoff_enabled': True,
'hinted_handoff_disabled_datacenters': ['dc1']})
for node in node1, node2:
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running{}Data center dc1 is disabled'.format(os.linesep) == res.rstrip()
for node in node1, node2:
self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'enablehintsfordc dc1')
res = self._launch_nodetool_cmd(node, 'statushandoff')
assert 'Hinted handoff is running' == res.rstrip()
self._do_hinted_handoff(node1, node2, True)
class TestHintedHandoff(Tester):
def test_hintedhandoff_decom(self):
[node1, node2, node3, node4] = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 2)
create_c1c2_table(self, session)
insert_c1c2(session, n=100, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
force = True if self.cluster.version() >= '3.12' else False
for x in range(0, 100):
query_c1c2(session, x, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)