blob: a40383552a0797eecf4199b41a4ad4ca1dd33bdd [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import sys
import time
import pytest
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta
from ccmlib.common import get_version_from_build, is_win
from tools.jmxutils import remove_perf_disable_shared_mem
from dtest import Tester, create_ks
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def switch_jdks(major_version_int):
Changes the jdk version globally, by setting JAVA_HOME = JAVA[N]_HOME.
This means the environment must have JAVA[N]_HOME set to switch to jdk version N.
new_java_home = 'JAVA{}_HOME'.format(major_version_int)
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("You need to set {} to run these tests!".format(new_java_home))
# don't change if the same version was requested
current_java_home = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
if current_java_home != os.environ[new_java_home]:
logger.debug("Switching jdk to version {} (JAVA_HOME is changing from {} to {})".format(major_version_int, current_java_home or 'undefined', os.environ[new_java_home]))
os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = os.environ[new_java_home]
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', reason='Skip upgrade tests on Windows')
class UpgradeTester(Tester, metaclass=ABCMeta):
When run in 'normal' upgrade mode without specifying any version to run,
this will test different upgrade paths depending on what version of C* you
are testing. When run on 2.1 or 2.2, this will test the upgrade to 3.0.
When run on 3.0, this will test the upgrade path to trunk. When run on
versions above 3.0, this will test the upgrade path from 3.0 to HEAD.
NODES, RF, __test__, CL, UPGRADE_PATH = 2, 1, False, None, None
def fixture_add_additional_log_patterns(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
# known non-critical bug during teardown:
if fixture_dtest_setup.dtest_config.cassandra_version_from_build < '2.2':
_known_teardown_race_error = (
'ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask@[0-9a-f]+ '
'rejected from org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.DebuggableScheduledThreadPoolExecutor'
fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns \
+ [_known_teardown_race_error]
fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns = fixture_dtest_setup.ignore_log_patterns + [
r'RejectedExecutionException.*ThreadPoolExecutor has shut down', # see CASSANDRA-12364
def setUp(self):
logger.debug("Upgrade test beginning, setting CASSANDRA_VERSION to {}, and jdk to {}. (Prior values will be restored after test)."
.format(self.UPGRADE_PATH.starting_version, self.UPGRADE_PATH.starting_meta.java_version))
os.environ['CASSANDRA_VERSION'] = self.UPGRADE_PATH.starting_version
super(UpgradeTester, self).setUp()
def prepare(self, ordered=False, create_keyspace=True, use_cache=False, use_thrift=False,
nodes=None, rf=None, protocol_version=None, cl=None, **kwargs):
nodes = self.NODES if nodes is None else nodes
rf = self.RF if rf is None else rf
cl = self.CL if cl is None else cl
self.CL = cl # store for later use in do_upgrade
assert nodes, 2 >= "backwards compatibility tests require at least two nodes"
self.protocol_version = protocol_version
cluster = self.cluster
if ordered:
if use_cache:
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'row_cache_size_in_mb': 100})
if use_thrift:
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'start_rpc': 'true'})
start_rpc = kwargs.pop('start_rpc', False)
if start_rpc:
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'start_rpc': True})
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'internode_compression': 'none'})
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
self.fixture_dtest_setup.enable_for_jolokia = kwargs.pop('jolokia', False)
if self.fixture_dtest_setup.enable_for_jolokia:
node1 = cluster.nodelist()[0]
if cl:
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, protocol_version=protocol_version, consistency_level=cl, **kwargs)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, protocol_version=protocol_version, **kwargs)
if create_keyspace:
create_ks(session, 'ks', rf)
return session
def do_upgrade(self, session, use_thrift=False, return_nodes=False, **kwargs):
Upgrades the first node in the cluster and returns a list of
(is_upgraded, Session) tuples. If `is_upgraded` is true, the
Session is connected to the upgraded node. If `return_nodes`
is True, a tuple of (is_upgraded, Session, Node) will be
returned instead.
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
node2 = self.cluster.nodelist()[1]
# stop the nodes
# Ignore errors before upgrade on Windows
# We ignore errors from 2.1, because windows 2.1
# support is only beta. There are frequent log errors,
# related to filesystem interactions that are a direct result
# of the lack of full functionality on 2.1 Windows, and we dont
# want these to pollute our results.
if is_win() and self.cluster.version() <= '2.2':
logger.debug('upgrading node1 to {}'.format(self.UPGRADE_PATH.upgrade_version))
# this is a bandaid; after refactoring, upgrades should account for protocol version
new_version_from_build = get_version_from_build(node1.get_install_dir())
# Check if a since annotation with a max_version was set on this test.
# The since decorator can only check the starting version of the upgrade,
# so here we check to new version of the upgrade as well.
if hasattr(self, 'max_version') and self.max_version is not None and new_version_from_build >= self.max_version:
pytest.skip("Skipping test, new version {} is equal to or higher than "
"max version {}".format(new_version_from_build, self.max_version))
if (new_version_from_build >= '3' and self.protocol_version is not None and self.protocol_version < 3):
pytest.skip('Protocol version {} incompatible '
'with Cassandra version {}'.format(self.protocol_version, new_version_from_build))
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'internode_compression': 'none'})
if use_thrift:
node1.set_configuration_options(values={'start_rpc': 'true'})
if self.fixture_dtest_setup.enable_for_jolokia:
node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)
sessions_and_meta = []
if self.CL:
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1, protocol_version=self.protocol_version, consistency_level=self.CL, **kwargs)
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1, protocol_version=self.protocol_version, **kwargs)
if return_nodes:
sessions_and_meta.append((True, session, node1))
sessions_and_meta.append((True, session))
# open a second session with the node on the old version
if self.CL:
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2, protocol_version=self.protocol_version, consistency_level=self.CL, **kwargs)
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node2, protocol_version=self.protocol_version, **kwargs)
if return_nodes:
sessions_and_meta.append((False, session, node2))
sessions_and_meta.append((False, session))
# Let the nodes settle briefly before yielding connections in turn (on the upgraded and non-upgraded alike)
# CASSANDRA-11396 was the impetus for this change, wherein some apparent perf noise was preventing
# CL.ALL from being reached. The newly upgraded node needs to settle because it has just barely started, and each
# non-upgraded node needs a chance to settle as well, because the entire cluster (or isolated nodes) may have been doing resource intensive activities
# immediately before.
for s in sessions_and_meta:
yield s
def get_version(self):
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
return node1.get_cassandra_version()
def get_node_versions(self):
return [n.get_cassandra_version() for n in self.cluster.nodelist()]
def node_version_above(self, version):
return min(self.get_node_versions()) >= version
def get_node_version(self, is_upgraded):
Used in places where is_upgraded was used to determine if the node version was >=2.2.
node_versions = self.get_node_versions()
assert len({v.vstring for v in node_versions}) <= 2
return max(node_versions) if is_upgraded else min(node_versions)
def tearDown(self):
# Ignore errors before upgrade on Windows
# We ignore errors from 2.1, because windows 2.1
# support is only beta. There are frequent log errors,
# related to filesystem interactions that are a direct result
# of the lack of full functionality on 2.1 Windows, and we dont
# want these to pollute our results.
if is_win() and self.cluster.version() <= '2.2':
super(UpgradeTester, self).tearDown()
def validate_class_config(self):
# check that an upgrade path is specified
subclasses = self.__class__.__subclasses__()
no_upgrade_path_error = (
'No upgrade path specified. {klaus} may not be configured to run as a test.'.format(klaus=self.__class__) +
(' Did you mean to run one of its subclasses, such as {sub}?'.format(sub=subclasses[0])
if subclasses else
assert self.UPGRADE_PATH is not None, no_upgrade_path_error