blob: 9544d3e084f40a90680e568296bb8dc3a2ab7c3c [file] [log] [blame]
import csv
import random
import cassandra
from cassandra.cluster import ResultSet
from typing import List
class DummyColorMap(object):
def __getitem__(self, *args):
return ''
def csv_rows(filename, delimiter=None):
Given a filename, opens a csv file and yields it line by line.
reader_opts = {}
if delimiter is not None:
reader_opts['delimiter'] = delimiter
with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:
for row in csv.reader(csvfile, **reader_opts):
yield row
def assert_csvs_items_equal(filename1, filename2):
with open(filename1, 'r') as x, open(filename2, 'r') as y:
list_x = list(x.readlines())
list_y = list(y.readlines())
assert list_x == list_y
def random_list(gen=None, n=None):
if gen is None:
def gen():
return random.randint(-1000, 1000)
if n is None:
def length():
return random.randint(1, 5)
def length():
return n
return [gen() for _ in range(length())]
def write_rows_to_csv(filename, data):
with open(filename, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
for row in data:
def deserialize_date_fallback_int(byts, protocol_version):
timestamp_ms = cassandra.marshal.int64_unpack(byts)
return cassandra.util.datetime_from_timestamp(timestamp_ms / 1000.0)
except OverflowError:
return timestamp_ms
def monkeypatch_driver():
Monkeypatches the `cassandra` driver module in the same way
that clqsh does. Returns a dictionary containing the original values of
the monkeypatched names.
cache = {'BytesType_deserialize': cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize,
'DateType_deserialize': cassandra.cqltypes.DateType.deserialize,
'support_empty_values': cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values}
cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(lambda byts, protocol_version: bytearray(byts))
cassandra.cqltypes.DateType.deserialize = staticmethod(deserialize_date_fallback_int)
cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = True
if hasattr(cassandra, 'deserializers'):
cache['DesDateType'] = cassandra.deserializers.DesDateType
del cassandra.deserializers.DesDateType
return cache
def unmonkeypatch_driver(cache):
Given a dictionary that was used to cache parts of `cassandra` for
monkeypatching, restore those values to the `cassandra` module.
cassandra.cqltypes.BytesType.deserialize = staticmethod(cache['BytesType_deserialize'])
cassandra.cqltypes.DateType.deserialize = staticmethod(cache['DateType_deserialize'])
cassandra.cqltypes.CassandraType.support_empty_values = cache['support_empty_values']
if hasattr(cassandra, 'deserializers'):
cassandra.deserializers.DesDateType = cache['DesDateType']
def assert_resultset_contains(got: ResultSet, expected: List[tuple]) -> None:
So this is slow. I would hope a ResultSet has the capability of pulling data by PK or clustering,
however I'm not finding it atm. As such, this method isn't intended for use with large datasets.
:param got: ResultSet, expect schema of [a, b]
:param expected: list of tuples with 2 members corresponding with a/b schema of ResultSet
# Adding a touch of sanity check so people don't mis-use this. n^2 is bad.
assert len(expected) <= 1000, 'This is a slow comparison method. Don\'t use for > 1000 tuples.'
# First quick check: if we have a different count, we can just die.
assert len(got.current_rows) == len(expected)
for t in expected:
assert len(t) == 2, 'Got unexpected tuple len. Expected 2, got tuple: {}'.format(t)
found = False
for row in got.current_rows:
if found:
if row.a == t[0] and row.b == t[1]:
found = True
assert found, 'Failed to find expected row: {}'.format(t)