blob: 1d6e96e35baaf65bcb9b393494cce313d7755e20 [file] [log] [blame]
import binascii
import csv
import datetime
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import logging
import pytest
from decimal import Decimal
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from cassandra import InvalidRequest
from cassandra.concurrent import execute_concurrent_with_args
from cassandra.query import BatchStatement, BatchType
from ccmlib import common
from .cqlsh_tools import monkeypatch_driver, unmonkeypatch_driver
from dtest import Tester, create_ks, create_cf
from tools.assertions import assert_all, assert_none
from import create_c1c2_table, insert_c1c2, rows_to_list
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestCqlsh(Tester):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls._cached_driver_methods = monkeypatch_driver()
def tearDownClass(cls):
def tearDown(self):
if hasattr(self, 'tempfile') and not common.is_win():
super(TestCqlsh, self).tearDown()
def test_pycodestyle_compliance(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10066
Checks that cqlsh is compliant with pycodestyle (formally known as pep8) with the following command:
pycodestyle --ignore E501,E402,E731 pylib/cqlshlib/*.py bin/
cluster = self.cluster
if cluster.version() < '2.2':
cqlsh_path = os.path.join(cluster.get_install_dir(), 'bin', 'cqlsh')
cqlsh_path = os.path.join(cluster.get_install_dir(), 'bin', '')
cqlshlib_path = os.path.join(cluster.get_install_dir(), 'pylib', 'cqlshlib')
cqlshlib_paths = os.listdir(cqlshlib_path)
cqlshlib_paths = [os.path.join(cqlshlib_path, x) for x in cqlshlib_paths if '.py' in x and '.pyc' not in x]
cmds = ['pycodestyle', '--ignore', 'E501,E402,E731', cqlsh_path] + cqlshlib_paths
p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
assert len(stdout), 0 == stdout
assert len(stderr), 0 == stderr
def test_simple_insert(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE simple WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use simple;
create TABLE simple (id int PRIMARY KEY , value text ) ;
insert into simple (id, value) VALUES (1, 'one');
insert into simple (id, value) VALUES (2, 'two');
insert into simple (id, value) VALUES (3, 'three');
insert into simple (id, value) VALUES (4, 'four');
insert into simple (id, value) VALUES (5, 'five')""")
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
rows = list(session.execute("select id, value from simple.simple"))
self.assertEqual({1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three', 4: 'four', 5: 'five'},
{k: v for k, v in rows})
def test_lwt(self):
Test LWT inserts and updates.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11003
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE lwt WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
CREATE TABLE lwt.lwt (id int PRIMARY KEY , value text)""")
def assert_applied(stmt, node=node1):
expected_substring = '[applied]'
output, _ = self.run_cqlsh(node, stmt)
msg = '{exp} not found in output from {stmt}: {routput}'.format(
assert expected_substring == output in msg
assert_applied("INSERT INTO lwt.lwt (id, value) VALUES (1, 'one') IF NOT EXISTS")
assert_applied("INSERT INTO lwt.lwt (id, value) VALUES (1, 'one') IF NOT EXISTS")
assert_applied("UPDATE lwt.lwt SET value = 'one' WHERE id = 1 IF value = 'one'")
assert_applied("UPDATE lwt.lwt SET value = 'one' WHERE id = 1 IF value = 'zzz'")
def test_past_and_future_dates(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE simple WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use simple;
create TABLE simpledate (id int PRIMARY KEY , value timestamp ) ;
insert into simpledate (id, value) VALUES (1, '2143-04-19 11:21:01+0000');
insert into simpledate (id, value) VALUES (2, '1943-04-19 11:21:01+0000')""")
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
list(session.execute("select id, value from simple.simpledate"))
output, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'use simple; SELECT * FROM simpledate')
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.4'):
assert "2143-04-19 11:21:01.000000+0000" in output
assert "1943-04-19 11:21:01.000000+0000" in output
assert "2143-04-19 11:21:01+0000" in output
assert "1943-04-19 11:21:01+0000" in output
def test_sub_second_precision(self):
Test that we can query at millisecond precision.
@jira_ticket 10428
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE simple WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use simple;
create TABLE testsubsecond (id int, subid timestamp, value text, primary key (id, subid));
insert into testsubsecond (id, subid, value) VALUES (1, '1943-06-19 11:21:01.123+0000', 'abc');
insert into testsubsecond (id, subid, value) VALUES (2, '1943-06-19 11:21:01+0000', 'def')""")
output, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="use simple; SELECT * FROM testsubsecond "
"WHERE id = 1 AND subid = '1943-06-19 11:21:01.123+0000'")
assert "1943-06-19 11:21:01.123000+0000" in output
assert "1943-06-19 11:21:01.000000+0000" not in output
output, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="use simple; SELECT * FROM testsubsecond "
"WHERE id = 2 AND subid = '1943-06-19 11:21:01+0000'")
assert "1943-06-19 11:21:01.000000+0000" in output
assert "1943-06-19 11:21:01.123000+0000" not in output
def verify_glass(self, node):
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
def verify_varcharmap(map_name, expected, encode_value=False):
rows = list(session.execute(("SELECT %s FROM testks.varcharmaptable WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';" % map_name).encode("utf-8")))
if encode_value:
got = {k.encode("utf-8"): v.encode("utf-8") for k, v in rows[0][0].items()}
got = {k.encode("utf-8"): v for k, v in rows[0][0].items()}
assert got == expected
verify_varcharmap('varcharasciimap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 'Hello',
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 'My',
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Name',
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'Is'
verify_varcharmap('varcharbigintmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 5100003,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -45,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 12300,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 0
verify_varcharmap('varcharblobmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': binascii.a2b_hex("FEED103A"),
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': binascii.a2b_hex("DEADBEEF"),
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': binascii.a2b_hex("BEEFBEEF"),
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': binascii.a2b_hex("FEEB")
verify_varcharmap('varcharbooleanmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': True,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': False,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': False,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': False
verify_varcharmap('varchardecimalmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': Decimal('50'),
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': Decimal('-20.4'),
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': Decimal('11234234.3'),
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': Decimal('10.0')
verify_varcharmap('varchardoublemap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 4234243,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -432.311,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 3.1415,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 20000.0
verify_varcharmap('varcharfloatmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 10.0,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -234.3000030517578,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': -234234,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 1000.5
verify_varcharmap('varcharintmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 1,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 2,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': -3,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': -500
verify_varcharmap('varcharinetmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': '',
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': '',
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': '',
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': ''
verify_varcharmap('varchartextmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 'Once I went',
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 'On a trip',
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Across',
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'The '
verify_varcharmap('varchartimestampmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 19, 3, 21, 1),
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': datetime.datetime(1985, 8, 3, 4, 21, 1),
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 20, 1),
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': datetime.datetime(1942, 3, 11, 5, 21, 1)
verify_varcharmap('varcharuuidmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': UUID('7787064c-ce54-4324-abdd-05775b89ead7'),
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': UUID('1df0b6ac-f3d3-456c-8b78-2bc70e585107'),
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': UUID('e2ed2164-31dc-42cb-8ee9-47376e071210'),
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': UUID('a487fe45-8af5-4454-ac66-2614286d7e89')
verify_varcharmap('varchartimeuuidmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': UUID('4a36c100-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66'),
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': UUID('670c7f90-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66'),
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': UUID('750c2d70-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66'),
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': UUID('80d74810-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66')
verify_varcharmap('varcharvarcharmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜',
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': ' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑',
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.',
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me'
}, encode_value=True)
verify_varcharmap('varcharvarintmap', {
'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.': 1010010101020400204143243,
' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -40,
'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 110230,
'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 1400
output, err = self.run_cqlsh(node, 'use testks; SELECT * FROM varcharmaptable', ['--encoding=utf-8'])
assert output.decode("utf-8").count('Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.') == 16
assert output.decode("utf-8").count(' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑') == 16
assert output.decode("utf-8").count('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜') == 2
def test_eat_glass(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="""create KEYSPACE testks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use testks;
CREATE TABLE varcharmaptable (
varcharkey varchar ,
varcharasciimap map<varchar, ascii>,
varcharbigintmap map<varchar, bigint>,
varcharblobmap map<varchar, blob>,
varcharbooleanmap map<varchar, boolean>,
varchardecimalmap map<varchar, decimal>,
varchardoublemap map<varchar, double>,
varcharfloatmap map<varchar, float>,
varcharintmap map<varchar, int>,
varcharinetmap map<varchar, inet>,
varchartextmap map<varchar, text>,
varchartimestampmap map<varchar, timestamp>,
varcharuuidmap map<varchar, uuid>,
varchartimeuuidmap map<varchar, timeuuid>,
varcharvarcharmap map<varchar, varchar>,
varcharvarintmap map<varchar, varint>,
PRIMARY KEY (varcharkey));
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharasciimap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 'My','Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Name','I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'Is'} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharasciimap = varcharasciimap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':'Cassandra'} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharasciimap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 'Hello' WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharbigintmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -45,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 12300,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 0} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharbigintmap = varcharbigintmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':23} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharbigintmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 5100003 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharblobmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 0xDEADBEEF,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 0xBEEFBEEF,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 0xFEEB} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharblobmap = varcharblobmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':0x10} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharblobmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 0xFEED103A WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharbooleanmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': FALSE,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': FALSE,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': FALSE} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharbooleanmap = varcharbooleanmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':TRUE} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharbooleanmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = TRUE WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varchardecimalmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -20.4,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 11234234.3,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 10.0} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchardecimalmap = varchardecimalmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':0.0} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchardecimalmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 50.0 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varchardoublemap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -432.311,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 3.1415,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 20000.0} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchardoublemap = varchardoublemap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':11} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchardoublemap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 4234243 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharfloatmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -234.3,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': -234234,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 1000.5} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharfloatmap = varcharfloatmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':-3.14} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharfloatmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 10.0 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharintmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 2,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': -3,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': -500} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharintmap = varcharintmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':20000} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharintmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 1 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharinetmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': '','Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': '','I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': ''} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharinetmap = varcharinetmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':''} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharinetmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = '' WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varchartextmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 'On a trip','Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Across','I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'The '} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartextmap = varchartextmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':'Sea'} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartextmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 'Once I went' WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varchartimestampmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': '1985-08-03T04:21:01+0000','Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': '2000-01-01T00:20:01+0000','I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': '1942-03-11T5:21:01+0000'} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartimestampmap = varchartimestampmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':'2043-11-04T11:21:01+0000'} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartimestampmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = '2013-06-19T03:21:01+0000' WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharuuidmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 1df0b6ac-f3d3-456c-8b78-2bc70e585107,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': e2ed2164-31dc-42cb-8ee9-47376e071210,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': a487fe45-8af5-4454-ac66-2614286d7e89} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharuuidmap = varcharuuidmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':d25bdfc7-eb81-472c-bf5b-b4e6afdf66c2} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharuuidmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 7787064c-ce54-4324-abdd-05775b89ead7 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varchartimeuuidmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': 670c7f90-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 750c2d70-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 80d74810-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartimeuuidmap = varchartimeuuidmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':93e276f0-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varchartimeuuidmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 4a36c100-d8ec-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharvarcharmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': ' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑','Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.','I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me'} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharvarcharmap = varcharvarcharmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharvarcharmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜' WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
INSERT INTO varcharmaptable (varcharkey, varcharvarintmap ) VALUES ('᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜', {' ⠊⠀⠉⠁⠝⠀⠑⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠁⠎⠎⠀⠁⠝⠙⠀⠊⠞⠀⠙⠕⠑⠎⠝⠞⠀⠓⠥⠗⠞⠀⠍⠑': -40,'Можам да јадам стакло, а не ме штета.': 110230,'I can eat glass and it does not hurt me': 1400} );
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharvarintmap = varcharvarintmap + {'Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.':20000} WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜';
UPDATE varcharmaptable SET varcharvarintmap['Vitrum edere possum, mihi non nocet.'] = 1010010101020400204143243 WHERE varcharkey= '᚛᚛ᚉᚑᚅᚔᚉᚉᚔᚋ ᚔᚈᚔ ᚍᚂᚐᚅᚑ ᚅᚔᚋᚌᚓᚅᚐ᚜'
def test_source_glass(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="SOURCE 'cqlsh_tests/glass.cql'")
def test_unicode_syntax_error(self):
Ensure that syntax errors involving unicode are handled correctly.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11626
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
output, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="ä;".encode('utf8'))
err = err.decode('utf8')
assert 'Invalid syntax' in err
assert 'ä' in err
def test_unicode_invalid_request_error(self):
Ensure that invalid request errors involving unicode are handled correctly.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11626
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
cmd = '''create keyspace "ä" WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};'''
cmd = cmd.encode('utf8')
output, err, _ = node1.run_cqlsh(cmds=cmd, cqlsh_options=["--debug"])
err = err.decode('utf8')
assert '"ä" is not a valid keyspace name' in err
def test_with_empty_values(self):
CASSANDRA-7196. Make sure the server returns empty values and CQLSH prints them properly
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="""create keyspace CASSANDRA_7196 WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1} ;
use CASSANDRA_7196;
CREATE TABLE has_all_types (
num int PRIMARY KEY,
intcol int,
asciicol ascii,
bigintcol bigint,
blobcol blob,
booleancol boolean,
decimalcol decimal,
doublecol double,
floatcol float,
textcol text,
timestampcol timestamp,
uuidcol uuid,
varcharcol varchar,
varintcol varint
) WITH compression = {'sstable_compression':'LZ4Compressor'};
INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
VALUES (0, -12, 'abcdefg', 1234567890123456789, 0x000102030405fffefd, true,
19952.11882, 1.0, -2.1, 'Voilá!', '2012-05-14 12:53:20+0000',
bd1924e1-6af8-44ae-b5e1-f24131dbd460, '"', 10000000000000000000000000);
INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
VALUES (1, 2147483647, '__!''$#@!~"', 9223372036854775807, 0xffffffffffffffffff, true,
0.00000000000001, 9999999.999, 99999.99, '∭Ƕ⑮ฑ➳❏''', '1900-01-01+0000',
ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff, 'newline->
<-', 9);
INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
VALUES (2, 0, '', 0, 0x, false,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, '', 0,
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, '', 0);
INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
VALUES (3, -2147483648, '''''''', -9223372036854775808, 0x80, false,
10.0000000000000, -1004.10, 100000000.9, '龍馭鬱', '2038-01-19T03:14-1200',
ffffffff-ffff-1fff-8fff-ffffffffffff, '''', -10000000000000000000000000);
INSERT INTO has_all_types (num, intcol, asciicol, bigintcol, blobcol, booleancol,
decimalcol, doublecol, floatcol, textcol,
timestampcol, uuidcol, varcharcol, varintcol)
VALUES (4, blobAsInt(0x), '', blobAsBigint(0x), 0x, blobAsBoolean(0x), blobAsDecimal(0x),
blobAsDouble(0x), blobAsFloat(0x), '', blobAsTimestamp(0x), blobAsUuid(0x), '',
output, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, "select intcol, bigintcol, varintcol from CASSANDRA_7196.has_all_types where num in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)")
if common.is_win():
output = output.decode("utf-8").replace('\r', '')
expected = """
intcol | bigintcol | varintcol
-12 | 1234567890123456789 | 10000000000000000000000000
2147483647 | 9223372036854775807 | 9
0 | 0 | 0
-2147483648 | -9223372036854775808 | -10000000000000000000000000
| | \n\n(5 rows)"""
assert expected in output, "Output \n {%s} \n doesn't contain expected\n {%s}" % (output, expected)
def test_tracing_from_system_traces(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
create_c1c2_table(self, session)
insert_c1c2(session, n=100)
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'TRACING ON; SELECT * FROM')
assert 'Tracing session: ' in out
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'TRACING ON; SELECT * FROM')
assert 'Tracing session: ' not in out
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'TRACING ON; SELECT * FROM system_traces.sessions')
assert 'Tracing session: ' not in out
def test_select_element_inside_udt(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
CREATE TYPE address (
street text,
city text,
zip_code int,
phones set<text>
session.execute("""CREATE TYPE fullname (
firstname text,
lastname text
session.execute("""CREATE TABLE users (
id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
name FROZEN <fullname>,
addresses map<text, FROZEN <address>>
session.execute("""INSERT INTO users (id, name)
VALUES (62c36092-82a1-3a00-93d1-46196ee77204, {firstname: 'Marie-Claude', lastname: 'Josset'});
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, "SELECT name.lastname FROM ks.users WHERE id=62c36092-82a1-3a00-93d1-46196ee77204")
assert 'list index out of range' not in err
# If this assertion fails check CASSANDRA-7891
def verify_output(self, query, node, expected):
output, err = self.run_cqlsh(node, query, ['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
if common.is_win():
output = output.replace('\r', '')
assert len(err), 0 == "Failed to execute cqlsh: {}".format(err)
assert expected in output, "Output \n {%s} \n doesn't contain expected\n {%s}" % (output, expected)
def test_list_queries(self):
config = {'authenticator': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator',
'authorizer': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraAuthorizer',
'permissions_validity_in_ms': '0'}
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
node1.watch_log_for('Created default superuser')
conn = self.patient_cql_connection(node1, user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
conn.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}")
conn.execute("CREATE TABLE ks.t1 (k int PRIMARY KEY, v int)")
conn.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'user1'")
conn.execute("GRANT ALL ON ks.t1 TO user1")
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
self.verify_output("LIST USERS", node1, """
name | super
cassandra | True
user1 | False
(2 rows)
self.verify_output("LIST USERS", node1, """
name | super
user1 | False
cassandra | True
(2 rows)
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
self.verify_output("LIST ALL PERMISSIONS OF user1", node1, """
role | username | resource | permission
user1 | user1 | <table ks.t1> | ALTER
user1 | user1 | <table ks.t1> | DROP
user1 | user1 | <table ks.t1> | SELECT
user1 | user1 | <table ks.t1> | MODIFY
user1 | user1 | <table ks.t1> | AUTHORIZE
(5 rows)
self.verify_output("LIST ALL PERMISSIONS OF user1", node1, """
username | resource | permission
user1 | <table ks.t1> | CREATE
user1 | <table ks.t1> | ALTER
user1 | <table ks.t1> | DROP
user1 | <table ks.t1> | SELECT
user1 | <table ks.t1> | MODIFY
user1 | <table ks.t1> | AUTHORIZE
(6 rows)
def test_describe(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7814
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
CREATE TABLE test.users ( userid text PRIMARY KEY, firstname text, lastname text, age int);
CREATE INDEX myindex ON test.users (age);
CREATE INDEX "QuotedNameIndex" on test.users (firstName);
CREATE TABLE test.test (id int, col int, val text, PRIMARY KEY(id, col));
CREATE INDEX ON test.test (col);
CREATE INDEX ON test.test (val)
# Describe keyspaces
output = self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE KEYSPACES")
assert "test" in output
assert "system" in output
# Describe keyspace
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE KEYSPACE test", expected_output=self.get_keyspace_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test", expected_output=self.get_keyspace_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test2", expected_err="'test2' not found in keyspaces")
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE KEYSPACE", expected_output=self.get_keyspace_output())
# Describe table
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE TABLE test.test", expected_output=self.get_test_table_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE TABLE test.users", expected_output=self.get_users_table_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.test", expected_output=self.get_test_table_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.users", expected_output=self.get_users_table_output())
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.users2", expected_err="'users2' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE TABLE test", expected_output=self.get_test_table_output())
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE TABLE users", expected_output=self.get_users_table_output())
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE test", expected_output=self.get_keyspace_output())
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE users", expected_output=self.get_users_table_output())
self.execute(cql="USE test; DESCRIBE users2", expected_err="'users2' not found in keyspace 'test'")
# Describe index
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE INDEX test.myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE INDEX test.test_col_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_col_idx', 'test', 'test', 'col'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE INDEX test.test_val_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_val_idx', 'test', 'test', 'val'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.test_col_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_col_idx', 'test', 'test', 'col'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.test_val_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_val_idx', 'test', 'test', 'val'))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.myindex2', expected_err="'myindex2' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE INDEX myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE INDEX test_col_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_col_idx', 'test', 'test', 'col'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE INDEX test_val_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_val_idx', 'test', 'test', 'val'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE test_col_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_col_idx', 'test', 'test', 'col'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE test_val_idx', expected_output=self.get_index_output('test_val_idx', 'test', 'test', 'val'))
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE myindex2', expected_err="'myindex2' not found in keyspace 'test'")
# Drop table and recreate
self.execute(cql='DROP TABLE test.users')
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.users', expected_err="'users' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.myindex', expected_err="'myindex' not found in keyspace 'test'")
CREATE TABLE test.users ( userid text PRIMARY KEY, firstname text, lastname text, age int);
CREATE INDEX myindex ON test.users (age);
CREATE INDEX "QuotedNameIndex" on test.users (firstname)
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.users", expected_output=self.get_users_table_output())
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
# Drop index and recreate
self.execute(cql='DROP INDEX test.myindex')
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.myindex', expected_err="'myindex' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql='CREATE INDEX myindex ON test.users (age)')
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE INDEX test.myindex', expected_output=self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age'))
self.execute(cql='DROP INDEX test."QuotedNameIndex"')
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test."QuotedNameIndex"', expected_err="'QuotedNameIndex' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql='CREATE INDEX "QuotedNameIndex" ON test.users (firstname)')
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE INDEX test."QuotedNameIndex"', expected_output=self.get_index_output('"QuotedNameIndex"', 'test', 'users', 'firstname'))
# Alter table. Renaming indexed columns is not allowed, and since 3.0 neither is dropping them
# Prior to 3.0 the index would have been automatically dropped, but now we need to explicitly do that.
self.execute(cql='DROP INDEX test.test_val_idx')
self.execute(cql='ALTER TABLE test.test DROP val')
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.test", expected_output=self.get_test_table_output(has_val=False, has_val_idx=False))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.test_val_idx', expected_err="'test_val_idx' not found in keyspace 'test'")
self.execute(cql='ALTER TABLE test.test ADD val text')
self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE test.test", expected_output=self.get_test_table_output(has_val=True, has_val_idx=False))
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.test_val_idx', expected_err="'test_val_idx' not found in keyspace 'test'")
def test_describe_describes_non_default_compaction_parameters(self):
node, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE tab (key int PRIMARY KEY ) "
"WITH compaction = {'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy',"
"'min_threshold': 10, 'max_threshold': 100 }")
describe_cmd = 'DESCRIBE'
stdout, _ = self.run_cqlsh(node, describe_cmd)
assert "'min_threshold': '10'" in stdout
assert "'max_threshold': '100'" in stdout
def test_describe_on_non_reserved_keywords(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9232
Test that we can describe tables whose name is a non-reserved CQL keyword
node, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE map (key int PRIMARY KEY, val text)")
describe_cmd = 'USE ks; DESCRIBE map'
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node, describe_cmd)
assert "" == err
assert "CREATE TABLE (" in out
def test_describe_mv(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9961
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
CREATE TABLE test.users (username varchar, password varchar, gender varchar,
session_token varchar, state varchar, birth_year bigint, PRIMARY KEY (username));
output = self.execute(cql="DESCRIBE KEYSPACE test")
assert "users_by_state" in output
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
self.execute(cql='DESCRIBE test.users_by_state', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW users_by_state', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE users_by_state', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
# test quotes
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW "users_by_state"', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
self.execute(cql='USE test; DESCRIBE "users_by_state"', expected_output=self.get_users_by_state_mv_output())
def get_keyspace_output(self):
return ("CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;" +
self.get_test_table_output() +
def get_test_table_output(self, has_val=True, has_val_idx=True):
if has_val:
ret = """
CREATE TABLE test.test (
id int,
col int,
val text,
PRIMARY KEY (id, col)
ret = """
CREATE TABLE test.test (
id int,
col int,
PRIMARY KEY (id, col)
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.9'):
ret += """
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
elif self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.0'):
ret += """
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
ret += """
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}'
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'}
AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''}
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';
col_idx_def = self.get_index_output('test_col_idx', 'test', 'test', 'col')
if has_val_idx:
val_idx_def = self.get_index_output('test_val_idx', 'test', 'test', 'val')
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('2.2'):
return ret + "\n" + val_idx_def + "\n" + col_idx_def
return ret + "\n" + col_idx_def + "\n" + val_idx_def
return ret + "\n" + col_idx_def
def get_users_table_output(self):
quoted_index_output = self.get_index_output('"QuotedNameIndex"', 'test', 'users', 'firstname')
myindex_output = self.get_index_output('myindex', 'test', 'users', 'age')
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.9'):
return """
CREATE TABLE test.users (
userid text PRIMARY KEY,
age int,
firstname text,
lastname text
) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
""" + quoted_index_output + "\n" + myindex_output
elif self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.0'):
return """
CREATE TABLE test.users (
userid text PRIMARY KEY,
age int,
firstname text,
lastname text
) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
""" + quoted_index_output + "\n" + myindex_output
return """
CREATE TABLE test.users (
userid text PRIMARY KEY,
age int,
firstname text,
lastname text
) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"NONE"}'
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'}
AND compression = {'sstable_compression': ''}
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';
""" + (quoted_index_output + "\n" + myindex_output if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('2.2') else
myindex_output + "\n" + quoted_index_output)
def get_index_output(self, index, ks, table, col):
# a quoted index name (e.g. "FooIndex") is only correctly echoed by DESCRIBE
# from 3.0.14 & 3.11
if index[0] == '"' and index[-1] == '"':
version = self.cluster.version()
if version >= LooseVersion('3.11'):
elif LooseVersion('3.1') > version >= LooseVersion('3.0.14'):
index = index[1:-1]
return "CREATE INDEX {} ON {}.{} ({});".format(index, ks, table, col)
def get_users_by_state_mv_output(self):
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.9'):
return """
FROM test.users
PRIMARY KEY (state, username)
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
return """
FROM test.users
PRIMARY KEY (state, username)
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'}
AND comment = ''
AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32', 'min_threshold': '4'}
AND compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '64', 'class': ''}
AND crc_check_chance = 1.0
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1
AND default_time_to_live = 0
AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99PERCENTILE';
def execute(self, cql, expected_output=None, expected_err=None, env_vars=None):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
output, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cql, env_vars=env_vars)
if err:
if expected_err:
err = err[10:] # strip <stdin>:2:
self.check_response(err, expected_err)
assert False, err
if expected_output:
self.check_response(output, expected_output)
return output
def check_response(self, response, expected_response):
lines = [s.strip() for s in response.split("\n") if s.strip()]
expected_lines = [s.strip() for s in expected_response.split("\n") if s.strip()]
assert expected_lines == lines
def test_copy_to(self):
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'ks', 1)
CREATE TABLE testcopyto (
a int,
b text,
c float,
d uuid,
insert_statement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO testcopyto (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")
args = [(i, str(i), float(i) + 0.5, uuid4()) for i in range(10000)]
execute_concurrent_with_args(session, insert_statement, args)
results = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM testcopyto"))
self.tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
logger.debug('Exporting to csv file: %s' % (,))
node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="COPY ks.testcopyto TO '%s'" % (,))
# session
with open(, 'r') as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
result_list = [list(map(str, cql_row)) for cql_row in results]
assert result_list == csvreader
# import the CSV file with COPY FROM
session.execute("TRUNCATE ks.testcopyto")
node1.run_cqlsh(cmds="COPY ks.testcopyto FROM '%s'" % (,))
new_results = list(session.execute("SELECT * FROM testcopyto"))
assert results == new_results
def test_float_formatting(self):
""" Tests for CASSANDRA-9224, check format of float and double values"""
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE formatting WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use formatting;
create TABLE values ( part text, id int, val1 double, val2 float, PRIMARY KEY (part, id) );
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 1, 0.00000006, 0.00000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 2, 0.0000006, 0.0000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 3, 0.000006, 0.000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 4, 0.00006, 0.00006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 5, 0.0006, 0.0006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 6, 0.006, 0.006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 7, 0.06, 0.06);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 8, 0.6, 0.6);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 9, 6, 6);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 10, 6.0, 6.0);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 11, 6.00, 6.00);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 12, 6.000, 6.000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 13, 6.00000, 6.00000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 14, 6.000000, 6.000000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 15, 6.1, 6.1);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 16, 6.12, 6.12);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 17, 6.123, 6.123);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 18, 6.1234, 6.1234);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 19, 6.12345, 6.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 20, 6.123454, 6.123454);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 21, 6.123455, 6.123455);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 22, 6.123456, 6.123456);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 23, 6.1234565, 6.1234565);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 24, 6.1234555, 6.1234555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 25, 6.12345555, 6.12345555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 26, 6.12345555555555, 6.12345555555555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 27, 16.12345, 16.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 28, 116.12345, 116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 29, 1116.12345, 1116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 30, 11116.12345, 11116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 31, 111116.12345, 111116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 32, 1111116.12345, 1111116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('+', 33, 11111116.12345, 11111116.12345)""")
self.verify_output("select * from formatting.values where part = '+'", node1, """
part | id | val1 | val2
+ | 1 | 6e-08 | 6e-08
+ | 2 | 6e-07 | 6e-07
+ | 3 | 6e-06 | 6e-06
+ | 4 | 6e-05 | 6e-05
+ | 5 | 0.0006 | 0.0006
+ | 6 | 0.006 | 0.006
+ | 7 | 0.06 | 0.06
+ | 8 | 0.6 | 0.6
+ | 9 | 6 | 6
+ | 10 | 6 | 6
+ | 11 | 6 | 6
+ | 12 | 6 | 6
+ | 13 | 6 | 6
+ | 14 | 6 | 6
+ | 15 | 6.1 | 6.1
+ | 16 | 6.12 | 6.12
+ | 17 | 6.123 | 6.123
+ | 18 | 6.1234 | 6.1234
+ | 19 | 6.12345 | 6.12345
+ | 20 | 6.12345 | 6.12345
+ | 21 | 6.12345 | 6.12346
+ | 22 | 6.12346 | 6.12346
+ | 23 | 6.12346 | 6.12346
+ | 24 | 6.12346 | 6.12346
+ | 25 | 6.12346 | 6.12346
+ | 26 | 6.12346 | 6.12346
+ | 27 | 16.12345 | 16.12345
+ | 28 | 116.12345 | 116.12345
+ | 29 | 1116.12345 | 1116.12341
+ | 30 | 11116.12345 | 11116.12305
+ | 31 | 1.1112e+05 | 1.1112e+05
+ | 32 | 1.1111e+06 | 1.1111e+06
+ | 33 | 1.1111e+07 | 1.1111e+07
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
use formatting;
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 1, -0.00000006, -0.00000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 2, -0.0000006, -0.0000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 3, -0.000006, -0.000006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 4, -0.00006, -0.00006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 5, -0.0006, -0.0006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 6, -0.006, -0.006);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 7, -0.06, -0.06);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 8, -0.6, -0.6);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 9, -6, -6);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 10, -6.0, -6.0);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 11, -6.00, -6.00);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 12, -6.000, -6.000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 13, -6.00000, -6.00000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 14, -6.000000, -6.000000);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 15, -6.1, -6.1);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 16, -6.12, -6.12);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 17, -6.123, -6.123);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 18, -6.1234, -6.1234);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 19, -6.12345, -6.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 20, -6.123454, -6.123454);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 21, -6.123455, -6.123455);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 22, -6.123456, -6.123456);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 23, -6.1234565, -6.1234565);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 24, -6.1234555, -6.1234555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 25, -6.12345555, -6.12345555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 26, -6.12345555555555, -6.12345555555555);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 27, -16.12345, -16.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 28, -116.12345, -116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 29, -1116.12345, -1116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 30, -11116.12345, -11116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 31, -111116.12345, -111116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 32, -1111116.12345, -1111116.12345);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('-', 33, -11111116.12345, -11111116.12345)""")
self.verify_output("select * from formatting.values where part = '-'", node1, """
part | id | val1 | val2
- | 1 | -6e-08 | -6e-08
- | 2 | -6e-07 | -6e-07
- | 3 | -6e-06 | -6e-06
- | 4 | -6e-05 | -6e-05
- | 5 | -0.0006 | -0.0006
- | 6 | -0.006 | -0.006
- | 7 | -0.06 | -0.06
- | 8 | -0.6 | -0.6
- | 9 | -6 | -6
- | 10 | -6 | -6
- | 11 | -6 | -6
- | 12 | -6 | -6
- | 13 | -6 | -6
- | 14 | -6 | -6
- | 15 | -6.1 | -6.1
- | 16 | -6.12 | -6.12
- | 17 | -6.123 | -6.123
- | 18 | -6.1234 | -6.1234
- | 19 | -6.12345 | -6.12345
- | 20 | -6.12345 | -6.12345
- | 21 | -6.12345 | -6.12346
- | 22 | -6.12346 | -6.12346
- | 23 | -6.12346 | -6.12346
- | 24 | -6.12346 | -6.12346
- | 25 | -6.12346 | -6.12346
- | 26 | -6.12346 | -6.12346
- | 27 | -16.12345 | -16.12345
- | 28 | -116.12345 | -116.12345
- | 29 | -1116.12345 | -1116.12341
- | 30 | -11116.12345 | -11116.12305
- | 31 | -1.1112e+05 | -1.1112e+05
- | 32 | -1.1111e+06 | -1.1111e+06
- | 33 | -1.1111e+07 | -1.1111e+07
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
use formatting;
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 1, 0, 0);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 2, 0.000000000001, 0.000000000001);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 3, 0.0000000000001, 0.0000000000001);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 4, 0.00000000000001, 0.00000000000001);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 5, 0.000000000000001, 0.000000000000001);
insert into values (part, id, val1, val2) VALUES ('0', 6, 0.0000000000000001, 0.0000000000000001)""")
self.verify_output("select * from formatting.values where part = '0'", node1, """
part | id | val1 | val2
0 | 1 | 0 | 0
0 | 2 | 1e-12 | 1e-12
0 | 3 | 1e-13 | 1e-13
0 | 4 | 1e-14 | 1e-14
0 | 5 | 1e-15 | 1e-15
0 | 6 | 1e-16 | 1e-16
def test_int_values(self):
""" Tests for CASSANDRA-9399, check tables with int, bigint, smallint and tinyint values"""
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE int_checks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
USE int_checks;
CREATE TABLE values (part text, val1 int, val2 bigint, val3 smallint, val4 tinyint, PRIMARY KEY (part));
INSERT INTO values (part, val1, val2, val3, val4) VALUES ('1', 1, 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO values (part, val1, val2, val3, val4) VALUES ('0', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO values (part, val1, val2, val3, val4) VALUES ('min', %d, %d, -32768, -128);
INSERT INTO values (part, val1, val2, val3, val4) VALUES ('max', %d, %d, 32767, 127)""" % (-1 << 31, -1 << 63, (1 << 31) - 1, (1 << 63) - 1))
assert len(stderr), 0 == "Failed to execute cqlsh: {}".format(stderr)
self.verify_output("select * from int_checks.values", node1, """
part | val1 | val2 | val3 | val4
min | -2147483648 | -9223372036854775808 | -32768 | -128
max | 2147483647 | 9223372036854775807 | 32767 | 127
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
self.verify_output("DESCRIBE TABLE int_checks.values", node1, """
CREATE TABLE int_checks.values (
part text PRIMARY KEY,
val1 int,
val2 bigint,
val3 smallint,
val4 tinyint
def test_datetime_values(self):
""" Tests for CASSANDRA-9399, check tables with date and time values"""
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE datetime_checks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
USE datetime_checks;
CREATE TABLE values (d date, t time, PRIMARY KEY (d, t));
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('9800-12-31', '23:59:59.999999999');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('2015-05-14', '16:30:00.555555555');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('1582-1-1', '00:00:00.000000000');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('%d-1-1', '00:00:00.000000000');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('%d-1-1', '01:00:00.000000000');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('%d-1-1', '02:00:00.000000000');
INSERT INTO values (d, t) VALUES ('%d-1-1', '03:00:00.000000000')"""
% (datetime.MINYEAR - 1, datetime.MINYEAR, datetime.MAXYEAR, datetime.MAXYEAR + 1,))
# outside the MIN and MAX range it should print the number of days from the epoch
assert len(stderr), 0 == "Failed to execute cqlsh: {}".format(stderr)
self.verify_output("select * from datetime_checks.values", node1, """
d | t
-719528 | 00:00:00.000000000
9800-12-31 | 23:59:59.999999999
0001-01-01 | 01:00:00.000000000
1582-01-01 | 00:00:00.000000000
2932897 | 03:00:00.000000000
9999-01-01 | 02:00:00.000000000
2015-05-14 | 16:30:00.555555555
self.verify_output("DESCRIBE TABLE datetime_checks.values", node1, """
CREATE TABLE datetime_checks.values (
d date,
t time,
def test_tracing(self):
Tests for CASSANDRA-9399, check tracing works.
We care mostly that we do not crash, not so much on the tracing content, which may change and would
therefore make this test too brittle.
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE tracing_checks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
USE tracing_checks;
CREATE TABLE test (id int, val text, PRIMARY KEY (id));
INSERT INTO test (id, val) VALUES (1, 'adfad');
INSERT INTO test (id, val) VALUES (2, 'lkjlk');
INSERT INTO test (id, val) VALUES (3, 'iuiou')""")
assert len(stderr), 0 == "Failed to execute cqlsh: {}".format(stderr)
self.verify_output("use tracing_checks; tracing on; select * from test", node1, """Now Tracing is enabled
id | val
1 | adfad
2 | lkjlk
3 | iuiou
(3 rows)
Tracing session:""")
def test_client_warnings(self):
Tests for CASSANDRA-9399, check client warnings:
- an unlogged batch across multiple partitions should generate a WARNING if there are more than
unlogged_batch_across_partitions_warn_threshold partitions.
Execute two unlogged batches: one only with fewer partitions and the other one with more than
unlogged_batch_across_partitions_warn_threshold partitions.
Check that only the second one generates a client warning.
@jira_ticket CASSNADRA-9399
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9303
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-11529
max_partitions_per_batch = 5
'unlogged_batch_across_partitions_warn_threshold': str(max_partitions_per_batch)})
node1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE client_warnings WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
USE client_warnings;
CREATE TABLE test (id int, val text, PRIMARY KEY (id))""")
assert len(stderr), 0 == "Failed to execute cqlsh: {}".format(stderr)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
prepared = session.prepare("INSERT INTO client_warnings.test (id, val) VALUES (?, 'abc')")
batch_without_warning = BatchStatement(batch_type=BatchType.UNLOGGED)
batch_with_warning = BatchStatement(batch_type=BatchType.UNLOGGED)
for i in range(max_partitions_per_batch + 1):
batch_with_warning.add(prepared, (i,))
if i < max_partitions_per_batch:
batch_without_warning.add(prepared, (i,))
fut = session.execute_async(batch_without_warning)
fut.result() # wait for batch to complete before checking warnings
assert fut.warnings is None
fut = session.execute_async(batch_with_warning)
fut.result() # wait for batch to complete before checking warnings
assert fut.warnings is not None
assert 1 == len(fut.warnings)
assert "Unlogged batch covering {} partitions detected against table [client_warnings.test]. "\
.format(max_partitions_per_batch + 1) + "You should use a logged batch for atomicity, " \
"or asynchronous writes for performance." \
== fut.warnings[0]
def test_connect_timeout(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9601
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds='USE system', cqlsh_options=['--debug', '--connect-timeout=10'])
assert "Using connect timeout: 10 seconds" in stderr
def test_update_schema_with_down_node(self):
Test that issuing a DML statement after a DDL statement will work with a down node
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9689
self.cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)
node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist()
# --request-timeout option needed on 2.1 due to CASSANDRA-10686
cqlsh_opts = [] if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('2.2') else ['--request-timeout=6']
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE training WITH replication={'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};
DESCRIBE KEYSPACES""", cqlsh_options=cqlsh_opts)
assert "training" in stdout
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, """USE training;
CREATE TABLE mytable (id int, val text, PRIMARY KEY (id));
describe tables""", cqlsh_options=cqlsh_opts)
assert "mytable" in stdout
def test_describe_round_trip(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9064
Tests for the error reported in 9064 by:
- creating the table described in the bug report, using LCS,
- DESCRIBE-ing that table via cqlsh, then DROPping it,
- running the output of the DESCRIBE statement as a CREATE TABLE statement, and
- inserting a value into the table.
The final two steps of the test should not fall down. If one does, that
indicates the output of DESCRIBE is not a correct CREATE TABLE statement.
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'test_ks', 1)
session.execute("CREATE TABLE lcs_describe (key int PRIMARY KEY) WITH compaction = "
"{'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'}")
describe_out, describe_err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'DESCRIBE TABLE test_ks.lcs_describe')
session.execute('DROP TABLE test_ks.lcs_describe')
create_statement = 'USE test_ks; ' + ' '.join(describe_out.decode("utf-8").splitlines())
create_out, create_err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, create_statement)
# these statements shouldn't fall down
reloaded_describe_out, reloaded_describe_err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'DESCRIBE TABLE test_ks.lcs_describe')
session.execute('INSERT INTO lcs_describe (key) VALUES (1)')
# the table created before and after should be the same
assert reloaded_describe_out.decode("utf-8") == describe_out.decode("utf-8")
def test_materialized_view(self):
Test operations on a materialized view: create, describe, select from, drop, create using describe output.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9961 and CASSANDRA-10348
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1)
create_ks(session, 'test', 1)
session.execute("""CREATE TABLE test.users (username varchar, password varchar, gender varchar,
session_token varchar, state varchar, birth_year bigint, PRIMARY KEY (username))""")
session.execute("""CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state AS
SELECT * FROM users WHERE STATE IS NOT NULL AND username IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (state, username)""")
insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO users (username, password, gender, state, birth_year) VALUES "
session.execute(insert_stmt + "('user1', 'ch@ngem3a', 'f', 'TX', 1968);")
session.execute(insert_stmt + "('user2', 'ch@ngem3b', 'm', 'CA', 1971);")
session.execute(insert_stmt + "('user3', 'ch@ngem3c', 'f', 'FL', 1978);")
session.execute(insert_stmt + "('user4', 'ch@ngem3d', 'm', 'TX', 1974);")
describe_out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state')
describe_out_str = describe_out.decode("utf-8")
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
select_out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, "SELECT * FROM test.users_by_state")
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, "DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state; DESCRIBE KEYSPACE test; DESCRIBE table test.users")
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
assert "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW users_by_state" not in out
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state')
describe_out_str = describe_out.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(describe_out_str.strip()), describe_out_str
assert "Materialized view 'users_by_state' not found" in err
create_statement = 'USE test; ' + ' '.join(describe_out_str.splitlines()).strip()[:-1]
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, create_statement)
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
reloaded_describe_out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, 'DESCRIBE MATERIALIZED VIEW test.users_by_state')
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
assert describe_out_str == reloaded_describe_out
reloaded_select_out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, "SELECT * FROM test.users_by_state")
err_str = err.decode("utf-8")
assert 0 == len(err_str), err_str
assert select_out == reloaded_select_out
def test_clear(self):
Test the CLEAR command
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10086
def test_cls(self):
Test the CLS command
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10086
def _test_clear_screen(self, cmd):
We use ANSI escape sequences to check the output:
Possible clear screen sequences:
Esc[J or Esc[0J or Esc[1J or Esc[2J
In addition we can move the cursor upper left:
Esc[H or Esc[;H
The escape character code is 27.
We don't check for moving the cursor though, we only check that
there is no error and that at least one of the possible clear
screen sequences is contained in the output, via a regular
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
out, err = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmd, env_vars={'TERM': 'xterm'})
assert "" == err
# Can't check escape sequence on cmd prompt. Assume no errors is good enough metric.
if not common.is_win():
assert + "\[[0,1,2]?J", out)
def test_batch(self):
Test the BATCH command
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10272
node1, = self.cluster.nodelist()
stdout, stderr = self.run_cqlsh(node1, cmds="""
CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH REPLICATION={'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};
CREATE TABLE (id int primary key);
assert 0 == len(stderr), stderr
assert 0 == len(stdout), stdout
def run_cqlsh(self, node, cmds, cqlsh_options=None, env_vars=None):
if env_vars is None:
env_vars = {}
if cqlsh_options is None:
cqlsh_options = []
cdir = node.get_install_dir()
cli = os.path.join(cdir, 'bin', common.platform_binary('cqlsh'))
env = common.make_cassandra_env(cdir, node.get_path())
env['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('2.1'):
host = node.network_interfaces['binary'][0]
port = node.network_interfaces['binary'][1]
host = node.network_interfaces['thrift'][0]
port = node.network_interfaces['thrift'][1]
args = cqlsh_options + [host, str(port)]
p = subprocess.Popen([cli] + args, env=env, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for cmd in cmds.split(';'):
p.stdin.write(cmd + ';\n')
return p.communicate()
class TestCqlshSmoke(Tester):
Tests simple use cases for clqsh.
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def fixture_cluster_setup(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
[self.node1] = self.cluster.nodelist()
self.session = self.patient_cql_connection(self.node1)
def test_uuid(self):
the `uuid()` function can generate UUIDs from cqlsh.
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', key_type='uuid', columns={'i': 'int'})
out, err, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh("INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES (uuid())")
assert err == ""
result = list(self.session.execute("SELECT key FROM ks.test"))
assert len(result) == 1
assert len(result[0]) == 1
assert isinstance(result[0][0], UUID)
out, err, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh("INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES (uuid())")
assert err == ""
result = list(self.session.execute("SELECT key FROM ks.test"))
assert len(result) == 2
assert len(result[0]) == 1
assert len(result[1]) == 1
assert isinstance(result[0][0], UUID)
assert isinstance(result[1][0], UUID)
self.assertNotEqual(result[0][0], result[1][0])
def test_commented_lines(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test')
-- commented line
// Another comment
/* multiline
* comment */
out, err, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh("DESCRIBE KEYSPACE ks; // post-line comment")
assert err == ""
assert out.strip().startswith("CREATE KEYSPACE ks")
def test_colons_in_string_literals(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES ('Cassandra:TheMovie');
assert_all(self.session, "SELECT key FROM test",
def test_select(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test')
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO ks.test (key, c, v) VALUES ('a', 'a', 'a')")
assert_all(self.session, "SELECT key, c, v FROM test",
[['a', 'a', 'a']])
out, err, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh("SELECT key, c, v FROM ks.test")
out_lines = [x.strip() for x in out.split("\n")]
# there should be only 1 row returned & it should contain the inserted values
assert "(1 rows)" in out_lines
assert "a | a | a" in out_lines
assert err == ''
def test_insert(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test')
self.node1.run_cqlsh("INSERT INTO ks.test (key, c, v) VALUES ('a', 'a', 'a')")
assert_all(self.session, "SELECT key, c, v FROM test", [["a", "a", "a"]])
def test_update(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test')
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key, c, v) VALUES ('a', 'a', 'a')")
assert_all(self.session, "SELECT key, c, v FROM test", [["a", "a", "a"]])
self.node1.run_cqlsh("UPDATE ks.test SET v = 'b' WHERE key = 'a' AND c = 'a'")
assert_all(self.session, "SELECT key, c, v FROM test", [["a", "a", "b"]])
def test_delete(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('a')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('b')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('c')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('d')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('e')")
assert_all(self.session, 'SELECT key from test',
[['a'], ['c'], ['e'], ['d'], ['b']])
self.node1.run_cqlsh("DELETE FROM ks.test WHERE key = 'c'")
assert_all(self.session, 'SELECT key from test',
[['a'], ['e'], ['d'], ['b']])
def test_batch(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
# run batch statement (inserts are fine)
INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES ('eggs')
INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES ('sausage')
INSERT INTO ks.test (key) VALUES ('spam')
# make sure everything inserted is actually there
assert_all(self.session, 'SELECT key FROM ks.test',
[['eggs'], ['spam'], ['sausage']])
def test_create_keyspace(self):
assert 'created' not in self.get_keyspace_names()
self.node1.run_cqlsh("CREATE KEYSPACE created WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }")
assert 'created' in self.get_keyspace_names()
def test_drop_keyspace(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
assert 'ks' in self.get_keyspace_names()
self.node1.run_cqlsh('DROP KEYSPACE ks')
assert 'ks' not in self.get_keyspace_names()
def test_create_table(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
self.node1.run_cqlsh('CREATE TABLE ks.test (i int PRIMARY KEY);')
assert self.get_tables_in_keyspace('ks') == ['test']
def test_drop_table(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test')
assert_none(self.session, 'SELECT key FROM test')
self.node1.run_cqlsh('DROP TABLE ks.test;')
assert 0 == len(self.session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces['ks'].tables)
def test_truncate(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('a')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('b')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('c')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('d')")
self.session.execute("INSERT INTO test (key) VALUES ('e')")
assert_all(self.session, 'SELECT key from test',
[['a'], ['c'], ['e'], ['d'], ['b']])
self.node1.run_cqlsh('TRUNCATE ks.test;')
assert [] == rows_to_list(self.session.execute('SELECT * from test'))
@since('2.0', max_version='2.2')
def test_alter_table(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1, )
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'ascii'})
def get_ks_columns():
table = self.session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces['ks'].tables['test']
return [[,, column.cql_type] for column in list(table.columns.values())]
old_column_spec = ['test', 'i',
assert old_column_spec in get_ks_columns()
self.node1.run_cqlsh('ALTER TABLE ks.test ALTER i TYPE text;')
self.session.cluster.refresh_table_metadata("ks", "test")
new_columns = get_ks_columns()
assert old_column_spec not in new_columns
assert ['test', 'i', 'text'] in new_columns
def test_use_keyspace(self):
# ks1 contains ks1table, ks2 contains ks2table
create_ks(self.session, 'ks1', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks1table')
create_ks(self.session, 'ks2', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks2table')
ks1_stdout, ks1_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
USE ks1;
assert [x for x in ks1_stdout.split() if x] == ['ks1table']
assert ks1_stderr == ''
ks2_stdout, ks2_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
USE ks2;
assert [x for x in ks2_stdout.split() if x] == ['ks2table']
assert ks2_stderr == ''
# DROP INDEX statement fails in 2.0 (see CASSANDRA-9247)
def test_drop_index(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
# create a statement that will only work if there's an index on i
requires_index = 'SELECT * from test WHERE i = 5'
def execute_requires_index():
return self.session.execute(requires_index)
# make sure it fails as expected
pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, execute_requires_index)
# make sure it doesn't fail when an index exists
self.session.execute('CREATE INDEX index_to_drop ON test (i);')
assert_none(self.session, requires_index)
# drop the index via cqlsh, then make sure it fails
self.node1.run_cqlsh('DROP INDEX ks.index_to_drop;')
pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, execute_requires_index)
# DROP INDEX statement fails in 2.0 (see CASSANDRA-9247)
def test_create_index(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'test', columns={'i': 'int'})
# create a statement that will only work if there's an index on i
requires_index = 'SELECT * from test WHERE i = 5;'
def execute_requires_index():
return self.session.execute(requires_index)
# make sure it fails as expected
pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, execute_requires_index)
# make sure index exists after creating via cqlsh
self.node1.run_cqlsh('CREATE INDEX index_to_drop ON ks.test (i);')
assert_none(self.session, requires_index)
# drop the index, then make sure it fails again
self.session.execute('DROP INDEX ks.index_to_drop;')
pytest.raises(InvalidRequest, execute_requires_index)
def get_keyspace_names(self):
return [ for ks in list(self.session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces.values())]
def get_tables_in_keyspace(self, keyspace):
return [ for table in list(self.session.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[keyspace].tables.values())]
class CqlLoginTest(Tester):
Tests login which requires password authenticator
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def fixture_cluster_setup(self, fixture_dtest_setup):
cluster = fixture_dtest_setup.cluster
config = {'authenticator': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator'}
[self.node1] = cluster.nodelist()
self.node1.watch_log_for('Created default superuser')
self.session = self.patient_cql_connection(self.node1, user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
def assert_login_not_allowed(self, user, input):
message = ("Provided username {user} and/or password are incorrect".format(user=user)
if self.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.10')
else "Username and/or password are incorrect")
assert [message in x for x in input.split("\n") if x] == [True]
def test_login_keeps_keyspace(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks1', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks1table')
self.session.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';")
cqlsh_stdout, cqlsh_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
USE ks1;
LOGIN user1 'changeme';
cqlsh_options=['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
assert [x for x in cqlsh_stdout.split() if x], ['ks1table' == 'ks1table']
assert cqlsh_stderr == ''
def test_login_rejects_bad_pass(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks1', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks1table')
self.session.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';")
cqlsh_stdout, cqlsh_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
LOGIN user1 'badpass';
cqlsh_options=['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
self.assert_login_not_allowed('user1', cqlsh_stderr)
def test_login_authenticates_correct_user(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks1', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks1table')
self.session.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';")
if self.cluster.version() >= '2.2':
query = '''
LOGIN user1 'changeme';
expected_error = "Only superusers can create a role with superuser status"
query = '''
LOGIN user1 'changeme';
expected_error = 'Only superusers are allowed to perform CREATE USER queries'
cqlsh_stdout, cqlsh_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
cqlsh_options=['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
err_lines = str(cqlsh_stderr).splitlines()
for err_line in err_lines:
if expected_error in err_line:
else:"Did not find expected error '{}' in "
"cqlsh stderr output: {}".format(expected_error,
def test_login_allows_bad_pass_and_continued_use(self):
create_ks(self.session, 'ks1', 1)
create_cf(self.session, 'ks1table')
self.session.execute("CREATE USER user1 WITH PASSWORD 'changeme';")
cqlsh_stdout, cqlsh_stderr, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
LOGIN user1 'badpass';
USE ks1;
cqlsh_options=['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
assert [x for x in cqlsh_stdout.split() if x] == ['ks1table']
self.assert_login_not_allowed('user1', cqlsh_stderr)
def test_list_roles_after_login(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13640
Verifies that it is possible to list roles after a successful login.
out, err, _ = self.node1.run_cqlsh(
CREATE ROLE super WITH superuser = true AND password = 'p' AND login = true;
LOGIN super 'p';
cqlsh_options=['-u', 'cassandra', '-p', 'cassandra'])
assert 'super' in out
assert '' == err