blob: 457f0bf67e2738213c6bad1d073d9224ba6c6e58 [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import pytest
import re
import logging
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from ccmlib.node import ToolError
from dtest import Tester, create_ks
from tools.assertions import assert_all, assert_invalid, assert_none
from tools.jmxutils import JolokiaAgent, make_mbean, remove_perf_disable_shared_mem
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestNodetool(Tester):
def test_decommission_after_drain_is_invalid(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8741
Running a decommission after a drain should generate
an unsupported operation message and exit with an error
code (which we receive as a ToolError exception).
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
assert not "Expected nodetool error"
except ToolError as e:
assert '' == e.stderr
assert 'Unsupported operation' in e.stdout
def test_correct_dc_rack_in_nodetool_info(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10382
Test that nodetool info returns the correct rack and dc
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.populate([2, 2])
cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'endpoint_snitch': 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.GossipingPropertyFileSnitch'})
for i, node in enumerate(cluster.nodelist()):
with open(os.path.join(node.get_conf_dir(), ''), 'w') as snitch_file:
for line in ["dc={}".format(node.data_center), "rack=rack{}".format(i % 2)]:
snitch_file.write(line + os.linesep)
for i, node in enumerate(cluster.nodelist()):
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('info')
assert 0 == len(err), err
out_str = out
if isinstance(out, (bytes, bytearray)):
out_str = out.decode("utf-8")
for line in out_str.split(os.linesep):
if line.startswith('Data Center'):
assert line.endswith(node.data_center), \
"Expected dc {} for {} but got {}".format(node.data_center, node.address(), line.rsplit(None, 1)[-1])
elif line.startswith('Rack'):
rack = "rack{}".format(i % 2)
assert line.endswith(rack), \
"Expected rack {} for {} but got {}".format(rack, node.address(), line.rsplit(None, 1)[-1])
def test_nodetool_timeout_commands(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10953
Test that nodetool gettimeout and settimeout work at a basic level
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
types = ['read', 'range', 'write', 'counterwrite', 'cascontention',
'truncate', 'misc']
if cluster.version() < '4.0':
# read all of the timeouts, make sure we get a sane response
for timeout_type in types:
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('gettimeout {}'.format(timeout_type))
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert'.* \d+ ms', out)
# set all of the timeouts to 123
for timeout_type in types:
_, err, _ = node.nodetool('settimeout {} 123'.format(timeout_type))
assert 0 == len(err), err
# verify that they're all reported as 123
for timeout_type in types:
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('gettimeout {}'.format(timeout_type))
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert'.* 123 ms', out)
def test_cleanup_when_no_replica_with_index(self):
def test_cleanup_when_no_replica_without_index(self):
def _cleanup_when_no_replica(self, with_index=False):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13526
Test nodetool cleanup KS to remove old data when new replicas in current node instead of directly returning success.
self.cluster.populate([1, 1]).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True)
node_dc1 = self.cluster.nodelist()[0]
node_dc2 = self.cluster.nodelist()[1]
# init schema with rf on both data centers
replication_factor = {'dc1': 1, 'dc2': 1}
session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node_dc1, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL)
session_dc2 = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node_dc2, consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
create_ks(session, 'ks', replication_factor)
if self.cluster.version() < '4.0':
session.execute('CREATE TABLE (id int PRIMARY KEY, value text) with dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0 AND read_repair_chance = 0;', trace=False)
session.execute('CREATE TABLE (id int PRIMARY KEY, value text);', trace=False)
if with_index:
session.execute('CREATE INDEX value_by_key on', trace=False)
# populate data
for i in range(0, 100):
session.execute(SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO, value) VALUES({}, 'value');".format(i), consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ALL))
# generate sstable
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
assert 0 != len(node.get_sstables('ks', 'cf'))
if with_index:
assert 100 == len(list(session_dc2.execute("SELECT * FROM WHERE value = 'value'"))), 100
# alter rf to only dc1
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 1, 'dc2' : 0};")
# nodetool cleanup on dc2
node_dc2.nodetool("cleanup ks cf")
node_dc2.nodetool("compact ks cf")
# check local data on dc2
for node in self.cluster.nodelist():
if node.data_center == 'dc2':
assert 0 == len(node.get_sstables('ks', 'cf'))
assert 0 != len(node.get_sstables('ks', 'cf'))
# dc1 data remains
statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
assert 100 == len(list(session.execute(statement)))
if with_index:
statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM WHERE value = 'value'", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)
assert len(list(session.execute(statement))) == 100
# alter rf back to query dc2, no data, no index
session.execute("ALTER KEYSPACE ks WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 0, 'dc2' : 1};")
assert_none(session_dc2, "SELECT * FROM")
if with_index:
assert_none(session_dc2, "SELECT * FROM WHERE value = 'value'")
def test_meaningless_notice_in_status(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10176
nodetool status don't return ownership when there is more than one user keyspace
define (since they likely have different replication infos making ownership
meaningless in general) and shows a helpful notice as to why it does that.
This test checks that said notice is only printed is there is indeed more than
one user keyspace.
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
notice_message = r'effective ownership information is meaningless'
# Do a first try without any keypace, we shouldn't have the notice
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('status')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert not, out)
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = { 'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}")
# With 1 keyspace, we should still not get the notice
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('status')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert not, out)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks2 WITH replication = { 'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}")
# With 2 keyspaces with the same settings, we should not get the notice
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('status')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert not, out)
session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE ks3 WITH replication = { 'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':3}")
# With a keyspace without the same replication factor, we should get the notice
out, err, _ = node.nodetool('status')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert, out)
def test_set_get_batchlog_replay_throttle(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13614
Test that batchlog replay throttle can be set and get through nodetool
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
# Test that nodetool help messages are displayed
assert 'Set batchlog replay throttle' in node.nodetool('help setbatchlogreplaythrottle').stdout
assert 'Print batchlog replay throttle' in node.nodetool('help getbatchlogreplaythrottle').stdout
# Set and get throttle with nodetool, ensuring that the rate change is logged
node.nodetool('setbatchlogreplaythrottle 2048')
assert len(node.grep_log('Updating batchlog replay throttle to 2048 KB/s, 1024 KB/s per endpoint',
filename='debug.log')) >= 0
assert 'Batchlog replay throttle: 2048 KB/s' in node.nodetool('getbatchlogreplaythrottle').stdout
def test_reloadlocalschema(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13954
Test that `nodetool reloadlocalschema` works as intended
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
remove_perf_disable_shared_mem(node) # for jmx
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node)
query = "CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH replication " \
"= {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1': 2};"
query = 'CREATE TABLE test.test (pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck));'
ss = make_mbean('db', type='StorageService')
# get initial schema version
with JolokiaAgent(node) as jmx:
schema_version = jmx.read_attribute(ss, 'SchemaVersion')
# manually add a regular column 'val' to test.test
query = """
INSERT INTO system_schema.columns
(keyspace_name, table_name, column_name, clustering_order,
column_name_bytes, kind, position, type)
('test', 'test', 'val', 'none',
0x76616c, 'regular', -1, 'int');"""
# validate that schema version wasn't automatically updated
with JolokiaAgent(node) as jmx:
assert schema_version == jmx.read_attribute(ss, 'SchemaVersion')
# make sure the new column wasn't automagically picked up
assert_invalid(session, 'INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck, val) VALUES (0, 1, 2);')
# force the node to reload schema from disk
# validate that schema version changed
with JolokiaAgent(node) as jmx:
assert schema_version != jmx.read_attribute(ss, 'SchemaVersion')
# try an insert with the new column again and validate it succeeds this time
session.execute('INSERT INTO test.test (pk, ck, val) VALUES (0, 1, 2);')
assert_all(session, 'SELECT pk, ck, val FROM test.test;', [[0, 1, 2]])
def test_set_get_concurrent_view_builders(self):
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-12245
Test that the number of concurrent view builders can be set and get through nodetool
cluster = self.cluster
node = cluster.nodelist()[0]
# Test that nodetool help messages are displayed
assert 'Set the number of concurrent view' in node.nodetool('help setconcurrentviewbuilders').stdout
assert 'Get the number of concurrent view' in node.nodetool('help getconcurrentviewbuilders').stdout
# Set and get throttle with nodetool, ensuring that the rate change is logged
node.nodetool('setconcurrentviewbuilders 4')
assert 'Current number of concurrent view builders in the system is: \n4' \
in node.nodetool('getconcurrentviewbuilders').stdout
# Try to set an invalid zero value
node.nodetool('setconcurrentviewbuilders 0')
except ToolError as e:
assert 'concurrent_view_builders should be great than 0.' in e.stdout
assert 'Number of concurrent view builders should be greater than 0.', e.message
else:"Expected error when setting and invalid value")
def test_describecluster_more_information_three_datacenters(self):
nodetool describecluster should be more informative. It should include detailes
for total node count, list of datacenters, RF, number of nodes per dc, how many
are down and version(s).
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-13853
@expected_result This test invokes nodetool describecluster and matches the output with the expected one
cluster = self.cluster
cluster.populate([2, 3, 1]).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True)
node1_dc1, node2_dc1, node1_dc2, node2_dc2, node3_dc2, node1_dc3 = cluster.nodelist()
session_dc1 = self.patient_cql_connection(node1_dc1)
session_dc1.execute("create KEYSPACE ks1 WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': 3, 'dc2':5, 'dc3':1}")
session_dc3 = self.patient_cql_connection(node1_dc3)
session_dc3.execute("create KEYSPACE ks2 WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1': 3, 'dc2':5, 'dc3':1}")
out_node1_dc1, err, _ = node1_dc1.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
out_node2_dc1, err, _ = node2_dc1.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert out_node1_dc1 == out_node2_dc1
out_node1_dc2, err, _ = node1_dc2.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert out_node1_dc1 == out_node1_dc2
out_node2_dc2, err, _ = node2_dc2.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert out_node1_dc1 == out_node2_dc2
out_node2_dc3, err, _ = node3_dc2.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert out_node1_dc1 == out_node2_dc3
out_node1_dc3, err, _ = node1_dc3.nodetool('describecluster')
assert 0 == len(err), err
assert out_node1_dc1 == out_node1_dc3
assert 'Live: 6' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Joining: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Moving: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Leaving: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Unreachable: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Data Centers:' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'dc1 #Nodes: 2 #Down: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'dc2 #Nodes: 3 #Down: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'dc3 #Nodes: 1 #Down: 0' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Database versions:' in out_node1_dc1
assert '4.0.0: [,,,,,]' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Keyspaces:' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'system_schema -> Replication class: LocalStrategy {}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'system -> Replication class: LocalStrategy {}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'system_traces -> Replication class: SimpleStrategy {replication_factor=2}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'system_distributed -> Replication class: SimpleStrategy {replication_factor=3}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'system_auth -> Replication class: SimpleStrategy {replication_factor=1}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'ks1 -> Replication class: NetworkTopologyStrategy {dc2=5, dc1=3, dc3=1}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'ks2 -> Replication class: NetworkTopologyStrategy {dc2=5, dc1=3, dc3=1}' in out_node1_dc1
assert 'Cluster Information:' in out_node1_dc1