blob: e5b3d03c286d269b192ad1fb69bc918f63f17b72 [file] [log] [blame]
import random
import string
import pytest
import logging
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from ccmlib.node import ToolError
from dtest import Tester
from tools.jmxutils import apply_jmx_authentication
since = pytest.mark.since
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestJMXAuth(Tester):
Uses nodetool as a means of exercising the JMX interface as JolokiaAgent
exposes its own connector which bypasses the in-built security features
def test_basic_auth(self):
Some basic smoke testing of JMX authentication and authorization.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10091
[node] = self.cluster.nodelist()
node.nodetool('-u cassandra -pw cassandra status')
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node, user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
# the jmx_user role has no login privilege but give it a password anyway
# to demonstrate that LOGIN is required for JMX authentication
session.execute("CREATE ROLE jmx_user WITH LOGIN=false AND PASSWORD='321cba'")
session.execute("GRANT SELECT ON MBEAN '' TO jmx_user")
session.execute("GRANT DESCRIBE ON ALL MBEANS TO jmx_user")
session.execute("CREATE ROLE test WITH LOGIN=true and PASSWORD='abc123'")
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match=self.authentication_fail_message(node, 'baduser')):
node.nodetool('-u baduser -pw abc123 gossipinfo')
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match=self.authentication_fail_message(node, 'test')):
node.nodetool('-u test -pw badpassword gossipinfo')
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match="Required key 'username' is missing"):
# role must have LOGIN attribute
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match='jmx_user is not permitted to log in'):
node.nodetool('-u jmx_user -pw 321cba gossipinfo')
# test doesn't yet have any privileges on the necessary JMX resources
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match='Access Denied'):
node.nodetool('-u test -pw abc123 gossipinfo')
session.execute("GRANT jmx_user TO test")
node.nodetool('-u test -pw abc123 gossipinfo')
# superuser status applies to JMX authz too
node.nodetool('-u cassandra -pw cassandra gossipinfo')
def test_revoked_jmx_access(self):
if a user's access to a JMX MBean is revoked while they're connected,
all of their requests should fail once the cache is cleared.
@jira_ticket CASSANDRA-16404
[node] = self.cluster.nodelist()
def test_revoked_access(cache_name):
logger.debug('Testing with cache name: %s' % cache_name)
username = self.username()
session = self.patient_cql_connection(node, user='cassandra', password='cassandra')
session.execute("CREATE ROLE %s WITH LOGIN=true AND PASSWORD='abc123'" % username)
session.execute("GRANT SELECT ON MBEAN '' TO %s" % username)
session.execute("GRANT DESCRIBE ON ALL MBEANS TO %s" % username)
# works fine
node.nodetool('-u %s -pw abc123 gossipinfo' % username)
session.execute("REVOKE SELECT ON MBEAN '' FROM %s" % username)
# works fine because the JMX permission is cached
node.nodetool('-u %s -pw abc123 gossipinfo' % username)
node.nodetool('-u cassandra -pw cassandra invalidatejmxpermissionscache')
# the user has no permissions to the JMX resource anymore
with pytest.raises(ToolError, match='Access Denied'):
node.nodetool('-u %s -pw abc123 gossipinfo' % username)
# deprecated cache name, scheduled for removal in 5.0
if self.dtest_config.cassandra_version_from_build < '5.0':
def prepare(self, nodes=1, permissions_validity=0):
config = {'authenticator': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator',
'authorizer': 'org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraAuthorizer',
'permissions_validity_in_ms': permissions_validity}
[node] = self.cluster.nodelist()
node.watch_log_for('Created default superuser')
def authentication_fail_message(self, node, username):
return "Provided username {user} and/or password are incorrect".format(user=username) \
if node.cluster.version() >= LooseVersion('3.10') else "Username and/or password are incorrect"
def username(self):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(8))